IBM Support

Using the CWBCFG Utility to Configure IBM i Access Client Solutions Windows Application Package TCP Connections for Multiple Users And Services



Use the CWBCFG command from a Microsoft Windows command line to add or change IBM i Access Client Solutions Windows Application Package configuration information for all users defined on a Windows workstation or server.

Resolving The Problem

Use the CWBCFG command from an elevated Microsoft Windows Command (DOS) prompt to add or change IBM i Access Client Solutions Windows Application Package configuration information for all users defined on a Windows workstation or server. This tool also adds configuration information for the default profile that is copied when a new user is created; this entry is typically used by Windows services.

You can add or change the IBM i server connection definition, which includes specifying the hostname, TCP/IP address, default user ID, and default SSL setting. The connection appears in the list of connections in the IBM i Access Client Solutions 'Copy Connections' feature on the Windows side of the panel for all users of the PC.

For the older IBM i Access for Windows client, you can also add or change the location that the PC5250 emulator looks in when it opens or creates files. This setting is normally configured by each user on the PC5250 tab of IBM i Access for Windows Properties. Use the CWBCFG to set the connection definitions to the same values for all users of the PC. Users can change it later by using the PC5250 tab.  Note this feature has no effect on the IBM i Access Client Solutions client emulator.

CWBCFG [/host hostname] [/ipaddr address] [/uid userid] [/fips switch] [/ssl switch] [/dns] [/pc5250path path] [/del] [/r] [/s]

Parameter Parameter Description
/host Designates the connection name.
/ipaddr The address can be the actual IP address of the host, or one of the following:

*ALWAYS - look up the address every time a connection is attempted

*HOURLY - look up the address when an hour expired since last lookup

*DAILY - look up the address when a day expired since last lookup

*WEEKLY - look up the address when a week expired since last lookup

*STARTUP - look up the address when Windows is started

Note: If the IP address is specified, the IP address lookup frequency is Never, since the specified address is always used.
/uid Designates the user ID to use for connections to this server. Valid values are:/uid userid - where userid is the default user ID used.
*WINLOGON - defaults to using Windows logon credentials

*PROMPTALWAYS - prompts at least once each time you run a program

*KERBEROS - use Kerberos principal name, no prompting
/fips The switch is 0 to turn off IFPS mode, or 1 to turn it on
/ssl The switch is 0 to turn off SSL mode, or 1 to turn it on
/dns Enables DNS search to check whether the system has a valid IP address
/pc5250path The path can be the actual path for PC5250 files or one of the following:
*MYAPPDATA - within each user's Application Data folder

*ALLUSERSAPPDATA - within the All Users Application Data folder
/del Deletes existing configuration
/r Replaces existing configuration information
/s configures the host only for the .default user (mainly for services)


CWBCFG /host YourHostName /ipaddr /uid YourUserID /r
This example replaces the existing configuration information for all defined users and the Windows default user on the host YourHostName.
CWBCFG /host YourHostName /ssl 1 /s /r
This example updates the default connection information for YourHostName to use SSL.

This example sets the path, that the PC5250 looks for and saves files to, based under each user’s own Application Data folder location.

1. The command can be run only by an administrator on Windows.
2. Connection configuration additions or changes apply only to the active environment.
3. When you add a connection, the /s parameter enables the ODBC driver and other components to be used from Windows service programs running under the Local System account.
4. If no parameters are specified with the command, all Default User profile system configuration entries are displayed.
5. Specify the TCP/IP address when the hostname is not defined on a domain name server (DNS) or in a host table entry.
6. Use of the /pc5250path parameter configures only the open and save path that PC5250 uses. It does not move or copy any PC5250 files from the previous location to the new location. Manually moving or copying these files might be required for PC5250 to function properly after CWBCFG is run.
7. Windows 7 and later can give unpredictable results when you use the /s parameter. Use the /s option for services.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"6.1.0"}]

Historical Number


Document Information

Modified date:
20 July 2021

