Product Documentation
This document contains updates for "IBM® Tivoli® Storage Manager for Windows Backup-Archive Clients Installation and User's Guide V7.1". The updates are for the Version 7.1 product information at
Updates that apply to V7.1.8
Updates that apply to V7.1.6
Updates that apply to V7.1.4 and later versions
Updates that apply to V7.1.3 and later versions
Updates that apply to V7.1.2 and later versions
Updates that apply to all modifications of V7.1
If the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable package is installed on your system, you do not need to install the "Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable (x64)" package that is included with the backup-archive client installation package.
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x64)
If you install the Visual C++ 2015-2019 redistributable, an earlier version, such as the Visual C++ 2017 redistributable, is updated because the files that are included with Visual C++ 2015-2019 are compatible with earlier versions. If you install the Visual C++ 2017 redistributable on a system that already has Visual C++ 2015-2019 installed, the newer versions of the files that are installed by the Visual C++ 2015-2019 redistributable are not replaced. Indeed, if you install a lower-level redistributable package, a "newer version found" message is generated after the installation is started.
Messages, return codes, and error codes > ANS 0000-9999 messages > ANS messages list
The following message has been added:
Per reference #186847
Use the following executable files to install the C++ 2010, 2012, and 2017 redistributable packages. In the paths that are shown, the dir text string represents the drive and directory where you saved the files when you extracted them from the installation package.
- Windows 32-bit clients
- dir\ISSetupPrerequisites\{270b0954-35ca-4324-bbc6-ba5db9072dad} (contains MS 2010 x86 C++ Runtime - vcredist_x86.exe)
- Windows 64-bit clients
- dir\ISSetupPrerequisites\{270b0954-35ca-4324-bbc6-ba5db9072dad} (contains MS 2010 x86 C++ Runtime - vcredist_x86.exe)
- Silently installing C++ redistributables for the 32-bit client
- Run the following command three times. First, run the command from the directory where the C++ 2010 vcredist_x86.exe file is stored. Then, run the command from the directory where the C++ 2012 vcredist_x86.exe file is stored. Finally, run the command from the directory where the C++ 2017 vcredist_x86.exe file is stored.
vcredist_x86.exe /install /quiet /norestart /log logfilename
- Silently installing C++ redistributables for the 64-bit client
- Run the following command three times. First, run the command from the directory where the C++ 2010 vcredist_x86.exe file is stored. Then, run the command from the directory where the C++ 2012 vcredist_x86.exe file is stored. Finally, run the command from the directory where the C++ 2017 vcredist_x86.exe file is stored.
vcredist_x86.exe /install /quiet /norestart /log logfilename
- Silent client installation on Windows 32-bit systems
When you place a customized version of the msiexec command (which calls the Microsoft Software Installer) in a script or batch file, you can perform installations on multiple Windows systems. The following example is a sample command to install the backup-archive command-line client, client GUI, web client, API, and Administrative command-line client. You might need to customize this example to run correctly on your system. Although the command is physically spread across multiple lines in the following example, enter it on a single command line.
msiexec /i "Z:\tsm_images\TSM_BA_Client\IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Client.msi" RebootYesNo="No" REBOOT="Suppress" ALLUSERS=1 INSTALLDIR="c:\program files\tivoli\tsm" ADDLOCAL="BackupArchiveGUI,BackupArchiveWeb,ApiRuntime,AdministrativeCmd" TRANSFORMS=1033.mst /qn /l*v "c:\log.txt"
- Silent client installation on Windows 64-bit systems
This example is essentially the same as the 32-bit example. However, it names the 64-bit API feature on the ADDLOCAL= parameter.
msiexec /i "Z:\tsm_images\TSM_BA_Client\IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Client.msi" RebootYesNo="No" REBOOT="Suppress" ALLUSERS=1 INSTALLDIR="c:\program files\tivoli\tsm" ADDLOCAL="BackupArchiveGUI,BackupArchiveWeb,Api64Runtime,AdministrativeCmd" TRANSFORMS=1033.mst /qn /l*v "c:\log.txt"
Per APAR IT23560
Clients > Configuring backup-archive clients > Configure the Tivoli Storage Manager client > Configuring Tivoli Storage Manager client/server communication with Secure Sockets Layer > Creating a symbolic link to access the latest GSKit library
The following text has been added:
Before you begin
- • An IBM Spectrum Protect™ client, V7.1.8 and later V7 levels, and V8.1.2 and later levels, requires GSKit version
• An IBM Spectrum Protect client, V7.1.7 and earlier levels, and V8.1.1 and earlier V8 levels, requires a version of GSKit earlier than version
Per APAR IT23086
Clients > Configuring backup-archive clients > Configure the Tivoli Storage Manager client > Automated client failover configuration and use > Configuring the client for automated failover
The following text has been added:
If the replication server is V7.1.7 or earlier, and SSL is enabled, you must manually install the SSL certificate on the client with the following command:
- gsk8capicmd_64 -cert -add -db dsmcert.kdb -stashed -label "TSM server STSM01 self-signed key" -file <certificate_file> -format ascii
Where <certificate_file> is the path to the corresponding certificate.
Per APAR IT20791
Clients > Backup-archive client options and commands > Processing options > Client options reference
In the Enableinstrumentation, Instrlogmax, and Instrologname options, the following statement is removed:
"The option can be set in the client option set on IBM Spectrum Protect server."
Per APAR IT20793
Clients > Configure the IBM Spectrum Protect client > Configuring NetApp and IBM Spectrum Protect for snapshot difference incremental backups > Protecting clustered-data ONTAP NetApp file server volumes
In Step 2, the order of the arguments in the set netappsvm command is incorrect:
dsmc set netappsvm management_filer_hostname storage_virtual_machine_hostname storage_virtual_machine_name
The correct order of the arguments is updated to the following text:
dsmc set netappsvm storage_virtual_machine_hostnamemanagement_filer_hostname storage_virtual_machine_name
Topic: Clients > Backup-archive client options and commands > Processing options > Client options reference > Vmtagdatamover (
The following requirements are updated:
- In order for the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI to function correctly with tagging support, ensure that the following requirements are met during the installation of the GUI:
If you use other data movers, running on virtual machines or physical machines as additional data movers, you can install them on other servers. For tagging support, all these data movers must also be configured with the vmtagdatamover=yes option. These additional data movers do not require the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI to be installed on the same server in order for them to work correctly as tag-based data movers.
- At least one data mover and the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI must be installed on the same server. This data mover node must be configured so that the vCenter server credentials are saved. You can save the credentials by running the configuration wizard to save the data mover node password, or by using the dsmc set password command in the data mover command line.
Topic: Clients > Backup-archive client options and commands > Processing options > Client options reference > Vmtagdatamover (
The following requirement has been removed:
- The VMware Platform Services Controller (PSC) and the vCenter server must be installed on the same host.
Per APAR IT16144
Topic: Backup-archive client options and commands > Processing options > Client options reference > Instrlogmax (
The following paragraph is incorrect and has been removed:
"If you do not specify the instrlogmax option, the instrumentation log can grow without any limit on its size. You must manually manage the log contents to prevent the log from depleting disk resources."
Updates that apply to V7.1.4 and later versions
Per APAR IT22875
Clients > Backup-archive client options and commands> Processing options > Client options reference > Domain.vmfull
The following statement is added for the vmname parameter under Domain.vmfull for VMware virtual machines:
"The names are case-sensitive."
Updates that apply to V7.1.3 and later versions
Per APAR IT15064
In the topic "Configuring NetApp and Tivoli Storage Manager for snapshot difference incremental backups" (, the following text is updated:
In step 1b:
- For 7-mode NetApp filers: Allowed Capabilities: login-http-admin,api-*
For clustered-data ONTAP NetApp filers, the only capability that is required is ontapapi with the admin role.
The topic "Protection for clustered-data ONTAP NetApp file server volumes" ( is replaced by the following text:
Protecting clustered-data ONTAP NetApp file server volumes
You can create a snapshot differential incremental backup of a volume on a NetApp file server that is part of a clustered-data ONTAP configuration (c-mode file server).
Before you begin
- Complete the procedure in "Configuring NetApp and Tivoli Storage Manager for snapshot difference incremental backups."
- Ensure that the clustered-data ONTAP environment is correctly set up by the NetApp storage virtual machine administrator.
Restriction: Tivoli® Storage Manager support for snapshot differential incremental backups of clustered-data ONTAP volumes is supported only on NetApp ONTAP 8.2.1 and later versions.
About this task
In a clustered-data ONTAP environment, storage virtual machines (also referred to as data vServers) contain data volumes that can be protected by the backup-archive client.
A storage virtual machine consists of a single infinite volume or one or more flex volumes. Volumes are accessed remotely using file sharing (CIFS on Windows operating systems, NFS on AIX® and Linux operating systems).
The storage virtual machines are managed by the cluster management filer, which is the physical filer (the c-mode filer) on which the storage virtual machines reside. The backup client is installed on the remote machine that accesses the volumes.
The backup-archive client must be configured with credentials for the NetApp c-mode filers that are being accessed for backup operations.
The following information is required for this procedure:
- The host name or IP address of the cluster management filer.
- The host name or IP address of the storage virtual machine.
- The storage virtual machine name.
- The cluster management filer credentials (user name and password).
The cluster management filer user that is configured by the client must be assigned the ontapapi capability with the role of admin.
The ontapapi capability does not allow interactive access to the filer with methods such as telnet, ssh, or http/https. No other user capabilities are required to run snapshot differential incremental backups.
Complete the following steps on the remote machine where the backup-archive client is installed:
1. Configure the backup-archive client with the cluster management filer credentials. Use the dsmc set password command to store the credentials of the management filer that is associated with the storage virtual machine. For example, enter the following command:
dsmc set password –type=filer management_filer_hostname
management_filer_username management_filer_password
The host name or IP address of the cluster management filer.
The user name of the cluster management filer.
The password for user of the management filer.
Tip: The cluster management filer password is encrypted when it is stored by the backup-archive client.
2. Associate each storage virtual machine with the management filer with the dsmc set netappsvm command. For example, enter the following command:
dsmc set netappsvm management_filer_hostname
storage_virtual_machine_hostname storage_virtual_machine_name
The host name or IP address of the cluster management filer.
The host name or IP address of the storage virtual machine that is used to mount volumes to back up.
The name of the storage virtual machine.
Note: The host name or IP address of the storage virtual machine that is used to mount volumes must be consistent with what is specified in the dsmc set commands. For example, if the volumes are mounted with a storage virtual machine IP address, the IP address (not the host name) must be used in the dsmc set commands. Otherwise, client authentication with the cluster management filer fails.
You need only to specify the dsmc set netappsvm command once for each storage virtual machine. If the storage virtual machine is moved to a different cluster management filer, you must use the command to update the associated cluster management filer host name.
3. (Windows) Map the volumes to drive letters. For example, enter the following command for each storage virtual machine:
net use y: \\storage_virtual_machine_hostname domain_name\CIFS_share_name
The drive to map the volume to.
The host name or IP address of the storage virtual machine.
The CIFS share that is defined on the filer on the volume being backed up.
4. (AIX, Linux) Mount the remote storage virtual machine to a local file system. For example, enter the following command for each storage virtual machine:
mount storage_virtual_machine_hostname /tmp/fs1
The host name or IP address of the storage virtual machine.
An example of a file system to mount the storage virtual machine volume to.
5. Start a full progressive incremental backup of a flex or infinite volume.
By default, HTTP access to the NetApp file server is not enabled. If you did not configure your file server to allow access by using HTTP, use the backup-archive client snapdiffhttps option to enable access to the cluster management server with the HTTPS protocol.
For example, on Windows clients, enter the following command:
dsmc incr y: -snapdiff -snapdiffhttps
For example, on AIX or Linux clients, enter the following command:
dsmc incr /tmp/fs1 -snapdiff -snapdiffhttps
Tip: You need only to run the full progressive incremental backup once. After this backup is successfully completed, run differential backups in future backup operations.
6. Start a snapshot differential backup of the flex or infinite volume.
For example, on Windows clients, enter the following command:
dsmc incr y: -snapdiff -snapdiffhttps
For example, on AIX or Linux clients, enter the following command:
dsmc incr /tmp/fs1 -snapdiff -snapdiffhttps
A backup-archive client user wants to complete a snapshot differential incremental backup of the volumes on a c-mode file server. The user is using a Windows backup-archive client to complete the backup and the volumes are mounted as CIFS shares. The c-mode filer configuration is as follows:
ONTAP 8.31 management filer
User: netapp1mgmt_user
Password: pass4netapp1mgmt
CIFS Domain Controller: WINDC
Domain User: domainuser
Flex volume storage virtual machine
Storage virtual machine name: netapp1-client1
CIFS share: demovol
Volume name: demovol
Infinite volume storage virtual machine
Storage virtual machine name: netapp1-infiniteVolume1
CIFS Share: InfiniteVol
The user completes the following steps on the backup-archive client:
1. Configure the client with the management filer credentials by issuing the following command:
dsmc set password –type=filer netapp1mgmt_user pass4netapp1mgmt
2. Define storage virtual machine associations for each storage virtual machine with the following commands:
dsmc set netappsvm netapp1-client1
dsmc set netappsvm netapp1-infiniteVolume1
3. Map remote volumes to drive letters for each storage virtual machine:
net use y: \\\demovol WINDC\domainuser
net use z: \\\InfiniteVol WINDC\domainuser
4. Run a full progressive incremental backup of the flex volume and infinite volume:
dsmc incr y: -snapdiff -snapdiffhttps
dsmc incr z: -snapdiff -snapdiffhttps
You need only to run the full progressive incremental backup once. After this backup is successfully completed, run differential backups in future backup operations.
5. Run a snapshot differential backup of the flex volume and infinite volume:
dsmc incr y: -snapdiff -snapdiffhttps
dsmc incr z: -snapdiff -snapdiffhttps
Per APAR IT14776
In the Windows Backup-Archive Clients Installation and User's Guide and IBM Knowledge Center, the following topic is updated:
Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive clients (UNIX, Linux, and Windows) >Windows client installation overview >Installation procedures >Silent installation
The following paragraph is removed:
"The C++ restributable packages perform a self-check operation to determine whether any updates are available on the web. If an update is available, the packages download and install the update. After the updates are installed, the C++ redistributable packages reboot the workstation to register and use the updated libraries. This reboot is forced by the C++ redistributable updates; you cannot prevent this reboot by using the RebootYesNo="No" REBOOT="Suppress" options."
The following instructions for silently installing the C++ redistributables are updated with the latest commands.
Silently installing C++ redistributables for the 32-bit client
Run the following command twice. Run it first from the directory where the C++ 2010 vcredist_x86.exe file is stored. Then, run it again from the directory where the C++ 2012 vcredist_x86.exe file is stored.
vcredist_x86.exe /install /quiet /norestart /log logfilename
For more information about the vcredist_x86.exe command, run the following command:
vcredist_x86.exe /?
Silently installing C++ redistributables for the 64-bit client
Run the following command twice. Run it first from the directory where the C++ 2010 vcredist_x86.exe file is stored. Then, run it again from the directory where the C++ 2012 vcredist_x86.exe file is stored.
vcredist_x86.exe /install /quiet /norestart /log logfilename
For more information about the vcredist_x86.exe command, run the following command:
vcredist_x86.exe /?
Run the following command twice. Run it first from the directory where the C++ 2010 vcredist_x64.exe file is stored. Then run it again from the directory where the C++ 2012 vcredist_x64.exe file is stored.
vcredist_x64.exe /install /quiet /norestart /log logfilename
For more information about the vcredist_x86.exe command, run the following command:
vcredist_x64.exe /?
Per APAR IT13285
The paths for C++ restributable packages are updated as follows:
- Use the following executable files to install the C++ 2010 and 2012 redistributable packages. In the paths shown, the dir text string represents the drive and directory where you saved the files when you extracted them from the installation package.
Windows 32-bit clients- dir\ISSetupPrerequisites\{270b0954-35ca-4324-bbc6-ba5db9072dad} (contains MS 2010 x86 C++ Runtime - vcredist_x86.exe)
dir\ISSetupPrerequisites\{BF2F04CD-3D1F-444e-8960-D08EBD285C3F} (contains MS 2012 x86 C++ Runtime - vcredist_x86.exe)
Windows 64-bit clients- dir\ISSetupPrerequisites\{270b0954-35ca-4324-bbc6-ba5db9072dad} (contains MS 2010 x86 C++ Runtime - vcredist_x86.exe)
dir\ISSetupPrerequisites\{BF2F04CD-3D1F-444e-8960-D08EBD285C3F} (contains MS 2012 x86 C++ Runtime - vcredist_x86.exe)
dir\ISSetupPrerequisites\{7f66a156-bc3b-479d-9703-65db354235cc} (contains MS 2010 x64 C++ Runtime - vcredist_x64.exe)
dir\ISSetupPrerequisites\{3A3AF437-A9CD-472f-9BC9-8EEDD7505A02} (contains MS 2012 x64 C++ Runtime - vcredist_x64.exe)
- dir\ISSetupPrerequisites\{270b0954-35ca-4324-bbc6-ba5db9072dad} (contains MS 2010 x86 C++ Runtime - vcredist_x86.exe)
Updates that apply to V7.1.2 and later versions
Per APAR IT03221
The backup-archive client has two new options that will allow all pRDM or vRDM disks with missing LUNs to be converted into thin-provisioned VMFS disks: vmnoprdmdisks and vmnovrdmdisks.
This option enables Tivoli Storage Manager to restore configuration information for the pRDM volumes that are associated with a VMware virtual machine, even if the LUNs that were associated with the volumes cannot be found. Because pRDM volumes are not included in virtual machine snapshot, only the configuration information can be restored, and not the data that was on the volumes.
This option does not apply to backups of Microsoft Hyper-V virtual machines.
Supported Clients
This option is valid for Windows and Linux clients that are installed on a vStorage backup server.
Options File
Place this option in the client options file (dsm.opt), or specify it as a command-line parameter on the restore vm command.
Place this option in the client options file (dsm.opt), in the client system options file (dsm.sys), or specify it as a command-line parameter on the restore vm command.
Specify this value if you must restore a virtual machine that you backed up with -vmprocesswithprdm=yes, and the original LUNs that were mapped by the raw device mappings file cannot be located. This setting causes the client to skip attempts to locate the missing LUNs used by the pRDM volumes, and restore the configuration information (disk labels) that were associated with them. The pRDM volumes are restored as thin-provisioned VMFS VMDKs. You can then use the vSphere client to create the necessary pRDM mappings.
Setting -vmnoprdmdisk=no causes restore operations for virtual machines that were backed up with -processvmwithprdm=yes to fail if the original LUNs that were mapped to by the raw device mappings file cannot be located. This value is the default value.
Option file:
Command line:
dsmc restore vm vm123 -vmnoprdmdisks=yes
This option enables Tivoli Storage Manager to restore configuration information and data for vRDM volumes that are associated with a VMware virtual machine, even if the LUNs that were associated with the volumes cannot be found.
This option does not apply to backups of Microsoft Hyper-V virtual machines.
Supported Clients
This option is valid for Windows and Linux clients that are installed on a vStorage backup server.
Options File
Place this option in the client options file (dsm.opt), or specify it as a command-line parameter on the restore vm command.
Place this option in the client options file (dsm.opt), in the client system options file (dsm.sys), or specify it as a command-line parameter on the restore vm command.
Specify this value if you must restore a virtual machine that you backed up, and the original LUNs that were mapped by the raw device mappings file cannot be located. This setting causes the client to skip attempts to locate the missing LUNs used by the vRDM volumes, and restore the configuration information (disk labels) and the data that was backed up. The vRDM volumes are restored as thin-provisioned VMFS VMDKs.
Setting -vmnovrdmdisk=no causes restore operations for virtual machines that had vRDM volume to fail, if the original LUNs that were mapped to by the raw device mappings file cannot be located. This value is the default value.
Option file:
Command line:
dsmc restore vm vm123 -vmnovrdmdisks=yes
Updates that apply to all modifications of V7.1
Clients > Configuring backup-archive clients > Configuring Open File Support
3. Select Help me configure Online Image Support and click Next.
has been replaced by the following text:
3. Select Help me configure Open File Support and click Next.
Per APAR IT23865
Clients > Backup-archive client options and commands > Processing options > Client options reference > Queryschedperiod
The following text has been added:
Tip: If the period set by the queryschedperiod option is much smaller than the randomization window of a schedule that is set by the server administrator, the start of the schedule can be delayed. To avoid such a delay, adjust the following values:
- The client action duration (with the SET CLIENTACTDURATION server command)
- The randomization of scheduled start times (with the SET RANDOMIZE server command)
- The value of the queryschedperiod option
Given the settings for the client action duration and the randomization window of a schedule, the following examples show how to calculate the query schedule period.
Example 1:
Client Action Duration: 1 Days
Schedule Randomization Percentage: 25%
Query Schedule Period: 6 hours
Client Action Duration of 1 day = 24 hours
24 hours x .25 = 6 hours
Use a query schedule period of 6 hours or higher.
Example 2:
Client Action Duration: 3 Days
Schedule Randomization Percentage: 10%
Query Schedule Period: 8 hours
Client Action Duration of 3 days = 72 hours
72 x .10 = 7.2
Use a query schedule period of 8 hours or higher.
Per APAR IT23581
Clients > Back up and restore data with backup-archive clients > Backing up your data > Deleting backup data
The "Results" section has been updated as follows:
- If you specify Delete Active Objects or Delete Inactive Objects, only the files are considered for removal.
- If you specify Delete Active Objects or Delete Inactive Objects and select a directory that contains no files for removal, the following message is displayed during the delete backup operation:
ANS5030E No objects on server match query.
The last parent inactive directory is removed based on retention policy settings on the server. - A directory is deleted only if you select Delete All Objects.
- To delete file spaces, click Utilities > Delete Filespaces from the main window.
- To delete backup copies using the command-line client, use the delete backup command.
Per APAR IT23279
Clients > Back up and restore data with backup-archive clients > Backing up your data > Display backup processing status
In Table 1. Client command line informational messages, the descriptions of "Data transfer time", "Network data transfer rate", "Aggregate data transfer rate", and "Total number of bytes transferred" are incorrect. These descriptions have been updated as follows:
Data transfer time: | The sum of the times that each backup, archive, restore, or retrieve session takes to send data across the network. This number does not include the time for the client to read the data from disk before the date is sent, nor the time to wait for server transactions to complete. This number can be greater than the elapsed processing time if the operation uses multiple concurrent sessions to move data, such as multi-session backup and restore operations. This number includes the time that it takes to send data more than once due to retries, such as when a file changes during a backup operation. |
Network data transfer rate: | The average rate at which the network transfers data between the client and the server. This statistic is calculated by dividing the total number of bytes transferred by the time to transfer the data over the network. This statistic does not include the time for the client to read the data from disk before the data is sent, nor the time to wait for server transactions to complete. |
Aggregate data transfer rate: | The total number of bytes transferred during a backup, archive, restore, or retrieve operation, divided by the total elapsed time of the operation. |
Total number of bytes transferred: | The total number of bytes transferred during the backup, archive, restore, or retrieve operation. This value includes data that is sent more than once due to retries, such as when a file changes during a backup operation. |
Per APAR IT22157
Clients > Backup-archive client options and commands > Processing options > Client options reference > Snapdiff
The following statement is incorrect:
(Windows) The snapdiff (snapshot difference) option is for backing up NAS/N-Series file server volumes that are NFS or CIFS attached.
It is replaced by the following two statements:
(Windows) The snapdiff option is for backing up NAS/N-Series file server volumes that are CIFS attached.
(Linux) The snapdiff option is for backing up NAS/N-Series file server volumes that are NFS attached.
Per APAR IT20509
Clients > Backup-archive client options and commands > Processing options > Client options reference > Vmbackuptype
The following statement is removed from the FIle parameter of the vmbackuptype option:
"You must be licensed to use Tivoli® Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware to use this option."
The updated description for the File parameter is changed as follows:
Specify this value to perform a file-level backup of a VMware virtual machine. "
Per APAR IT17954:
Topic: IBM Spectrum Protect Client Service Configuration Utility > Install the backup-archive scheduler service > Using the Client Service Configuration Utility (Windows) > Creating a new scheduler and associating a client acceptor to manage the scheduler:
Step 5 is updated as follows:
5. Start the client acceptor: dsmcutil start /name:"tsm client acceptor"
Updates not related to APARs:
Windows supported file systems
This topic has been updated to include the following note for GPFS file systems:
Important: The Tivoli Storage Manager Windows backup-archive client can backup or restore files in a Windows-only GPFS cluster. If the GPFS cluster contains mixed nodes (some AIX®, some Linux, and some Windows), you must use the AIX or Linux clients to protect data in the cluster.
Installing the backup-archive clients
Topic: Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager Windows client>Silent installation
The table that describes the feature that can be included on the ADDLOCAL= keyword contains a typographical error. The backup archive web client is incorrectly listed as "BackupArchive web". The feature name does not include a space. It should be specified as BackupArchiveWeb.
Per APAR IC99087
Topic: Silent installation (Windows client)
This topic contains revised text to describe both C++ packages (C++ 2010 and C++ 2012), and how to install them. The new text is as follows:
Silent installation
The Tivoli® Storage Manager backup-archive client installation program supports silent, unattended installations.
Note: The Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 and 2012 redistributable packages are required to use the backup-archive client. The graphical installation program installs these packages for you. If you are silently installing the client using MSIEXEC, you must separately install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 and 2012 redistributable packages. The packages can be installed before or after the silent installation of the client is performed, but they must be installed before you use the backup-archive client.
The C++ restributable packages perform a self-check operation to determine if any updates are available on the web. If an update is available, the packages download and install the update. After the updates are installed, the C++ redistributable packages reboot the workstation to register and use the updated libraries. This reboot is forced by the C++ redistributable updates; you cannot prevent this reboot by using the RebootYesNo="No" REBOOT="Suppress" options.
Use the following executable files to install the C++ 2010 and 2012 redistributable packages. In the paths shown, the dir text string represents the drive and directory where you saved the files when you extracted them from the installation package. Both of the C++ redistributable packages must be installed. The backup-archive client requires software provided in the C++ 2012 package and the IBM Global Security Toolkit (GSKit) component requires software provided in the C++ 2010 package.
Windows 32-bit clients
dir\ISSetupPrerequisites\{270b0954-35ca-4324-bbc6-ba5db9072dad} (contains MS 2010 x86 C++ Runtime - vcredist_x86.exe)
dir\ISSetupPrerequisites\{270b0954-35ca-4324-bbc6-ba5db9072dae} (contains MS 2012 x86 C++ Runtime - vcredist_x86.exe)
Windows 64-bit clients
dir\ISSetupPrerequisites\{270b0954-35ca-4324-bbc6-ba5db9072dad} (contains MS 2010 x86 C++ Runtime - vcredist_x86.exe)
dir\ISSetupPrerequisites\{270b0954-35ca-4324-bbc6-ba5db9072dae} (contains MS 2012 x86 C++ Runtime - vcredist_x86.exe)
dir\ISSetupPrerequisites\{7f66a156-bc3b-479d-9703-65db354235cc} (contains MS 2010 x64 C++ Runtime - vcredist_x64.exe)
dir\ISSetupPrerequisites\{7f66a156-bc3b-479d-9703-65db354235cd} (contains MS 2012 x64 C++ Runtime - vcredist_x64.exe)
To install a predefined (custom) dsm.opt file, use the following instructions before you begin the silent installation.
- Place the customized copy of the dsm.opt file in the ...\CONFIG directory located within the install image, for example:
The file must be named "dsm.opt".
- The install program copies the predefined dsm.opt file to the ..\BACLIENT directory when BOTH of the following conditions are met:
- dsm.opt does NOT exist in the ..\BACLIENT directory. The install program does not copy over an existing dsm.opt file.
- dsm.opt exists in the ..\CONFIG directory of the install image, as described earlier.
To perform a silent installation of the C++ redistributables or the backup-archive client, you must turn off User Account Control (UAC).
To turn UAC off, use either the Windows Control Panel or the MSCONFIG utility.
To turn UAC off in the Control Panel, select Control Panel > User Accounts > Change User Account Control settings, then select Never Notify.
To turn UAC off using MSCONFIG, open a command prompt window and start MSCONFIG. Then select the Tools tab and Change User Account Control settings; then click Launch and turn UAC by selecting Never Notify.
After you install the C++ redistributables and the Windows client, remember to turn UAC on.
The C++ redistributables require elevated privileges to install them. Open a command prompt window as follows:
1. Click Start Menu > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.
2. Right click the Command Prompt icon to view the properties.
3. Click Run as administrator.
4. Click Continue in the permission window.
5. Start the product installation using the command prompt window. On a 32-bit Windows system, install the 32-bit C++ redistributable packages. On a 64-bit Windows system, install the 64-bit C++ redistributable packages.
Silently installing C++ redistributables for the 32-bit client
Run this next command twice. Run it first from the directory where the C++ 2010 vcredist_x86.exe file is stored. Then, run it again from the directory where the C++ 2012 vcredist_x86.exe file is stored.
vcredist_x86.exe /q /c:"msiexec /i vcredist.msi /qn /l*v
Silently installing C++ redistributables for the 64-bit client
Run this next command twice. Run it first from the directory where the C++ 2010 vcredist_x86.exe file is stored. Then run it again from the directory where the C++ 2012 vcredist_x86.exe file is stored.
vcredist_x86.exe /q /c:"msiexec /i vcredist.msi /qn /l*v
Run this next command twice. Run it first from the directory where the C++ 2010 vcredist_x86.exe file is stored. Then run it again from the directory where the C++ 2012 vcredist_x86.exe file is stored.
vcredist_x64.exe /q /c:"msiexec /i vcredist.msi /qn /l*v
Install the Windows backup-archive client. User Account Control (UAC) should still be turned off. If it is not turned off, turn off UAC now. Open a command prompt that has elevated privileges.
1. Click Start Menu > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.
2. Right click the Command Prompt icon to view the properties.
3. Click Run as administrator.
4. Click Continue in the permission window.
5. Start the Windows backup-archive client silent installation using the command prompt window. On a 32-bit Windows system, install the 32-bit clients and API. On a 64-bit Windows system, install the 64-bit clients and API. Install one or more language packs if languages other than English are needed.
Silent client installation on Windows 32-bit systems
When you place a customized version of the msiexec command (which invokes the Microsoft Software Installer) in a script or batch file, you can perform installations on multiple Windows systems. The following is a sample command to install the backup-archive command-line client, client GUI, web client, API, and Administrative command-line client. You might need to customize this example to run correctly on your system. While the command is physically spread across multiple lines on this page, enter it on a single command line.
msiexec /i "Z:\tsm_images\TSM_BA_Client\IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Client.msi" RebootYesNo="No" REBOOT="Suppress" ALLUSERS=1 INSTALLDIR="c:\program files\tivoli\tsm" ADDLOCAL="BackupArchiveGUI,BackupArchiveWeb,ApiRuntime, AdministrativeCmd" TRANSFORMS=1033.mst /qn /l*v "c:\log.txt"
Silent client installation on Windows 64 bit systems
This example is essentially the same as the 32-bit example. However, it names the 64 bit API feature on the ADDLOCAL= parameter. The language pack installation is the same for either platform.
msiexec /i "Z:\tsm_images\TSM_BA_Client\IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Client.msi" RebootYesNo="No" REBOOT="Suppress" ALLUSERS=1 INSTALLDIR="c:\program files\tivoli\tsm" ADDLOCAL="BackupArchiveGUI,BackupArchiveWeb,Api64Runtime, AdministrativeCmd" TRANSFORMS=1033.mst /qn /l*v "c:\log.txt"
Silent language pack installation (32 and 64-bit clients)
You must install client features before you install a language pack. Install a language pack with a command like the following. Although the command is physically split across multiple lines on this page, enter it on one single command line.
msiexec /i "Z:\tsm_images\TSM_BA_Client\IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Client - French.msi" RebootYesNo="No" REBOOT="Suppress" ALLUSERS=1 INSTALLDIR="c:\program files\tivoli\tsm" ADDLOCAL="LanguageFiles" TRANSFORMS=1036.mst /qn /l*v "c:\log.txt"
The descriptions of the silent installation parameters are as follows:
Invokes the Microsoft Software Installer (MSI) program.
Installs the specified source package (replace with /x to uninstall the package).
"Z:\tsm_images\TSM_BA_Client\IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Client.msi"
This specifies the complete path to the source package. The Z drive is shown in this example. Specify the drive letter for the disk drive, in your configuration, that contains the installation image.
RebootYesNo="No" REBOOT="Suppress"
Under certain conditions, a system reboot might be necessary for the installation to complete successfully. This option causes the installation program to not reboot the system if circumstances would otherwise cause the reboot to occur. While this option is convenient, use it with caution because suppressing the reboot might cause the program to behave in an unpredictable manner. The most common reason that a reboot would be required is if the installation was an upgrade to an existing Tivoli Storage Manager client, and the installation was performed while the client programs were running. Therefore, shut down all Tivoli Storage Manager client programs and services before performing the installation.
Specifies that the package is for all users. This option is required.
INSTALLDIR="c:\program files\tivoli\tsm"
Specifies the destination path. If you have already installed this product or a previous version of this product on your workstation, use the current installation directory as the destination path for this package.
For 32-bit client installations: ADDLOCAL="BackupArchiveGUI,BackupArchiveWeb,ApiRuntime"
For 64-bit client installations: ADDLOCAL="BackupArchiveGUI,BackupArchiveWeb,Api64Runtime"
Specifies the features to install. Specify all the components on a single line within quotation marks, separated by commas, with no spaces before or after the commas. The installable client features are shown in the following table:
Windows 32 bit client features | Windows 64 bit client features | Feature description |
BackupArchiveGUI | BackupArchiveGUI | Graphical user interface |
BackupArchiveWeb | BackupArchiveWeb | Backup-archive web client |
ApiRuntime | Api32Runtime Api64Runtime |
API Runtimes |
ApiSdk | ApiSdk | API SDK |
AdministrativeCmd | AdministrativeCmd | Administrative Command Line |
VMwareBackupTools | VMwareBackupTools | VMware vStorage API runtime files |
After you install client features, you can install a language pack. You must install client features before you install a language pack.
Windows 32 bit client features | Windows 64 bit client features | Feature description |
LanguageFiles | LanguageFiles | Language-specific files |
Specifies which language transform to use. The following language transforms are available:
Transform | Language |
1028.mst | CHT Traditional Chinese |
1029.mst | CSY Czech |
1031.mst | DEU German |
1033.mst | ENG English |
1034.mst | ESP Spanish |
1036.mst | FRA French |
1038.mst | HUN Hungarian |
1040.mst | ITA Italian |
1041.mst | JPN Japanese |
1042.mst | KOR Korean |
1045.mst | PLK Polish |
1046.mst | PTB Portuguese |
1049.mst | RUS Russian |
2052.mst | CHS Simplified Chinese |
Specifies to perform the installation silently.
/l*v "c:\log.txt"
Specifies verbose logging and the name and location of the log file.
The installation process creates a Tivoli Storage Manager folder in the programs folder of the Windows Start menu. You can start Tivoli Storage Manager by clicking one of the icons in this folder.
Per defect 114656
Getting started > Ending a session
The following text is added:
"Do not press Ctrl-C or use the UNIX kill -15 command because it can lead to unexpected results."
Back up and restore data with backup-archive clients
Per APAR IT11049
Topic: Back up and restore data with backup-archive clients>Backing up your data>Backing up data with client-node proxy support (Windows)
The list of restrictions is modified as a list of considerations, as follows:
- Before you begin
The following considerations apply when you use a proxy node to back up or restore data on other nodes:
- A proxy operation uses the target node's settings (such as maxnummp and deduplication) and schedules that are defined on the Tivoli Storage Manager server. The Tivoli Storage Manager server node settings and schedules for the agent node are ignored.
- You cannot use asnodename with the backup nas command.
- You cannot use asnodename with the fromnode option.
- If you use asnodename to backup and restore volumes that are in a cluster configuration, do not use clusternode yes.
- You cannot use asnodename to back up or restore system state.
- If an agent node restores data from a backup set, the system state object in the backup set is not restored.
- You can use asnodename with the backup image command, but you must specify the volume by UNC name. You cannot use the drive letter.
- If you use the same asnodename value to back up files from different machines, you need to keep track which files or volumes are backed up from each system so that you can restore them to the correct location.
- All agent nodes in a multiple node environment should be of the same platform type.
- Do not use target nodes as traditional nodes, especially if you encrypt your files before backing them up to the server.
Per APAR IT13174
Topic: Backing up your data -> Backing up VMware virtual machines
The following Note is added before the table that lists the backup and restore operations for VMware virtual machines that the backup-archive client can implement on Windows platforms:
- Note: You can complete VMware backup and restore operations with the backup-archive client only on 64-bit Windows operating systems. Backup-archive clients on Windows 32-bit operating systems cannot complete VMware backup and restore operations.
Topic: Backing up your data>Back up virtual machines on a Windows Hyper-V system
This topic contains an incorrect example in step 4 (the vmlist option is shown, but it is not a valid option on Restore VM). The sample command shown for restoring a Hyper-V virtual machine should read as follows:
You can also enter dsmc restore vm vm1 -vmbackuptype=hypervfull at a Tivoli Storage Manager command prompt, where vm1 is the name of the virtual machine.
Topic: Backing up your data>Back up NAS file systems using Network Data Management Protocol
Per APAR IT02694
This topic applies only to AIX, Solaris, and Windows clients. The topic, and subtopics, have been revised to remove the icons for HP-UX, Linux, and Mac, because those clients cannot be used for backing up or restoring data from NAS file servers, using NDMP. Additionally, the introductory text has been clarified to indicate that the tape drives and libraries used can be on either the filer or the Tivoli Storage Manager server. The new text reads as follows:
- Tivoli® Storage Manager Windows, AIX®, and Solaris backup-archive clients can use Network Data Management Protocol (NDMP) to efficiently back up and restore network attached storage (NAS) file system images. The file system images can be backed up to, or be restored from, automated tape drives or libraries that are locally attached to Network Appliance or EMC Celerra NAS file servers, or to or from tape drives or libraries that are locally attached to a Tivoli Storage Manager server.NDMP backups.
Per APAR IT14125
The following topic is updated with additional information:
Back up and restore data with backup-archive clients > Backing up your data > Display backup processing status
Two additional messages are documented:
Total number of objects grew:
The total number of files that grew larger as a result of compression.
Total number of retries:
The total number of retries during a backup operation. Depending on the settings for the serialization attribute and the changingretries option, a file that is opened by another process might not be backed up on the first backup try. The backup-archive client might try to back up a file several times during a backup operation. This message indicates the total retries for all files that are included in the backup operation.
Per APAR IT13479
Restoring your data > Restoring files and directories > Restoring data by using the GUI
The "Restoring data by using the GUI" topic is updated to indicate that shared drives cannot be browsed during a restore operation when using the web client GUI. The following restriction is added:
- Restriction:
The web client GUI cannot browse network resources for a restore operation. No shares are listed if you expand the Network branch. You can restore to a network resource from the web client if the entire file is processed. Specify the shared file system in the domain option in the dsm.opt options file. For example, domain all-local \\server\share. To complete the restore operation, specify Network Share in the Restore Destination dialog. This processes all file systems that are specified by the domain option. Alternatively, you can use the GUI Client to complete the restore operation.
Archive and retrieve data with backup-archive clients
Per APAR IT11049
Topic: Archive and retrieve data with backup-archive clients>Archive and retrieve your data (Windows)>Archive files>Archiving data with client node proxy
The tips and restrictions are combined into the following list of considerations:
- Considerations for a proxied session:
- A proxy operation uses the target node's settings (such as maxnummp and deduplication) and schedules that are defined on the Tivoli Storage Manager server. The Tivoli Storage Managerserver node settings and schedules for the agent node are ignored.
- All agent nodes in the multiple node environment must be of the same platform type.
- Do not use target nodes as traditional nodes. Use them only for multiple node processing.
- You cannot perform a system object or system state backup or restore.
- You cannot access another node (either from GUI drop down or use of the fromnode option).
- You cannot use the clusternode option.
- You cannot perform NAS backup or restore.
Storage management policies
Per Defect IT03448
Display information about management classes and copy groups > Copy mode attribute
The publication does not mention directory objects in the explanation of the absolute and modified copy-group modes. The absolute and modified copy-group modes apply to directory objects and to file objects.
Client options
Per APAR IT14149
Using commands>Restore VM
The description of the HOST parameter for VMware virtual machines has been revised to read as follows:
Specifies the domain name of the ESX host server to restore to as it is defined
in the vSphere vCenter.
This parameter is case-sensitive and must be the same value as the host name
that is shown in the VMware vSphere Web Client. To confirm the host name
in the vSphere Web client, select a host and click Manage > Networking >
TCP/IP configuration > DNS.
This parameter is not valid for restoring VMware virtual machines that were
backed up using VCB.
Per APAR IT03448
Topic: Client options reference> ABSOLUTE
The publication does not mention directory objects in the explanation of the absolute option. The absolute option applies to directory objects and file objects.
Per APAR IT11049
Topic: Client options reference> ASNODENAME
The explanation is changed as follows:
- Asnodename
Use the asnodename option to allow agent nodes to back up or restore data on behalf of another node (the target node). This enables concurrent operations from multiple nodes to store data to the same target node and file space in parallel.
Your client node must be granted access to the target node by the Tivoli® Storage Manager server administrative client grant proxynode command, and you must be a root user to use the asnodename option.
When the Tivoli Storage Manager administrator grants a node proxy authority, and you use the asnodename option to become that node, you can query and restore all files as if you had root authority.
An agent node is a client node that has been granted authority to perform client operations on behalf of a target node.
A target node is a client node that grants authority to one or more agent nodes to perform client operations on its behalf.
A proxy operation uses the target node's settings (such as maxnummp and deduplication) and schedules that are defined on the Tivoli Storage Manager server. The Tivoli Storage Manager server node settings and schedules for the agent node are ignored.
Per APAR IT11049
Topic: Client options reference> ASNODENAME > Session settings and schedules for a proxy operation
The complete, updated topic is printed:
- Session settings and schedules for a proxy operation
A proxy operation occurs when an agent node uses the asnodename target_node_name option to complete operations on behalf of the specified target node.
A proxy operation uses the target node's settings (such as maxnummp, cloptset, and deduplication) and schedules that are defined on the Tivoli® Storage Manager server. The Tivoli Storage Managerserver node settings and schedules for the agent node are ignored.
The following considerations apply to proxy operations.
- All operations use the target node's policy domain settings and constructs, even if the agent node belongs to a different domain. The agent node's policy domain settings and constructs are ignored.
- The agent node authenticates to the Tivoli Storage Manager server by using the agent node's password.
- In order to run proxy operations, the agent node and target node must not be locked on the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
- Proxy node relationships are not transitive. If a target node is itself defined as a proxy node for some other node, the agent node cannot be used to run operations on that other node unless the agent is also defined as a proxy node for that other node.
For example, assume the following proxy definitions among nodes TAURUS, SCORPIO, and GEMINI:- TAURUS is a proxy node for SCORPIO.
- TAURUS is not a proxy node for GEMINI.
- SCORPIO is a proxy node for GEMINI.
- TAURUS can run operations on behalf of SCORPIO.
- SCORPIO can run operations on behalf of GEMINI.
- TAURUS cannot run operations on behalf of GEMINI.
Per APAR IT12617
Topic: Backup-archive client options and commands > Processing options > Client options reference > COMPRESSALWAYS
The COMPRESSALWAYS topic adds the following caveat:
The compressalways option is ignored when client-side deduplication is enabled.
Per APAR IT04057
Topic: Client options reference>DOMAIN
The following clarification has been added to the description of the DOMAIN option:
If a domain statement excludes one or more objects and no domain statement includes any objects, the result is an empty domain (nothing is backed up). You must specify the objects to include in the domain if any domain statements exclude objects.
Example 1: This example uses one domain statement to back up all local file systems except for /fs1:
domain all-local -/fs1
Example 2: This example uses multiple domain statements to back up all local file systems except for /fs1:
domain all-local
domain -/fs1
Example 3: This example excludes /fs1 from backup. If no other domain statement is used, the result is an empty domain. Nothing is backed up.
domain -/fs1
Example 1: This example uses one domain statement to back up all local file systems except for the system state:
domain all-local -systemstate
Example 2: This example uses multiple domain statements to back up all local file systems except for the system state:
domain all-local
domain -systemstate
Example 3: This example excludes the system state from backup. If no other domain statement is used, the result is an empty domain. Nothing is backed up.
domain -systemstate
If you start the incremental command with a file specification, Tivoli Storage Manager ignores any domain definitions and backs up only the file specification.
Per APAR IC94432
Topic: Client options reference > DOMAIN.VMFILE
Topic: Client options reference > DOMAIN.VMFULL
The value that you specify for the vmhost parameters on these options must match the host name, as it is displayed in the vCenter server, in the Hosts and Clusters view.
The new descriptions read as follows:
Description for DOMAIN.VMFULL
Process all virtual machines that are defined to the Virtual Center or to the ESX server that is specified on the vmchost option. The host name that you specify must match the fully qualified host name or IP address, as it is displayed in the vCenter server in the "Host and Clusters" view.
All virtual machines that are added to this host are automatically included in backup and restore processing.
This parameter can include multiple ESX servers that are separated by commas. When the Virtual Center contains multiple ESX servers, this option does not determine the ESX server from which a snapshot is taken. The ESX server from which a snapshot is taken is determined by the VMware VirtualCenter web service.
When you connect directly to an ESXi or ESX host, the vmchost option applies only if the vmhost is the server that you connect to. If it is not, a warning level message is issued to the console and is recorded in the client dsmerror.log; it is also recorded as a server event message.
If the vmenabletemplatebackups option is set to yes, and VM templates are part of the domain, they are included in the backup.
Restriction: VMware templates for virtual machines cannot be backed up when they are in an ESX or ESXi host because ESX and ESXi hosts do not support templates.
Description for DOMAIN.VMFILE
Process all virtual machines that are defined to the Virtual Center or to the ESX server that is specified on the vmchost option. The host name that you specify must match the fully qualified host name or IP address, as it is displayed in the vCenter server in the "Host and Clusters" view.
All newly added to this host are automatically included in backup and restore processing. To be included, the virtual machines must also be running on the ESX server that is specified by the host name.
This parameter can include multiple ESX servers separated by commas. When the Virtual Center contains multiple ESX servers, this option does not determine the ESX server from which a snapshot is taken. The ESX server from which a snapshot is taken is determined by the VMware VirtualCenter web service.
When you connect directly to an ESXi or ESX host, the vmhost keyword applies only if the vmhost is the ESXi you connect to. If it is not, a warning level message is issued to the console and is recorded in the client dsmerror.log file; it is also recorded as a server event message.
Topic: Client options reference>Include options
Per APAR IC96661
The description of the include.systemstate option has been updated. The new description reads as follows:
This option binds system state backups to the specified management class. If you specify this option, specify all as the pattern. If you do not specify this option system state backups are bound to the default management class.
When you specify include.systemstate, the only valid pattern is all.
Topic: Client options reference> Lanfreecommmethod
Per APAR IT11329
When lanfreecommmethod=sharedmem, the backup-archive client must have local administrator permissions.
Topic: Client options reference> Passwordaccess
Per APAR IC97752
New text has been added to the bulleted list of text at the top of this topic that describes the why users might be prompted to enter their password when establishing a session with the server, even if the server is not configured to require authentication. The new text is in the last bullet item in the following text:
If a password is required, you can choose one of the following methods:
- Set the password for your client node yourself and have Tivoli® Storage Manager prompt for it each time you request services.
- Let Tivoli Storage Manager automatically generate a new password for your client node each time it expires, encrypt and store the password in a file, and retrieve the password from that file when you request services. You are not prompted for the password.
- If the server is not configured to require a password to log on to it, you can still be prompted to enter your node password when the backup-archive client establishes a connection with the server. This behavior occurs if this option, passwordaccess, is allowed to default or if you set it to passwordaccess prompt. The password that you supply in response to the prompt is used only to encrypt your login information; it is not used to log onto the server. In this configuration, you can avoid entering a password by setting this option to passwordaccess generate. Setting passwordaccess generate causes the client to create, store, and submit the password for you. When passwordaccess generate is set, the password option is ignored.
Using commands>Backup systemstate
In these topics, the description of the VSS writers and text describing the use of systemstatebackupmethod to produce a full backup of the system writer data has been revised to read as follows:
System state is represented by several VSS writers of type "bootable system state" and "system service". Of these, the System Writer is the largest part of the system state in terms of number of files and size of data. By default, the System Writer backup is incremental. You can use the systemstatebackupmethod to perform full backups of the System Writer. For more information, about this option, see systemstatebackupmethod. Tivoli Storage Manager always backs up all other writers in full.
Per defect IT03448
Backup-archive client options and commands > Using commands > Incremental
The publication does not mention directory objects in the explanation of the absolute and modified copy-group modes. The absolute and modified copy-group modes apply to directory objects and to file objects.
Per APAR IC98148
Using commands> Restore VM
The descriptions of the :vmdk and :-vmdk parameters have been updated to include notes that describe that hard disk names must be entered in ASCII, as they are displayed in the output of a Backup VM command that uses the -preview option. The new text reads as follows:
:vmdk=disk label
This parameter is not valid for restoring VMware virtual machines that were backed up using VCB.
This option is used to specify the disk label of the virtual disks to include in the restore operation. You specify this option only if you want to selectively restore data from specific disks.
Note: On the Restore VM command, the label names of the vmdk files that you want to include (:vmdk= parameter) in a Restore VM operation must be specified as the English-language label name, as it is displayed in the output of the Backup VM vmname -preview command. Examples of the English vmdk labels are "Hard Disk 1", "Hard Disk 2", and so on.
:-vmdk=disk label
This parameter is not valid for restoring VMware virtual machines that were backed up using VCB.
This option is used to specify the disk label of one or more virtual disks to exclude from the restore operation.
Note: On the Restore VM command, the label names of the vmdk files that you want to exclude (:-vmdk= parameter) from a Restore VM operation must be specified as the English-language label name, as it is displayed in the output of the Backup VM vmname -preview command. Examples of the English vmdk labels are "Hard Disk 1", "Hard Disk 2", and so on.
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Document Information
Modified date:
17 June 2021