IBM Communications Server v6.2.2.0 for Linux on System z (s390, s390x) INSTALLATION AND RELEASE NOTES 5724-I34 * (c) Copyright International Business Machines Corp. 2003, 2006 * All Rights Reserved * Licensed Material - Property of IBM * * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. Table of Contents ----------------- 0. Third-party license terms and conditions, notices, and information 1. About this release 1.1 New in this release 1.2 Product fix history 1.3 Product compatibility 2. Installation information 2.1 Hardware requirements 2.2 Software requirements 2.2.1 Linux operating system version 2.2.2 Linux Streams (LiS) 2.18.0 2.2.3 OpenMOTIF 2.2.4 Java 2.2.5 SSL 2.2.6 WebSphere Application Server 2.3 Installation process 2.3.1 Installing the base 2.3.2 Post-install cleanup 3. Uninstallation information 4. Known limitations and problems 5. Documentation updates 6. Notices and trademarks 0. Third-party license terms and conditions, notices, and information ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The relevant terms and conditions, notices and other information are provided in the "LICENSE.TXT" file in the 'drivers' subdirectory within the ibm-commserver- file on the installation media for this product. Please note that any non-English version of the information in this file is unofficial and is provided to you for your convenience only. The English version of the file is the official version. 1. About this release ---------------------- Communications Server for Linux on System z provides SNA connectivity for 31-bit and 64-bit Linux for System z servers, allowing them to connect to IBM z/OS Communications Server and other SNA implementations that support Enterprise Extender, 802.2, and MPC connections. The Remote API Clients which work best with the Communications Server for Linux v6.2.2 servers are the clients. The release numbers do not match because the clients are also shipped with CS/AIX v6.3. 1.1 New in this release ------------------------ This release includes enhancements for: - client-server via HTTPS - SLES10 Linux distributions - Windows 64bit client - Linux x86_64 client & server In Communications Server for Linux v6.2.2 for System z you can configure WAN linkstations (sdlc & x.25) but there are no WAN adapters or drivers available for Linux on System z. 1.2 Product fix history ------------------------ This release contains all the fixes for the Communications Server for Linux on zSeries v6.2.1 product. Please check the web sites: for the latest information about this product. You can use the public newsgroup: news:// for informal Question & Answer support. 1.3 Product compatibility -------------------------- If you are using EE (HPR/IP) connections to z/OS v1r5, you should have the fix for z/OS APAR OA06668 applied to the z/OS system. If you use qeth/qdio devices on linux 2.6 under VM, you should apply the fix for VM APAR VM63685. 1.4 Viewing the Documentation ------------------------------ The Communications Server for Linux documentation is available on the QuickStart CD in the 'DOCS' subdirectory in PDF format. The publication names and numbers map to the PDF file names as shown below: Publication name Book number PDF filename ----------------------------------- ------------ ------------ Quick Beginnings GC31-6768-01 czx00101.pdf Quick Beginnings on System z GC31-6769-01 czx00201.pdf Administration Command Reference SC31-6770-01 czx00301.pdf Administration Guide SC31-6771-01 czx00401.pdf APPC Application Suite User's Guide SC31-6772-01 czx00501.pdf APPC Programmer's Guide SC31-6773-01 czx00601.pdf CPI-C Programmer's Guide SC31-6774-01 czx00701.pdf CSV Programmer's Guide SC31-6775-01 czx00801.pdf LUA Programmer's Guide SC31-6776-01 czx00901.pdf MS Programmer's Guide SC31-6777-01 czx01101.pdf NOF Programmer's Guide SC31-6778-01 czx01201.pdf Diagnostics Guide GC31-6779-01 czx01301.pdf Glossary GC31-6780-01 czx01401.pdf For Adobe Acrobat users on Windows, there is a zip file in the DOCS subdirectory which contains the indices needed to enable cross-manual searching. To install this index: - copy the zip file to a Windows PC and un-zip it - from within Adobe Acrobat: Select Edit --> Search --> Select Indexes Within the index selection, add the books.pdx file. To perform a search: - Select Edit -->Search -->Query. - Select the index you want to search, in this case, Communications Server for Linux books. OR -- insert the term for which you want to search the library. Search results will be across all the books in the library. The Communications Server for Linux documentation is also available on the Internet at: 2. Installation information ---------------------------- The Communications Server for Linux on System z product is shipped as a CD-ROM containing this README file and a compressed tar file (tgz). The tgz file contains the RPMS, install shell scripts, and licensing tool. You will need an FTP server or other method of transfering files into the Linux for System z server. This file has details for the server component of Communications Server for Linux when installed on a 31 or 64bit Linux for System z server (s390 or s390x). If you are installing one of the IBM Remote API Clients see the appropriate README file in the ibm-commserver-clients subdirectories on the Remote API Clients CD. 2.1 Hardware requirements -------------------------- Communications Server for Linux on System z requires a 31 or 64-bit System z9 or zSeries server supported by one of the Linux distributions listed in section 2.2.1 Linux operating system version. Use the 'uname -m' command to verify the CPU class. It must report 's390' to indicate a 31-bit environment or 's390x' to indicate a 64-bit environment. 2.2 Software requirements -------------------------- 2.2.1 Linux operating system version ------------------------------------- This version of Communications Server for Linux has been tested with the following Linux operating system versions. RedHat Enterprise Linux 3 for S/390 (RHEL3-s390) RedHat Enterprise Linux 3 for zSeries (RHEL3-s390x) RedHat Enterprise Linux 4 for S/390 (RHEL4-s390) RedHat Enterprise Linux 4 for zSeries (RHEL4-s390x) SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 for IBM Mainframe (SLES8-s390*) SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 for IBM Mainframe (SLES9-s390*) SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 for IBM Mainframe (SLES10-s390x) For each operating system version you also need to have loaded a set of optional RPMs. Some of these RPMs come from the Linux install media and some need to be downloaded (the URLs or FTP sites for the download sites are described later). Each of the RPMs which you need to download are noted with "(download)". Use the "rpm -q -a" command to see what packages are currently installed. The lists below specify the minimum recommended levels of these RPMs. Later levels should also work. For the 64-bit distributions, some 31-bit ('s390.rpm') packages are needed in addition to the 64-bit ('s390x.rpm') packages. These are noted in the lists below. RedHat Enterprise Linux 3 for S/390 (RHEL3-s390) ------------------------------------------------ Required: kernel-2.4.21-27.EL.s390 kernel-source-2.4.21-27.EL.s390 glibc-kernheaders-2.4-8.34.s390 gcc-3.2.3-20.s390 make-3.79.1-17.s390 binutils- patch-2.5.4-16.s390 XFree86-libs-4.3.0-35.EL.s390 rpm-4.2.3-13 (from Optional, needed for xsnaadmin: XFree86-4.3.0-35.EL.s390 openmotif-2.2.16.s390 Optional, needed for SSL: libstdc++-3.2.3-49.s390 Optional, needed for JavaCPI-C: IBMJava2-142-z31-SDK-1.4.2-3 (download) RedHat Enterprise Linux 3 for zSeries (RHEL3-s390x) --------------------------------------------------- Required: kernel-2.4.21-27.EL.s390x kernel-source-2.4.21-27.EL.s390x glibc-kernheaders-2.4-8.34.s390x gcc-3.2.3-20.s390x make-3.79.1-17.s390x binutils- patch-2.5.4-16.s390x XFree86-libs-4.3.0-35.EL.s390x XFree86-libs-4.3.0-35.EL.s390 (note 's390') glibc-2.3.2-95.3.s390x glibc-2.3.2-95.3.s390 (note 's390') glibc-devel-2.3.2-95.3.s390x glibc-devel-2.3.2-95.3.s390 (note 's390') glib-1.2.10-11.1.s390x glib-1.2.10-11.1.s390 (note 's390') rpm-4.2.3-13 (from Optional, needed for xsnaadmin: XFree86-4.3.0-35.EL.s390x openmotif-2.2.16.s390 (note 's390') Optional, needed for SSL: libstdc++-3.2.3-49.s390 (note 's390') Optional, needed for JavaCPI-C: IBMJava2-142-z31-SDK-1.4.2-3 (download) RedHat Enterprise Linux 4 for S/390 (RHEL4-s390) ------------------------------------------------ Required: kernel-2.6.9-5.EL.s390 kernel-devel-2.6.9-5.EL.s390 glibc-kernheaders-2.4-9.1.87.s390 gcc-3.4.3-9.EL4.s390 make-3.80-5.s390 patch-2.5.4-20.s390 libgcc-3.4.4-2.s390 xorg-x11-libs-6.8.1-23.EL.s390 xorg-x11-deprecated-libs-6.8.1-23.EL.s390 Optional, needed for xsnaadmin: xorg-x11-6.8.1-23.EL.s390 openmotif-2.2.3-6.RHEL4.2.s390 Optional, needed for SSL: compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-47.3 Optional, needed for JavaCPI-C: IBMJava2-142-z31-SDK-1.4.2-3 (download) RedHat Enterprise Linux 4 for zSeries (RHEL4-s390x) --------------------------------------------------- Required: kernel-2.6.9-5.EL.s390x kernel-devel-2.6.9-5.EL.s390x glibc-kernheaders-2.4-9.1.87.s390x gcc-3.4.3-9.EL4.s390x make-3.80-5.s390x patch-2.5.4-20.s390x glibc-2.3.4-2.s390x glibc-2.3.4-2.s390 (note 's390') glibc-devel-2.3.4-2.s390x glibc-devel-2.3.4-2.s390 (note 's390') glib-1.2.10-15.s390x glib-1.2.10-15.s390 (note 's390') libgcc-3.4.4-2.s390 (note 's390') xorg-x11-libs-6.8.1-23.EL.s390x xorg-x11-libs-6.8.1-23.EL.s390 (note 's390') xorg-x11-deprecated-libs-6.8.1-23.EL.s390x xorg-x11-deprecated-libs-6.8.1-23.EL.s390 (note 's390') Optional, needed for xsnaadmin: xorg-x11-6.8.1-23.EL.s390 (note 's390') openmotif-2.2.3-6.RHEL4.2.s390 (note 's390') Optional, needed for SSL: compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-47.3.s390 (note 's390') Optional, needed for JavaCPI-C: IBMJava2-142-z31-SDK-1.4.2-3 (download) SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8, 31-bit (SLES8-s390) --------------------------------------------------- Required: k_deflt-2.4.21-266.s390 kernel-source-2.4.21-266 glibc-devel-2.2.5-87.s390 gcc-3.2-34.s390 make-3.79.1-205.s390 binutils- patch-2.5.4-126.s390 xshared-4.2.0-97.s390 Optional, needed for xsnaadmin: xf86-4.2.0-97.s390 openmotif-2.2.2-71.s390 Optional, needed for SSL: libgcc-3.2-32 libstdc++-3.2-32 Optional, needed for JavaCPI-C: IBMJava2-142-z31-SDK-1.4.2-3 (download) SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8, 64-bit (SLES8-s390x) ---------------------------------------------------- Required: k_deflt-2.4.21-266.s390x kernel-source-2.4.21-266.SuSE glibc-devel-2.2.5-79.s390x gcc-3.2-32.s390x make-3.79.1-208.s390x binutils- patch-2.5.4-94.s390x xshared-4.2.0-87.s390x addonlibs-32bit-8.1-9.s390 (note 's390') baselibs-32bit-8.1-9.s390 (note 's390') glibc-32bit-8.1-9.s390 (note 's390') glibc-devel-32bit-8.1-9.s390 (note 's390') s390-32-1.1-23.s390x Optional, needed for xsnaadmin: xf86-4.2.0-87.s390x openmotif-2.2.2-52.s390x Optional, needed for SSL: libgcc-3.2-32 libstdc++-3.2-32 Optional, needed for JavaCPI-C: IBMJava2-142-z31-SDK-1.4.2-3 (download) SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9, 31-bit (SLES9-s390) --------------------------------------------------- Required: kernel-s390-2.6.5-7.145.s390 kernel-source-2.6.5-7.145-s390 kernel-syms-2.6.5-7.145-s390 glibc-devel-2.3.3-98.38.s390 gcc-3.3.3-43.28.s390 make-3.80-184.1.s390 binutils- patch-2.5.9-141.1.s390 XFree86-libs- Optional, needed for xsnaadmin: XFree86- openmotif-2.2.2-519.1 openmotif-libs-2.2.2-519.1 Optional, needed for SSL: libstdc++-3.3.3-43.24 Optional, needed for JavaCPI-C: IBMJava2-142-z31-SDK-1.4.2-3 (download) SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9, 64-bit (SLES9-s390x) ---------------------------------------------------- Required: kernel-s390x-2.6.5-7.145.s390x kernel-source-2.6.5-7.145.s390x kernel-syms-2.6.5-7.145-s390x glibc-devel-2.3.3-98.38.s390x gcc-3.3.3-43.28.s390x make-3.80-184.1.s390x binutils- patch-2.5.9-141.1.s390x XFree86-libs-32bit-9-200501052045.s390 (note 's390') glibc-32bit-9-200501052045.s390 (note 's390') glibc-devel-32bit-9-200501052045.s390 (note 's390') Optional, needed for xsnaadmin: XFree86- openmotif-2.2.2-519.1 openmotif-libs-32bit-9-200407011229.s390 (note 's390') Optional, needed for SSL: libstdc++-32bit-9-200407011411.s390 (note 's390') libgcc-32bit-9-200501052045.s390 (note 's390') Optional, needed for JavaCPI-C: IBMJava2-142-z31-SDK-1.4.2-3 (download) SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10, 64-bit (SLES10-s390x) ------------------------------------------------------ Required: kernel-default-2.6.16 kernel-source-2.6.16 kernel-syms-2.6.16 gcc-4.1.0 make-4.1.0 binutils-2.16.91 patch-2.5.9 xorg-x11-libs-32bit-6.9.0 glibc-32bit-2.4 glibc-devel-2.4 glibc-devel-32bit-2.4 Optional, needed for xsnaadmin: xorg-x11-6.9.0 openmotif-2.2.4 openmotif-libs-32bit-2.2.4 Optional, needed for SSL: compat-libstdc++-5.0.7 Optional, needed for JavaCPI-C: IBMJava2-142-z31-SDK-1.4.2-3 (download) 2.2.2 Linux Streams (LiS) 2.18.0 (plus patch) --------------------------------------------- Communications Server for Linux uses the LiS streams implementation provided by the "LiS" open source project. The 2.18.0 level is required plus a Communications Server for Linux v6.2.2 specific patch. The 2.18.0 level should be used even if there are later levels available, unless IBM support indicates otherwise. If you already have a previous level of LiS installed, or you are about to apply the patch shipped with Communications Server for Linux or are about to change the kernel you are running, or are about to install a new level of Communications Server for Linux, LiS should be completely uninstalled by doing: /opt/ibm/sna/bin/sna stop /opt/ibm/sna/bin/snaulmod unset LD_PRELOAD PATH=$PATH:/sbin cd /usr/src/LiS make uninstall make very-clean cd rm -rf /usr/src/LiS /usr/src/LiS-2.1* # for 2.4 kernels - vi /etc/modules.conf remove any references to 'LiS' or 'streams' # for 2.6 kernels - vi /etc/modprobe.conf remove any references to 'LiS' or 'streams' /sbin/shutdown -r now You may want to delay this reboot until after the 'installibmcs' step is run later in the install process. If you are running SLES 8 SP4 (Service Pack 4) or later you should run the following commands to make sure the kernel source is consistent with the running kernel. cd /usr/src/linux-2.4.21-XXX where 2.4.21-XXX matches the k_deft and kernel-source RPMs make clean make mrproper make cloneconfig make dep If you are running SLES9 you should run the following commands to make sure the kernel source is consistent with the running kernel. cd /usr/src/linux-2.6.5-7.XXX where 2.6.5-7.XXX matches the kernel-s390*, kernel-syms and kernel-source RPMs make cloneconfig make modules_prepare If you are running SLES10 you should run the following commands to make sure the kernel source is consistent with the running kernel. cd /usr/src/ where matches the kernel-s390x, kernel-syms and kernel-source RPMs make cloneconfig make modules_prepare If you are running RHEL4 you should run the following commands to make sure the kernel source is consistent with the running kernel: ln -fs /usr/src/kernels/2.6.9-5.EL-s390 /usr/src/linux or ln -fs /usr/src/kernels/2.6.9-5.EL-s390x /usr/src/linux The LiS package can be obtained from the following URL: The LiS-2.18.0-CS622.patch file is in the 'patches' directory on the Communications Server for Linux CD and also in the 'patches' subdirectory within the ibm-commserver- file. Now copy the LiS-2.18.0.tgz and LiS-2.18.0-CS622.patch files to the /usr/src directory on your Linux system. Make sure to use binary mode if you FTP the tgz file. Execute the following commands to unpack LiS: cd /usr/src tar -xzf LiS-2.18.0.tgz Apply the patch by running the commands: cd /usr/src/LiS-2.18 patch -g0 -p1 < ../LiS-2.18.0-CS622.patch Execute the following commands to build LiS: PATH=$PATH:/sbin cd /usr/src/LiS-2.18 make select the default answer to all the questions, except when installing on SLES9 or SLES10, you should answer 'n' to the 3rd question and then enter: /usr/src/linux make install modprobe streams See for more information on LiS. 2.2.3 OpenMOTIF --------------- The Communications Server for Linux administration GUI ('xsnaadmin') uses the MOTIF implementation from the Open group at the 2.2 level. This is not required for the command-line administration tool ('snaadmin'). Note that this is the 31-bit (s390) openmotif RPM, not the 64-bit (s390x) RPM. 2.2.4 Java ---------- A Java may be needed if you use the JavaCPI-C API. Using the latest 32bit Java 1.4.2 SDK from the web site below satisfies all the requirements. A 64bit Java may be available, but the JavaCPI-C API is 32bit only, even on a 64bit kernel. Install the Java SDK package with a command like: rpm -i IBMJava2-142-z31-SDK-1.4.2-3.0.s390.rpm 2.2.5 SSL --------- If you plan on using SSL with the Communications Server for Linux TN3270 server, you will first need to install the optional RPMs: RedHat Enterprise Linux 3 for S/390 (RHEL3-s390) ------------------------------------------------ libstdc++-3.2.3-49.s390 RedHat Enterprise Linux 3 for zSeries (RHEL3-s390x) --------------------------------------------------- libstdc++-3.2.3-49.s390 RedHat Enterprise Linux 4 for S/390 (RHEL3-s390) ------------------------------------------------ compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-47.3.s390 RedHat Enterprise Linux 4 for zSeries (RHEL3-s390x) --------------------------------------------------- compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-47.3.s390 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8, 31-bit (SLES8-s390) --------------------------------------------------- libgcc-3.2-32 libstdc++-3.2-32 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8, 64-bit (SLES8-s390x) ---------------------------------------------------- libgcc-3.2-32.s390 libstdc++-3.2-32.s390 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9, 31-bit (SLES9-s390) --------------------------------------------------- libstdc++-3.3.3-43.24 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9, 64-bit (SLES9-s390x) ---------------------------------------------------- libstdc++-32bit SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10, 64-bit (SLES10-s390x) ------------------------------------------------------ compat-libstdc++-5.0.7 If the prerequisite RPMs are already installed when Communications Server for Linux is installed, then the gskit RPM (gsk7bas) will be automatically installed at that time. If the prerequisite RPMs are not installed when Communications Server for Linux is installed and at a later time you wish to install the gskit toolkit and co-requisite updates, follow these instructions. - Follow the steps in section 2.3.1 to unpack the tgz file and then run the installgskit shell script. ./installgskit The key manager function of gskit requires a customized Java 1.4.2 JRE, which is shipped as part of the product. To invoke the key manager, just type: snakeyman 2.2.6 WebSphere Application Server ---------------------------------- If you use the HTTPS mode in a client-server environment you need a WebSphere Application Server (WAS) to perform the server side HTTPS function. You should check: for information on the latest WAS PTFs. If you are using WAS 6, then the 6.0.2 update or later is required. 2.3 Installation process ------------------------- 2.3.1 Installing the base ---------------------------------- If you have a level of LiS other than 2.18.0 + CS622 patch, follow the steps in section 2.2.2 to remove it and move to the new LiS level with the new patch before installing Communications Server for Linux. If you have a previous level of Communications Server for Linux already installed, follow the steps in section 3 to remove it before installing this new level. Any old Communications Server for Linux configuration information will be left in place for use by the new installation. To install this level of Communications Server for Linux follow these instructions. - Copy or FTP the ibm-commserver- file from the CD-ROM to the Linux for System z server. Make sure to use binary mode for the tgz file. - Log into the Linux for System z server as root. - Uncompress and unpack the tar file into an empty temporary directory: mkdir /tmp/ibmcs cd /tmp/ibmcs tar -xzf ibm-commserver- - Run the installibmcs shell script ./installibmcs The installibmcs shell script will test for certain pre-requisites and issue warning messages if they are not met. You will be prompted to read and accept the license agreement. You will then prompted for the name of the server that will be the master server in the Communications Server for Linux domain. If you want to run Communications Server for Linux as a standalone node, do not specify this parameter. Once the prompts have been answered the installibmcs tool will install the RPMs. You can convert the node from standalone to being in a domain and visa-versa at a later time using the snanetutil command. - Add the Communications Server for Linux binary directories to your PATH. You may wish to change your profile to do this automatically. export PATH="$PATH:/opt/ibm/sna/bin:/opt/ibm/sna/bin/X11" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib:/opt/ibm/sna/lib export LD_RUN_PATH=/usr/lib:/opt/ibm/sna/lib If you are running 64bit applications, you would use: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64:/opt/ibm/sna/lib64 export LD_RUN_PATH=/usr/lib64:/opt/ibm/sna/lib64 For Java CPI-C applications you should also set the environment variable: export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/opt/ibm/sna/java/cpic.jar - Start Communications Server for Linux. After installation this will happen automatically when the system is rebooted. cd / sna start For systems with limited memory a reboot may be required. For larger systems this may not be needed. If the Communications Server for Linux node fails to start, check the /var/log/messages file for an entry like: kernel: SNA Trace Driver can only get X blocks of memory - please reboot If these messages persist even after rebooting you need more memory or you need to reduce the number of kernel modules. - Run the Communications Server for Linux MOTIF administration tool. We recommend you use the Motif administration program until you are familiar with Communications Server for Linux operation. Simply follow the instructions you are given. You will need to use a remote XWindows server, as Linux for System z only contains XWindows client capability. On the XWindows server, run: xhost +XX where XX is the TCP/IP name or address of the Linux for System z server. Now tell the xsnaadmin client where the X server is and start it up: export DISPLAY=YY:Z xsnaadmin & where YY is the TCP/IP name or address of the XWindows server and Z is the virtual display number (typically '0'). 2.3.3 Post-install cleanup -------------------------- When you are done with the installs, the tgz file and temporary directory created in section 2.3.1 may be erased. 3. Uninstallation information ----------------------------- The Communications Server for Linux packages can be removed with the following commands: /opt/ibm/sna/bin/sna stop rpm -e ibm-commserver-ptf rpm -e ibm-commserver-docs rpm -e ibm-commserver-ecl rpm -e ibm-commserver-cli rpm -e ibm-commserver /sbin/shutdown -r now Not all of these packages will be installed on every system. Uninstalling Communications Server for Linux will leave any customized configuration information behind for use by a later installation. 4. Known limitations and problems ---------------------------------- 4.1 Connectivity Options ------------------------ 4.1.1 Enterprise Extender ------------------------- Communications Server for Linux can be used over TCP/IP interfaces using Enterprise Extender. These TCP/IP interfaces include: HiperSockets (hsiX) OSA-2 Ethernet, lcs mode only (ethX) OSA-2 Tokenring, lcs mode only (trX) OSA-Express Fast Ethernet, qdio or lcs (ethX) OSA-Express Token Ring, qdio or lcs (trX) OSA-Express GigE, qdio mode only (ethX) 4.1.2 802.2 connections ----------------------- lcs driver details -------------------------- Communications Server for Linux can be used over 802.2 connections using the Linux 'lcs' device driver. These 802.2 interfaces include: OSA-2 Ethernet (ethX) OSA-2 Token Ring (trX) OSA-Express Token Ring, lcs mode only (trX) OSA-Express Fast Ethernet, lcs mode only (ethX) OSA-2 adapters must be configured for tcp/ip non-shared mode for 802.2 connections. To use OSA-Express with 802.2 you need to have the MCL released in March 2004 or later applied. In OSA/SF you define the OSA-Express adapter with a 'TCP/IP address' of 0.0.0.X where X is the SAP value to be used by Communications Server for Linux. The OSA-Express is not configured in 'sna' mode, that is only when the adapter is used by VTAM. qdio driver details --------------------------- Communications Server for Linux can be used over 802.2 connections using the Linux 'qdio' device driver when used with the Layer2/VSwitch support. lcs and qdio driver common information ---------------------------------------------- See the TechNotes at: for the details on configuring 802.2 and OSA adapters. If you want to use an adapter for Communications Server for Linux but not for TCP/IP, you have to manually tell Linux to load the device driver and enable the adapter. For RedHat this is done by having an entry in the /etc/modules.conf file for that adapter and modifying the appropriate /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* file to look something like this: DEVICE=eth1 ONBOOT=yes BOOTPROTO=none For SUSE this is done by having an entry in the /etc/modules.conf file for that adapter and modifying the appropriate /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-* file to look something like this: DEVICE=eth1 BOOTPROTO="none" STARTMODE="onboot" 4.1.3 MPC connections --------------------- Communications Server for Linux can be used over MPC connections using the Linux 'ctcmpc' device driver. These MPC connections can be to VM/VTAM, VSE/VTAM, MVS/VTAM or CS/390 and the ctcmpc driver can use virtual CTCs under VM or real channels between processors. Please see the README file that is included with the ctcmpc driver for details on how to install and configure that driver. 4.2 TN3270 Server ----------------- The Communications Server for Linux TNServer is limited to a certain number of open files/sockets. The actual limit depends on how much memory the Linux system has available. Use the 'cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max' command to see what the current limit is. For any value of file-max you must have: ( (#_of_ReDir_clients * 2) + #_of_TN3270_clients ) < file-max This limit can be increased by following the instructions in: /usr/src/linux*/Documentation/filesystems/proc.txt in the section titled "file-nr and file-max". If the customer hits this limit they will see this in /var/opt/ibm/sna/sna.err: hh:mm:ss TZ dd mmm yyyy 4102-6(0-1) E (hostname) PID pid# (snatnsrvr_mt) O/S accept call failed with error code 23. hh:mm:ss TZ dd mmm yyyy 4102-8(1-1) E (hostname) PID pid# (snatnsrvr_mt) Failed to initialize TN3270 or TN Redirector Client due to serious error. 4.3 Number of concurrent LUA+APPC+CPI-C+NOF applications -------------------------------------------------------- There is an O/S limit that prevents more than 255 open Streams (i.e. applications) on Communications Server for Linux at once when run on 2.4 kernels. Communications Server for Linux itself uses some of these streams internally. That means the total number of concurrent LUA+APPC+CPI-C+NOF applications must be less than about 230. A single application can have multiple SNA sessions open and that only counts as 1 open stream. If the customer hits this limit they will see this in /var/opt/ibm/sna/sna.err: hh:mm:ss TZ dd mmm yyyy 16388-10(1-0) E (hostname) PID pid# (application) Error opening Stream to SNA kernel subsystem. Errno = 28 (No space left on device) hh:mm:ss TZ dd mmm yyyy 16385-6(1-10) E (hostname) SNA Kernel open error 28. 4.5 Using ceryain applications and TPs -------------------------------------- There are two issues when trying to use applications and TPs that are either JavaCPI-C or were compiled on older levels of Linux, Communications Server for Linux and LiS. a) The level of LiS which is required for this release may also require that you set the environment variable: LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ for old applications and TPs and JavaCPI-C to work properly. If the application is a 64bit binary you would use: LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/ You should not 'export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/' on an s390x system because the default shell ('/bin/bash') is a 64bit binary and you cannot run a 64bit binary with LD_PRELOAD set to a 32bit library. In the case were you have to run a 32bit binary, use a syntax like: LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ 32bitbinaryname so that the LD_PRELOAD environment variable is only set for that 32bit binary. b) Some new distributions are based on a Linux kernel level (2.4.20 or later) which includes a new threading model. You may have to recompile your applications on these distributions for them to work properly or you may be able to set the environment variable: export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1 to force the old threading model. You cannot use LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1 on SLES10. 5. Documentation updates ------------------------- 5.1 TN Server listen_local_address and xsnaadmin ------------------------------------------------ Any define_tn3270_access or define_tn_redirect stanzas which use the new listen_local_address parameter will not be displayed with the xsnaadmin GUI. You must use the snaadmin command line or a NOF application to add, change, query configuration stanzas which use the listen_local_address parameter. 6. Notices and trademarks -------------------------- 6.1 Notices ----------- This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. 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