IBM Support

Using the validation utility in IBM DB2 Content Manager V8.4

Question & Answer


The validation utility has been restructured in IBM® DB2® Content Manager V8.4. The utility is now Web based and is no longer a combination of two command line utilities (icmrmlsval, icmrmvolval). This document will introduce the validation utility within the Resource Manager Administration Console.


The validation utility in DB2 Content Manager V8.4 is part of the web based Resource Manager Administration Console. The validation utility results are stored in a table named RMVALREPORT in the resource manager database and can be viewed under the Validation Report tab in the web based Resource Manager Administration Console. In Content Manager v8.4.3, the validation utility reports are also generated in XML files. The latest information for v8.4.3 validation utility can be found at:

There are several advantages in having the report stored in RMVALREPORT:

  • Results can be seen while the validator is running.
  • Results are stored in a common place.
  • Results can be directly used in SQL queries with other tables for further investigation.

The URL of the resource manager administration console is https://<rmhost>:<https_port>/<rm_context>/admin
  • <rmhost> is the resource manager hostname or the Web server from which it can be accessed.
  • <https_port> is the secured port from which resource manager properties can be accessed in DB2 Content Manager.
  • <rm_context> is the context root for the resource manager.

For example, the URL can be https://localhost:9443/icmrm/admin.

To access the new validation utility, first log on to the resource manager administration console using the resource manager administrator user name and password.

Then go to the Validator tab and enter the following information:
  • (optional) Enter the "begin date" and "end date" in the appropriate fields.
  • (optional) Select a storage volume to validate.
  • Click Start.

While the validator is running, it is possible to query the results by clicking on the Validation Report tab at any time.
The report shows the errors that have been found by validator during the past and current execution. If you see such errors, it is recommended to contact IBM Software Support for assistance.

Sample screenshot for the validation report

Important: Errors that are reported in the validation report are not cleaned automatically in order to keep the previous results for later processing. But if you would like to clean the report before restarting the validator, you will need to manually delete the rows from the table RMVALREPORT using the following SQL command:
delete from RMVALREPORT

[{"Product":{"code":"SSRS7Z","label":"IBM Content Manager Enterprise Edition"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Utilities","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"8.4","Edition":"Enterprise","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

