IBM Security Identity Adapter 7.1.23 for LDAP - Release notes



IBM Security Identity Adapter 7.1.23 for LDAP is available. Compatibility, installation, and other getting-started issues are addressed.





Adapter Features and Purpose

License Agreement

Contents of this Release

Installation and Configuration Notes

Customizing or Extending Adapter Features

Supported Configurations





These Release Notes contain information for the following products that was not available when the IBM Security Identity Server manuals were printed:


·         IBM Security Identity Adapter for LDAP Installation and Configuration guide



Adapter Features and Purpose


The IBM Security Identity Adapter for LDAP is designed to create and manage LDAP accounts. The adapter runs in agentless mode and is preconfigured to manage the iNetOrgPerson schema on Tivoli Directory Server and Oracle Directory Servers. However, adapter can be configured to manage other directories. The LDAP Customization White Paper, packaged with this adapter, contains information about customizing the IBM Security Identity Adapter for LDAP.


This adapter (and the prerequisite Tivoli Directory Integrator) should be installed on each node of an IBM Security Identity Server WebSphere cluster. A single copy of the adapter can handle multiple IBM Security Identity Server services. The deployment configuration is based, in part, on the topology of your network domain, but the primary factor is the planned structure of your IBM Security Identity Server Provisioning Policies and Approval Workflow process. Please refer the IBM Knowledge Centre for a discussion of these topics.


IBM Security Identity Server adapters are powerful tools that require Administrator Level authority. Adapters operate much like a human system administrator, creating accounts, permissions and home directories. Operations requested from IBM Security Identity Server will fail if the adapter is not given sufficient authority to perform the requested task. IBM recommends that this adapter run with administrative (root) permissions.


Service Group Management

A service group refers to any logical entity that can group accounts together on the managed resource. In the case of IBM Security Identity Adapter for LDAP, the service group is an LDAP group.


Managing service groups implies the following:


·      Create service groups on the managed resource.

·      Modify attribute of a service group.

·      Delete a service group.


Note:  Modify service group name is not supported.


License Agreement


Review and agree to the terms of the IBM Security Identity Adapter License prior to using this product.

The license can be viewed from the "license" folder included in the product package.


Contents of this Release

Adapter Version



Release Date

2019 August 16 04.17.42

Adapter Version


Component Versions

Adapter build:


Connector:  N/A (uses the LDAP connector from Tivoli Directory Integrator)

Dispatcher 7.0.32 (packaged separately)


The following guide are available in the IBM Knowledge Centre

  • IBM Security Identity Adapter for LDAP Installation and Configuration guide


Guides packaged with the IBM Security Identity Adapter for LDAP:

  • IBM Security Identity Adapter for LDAP Customization Guide


New Features


Enhancement # (RFE)




Items included in current release (7.1.23)


Bugz 2965

RFE  124159 (55457)

Update LDAP customization guide for IGI 525



Items included in 7.1.22 release



Attribute Values lookup Support for LDAP adapter



Items included in 7.1.21 release




PIM 2.1 - When using the LDAP adapter, <username> returns eruid=undefined



Items included in 7.1.20 release






Items included in 7.1.19 release

RTC 168739


US - As an LDAP adapter developer, I must support the new specialFlags attribute in targetProfile.json.



Items included in 7.1.18 release

RTC 165311


US - As an LDAP adapter developer, I must implement support for the latest IGI requirements



Items included in 7.1.17 release






Items included in 7.1.16 release

RTC 151771


Add Support for Identity Governance and Intelligence (IGI) v5.2.2


This adapter is now designed for use with IBM Security Identity Manager, Privileged Identity Manager, and Identity Governance and Intelligence.



Items included in 7.0.15 release



Add support for IBM Security Directory Suite (SDS) VA version 8.0



Items included in 7.0.14 release

RTC 133534


Add support for TDS 6.3.1/ 6.4.



Items included in 7.0.13 release






Closed Issues



Case# / Description




Items included in current release (7.1.23)


Bugz 2914


APAR IJ16211

Case TS002232863/LDAP adapter fails when user's DN includes a "2C"



Items included in 7.1.22 release






Items included in 7.1.21 release






Items included in 7.1.20 release



Internal- Additional configuration steps included in Section 10 of CustomizationGuide-LDAP-7.1.pdf

·         Handling changes to service.def

·         Handling changes to Attribute Mapping file


Bug 2493



LDAP Adapter Rename Tool for IGI



Items included in 7.1.19 release


Bug 2429



UserPassword attribute is in clear text


Bug 2422




LDAP adapter 6.0.16 returns success even if create / modify account refers to non-existant group.



Limit stack trace data to avoid unnecessary information exposure



Items included in 7.1.18 release






Items included in 7.1.17 release

RTC 163615


Internal - Ensure that the attributes are not repeated in the same schema

RTC 163604


Internal - Correct the recon behavior when running in IGI

RTC 160689- Bug 2332


PMR 46177,004,000

LDAP Adapter Version 6.0.11 and processing of CN

RTC 160690- Bug 2323


PMR 04331,124,848

ISIM - LDAP Injection



Items included in 7.1.16 release

RTC 153471-

Bug 2197




RMI Dispatcher throwing ServiceUnavailableException (socket closed).



Items included in 7.0.15 release

Bug 1708



LDAP adapter design/behavior, performance issue for customer.



Items included in 7.0.14 release

RTC 133535 -

Bug 1848

PMR 44809,7TD,000

Support Password attribute Binary option for TDS 6.3.1 and above.

RTC 138080


Internal - LDAP adapter does not set failure on modify.


When group update fails, and it is the only attribute requested to modify, then adapter gives warning instead of error.



Items included in 7.0.13 release








Known Issues



Case# / Description





Known Limitations



Case# / Description





Installation and Configuration Notes

·         See the IBM Security Identity Adapter for LDAP Installation and Configuration guide.


            Corrections to Installation Guide


Configuration Notes


 Customizing or Extending Adapter Features

IBM Security Identity Server adapters can be customized and/or extended. The type and method of this customization may vary from adapter to adapter.


Getting Started

Customizing and extending adapters requires a number of additional skills. The developer must be familiar with the following concepts and skills prior to beginning the modifications:


·         IBM Security Identity Server administration

·         Tivoli Directory Integrator management

·         Tivoli Directory Integrator Assembly Line development

·         LDAP schema management

·         Working knowledge of Java scripting language

·         Working knowledge of LDAP object classes and attributes

·         Working knowledge of XML document structure


Note: If the customization requires a new Tivoli Directory Integrator connector, the developer must also be familiar with Tivoli Directory Integrator connector development and working knowledge of Java programming language.


IBM Security Identity Server Resources:

Check the Training section of the IBM Knowledge Centre for links to training, publications, and demos.


Tivoli Directory Integrator Resources:

Check the Learn section of the IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator Support web site for links to training, publications, and demos.

Support for Customized Adapters

The integration to the IBM Security Identity Server – the adapter framework – is supported. However, IBM does not support the customizations, scripts, or other modifications. If you experience a problem with a customized adapter, IBM Support may require the problem to be demonstrated on the GA version of the adapter before a PMR is opened.



Supported Configurations

The IBM Security Identity Adapter for LDAP was built and tested on the following product versions.


Adapter Installation Platform: 

This adapter installs into Tivoli Directory Integrator (TDI) and may be installed on any platform supported by the TDI product and supported by the target system libraries or client, where applicable. IBM recommends installing TDI on each node of the IBM Security Identity Server WAS Cluster and then installing this adapter on each instance of TDI. Supported TDI versions include:

·         IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator 7.1.1 + .17.1-TIV-TDI-FP0004 + 7.2.0-ISS-SDI-LA0008

·         Security Directory Integrator 7.2+ FP0004

Earlier versions of TDI that are still supported may function properly, however to resolve any communication errors, you must upgrade your TDI/SDI releases to the officially supported versions by the adapters.


Note:  The adapter supports IBM Security Directory Integrator 7.2, which is available only to customers who have the correct entitlement. Contact your IBM representative to find out if you have the entitlement to download IBM Security Directory Integrator 7.2.

Managed Resource:

IBM Directory Server version 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4

Oracle Directory Server Version

IBM Security Directory Suite (SDS) VA version 8.0


Other directories that comply with RFC2798 standards and are supported by the Tivoli Directory Integrator LDAP connector. However, you might require additional customization. See the IBM Security Identity Adapter for LDAP Customization Guide for information on customizing this adapter.


IBM Security Identity Manager:

ISIM v7.0.x


            IBM Security Privileged Identity Manager (PIM):



            Identity Governance and Intelligence (IGI):

IGI 5.2.x




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End of Release Notes