How To
Starting the IBM i native debugger STRDBG takes a long time to launch
When entering the STRDBG command, the green screen debugger communicates with the graphical debugger when the QTESDBGHUB job is running to determine if the user issuing the STRDBG command is registered for graphical debugging. If the user is registered, a graphical debugger session is launched on the client system; otherwise, the green screen debugger proceeds to be launched.
If STRDBG is taking too long to start and QTESDBGHUB is running, try changing the default value of these two environment variables:
QTES_HUB_PORT_TIMEOUT = 0. Defaults to 30 seconds. The time STRDBG waits for confirmation from QTESDBGHUB that a graphical debugging session has been started when the user is registered for graphical debugging.
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Modified date:
20 May 2024