IBM Support

SPSS Statistics 20.0 Interim Fix 5



This Interim Fix addresses an important product correction for SPSS Statistics

Download Description

This Interim Fix provides an important product correction for SPSS Statistics

Issues corrected: Fix List

NOTE: If you open Statistics and select Help->About, the version number you see listed only includes the main Release, ModPack, or FixPack version -- in this case It will not be updated after installing an Interim Fix such as this one.

Once you have completed the steps in the installation instructions, note the "Date Modified" of the new file in the installation directory to confirm. It should be 2011-09-07.
If you are searching for the IBM SPSS Statistics Subscription download, please refer to IBM Docs SaaS Documentation.


This Interim Fix is language independent but can only be installed over existing client and server installations of IBM SPSS Statistics

[{"PRLabel":"SPSS Statistics 20.0","PRLang":"Language Independent","PRSize":"5256192","PRPlat":{"label":"Windows","code":"PF033"},"PRURL":""}]

Installation Instructions

How to apply the interim fix:

Note 1: This interim fix applies only to 20.0 installations.
Note 2: Depending upon your installation, the following may require a user with machine administrative/root rights (e.g., for Windows, please log in as the Local Administrator).
Installation Windows (click to expand)
Installation Windows OS (32-bit & 64-bit)

1. Close all Statistics 20.0 applications.
2. For a Statistics Server installation, stop the 'Statistics 20' service.
3. Navigate to the Statistics 20 installation directory.
4. Locate the file omtree.dll and back it up by renaming omtree.dll to omtree.dll.orig (i.e., right-click->Rename)
5. Copy the hotfix files omtree.dll from the downloaded .zip file to the Statistics 20 installation directory
6. For a Statistics Server installation, re-start the 'Statistics 20' service.

Statistics 20 is now updated with the Interim Fix and ready to be used.
Installation Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) and 10.5 (Leopard) (click to expand)
Installation Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) and 10.5 (Leopard)

1. Unzip the zip file containing this Interim Fix to any directory. Make a note of the directory path in which you unzipped the file; you'll need it in step 7.
2. Close all Statistics 20 instances.
3. Open Terminal (/Applications/Utilities/
4. Navigate to the directory in which SPSS Statistics 20 was installed. Using the default install location, it would be:
$ cd /Applications/IBM/SPSS/Statistics/20
5. Navigate inside the Statistics application bundle to the lib directory:
$ cd
6. Back up the existing libomtree.dylib file to libomtree.dylib.orig
$ sudo mv libomtree.dylib libomtree.dylib.orig
(using the sudo command will prompt for your user ID's password - enter it when prompted)
7. Copy the new libomtree.dylib from the expanded zip file to the lib directory:
$ sudo cp (path where you expanded the zip file)/macosx/libomtree.dylib libomtree.dylib

(note that you must be in the /Applications/IBM/SPSS/Statistics/20/ directory
before doing the copy command in step 7, or the path in whichever directory you installed Statistics 20).

Statistics 20 is now updated with the Interim Fix and ready to be used.
Installation Linux (ZLinux64, Linux64, Linux32, Aix64, Solaris64, HPUnix) (click to expand)
Installation Unix OS (ZLinux64, Linux64, Linux32, Aix64, Solaris64, HPUnix)

1. Close all Statistics 20.0 applications.
2. For a Statistics Server installation, stop the 'statisticsd' daemon.
3. Navigate to the Statistics 20 installation directory.
4. Navigate to the lib subdirectory.

For Aix64, Linux32, Linux64, Solaris64, ZLinux64
5. Locate the file and backup it by renaming to
6. Copy the hotfix files from the downloaded .gz file to the lib directory.

For HPUnix
5. Locate the file and backup it by renaming to
6. Copy the hotfix files from the downloaded .gz file to the lib directory.

7. For a Statistics Server installation, restart the 'statisticsd' daemon.

Statistics 20 is now updated with the Interim Fix and ready to be used.

[{"DNLabel":"SPSS Stats 20.0 IF5 Linux Client","DNDate":"14 Sep 2011","DNLang":"Language Independent","DNSize":"81592","DNPlat":{"label":"Linux","code":"PF016"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":" ","DDURL":null},{"DNLabel":"SPSS Stats 20.0 IF5 Mac Client","DNDate":"14 Sep 2011","DNLang":"Language Independent","DNSize":"146360","DNPlat":{"label":"Mac OS","code":"PF017"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":" ","DDURL":null},{"DNLabel":"SPSS Stats 20.0 IF5 Win32 Client ","DNDate":"14 Sep 2011","DNLang":"Language Independent","DNSize":"89692","DNPlat":{"label":"Windows","code":"PF033"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":" ","DDURL":null},{"DNLabel":"SPSS Stats 20.0 IF5 Win64 Client ","DNDate":"14 Sep 2011","DNLang":"Language Independent","DNSize":"114339","DNPlat":{"label":"Windows","code":"PF033"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":" ","DDURL":null},{"DNLabel":"SPSS Stats 20.0 IF5 AIX Server ","DNDate":"14 Sep 2011","DNLang":"Language Independent","DNSize":"161443","DNPlat":{"label":"AIX","code":"PF002"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":" ","DDURL":null},{"DNLabel":"SPSS Stats 20.0 IF5 HP-UX Server ","DNDate":"14 Sep 2011","DNLang":"Language Independent","DNSize":"314214","DNPlat":{"label":"HP-UX","code":"PF010"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":" ","DDURL":null},{"DNLabel":"SPSS Stats 20.0 IF5 Linux-32 Server","DNDate":"14 Sep 2011","DNLang":"Language Independent","DNSize":"81592","DNPlat":{"label":"Linux","code":"PF016"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":" ","DDURL":null},{"DNLabel":"SPSS Stats 20.0 IF5 Linux-64 Server","DNDate":"14 Sep 2011","DNLang":"Language Independent","DNSize":"81336","DNPlat":{"label":"Linux","code":"PF016"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":" ","DDURL":null},{"DNLabel":"SPSS Stats 20.0 IF5 Solaris Server","DNDate":"14 Sep 2011","DNLang":"Language Independent","DNSize":"118446","DNPlat":{"label":"Solaris","code":"PF027"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":" ","DDURL":null},{"DNLabel":"SPSS Stats 20.0 IF5 Win32 Server ","DNDate":"14 Sep 2011","DNLang":"Language Independent","DNSize":"89692","DNPlat":{"label":"Windows","code":"PF033"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":" ","DDURL":null},{"DNLabel":"SPSS Stats 20.0 IF5 Win64 Server","DNDate":"14 Sep 2011","DNLang":"Language Independent","DNSize":"114339","DNPlat":{"label":"Windows","code":"PF033"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":" ","DDURL":null},{"DNLabel":"SPSS Stats 20.0 IF5 LinuxzOS Server","DNDate":"14 Sep 2011","DNLang":"Language Independent","DNSize":"80404","DNPlat":{"label":"Linux","code":"PF016"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":" ","DDURL":null}]
[{"Product":{"code":"SSLVMB","label":"IBM SPSS Statistics"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF014","label":"iOS"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"20.0","Edition":"Developer;Premium;Professional;Standard","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
21 May 2021

