IBM Support

WebSphere Portal V7.0 Update Installer



Installer to apply updates and fix packs to IBM WebSphere Portal and affiliated products.

Download Description

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The WebSphere Portal Update Installer is version-specific and is used to install or uninstall interim or cumulative fixes, fix packs, and other maintenance delivery vehicles.

  • This update installer for V7.0 can be used with WebSphere Portal version 7.0 only including Express editions. Click the link above for a different version.

Installation Instructions

For Version 7.0:
The documentation is included in the downloadable file for the Version 7.0 Portal Update Installer. In addition to the familar universal update installer (which is not platform-specific), we also have available platform-specific update installers which include a Java runtime environment bundled in to improve your experience when installing a fix pack or other service maintenance.

The platform-specific WebSphere Portal Update Installers allow you to invoke the graphical "Wizard" interface directly without setting the necessary environment variables for the Java code to run properly. When using the platform-independent update installer, you must still set the command shell's environment properly:

Run the following command from the <WAS_profile_root>/bin directory to set up the Java environment for the WebSphere Portal Update Installer:

Microsoft Windows: setupCmdLine.bat
Unix/Linux: . ./
IBM i OS: Open a command prompt and enter STRQSH to start the Qshell Interpreter and then enter the following command in the directory in which the file is located:

  • For Base: export WAS_PROD_HOME=/QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V7/Base
  • For Network Deployment (ND): export WAS_PROD_HOME=/QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V7/ND

*NOTE: Permissions on the WebSphere root directory and the system temporary locations must allow the user running the Portal Update Installer to have read, write, and execute privileges. For example, if installing a fix or fix pack by a non-root user on Linux or Unix, the /WebSphere and /tmp directories should have privileges set accordingly to allow successful installation and uninstall (such as 777). Failure to set permissions properly could result in a failure such as this log output:

subTmpDir to be cleaned up: /tmp/ptfs
Fix pack installation has failed. Consult /<Portal_Server_root>/version/log/%date%_%time%_%file%.log for error details. 
UpdateInstaller.puiReturnCode is 9

To correct this issue, temporarily increase the permissions allowed on the directories and run the update command again. After the update is successful, the directory permissions can return to the minimum necessary run-time privileges.

PlatfomDirect download
IBM iLink
Linux on POWERLink
Linux on x86Link
Linux on zLink
Solaris on SPARC (Solaris on x86 and/or AMD requires the Universal installer, below)Link
Microsoft WindowsLink
z/OS (must use this z/OS update installer, not the Universal installer)Link
Universal update installer (can be used with any supported platform other than z/OS)Link
For "Release Date" and other information regarding this Update Installer, refer to the tables below.

Download Package

  • Be sure to click "Show fixes contained in this group" on Fix Central to choose the appropriate Update Installer for your platform!

    *Package RELEASE DATE shown in the table reflects the Build Date of the installer.

  • On
    [{"DNLabel":"Portal+UpdateInstaller+for+V7.0","DNDate":"3 May 2016","DNLang":"English","DNSize":"70","DNPlat":{"label":"AIX","code":"PF002"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":" ","DDURL":null}]
    [{"Product":{"code":"SSHRKX","label":"WebSphere Portal"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Maintenance","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"},{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"7.0","Edition":"Enable;Extend;Server;Express","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB31","label":"WCE Watson Marketing and Commerce"}}]

    Document Information

    Modified date:
    03 December 2021

