IBM Support

STAP Flex loading instructions for GIM and non-GIM environments

Question & Answer


How do I perform STAP install using flex loading for Guardium GIM and non-GIM environments?


Loader Flexibility aids in the installation of currently built modules when an exact match between module and kernel version does not exist.
  • Loader flexibility is only enabled if explicitly requested at installation time
  • Pass the option of --ktap_allow_module_combos when using the non-interactive installer
  • If installing interactively, answer "y" to the question posed after editing the guard_tap.ini (and setting ktap_installed=1)
  • The loader flexibility is disabled by default. This means that the K-TAP will be disabled, if the booted kernel is not directly supported or tested as working with another module. 


Please substitute the STAP installer (.sh filename), STAP installation directory (--dir) and .tgz filename appropriate to your environment.

Non-GIM Flex-load instructions :

  • 1. Download latest available STAP package for your platform from Fix Central
    2. Unzip Package
    3. Copy the modules-<version>.tgz to /tmp of the database server
    4. Run the correct command
    • For interactive installation run the following all on 1 line :

      • ./guard-stap-guard-<version_platform>.sh -- --modules /tmp/modules-<version>.tgz

        and answer "y" to load alternative module

      For non-interactive installation run the following all on 1 line :

      • ./guard-stap-guard-<version_platform>.sh -- --modules /tmp/modules-<version>.tgz --ni -k --dir <guardium_installation_directory> --ktap_allow_module_combos --tapip <tap_ip or host_name> --sqlguardip <sqlguard_ip or host_name>

    5. After successful install verify that module is loaded by running one of the commands below depending on your O/S
    O/S command
    AIX genkex | grep 'tap'
    Linux lsmod | grep 'tap'
    Solaris modinfo | grep 'tap'
    HP-UX lsdev | grep 'tap'


GIM Flex load instructions :
    1. Download latest available STAP package for your platform from Fix Central
      Unzip Package
    2. Upload from the package guard-bundle-STAP-<version>*.gim to your Collector or Central Manager(CM)
    3. Specify "Y" to module parameter "KTAP_ALLOW_MODULE_COMBOS"
    4. Update the module parameter KTAP_ENABLED=1
      Install or upgrade using this BUNDLE-STAP.

  • 7. After successful install verify that module is loaded by running one of the commands below depending on your o/s
    O/S command
    AIX genkex | grep 'tap'
    Linux lsmod | grep 'tap'
    Solaris modinfo | grep 'tap'
    HP-UX lsdev | grep 'tap'

[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB24","label":"Security Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSMPHH","label":"IBM Security Guardium"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000Gp0NAAS","label":"INSTALL UPGRADE MIGRATION"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"}],"Version":"10.0.0;11.0.0;8.2.0;9.0.0"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
19 September 2020

