************************************************************************** * Variables for the CGI interface API for QtmhRdStIn. * DBufIn S 1024a INZ DBufInLn S 9b 0 INZ(1024) DStdInLn S 9b 0 ************************************************************************** * Variables for the CGI interface API for QtmhGetEnv. DEnvRec S 1024A INZ DEnvRecLen S 9B 0 INZ(1024) DEnvLen S 9B 0 INZ DEnvName S 25A INZ('CONTENT_LENGTH') DEnvNameLen S 9B 0 INZ(14) ************************************************************************** *Variables for the CGI interface API for QtmhWrStout. DBufOut S 2048a INZ DBufOutln S 9b 0 ************************************************************************* *** Data structure for error reporting. *** *** Copied from QSYSINC/QRPGLESRC(QUSEC). *** *** The QUSBPRV must be initialized to 16. *** *** This is the common error structure that is passed to the CGI APIs;*** *** QtmhWrStOut, QtmhRdStin, QtmhGetEnv and QtmhCvtDb. The Error *** *** structure is documented in the "iSeries System API Reference". *** ************************************************************************* DQUSEC DS D* Qus EC D QUSBPRV 1 4B 0 INZ(16) D* Bytes Provided D QUSBAVL 5 8B 0 D* Bytes Available D QUSEI 9 15 D* Exception Id D QUSERVED 16 16 ************************************************************************** *** Constants for names of CGI APIs. *** DAPIStdIn C 'QtmhRdStin' DAPIStdOut C 'QtmhWrStout' DAPIGetEnv C 'QtmhGetEnv' ************************************************************************** * Prototype for c2n procedure that converts content length to numeric. *** Dc2n PR 30p 9 Dc 32 DcLen 9B 0 ************************************************************************** * Compile-time array for HTML output. *** Darrsize C 23 Dhtml S 80 DIM(arrsize) PERRCD(1) CTDATA DContentLn S 9B 0 INZ(0) DEnvCL S 20A INZ('CONTENT_LENGTH') DEnvSS S 20A INZ('SERVER_SOFTWARE') DEnvMethod S 20A INZ('REQUEST_METHOD') DEnvQS S 20A INZ('QUERY_STRING') DEnvMDResp S 30A INZ DEnvSSResp S 50A INZ DEResp S 4A INZ D************************************************************************** D* Define line feed that is required when writing data to std output. *** Dlinefeed C x'15' Dbreak C '
' Dmaxdataln S 4B 0 INZ(1024) D************************************************************************** D* Some local variables used for adding newline in std output buffer. *** Dcnt S 4B 0 INZ(1) DWORK2 S 80A INZ DResult S 9B 0 INZ ************************************************************************** * Start of CGI Program execution section... ************************************************************************** * Initialize error code structure for error ids. * This allows for 7 bytes in QUSEI for error message id. C Z-ADD 16 QUSBPRV ************************************************************************** **** Read the Environment variable, REQUEST_METHOD. ************************************************************************** C MOVEL EnvMethod EnvName C Z-ADD 14 EnvNameLen C callb APIGetEnv C parm EnvRec C parm EnvRecLen C parm EnvLen C parm EnvName C parm EnvNameLen C parm QUSEC C MOVEL EnvRec EnvMDResp ************************************************************************** **** Is the REQUEST_METHOD, POST? C 4 subst EnvRec:1 EResp C EResp ifeq 'POST' ************************************************************************** * Get Environment Variable 'Content_Length' using 'QtmhGetEnv' API C MOVEL EnvCL EnvName C Z-ADD 14 EnvNameLen C CALLB APIGetEnv C parm EnvRec C parm EnvRecLen C parm EnvLen C parm EnvName C parm EnvNameLen C parm QUSEC * Convert Content_Length to numeric. C eval ContentLn=c2n(EnvRec : EnvLen) * When the Content Length is greater than the buffer, Read maxdataln. C ContentLn ifgt maxdataln C Z-ADD maxdataln ContentLn C endif * Specify InDataLn to Content_Length value. Never should a CGI program * ever attempt to read more than content length. Specification of more * than content length in InDataLn is not defined. C Z-ADD ContentLn BufInLn ************************************************************************** * Read standard input C callb APIStdIn C parm BufIn C parm BufInLn C parm StdInLn C parm QUSEC C MOVEL StdInLn Result C else ************************************************************************** **** Read the Environment variable, QUERY_STRING. ************************************************************************** C MOVEL EnvQS EnvName C Z-ADD 12 EnvNameLen C callb APIGetEnv C parm EnvRec C parm EnvRecLen C parm EnvLen C parm EnvName C parm EnvNameLen C parm QUSEC ************************************************************************** **** Check length of environment value is less than **** the receive buffer. When this occurs, the **** QtmhGetEnv sets the EnvLen to the actual value **** length without changing the receive buffer. C EnvLen ifgt maxdataln C eval Bufin='Data buffer + C not big enough for + C available input data.' C Z-ADD 80 Result C else C MOVEL EnvRec BufIn C MOVEL EnvLen Result C endif C endif ************************************************************************** **** Read the Environment variable, SERVER_SOFTWARE. ************************************************************************** C MOVEL EnvSS EnvName C Z-ADD 15 EnvNameLen C callb APIGetEnv C parm EnvRec C parm EnvRecLen C parm EnvLen C parm EnvName C parm EnvNameLen C parm QUSEC C MOVEL EnvRec EnvSSResp ************************************************************************** **** Put the data written to standard output in buffer; bufout. *** ************************************************************************** * For each line of HTML, move it to BufOut and set the * output buffer's length(BufOutLn). C do arrsize i 5 0 * Write out HTTP response and HTML lines. C i iflt 17 C BufOut cat html(i):0 BufOut C BufOut cat linefeed:0 BufOut C endif * Add the data read from standard input or QUERY_STRING. C i ifeq 17 D* Add html break to BufOut string written to standard output D* when input is greater than 79. C Result dowgt 79 C 80 SUBST BufIn:cnt WORK2 C cat work2:0 BufOut C cat break:0 BufOut * For V4R2, the newline after 254 characters is not needed. C* cat linefeed:0 BufOut C add 80 cnt C sub 80 Result C ENDDO C IF Result > 0 C clear WORK2 C Result SUBST BufIn:cnt WORK2 C cat work2:0 BufOut C cat break:0 BufOut * For V4R2, the newline after 254 characters is not needed. C* cat linefeed:0 BufOut C ENDIF C endif * Add the Environment variable header line for REQUEST_METHOD. C i ifeq 18 C BufOut cat html(i):0 BufOut C BufOut cat break:0 BufOut * For V4R2, the newline after 254 characters is not needed. C* BufOut cat linefeed:0 BufOut C endif * Display the Environment variable REQUEST_METHOD. C i ifeq 19 C BufOut cat EnvMDResp:0 BufOut * For V4R2, the newline after 254 characters is not needed. C* BufOut cat linefeed:0 BufOut C endif * Add the Environment variable header line for SERVER_SOFTWARE. C i ifeq 20 C BufOut cat html(i):0 BufOut C BufOut cat break:0 BufOut * For V4R2, the newline after 254 characters is not needed. C* BufOut cat linefeed:0 BufOut C endif * Display the Environment variable SERVER_SOFTWARE. C i ifeq 21 C BufOut cat EnvSSResp:0 BufOut * For V4R2, the newline after 254 characters is not needed. C* BufOut cat linefeed:0 BufOut C endif * Write out closing HTML lines. C i ifgt 21 C BufOut cat html(i):0 BufOut * For V4R2, the newline after 254 characters is not needed. C* BufOut cat linefeed:0 BufOut C endif C enddo ************************************************************************** **** Get length of data to be sent to standard output. ************************************************************************** C z-add 1 i C arrsize mult 80 i C a doune ' ' C 1 subst bufout:i a 1 C sub 1 i C enddo C i add 1 BufOutLn ************************************************************************** **** Send BufOut to standard output. ************************************************************************** C callb APIStdOut C parm BufOut C parm BufOutLn C parm QUSEC ************************************************************************** * Return to caller ************************************************************************** C return ******************************************************** * Function: Convert a character to numeric value. * ******************************************************** * nomain c2n subprocedure Pc2n B Dc2n PI 30p 9 Dc 32 DcLen 9B 0 * variables Dn s 30p 9 Dwknum s 30p 0 DpowerOfTen s 10I 0 Dsign s 1 0 inz(1) Ddecpos s 3 0 inz(0) Dindecimal s 1 inz('0') Di s 3 0 Dj s 3 0 D ds Dalpha1 1 Dnumber1 1 0 overlay(alpha1) inz(0) C eval c = %triml(c) C eval j = cLen C 1 do j i C eval alpha1=%subst(c:i:1) C select C when alpha1='-' C eval sign= -1 C when alpha1='.' C eval indecimal='1' C when alpha1 >='0' and alpha1 <= '9' C eval wknum = wknum * 10 + number1 C if indecimal = '1' C eval decpos = decpos + 1 C endif C endsl C enddo C eval(h) powerOfTen = 10 ** decpos C wknum div(h) powerOfTen n C if sign = -1 C eval n = -n C endif C return n Pc2n E ************************************************************************** * Compile-time array follows: ************************************************************************** * A line MUST follow Content-type with only a single newline(x'15'). If * this newline does not exist, Then NO data will be served to the client. * This newline represents the end of the HTTP header and the data follows. **CTDATA HTML Content-type: text/html Sample iSeries RPG program executed by HTTP Server as a CGI

Sample iSeries RPG program.

This is sample output using iSeries HTTP Server CGI APIs from an RPG program. This program reads the input data from Query_String environment variable when the Request_Method is GET and reads standard input when the Request_Method is POST.

Server input:

Environment variable - REQUEST_METHOD:

Environment variable - SERVER_SOFTWARE: