A script written to perform the edit on the XML formatted kcirunas.cfg file has been updated. This script reduces the complexity of update instructions and update actions. The script also provides a mechanism for scripting, or automating, the activity. This will also reduce the introduction of errors by performing kcirunas.cfg related work-arounds. Usage: Non-instance agents kciedit -t TYPE -r RUNAS [-s START] [-h CANDLEHOME] [-m] [-d] {add|del} kciedit -t TYPE [-r RUNAS] -s START [-h CANDLEHOME] [-m] [-d] {add|del} Instance agents kciedit -t TYPE -i INSTANCE [-r RUNAS] [-s START] [-h CANDLEHOME] [-m] [-d] {add|del} All agents kciedit [-h CANDLEHOME] [-m] [-d] list Where: -t TYPE TYPE is the application type or code; ux,ud,lz,mq,... -i INSTANCE INSTANCE is the instance name that is required for applications which support instances. '@DEFAULT@' means default setting for all instances. 'None' means setting for the "default" or unspecified instance. -r RUNAS RUNAS is the ID that the application will run as. -s START START is 'yes' or 'no'. 'yes' means entry added to reboot script will be active. 'no' means entry added to reboot script will be commented out. -h CANDLEHOME CANDLEHOME is the ITM installation directory. -m Search for kcirunas.cfg in the same directory as this script to allow for updating a media image before install. The default behavior is to search $CANDLEHOME/config. -d Set debug mode. Write diagnostic information to a trace log. If -m was not specified, $CANDLEHOME/logs/kciedit.log is used If -m was specified, /tmp/kciedit.log is used instead. add Action verb, attempt to add an entry. del Action verb, attempt to delete an entry. list Action verb, list the existing, non-comment, entries. Note: The Action verb must be the last option. Note: For the action verbs: add and del, at least one of "-i INSTANCE" or "-r RUNAS" or "-s START" is required. All may be supplied. Note: Entries can be added for application types that are not (yet) installed. Note: RUNAS is validated and must be an available user ID for this system. Note: "-i @DEFAULT@" defines default setting for all instances of the specified TYPE. "-i None" defines setting for only the "default" or unspecified instance of the specified TYPE. Note: kciedit does not require root authority to run and update the kcirunas.cfg file. Note: UpdateAutoRun.sh does require root authority to run and MUST be run after making updates to the kcirunas.cfg file so that the autostart script will be regenerated. Allowable actions: You can add new entries You can list existing entries. You can delete existing entries. You can not modify existing entries, you can only list or delete them. You can not list or delete commented out entries. You may add multiple entries with the same TYPE and a different INSTANCE. You may not add two entries with the same TYPE and INSTANCE. When specifying an entry to delete, you must supply all of the parameters required for an exact match. It the entry contains values for the TYPE, INSTANCE and RUNAS and START, you must specify the parameters for each value contained in the entry and they must match the entry, including case, or the entry will not be removed. Return codes: The script sets a system return code and does not return a string unless a specification error occurs. The script will return a return code of 0 for successful completion. The entry was added or removed. The entries were listed. The script will return a return code of 4 for warnings. The entry to be added already exists The entry to be removed does not exist The script will return a return code of 8 for errors. All usage/parameter related errors. All file processing/corruption related errors. An attempt was made to add a second entry with the same TYPE and INSTANCE and a different RUNAS and/or START Examples: ./kciedit list ./kciedit -h /data/ITM/IBM list ./kciedit -m list ./kciedit -d list ./kciedit -t ux -r itmuser add ./kciedit -t ux -s no add ./kciedit -t ux -i @DEFAULT@ -s no add ./kciedit -t ux -r itmuser -s yes add ./kciedit -t ux -r itmuser del ./kciedit -t ux -s no del ./kciedit -t ux -i @DEFAULT@ -s no del ./kciedit -t ux -r itmuser -s yes del ./kciedit -t ud -i db2instw add ./kciedit -t ud -i db2instx -s no add ./kciedit -t ud -i db2instx -r itmuser add ./kciedit -t ud -i db2insty -r itmuser add ./kciedit -t ud -i db2instz -r itmuser add ./kciedit -t ud -i @DEFAULT@ -r itmuser add ./kciedit -t ud -i db2instx add ./kciedit -t ud -i db2insty add ./kciedit -t ud -i db2instz add ./kciedit -t ud -i @DEFAULT@ -r itmuser add ./kciedit -t ud -i db2instx -s no add ./kciedit -t ud -i db2instw del ./kciedit -t ud -i db2instx -s no del ./kciedit -t ud -i db2instx -r itmuser del ./kciedit -t ud -i db2insty -r itmuser del ./kciedit -t ud -i db2instz -r itmuser del ./kciedit -t ud -i @DEFAULT@ -r itmuser del ./kciedit -t ud -i db2instx del ./kciedit -t ud -i db2insty del ./kciedit -t ud -i db2instz del ./kciedit -t ud -i @DEFAULT@ -r itmuser del ./kciedit -t ud -i db2instx -s no del ./kciedit -t mq -i MQM01 add ./kciedit -t mq -i MQM01 -s no add ./kciedit -t mq -i MQM01 -r mqm add ./kciedit -t mq -i MQM02 -r mqm add ./kciedit -t mq -i MQM03 -r mqm add ./kciedit -t mq -i @DEFAULT@ -r mqm add ./kciedit -t mq -i MQM01 add ./kciedit -t mq -i MQM02 add ./kciedit -t mq -i MQM03 add ./kciedit -t mq -i @DEFAULT@ -r mqm add ./kciedit -t mq -i None -s no add ./kciedit -t mq -i MQM01 del ./kciedit -t mq -i MQM01 -s no del ./kciedit -t mq -i MQM01 -r mqm del ./kciedit -t mq -i MQM02 -r mqm del ./kciedit -t mq -i MQM03 -r mqm del ./kciedit -t mq -i @DEFAULT@ -r mqm del ./kciedit -t mq -i MQM01 del ./kciedit -t mq -i MQM02 del ./kciedit -t mq -i MQM03 del ./kciedit -t mq -i @DEFAULT@ -r mqm del ./kciedit -t mq -i None -s no del