Workload groups allow the isolation of specific workloads into a limited processing environment. Before 7.4, workload groups were configured at the subsystem level, and every job in a subsystem ran in the same workload group. Now in 7.4, workload groups can also be configured by job description.
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In IBM i 7.4, workload groups can now be configured by job description using the new WLCGRP parameter on Create Job Description (CRTJOBD) or Change Job Description (CHGJOBD) commands. Jobs can run in different workload groups within the same subsystem by setting a workload group name on the job description. The workload group (WLCGRP) name can be viewed for a job description using the Display Job Description (DSPJOBD) command or the Retrieve Job Description (QWDRJOBD) API. If a workload group name has not been explicitly set in the job description, it will default to *SBSD, which means that jobs started with the job description will use the workload group defined in the subsystem description. It is possible to change the workload group (WLCGRP) in the JOBD while the subsystem is active. New jobs will begin using the new workload group without restarting the subsystem.
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Modified date:
09 January 2020