IBM InfoSphere Information ServerIBM

Version 8.5

Quick Start Guide

This guide gives you an overview of a basic installation of IBM InfoSphere Information Server.

To obtain the Quick Start Guide in other languages and in an accessible format, see the documentation on the Web and on the IBM InfoSphere Information Server 8.5 Product Documentation and Quick Start Guides media.

Product overview

IBM® InfoSphere™ Information Server combines the technologies of IBM InfoSphere Business Glossary, IBM InfoSphere Information Analyzer, IBM InfoSphere DataStage®, IBM InfoSphere FastTrack, IBM InfoSphere Information Services Director, IBM InfoSphere Metadata Workbench, and IBM InfoSphere QualityStage™ into a single platform that enables organizations to understand, cleanse, transform, and deliver trustworthy and context-rich information.

Step 1: Access your software

To download your product if you do not have the installation media, go to the IBM Passport Advantage® site. For instructions, see

This installation package includes these components:

To download any fix packs or updates, go to the Support site or

Step 2: Evaluate the system requirements

Ensure that your computers meet the system requirements at

Step 3: Plan your installation and architecture

You install InfoSphere Information Server product modules and components on one computer or distributed across multiple computers. InfoSphere Information Server is installed in tiers: metadata repository, services, engine, and client.

The following diagram shows an installation that is distributed across three computers. For details about architectures, see the IBM InfoSphere Information Server Planning, Installation, and Configuration Guide.

Computer A contains the client tier. Computer B contains the services and metadata repository tiers, and Computer C contains the engine tier.

Step 4: Install and configure the product modules and components

Review the release notes for the latest information to ensure successful installations.

Follow the installation and configuration instructions for one of these scenarios:

Basic installation (no high availability)
Highly available active/passive installation
Highly available clustered installation

To upgrade from a previous release, you migrate to a new installation of InfoSphere Information Server. That new installation can be created by following any of the scenarios above, provided that you do not use the new installation before migration. See Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server Version 8.5 for more information.

More information

Product documentation
The information center contains the documentation, including links to PDF files, at

After you install your products, press F1 or use the Help menu in your client to open the installed information center.

Information roadmap
For additional technical resources, see the roadmap at

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