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Upgrade planning - Future software releases

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Upgrade planning - Future software releases

IBM i 7.5 will be the last release that will deliver the following functions from the IBM i portfolio:

IBM i functions

Packaging (LPP, Installable Option, Menu Option)

Replacement product information

Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) server

Function in IBM i (5770-SS1) base

A replacement function is the Internet Systems Consortium's (ISC) DHCP Server called Kea. This is not the only replacement product available. Other companies may also offer function which provides a DHCP server.

Native Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server

Function in IBM i (5770-SS1) base

A replacement function is the Internet Systems Consortium's (ISC) DHCP Server called Kea. This is not the only replacement product available. Other companies may also offer function which provides a DHCP server.

Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS)

Function in IBM i (5770-SS1) base


Domain Name System (DNS) Server

Function in IBM i (5770-SS1) option 31

There are many external DNS servers available in the marketplace that can be leveraged.

Route Daemon (RouteD)

Function in IBM i (5770-SS1) base

IBM i's OMPROUTED is an alternative to RouteD. OMPROUTED supports RIP, RIP next generation (RIPng) for Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6), and Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) routing protocols.

Virtual Private Network (VPN) Internet Key Exchange version 1 (IKEv1) protocol

Function in IBM i (5770-SS1) base

IBM i's more modern and secure replacement is VPN IKEv2 protocol.

IP Payload Compression protocol (IPComp)

Function in IBM i (5770-SS1) base

IPComp is supported with IKEv1 but not IKEv2. Because IKEv1 is being withdrawn, IPComp is also being withdrawn.

Quality of Service (QoS) Server

Function in IBM i (5770-SS1) base


FAX (IBM Facsimile Support for i)


Replacement Fax solutions include these products:
- CloudFax from International Presence
- FastFax from Fresche Solutions
- BlueSeries Fax from System & Method A/S

These are not the only replacement products available. Other companies may also offer function which provides a Fax solution.

FRCA (Fast Response Cache Accelerator) for HTTP Server

Function in IBM i (5770-SS1) base

The IBM HTTP Server for i (Powered by Apache) has several built-in caching options.

Performance Graphics

Performance Tools for i (5770-PT1) option 9

Navigator for i

Performance Advisor

Performance Tools for i (5770-PT1) option 10


Graphical Data Display Manager (GDDM)

IBM i (5770-SS1) option 14



IBM i (5770-SS1) option 23

The main use of OptiConnect is for ObjectConnect (another installable option of 5770-SS1) to run over virtual OptiConnect. Running ObjectConnect over IP with TLS (Transport Layer Security) is an alternative.

Binary Synchronous Communications (Bisync) protocol

Function in IBM i (5770-SS1) base


Point to Point Protocol (PPP) and Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP)

Function in IBM i (5770-SS1) base


IBM Technology for Java 11 64bit IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition

5770-JV1 option 19
5770-JV1 option 20

Use a supported Java release, such as Java 8 or Java 17.

IBM Rational Development Studio for i Application Development Toolset is withdrawing selected tools:
- Report Layout Utility (RLU)
- Screen Design Aid (SDA)
- File Compare and Merge Utility (FCMU)
- Advanced Printer Function (APF)
- Character Generator Utility (CGU)
- Data File Utility (DFU)

Rational Development Studio for i (5770-WDS) option 21

There are several options for replacement, including Rational Developer for i, Code for i, and others.

Business Graphics Utility


There are several options for replacement, including Rational Developer for i, Code for i, and others.

IBM Technology for Java 11 64bit (Option 19 of product 5770-JV1)

Installable option in product JV1

Use supported Java releases.

Management Central

Installed as part of the operating system

The only access to Management Central is through Access for Windows which was removed from support in April 2019.

IBM Universal Manageability Enablement



CICS Transaction Server for i 5770-DFH
There is no direct replacement for IBM CICS Transaction Server for i.  The best option is to migrate to IBM i native options such as CL commands, Rest API, or other custom applications. A company that provides consulting services for migrating clients from CICS Transaction Server for i to IBM i native options, such as CL commands, Rest API, or other custom applications, is HiComp (  This is not the only company that offers such migration services.  Other companies may also offer services for migrating customers from CICS Transaction Server for i.   
XML Toolkit for i 5733-XT2 5733-XT2 and all options have gone out of service starting September 2023. Among the replacement products for XML Toolkit for i are IBM Db2 for i support for XML, noxDB, and eXpat. Other companies may also offer function which replaces XML Toolkit for i.
Non-expiring license for IBM Backup, Recovery and Media Services for i 5770-BR1 Use 5770-BR2.

Additional resources

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB68","label":"Power HW"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU070","label":"IBM Infrastructure"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000000C4BAAU","label":"IBM i"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"7.1.0;7.2.0;7.3.0;7.4.0;7.5.0"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 January 2025

