Flashes (Alerts)
Administrators or users might encounter an Event Processor exception that can cause data loss as events are not properly written to disk. Users on impacted versions must complete a Deploy Full Configuration. An interim fix is available on IBM Fix Central to mitigate the issue on affected versions.
Urgency of the issue
Critical. Administrators who encounter APAR IJ21718 can experience data loss due to a custom property concurrency issue. A detailed explanation of APAR IJ21718 is available from QRadar Support team here: https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/node/1142758. Administrators are being alerted to this issue so they can complete a Deploy Full Configuration, then install the available interim fix.
Affected products and versions
- QRadar 7.3.2 Patch 5 (
- QRadar 7.3.3 (
- QRadar 7.3.3 Patch 1 (
QRadar on Cloud Notice: QRadar on Cloud Consoles and Event Processors are being monitored for occurrences of APAR IJ21718 and this notice is informational only.
How to locate QRadar Event Processors in the deployment
- From the Admin tab, click System & License Management > Systems.
Administrators can review the list of systems in your deployment. Event Processors are 16xx or 18xx appliances. QRadar Consoles or All-on-One appliances are identified as 31xx. Where xx is a numeric identifier for appliance capability.
- Optional. Administrators with root access or large deployments can get a report of appliances with the following command: /opt/qradar/support/deployment_info.sh -O
[root@qr732-3199-2553 support]# ./deployment_info.sh -O
INFO: Gathering deployment information. This may take a while...
Hostname IP HA Status Appliance Hardware
qr732-3199-2553 N/A 3199 VMware Virtual Platform
qr732-1699-2566 N/A 1699 VMware Virtual Platform
qr732-1599-2570 N/A 1599 VMware Virtual Platform
If you have Event Processor appliances in the network, administrators can confirm that they are not experiencing search issues. When a concurrency issue occurs in ariel, search results from the Log Activity tab can return: 'The server encountered an error reading one or more files' error messages. An error is recorded in /var/log/qradar.log on the appliance and can be used to confirm concurrency issues. For example:[ecs-ep.ecs-ep] [Ariel Writer#events] com.q1labs.frameworks.core.ThreadExceptionHandler: [ERROR] [NOT:0000003000][XX.XX.XX.XX/- -] [-/- -]Exception was uncaught in thread: Ariel Writer#events
- Log in to the QRadar Console.
- Click the Admin tab.
- Click Advanced > Deploy Full Configuration.
- Click Continue to confirm.
- Wait for the full deploy to complete.
- Download the QRadar 7.3.2 Patch 5 interim fix 1 from IBM Fix Central: http://www.ibm.com/support/fixcentral/swg/quickorder?parent=IBM%20Security&product=ibm/Other+software/IBM+Security+QRadar+SIEM&release=7.3.0&platform=All&function=fixId&fixids=7.3.2-QRADAR-QRSIEM-20191220232616INT&includeSupersedes=0&source=fc
- Install the interim fix per the release notes: https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/node/1142842
After the interim fix is applied, the data loss issue is resolved. If you see 'The server encountered an error reading one or more files' in Log Activity, you can open a QRadar Support case. A support representative can resolve the file read error from the original incident.
- Download the QRadar 7.3.3 FP 1 from IBM Fix Central: http://www.ibm.com/support/fixcentral/swg/quickorder?parent=IBM%20Security&product=ibm/Other+software/IBM+Security+QRadar+SIEM&release=7.3.0&platform=All&function=fixId&fixids=7.3.3-QRADAR-QRSIEM-20191203144110&includeSupersedes=0&source=fc
Install the update per the release notes: https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/node/1125987
Download the QRadar 7.3.3 Patch 1 interim fix 1 from IBM Fix Central: http://www.ibm.com/support/fixcentral/swg/quickorder?parent=IBM%20Security&product=ibm/Other+software/IBM+Security+QRadar+SIEM&release=7.3.0&platform=All&function=fixId&fixids=7.3.3-QRADAR-QRSIEM-20191220154048INT&includeSupersedes=0&source=fc
- Install the interim fix per the release notes: https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/node/1142836
Note: Administrators who are unable to patch their system due to the holiday season and staffing can contact QRadar Support. The support team can install a hotfix (jar) file to Event Processors in the deployment to assist administrators who cannot apply a fix pack (patch) and interim fix. Instructions on how to open a case for this issue are provided in this alert for administrators.
- Download the QRadar 7.3.3 Patch 1 interim fix 1 from IBM Fix Central: http://www.ibm.com/support/fixcentral/swg/quickorder?parent=IBM%20Security&product=ibm/Other+software/IBM+Security+QRadar+SIEM&release=7.3.0&platform=All&function=fixId&fixids=7.3.3-QRADAR-QRSIEM-20191220154048INT&includeSupersedes=0&source=fc
- Install the interim fix per the release notes: https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/node/1142836
After the interim fix is applied, the data loss issue is resolved. If you see 'The server encountered an error reading one or more files' in Log Activity, you can open a QRadar Support case. A support representative can resolve the file read error from the original incident.
Required support case details
If you see recurring search 'The server encountered an error reading one or more files' errors messages or the logs repeatedly report
Exception was uncaught in thread: Ariel Writer#events
, you can open a case with QRadar Support. Administrators must include the following information in your case:- In the summary field, type: IJ21718: Exception in ariel on Event Processor
- In your description, inform the support representative of any actions/workarounds you have completed.
- Provide updated contact information (email and phone number).
NOTE: This is important as we understand it is the holiday season and we want to confirm we contact the correct team members. - Provide logs for your QRadar Console and the Event Collector.
NOTE: You can select multiple appliances in the Admin > System and License Management > Select multiple appliances > Actions > Collect log files in user interface. Optionally, you can use the /opt/qradar/support/get_logs.sh utility from the command-line interface of the Event Processor appliance. For more information on collecting logs in QRadar, see: https://ibm.biz/qradarlogs.
NOTE: If you are unsure of the impact to your system or if you have follow-up questions, you can open a case with the QRadar Support team or ask about questions and updates here: https://developer.ibm.com/answers/questions/525244/flash-notice-apar-ij21718-ariel-writer-concurrency.html.
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Document Information
Modified date:
21 December 2019