IBM Support

TXSeries CICS showProcInfo documents collector on Windows: cspi.exe



When customer needs to gather showProcInfo.exe output against the hung CICS processes on Windows platform, cspi can collect the documents automatically.


When there are multiple CICS regions configured on Windows system,
and if some of regions are hanging, running showProcInfo against process IDs
from those hanging CICS regions is a really difficult job to do.
If TXSeries CICS is running on Windows platform, the customer must check the console file first, and run "CEMT INQUIRE TASK" to book the PIDs of application server, and then verify them with Windows Task Manager. These steps take time and can be prone to mistakes. However, cspi program can do this job without any trouble.


To prevent mistakes and save times in collecting information on Windows system


TXSeries CICS on Windows

Diagnosing The Problem

Documents will be collected without further instructions automatically

Resolving The Problem

Starting with TXSeries V7.1.0.4 and V8.1.0.0 the showProcInfo utility is included with the product. It can be found in directory c:\opt\cics\etc.

To install the collection tool follow the step below. Additional details are explained following the list of steps.

Install and Execution Steps:

  • Download the to the TXSeries system.
  • Extract the executable to a directory.
  • Download sleep.exe from Microsoft and install.
  • Open the command prompt. Change directory where cspi.exe is installed.
  • Run cspi.exe program in the Command Prompt window.
  • Collect the documents under the showProcInfo output directory. The default is C:\tmp directory.
  • Collect mini dump files from \var\cics_debuginfo\CICS_RegionName\YYYYMMDD_HHMM directory. The directory will be on the same drive where the regions are defined.
  • Zip the files together and send the .zip to ECuRep using the instructions at


The new tool cspi.exe will call showProcInfo.exe automating the generation of the stack dumps..
Just have the CICS administrator supply the CICS region name as the argument to CSPI and wait for the tool to finish. Program cspi.exe is using Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line (wmic) utility to collect information on the processes.


Executable in .zip file:

The cspi will call showProcInfo three times in two minutes interval against each processes. To do this the 'sleep' function is required. However, this is not available in the default windows install. The Customer has to install 'sleep.exe' from the below link:

This toolkit is from "Windows 2003 Resource Kit".

C:> cspi.exe CICS_Region_Name

Output from script execution:
C:\opt\djkim\exe_Text>cspi djkim1
Start 1st Round of showProcInfo....
Start 2nd Round of showProcInfo....
Start 3rd Round of showProcInfo....
Collect documents under showProcInfo defined output directory.
Mini dump files are at C:\var\cics_debuginfo\djkim1\20100616_1401

For example, if CICS region directories are at D: drive, then above C:\var\cics_debuginfo
directory will be created under D: drive.

When the location of the showProcInfo files has to be changed from the default C:\tmp, edit the C:/windows/config.spi file with the write utility. Alter the directory location to one suitable for your installation. Changing it to the same directory as the mini dumps would be a good location.

2008 and later version:
Here is the updated version for operating system versions 2008 and later. It was tested on 2012 also.
The change was to switch from the sleep utility to the timeout command. No longer will the sleep utility
need to be downloaded and installed. The timeout command is supplied with the 2008 operating
system. Using the timeout command shows a countdown line in the command prompt. If the enter key is pressed during the countdown the timer will expire and the next set of collections will start allowing the time between collections to be shortened.

With TXSeries V7.1.0.4 the showProcInfo utility was changed. The output of the stack dumps are dependent on the "OutputFilePath" setting in file C:\windows\config.spi. If the file is not present, executing the /opt/cics/etc/showProcInfo.exe will generate it on first use. The showProcInfo should be run in a command prompt.
The default location for the dump files is still in the C:\var\cics_debuginfo directory but will vary depending on the datapath setting for the product. datapath is found in the registry under TXSeries.

The executable is in the zip file.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSAL2T","label":"TXSeries for Multiplatforms"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Component":"CICS","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"6.0;6.1;6.2;7.1","Edition":"Workstation","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
02 August 2018

