This document explains how to find out the time sessions that have been idle since their last read or write in system, through a System Monitor Interface (SMI) query with similar information as returned by onstat -g ntt.
Resolving The Problem
Specific information about the sessions established against the IBM® Informix® Dynamic Server (IDS) instance regarding the connection time when the last read or write operation was performed, which can be found by running 'onstat -g ntt'. The last time a session has performed a read or write operation gives the Database Administrator or DBA an idea about how long a session has been idle. Similar information can be obtained by querying either the System Monitoring Interface (SMI) or sysmaster database.
Ensure that the IDS instance is in On-Line mode. This method uses a query either through the System Monitoring Interface (SMI) or sysmaster database.
1. Run this query against the sysmaster database, using dbaccess:
- DATABASE sysmaster;
SELECT s.sid, s.username, q.odb_dbname database,,
t.tid, hex(t.address) address, t.state,
dbinfo('UTC_TO_DATETIME',s.connected) conection_time,
dbinfo('UTC_TO_DATETIME',t.run_time) last_run_time,
current - dbinfo('UTC_TO_DATETIME',t.run_time) idle_time
FROM syssessions s, systcblst t, sysrstcb r, sysopendb q
WHERE t.tid = r.tid AND s.sid = r.sid AND s.sid = q.odb_sessionid ;
2. Results will list each session information, including the time it connected to the database, the last time it performed a read or write operation, and the calculated idle time when comparing that last operation time with current time. The information regarding each session is the following:
Column name | Column Description |
sid | Is the session ID, the unique identifier for the session. Details on the session can be seen with 'onstat -g ses sid' command. It matches column 'sid' in 'onstat -g ntt' output. |
username | Is the user ID at the operating system, that established the connection. |
database | Is the database name the session is connected to. |
pid | Is the identifier of the process at the operating system from which the connection was established. |
tid | Is the thread identifier for the primary thread of user session. It matches column 'tid' in 'onstat -g ath' output. |
address | Is the address for the thread, in hexadecimal value. It matches column 'rstcb' in 'onstat -g ath' and column 'address' in 'onstat -u' outputs. |
state | Is the status in a numeric code, in which the session is currently at. If returns value '4', it means session is in 'wait' status, value '0' means session is currently 'running'. |
connection_time | Is the date and time in which session was opened or established against a database in the server. It matches column 'open' in 'onstat -g ntt' output. |
last_run_time | Is the last time a read or write operation was performed by this session in the server. It should match either 'read' or 'write' columns in 'onstat -g ntt' output for that session. |
idle_time | Is the calculated time interval the session has been without doing any read nor write in the server, so can be considered as its idle time. |
3. Results are somehow comparable to the onstat -g ntt output:
- onstat -g ntt
- 1. You can create a file querysessions.sql containing the query above:
- SELECT s.sid, s.username, q.odb_dbname database,,
t.tid, hex(t.address) address, t.state,
dbinfo('UTC_TO_DATETIME',s.connected) conection_time,
dbinfo('UTC_TO_DATETIME',t.run_time) last_run_time,
current - dbinfo('UTC_TO_DATETIME',t.run_time) idle_time
FROM syssessions s, systcblst t, sysrstcb r, sysopendb q
WHERE t.tid = r.tid AND s.sid = r.sid AND s.sid = q.odb_sessionid ;
and run the query using dbaccess:
- $ dbaccess sysmaster querysessions
2. Results:
- sid 38
username informix
database stores7
pid 28513
tid 588
address 0x0B128498
state 4
conection_time 2005-05-31 09:08:47
last_run_time 2005-05-31 09:08:47
idle_time 0 00:19:44.000
sid 39
username informix
database sysmaster
pid 28386
tid 587
address 0x0B128140
state 0
conection_time 2005-05-31 09:06:12
last_run_time 2005-05-31 09:28:31
idle_time 0 00:00:00.000
sid 41
username informix
database stores_demo
pid 29120
tid 589
address 0x0B1286F0
state 4
conection_time 2005-05-31 09:20:51
last_run_time 2005-05-31 09:22:27
idle_time 0 00:06:04.000
3 row(s) retrieved.
3. Similar results as ones retrieved when issuing the onstat -g ntt command:
- $ onstat -g ntt
Individual thread network information (times):
netscb thread name sid open read write address
b202138 sqlexec 41 09:20:50 09:22:27 09:22:27
b203760 sqlexec 38 09:08:46 09:08:47 09:08:47
b2272c8 sqlexec 39 09:06:11 09:28:31 09:28:31
b1fccd0 tlitcplst 11 17:04:42 killa|1838|tlitcp
b1fc678 sm_discon 10 17:04:42 05/23/05
b1f94f0 sm_listen 8 17:04:42 05/23/05
b1f8e98 sm_discon 7 17:04:42 05/23/05
b1d5ab8 sm_listen 5 17:04:42 05/23/05
b1bf858 tlitcppoll 4 17:04:42 05/23/05
b029958 sm_poll 3 17:04:42 05/23/05
b028d80 sm_poll 2 17:04:42 05/23/05
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Document Information
Modified date:
16 June 2018