IBM Support

Upcoming Events in Second Life

Technical Blog Post


Upcoming Events in Second Life


I hope everyone enjoyed the French Open in Second Life! Here are some upcoming events:

  • Rational Software Development Conference comes to Second Life

    As part of its commitment to the developer community, IBM is broadening the experience for conference visitors and avatars visiting IBM CODESTATION, in the virtual world of Second Life. During RSDC this year, visitors can view the General Sessions, catch Rational product demonstrations, interact with Rational experts, and learn about the first CODESTATION "Coder's Challenge" kicking off in July.

    For Rational Software Development Conference (RSDC) information and registration, running June 10-14:here

  • Virtual Technical Briefing in Second Life: Web 2.0

    Join IBM developerWorks in Second Life for a virtual Web 2.0 Briefing on June 21, 2007 at 12:30 pm EDT/ 9:30 am PDT. During this briefing from IBM developerWorks you'll see presentations on Web 2.0 technologies, a flash demo of associated hot technologies and have a chance to have your questions answered by IBM experts.

    In the last two years Web 2.0 has created one of the most remarkable growth surges in Web application history. The transition of consumer Web sites from isolated information silos to sources of shared content and functionality, make the Web a true computing platform serving web applications to end-users. Now it's time to take the lessons learned from that success and see how it can bring value to you and your business.

    Details are located: here

  • Meet the System Storage Experts

    Based on our success for our April 26 event, we decided to have the next event in September. More details to follow,but we plan to have it open to customers, analysts and business partners. If you are interested in participating, now is a good time to get your avatar in second life up and running. If you need "System Storage", "IBM Business Partner" logo clothing for your avatar, send me a note.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"HW206","label":"Storage Systems"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB26","label":"Storage"}}]

