IBM Support

What's New in Rational Integration Tester 8.5.1

Product Documentation


Read about the major new features and enhancements in IBM® Rational® Integration Tester, IBM Rational Performance Test Server, and IBM Rational Test Virtualization Server for version 8.5.1.


You can read about additional new features for this release in Supplement to What's New in Rational Integration Tester v.8.5.1.

  • When installing the Rational Integration Tester or Rational Performance Tester Agent as part of Rational Test Virtualization Server or Rational Performance Test Server, there is now and "Agent Mode" installation option. The Agent Mode enables support for token licensing and should be selected only if you have received special instructions to do so from IBM Support. For more information, see

Platforms and standards
  • Rational Integration Tester can now synchronize with WADL documents as a schema source. Rational Integration Tester support for WADL documents is similar to that for WSDL documents and enables schemas to be applied to messages as well as providing schema validation. Note that Rational Integration Tester supports the W3C ratified version of WADL. For more information, see WADL documents.
  • You can now import WSDL documents into Rational Integration Tester that contain WS-SecurityPolicy assertions. This enables Rational Integration Tester to automate the definition of web services security actions on operations and message actions. For more information, see Web services security actions.
  • In Rational Integration Tester, you can now add Lightweight Third-Party Authentication (LTPA) tokens to WS-Security headers in a SOAP message. LTPA is an authentication technology used in certain IBM products. For more information, see Adding LTPA tokens.
  • You can now configure SSL and UDP transport settings for TCP/UDP transports in the Physical View of the Architecture School of Rational Integration Tester. For more information, see TCP/UDP transport.
  • Rational Integration Tester now supports the SWIFT 2014 Message Type standards. Note that this means that Rational Integration Tester 8.5.1 does not support the SWIFT 2013 message set (Rational Integration Tester 8.5.0 is the last version that supported SWIFT 2013 messages).
  • Rational Integration Tester now supports the recording of IMS™ Connect traffic with type 1 messages (previously, only type 2 messages were supported). IMS versions 10, 11, and 12 are supported. Type 1 messages are generated from the IMS Transaction Manager Resource Adapter. For more information, see Testing with IMS Connect.
  • You can now use Rational Integration Tester to intercept, record, and virtualize Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) calls. This enables you to virtualize services when middleware technology is unavailable or too expensive to acquire, or when other Rational Integration Tester virtualization capabilities do not support a particular middleware technology. To facilitate intercepting, recording, and virtualizing Java RMI, IBM Rational Integration Tester Platform Pack now includes a Java virtualization proxy, which must be used with the Java method transport. For more information, see Java virtualization proxy.
  • JDBC virtualization enhancements:
    • If you enable JDBC virtualization for IBM WebSphere Application Server, Rational Integration Tester now automatically creates the data source that connects to the simulation database for Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, and Oracle databases. Previously, this applied only to IBM DB2® databases. For more information, see Selecting and enabling JDBC data sources (WebSphere Application Server installations only).
    • Rational Integration Tester now supports certain synonyms for some supported database management systems. For more information, see Synonyms.
    • Rational Integration Tester now supports certain user-defined types of some supported database management systems. For more information, see Data type support.
    • In Rational Integration Tester, you can add a new table to a database stub when the real database is unavailable or when there is no connection to the real database. For more information, see Adding tables.
  • Stub and scenario enhancements:
    • In IBM Rational Test Control Panel, you can now create "scaled-out" scenarios. A scaled-out scenario is a scenario that has multiple stub instances (on different agents) for any single operation. When you start a scaled-out scenario, Rational Test Control Panel will assign those stub instances to separate agents so that all stubs can process messages leading to an increase in the overall throughput of messages. Note that this capability is supported for only certain transports. For more information, see Creating a scenario.
    • In Rational Test Control Panel, you now have the capability to specify the number of agents and the attributes of agents used when starting a stub on Rational Test Control Panel. For more information, see Starting stubs: Rational Test Control Panel method.
    • In Rational Integration Tester, you can now configure a performance test to run scenarios. For more information, see Configuring references.
    • In Rational Integration Tester, several new conditions apply when importing a scenario from Rational Test Control Panel. For more information, see Scenario reference settings.

IBM WebSphere
  • WebSphere Application Server Service Integration Bus (SI Bus) is now supported as transport in Rational Integration Tester. You can test, record, and virtualize services that use SI Bus. The virtualization functionality includes sift-and-pass-through and the ability to record without modifying client or server configuration. For more information, see Service integration bus (SIBus) integration.
  • Rational Test Control Panel, the server-based web component that enables you to manage virtual services, agents, and proxies within an environment, is now supplied with, and runs on, WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile. Previous versions of Rational Test Control Panel were supplied with, and ran on, Apache Tomcat. If you are upgrading from a previous version of Rational Test Control Panel, Apache Tomcat will be removed automatically and WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile will be installed instead.

Software AG CentraSite and webMethods
  • Rational Integration Tester now supports Software AG CentraSite 9.0 and webMethods 9.0.

  • Rational Integration Tester Agent, Rational Test Control Panel, and the tools in Rational Integration Tester Platform Pack are now supported on the zLinux operating system.
  • Rational Integration Tester Platform Pack now contains API exits for use with an IBM WebSphere MQ queue manager running on the zLinux operating system. For more information, see Installing API exit files on zLinux.

Application performance monitoring (APM) tools integration

Enterprise enhancements
  • You can now export recorded events from Rational Integration Tester to Rational Test Control Panel. This export capability enables you to store those recorded events in Rational Test Control Panel, share them with other users in the same Rational Test Control Panel domain, and optionally import them from Rational Test Control Panel into a Rational Integration Tester project. For more information, see Managing recorded events data.

Usability enhancements
  • Rational Test Control Panel now has a diagnostic log that provides Rational Test Control Panel administrators with a centralized view of log events of the HTTP/TCP and JDBC proxies, which are components of IBM Rational Integration Tester Platform Pack. Before you can capture log events in the diagnostic, you must enable remote diagnostic logging for the HTTP/TCP and JDBC proxies. For more information, see Viewing the Rational Test Control Panel diagnostic log.

Features and enhancements documented for the first time in this knowledge center
  • Data masking refers to the capability in Rational Integration Tester 8.0.0 or later to add a data mask to particular fields in recorded messages that may contain sensitive data and thus prevent that sensitive data from appearing in any assets created from those messages, such as tests, test data, stubs, and data models. For more information, see Data masking.
  • In the Recording Studio perspective of Rational Integration Tester, you can export and import recorded events to and from Recording Studio History (.rsh) files. The export and import capabilities enable you to save recorded events during a Rational Integration Tester user session and import them into your project during a subsequent user session. The export capability can also used to provide IBM Support with copies of recorded messages for troubleshooting purposes. For more information, see Exporting recorded events and Importing recorded events.
  • You can now add DFDL schemas into the Schema Library of the Architecture School perspective of Rational Integration Tester, and apply those schemas to messages in requirements, operations, test actions, and content in recording studio. You can use the DFDL tools when viewing a DFDL Schema in Schema Library. There, you can edit the schema and use the tools to check that messages can be parsed and serialized.
  • What's new in Rational Integration Tester 8.5.0

  • Read about the new features and enhancements in IBM Rational Integration Tester, IBM Rational Performance Test Server and IBM Rational Test Virtualization Server that were added in version 8.5.0 (released in June 2013).

[{"Product":{"code":"SSBLQQ","label":"IBM Rational Test Workbench"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Rational Integration Tester","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF022","label":"OS X"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"8.5.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
29 September 2018

