National language version: To obtain the Quick Start Guide in other languages, access the PDF files on the Quick Start CD.
IBM Information Server Licensed Materials - Property of IBM. (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2006, 2008. All Rights Reserved. U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. IBM, the IBM logo, DataStage, DB2(R), Passport Advantage, QualityStage, and WebSphere are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines in the US and/or other countries. Microsoft(R) and Windows(R) are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Linux(R) is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both. UNIX(R) is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.
IBM(R) Information Server enables companies to understand, cleanse, transform, and deliver trustworthy and context-rich information.
Before you begin any installation or upgrade, it is good practice to back up your system, especially your critical data.
For the most recent information, see the release notes at
If you download your product from IBM Passport Advantage(R), follow the directions
in the download document at
The installation program can install each the following product modules, depending on your license: IBM WebSphere(R) DataStage(TM), IBM WebSphere QualityStage(TM), IBM WebSphere Information Analyzer, IBM WebSphere Business Glossary, IBM Information Server Business Glossary Anywhere, IBM Metadata Workbench, IBM Information Server FastTrack, and IBM WebSphere Information Services Director. All installations include the common services and repository licensed as IBM WebSphere Metadata Server.
See the detailed system requirements document at
The following diagram shows the topology for an installation that is distributed across two computers. For information about alternate topologies, see the IBM Information Server Planning, Installation, and Configuration Guide. The PDF documentation can be installed in any location. The information center always is installed as a common service.
Install the services, metadata repository, and engine tiers on computer B and install the client tier on computer A. For a complete installation of a product module and its components, you must select the product module when you install each tier. For example, to install WebSphere DataStage, select WebSphere DataStage on the Product selection panel in the wizard when you install the services, repository, and engine tiers on computer B and also when you install the client tier on computer A.
New installations of IBM Information Server use an internal user registry. To configure IBM Information Server to use an external registry such as LDAP, see the IBM Information Server Administration Guide. The IBM Information Server Administration Guide also explains how to create users and groups, how to assign security roles, and how to establish credential mappings for the IBM Information Server engine.
See the IBM Information Server Planning, Installation, and Configuration Guide and the related documentation for each product module for information about configuring the product modules.
IBM WebSphere DataStage, WebSphere QualityStage, and WebSphere Information Analyzer use the IBM Information Server engine. The IBM Information Server Planning, Installation, and Configuration Guide contains details about environment settings, kernel parameters, paging space, heap size, and other required configuration settings.