Release Notes              



IBM ® Security Identity Manager

ServiceNow Adapter 
























Version 6.0.8

First Edition (2019 December 11 00.08.09)


IBM Security Identity Manager ServiceNow Adapter 6.0.8 is available. Compatibility, installation, and other getting-started issues are addressed.


Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2003, 2019. All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.


Table of Contents

Preface. 3

License Agreement. 3

Adapter Features and Purpose. 3

Contents of this Release. 4

Adapter Version. 4

New Features. 5

Closed Issues. 6

Known Issues. 7

Installation and Configuration Notes. 9

Customizing or Extending Adapter Features. 10

Supported Configurations. 11

Installation Platform.. 11

Notices. 12

Trademarks. 13






Welcome to the IBM Security Identity Manager ServiceNow Adapter.


These Release Notes contain information for the following products that was not available when the IBM Security Identity Manager manuals were printed:



License Agreement

Review and agree to the terms of the IBM Security Identity Manager License prior to using this product. The license can be viewed from the "license" folder included in the product package.


Adapter Features and Purpose

The ServiceNow Adapter is designed to create and manage accounts on ServiceNow portal. The adapter runs in "agentless" mode. The adapter uses the REST API to establish communication with the ServiceNow server.


The Identity Manager adapters are powerful tools that require Administrator Level authority. Adapters operate much like a human system administrator, creating accounts, permissions and home directories Operations requested from the Identity Manager server will fail if the adapter is not given sufficient authority to perform the requested task. IBM recommends that this adapter run with administrative (root) permissions.



Contents of this Release

Adapter Version



Release Date

2019 December 11 00.08.09

Adapter Version


Component Versions

Adapter build:

Profile 6.0.8

Connector:  N/A  (uses the HTTP Client connector from Security Directory Integrator)

Dispatcher 6.0.39 (packaged separately)


ServiceNow Adapter Installation and Configuration Guide



New Features


Enhancement # (RFE)




Items included in current 6.0.8 release


  RTC 185407


Adapter must support private proxy


Note: To enable private proxy follow these steps. 




Items included in 6.0.7 release


  RTC 184350


Added “Do not return inherited roles” in service form


  RTC 184351


Added Proxy Support




Items included in 6.0.6 release








Items included in 6.0.5 release





On-Premise Solution support.   




Items included in 6.0.4 release








Items included in 6.0.3 release





Updated service form to include: company and manager.



Items included in 6.0.2 release





Updated service form to include: description, owner and prerequisite.



Items included in 6.0.1 release





Initial release for ISIM



Closed Issues



Case# / Description



Items included in current 6.0.8 release



Bugz 3053

RTC 185238




ServiceNow filter of (!(eruid=iNG_*)) fails



Bugz 3054

RTC 185247,





ServiceNow – recon is timing out / OOM, TS002754323




Items closed in 6.0.7 release


RTC 184680


Skip bad records during recon




Items closed in 6.0.6 release


RTC 182351


Fixed “Strange value in ServiceNow timezone supporting data”


Known Limitation:  Time zone attribute cannot be set to “system timezone” after been set to some other value.




Items closed in 6.0.5 release









Items closed in 6.0.4 release





Fixed incorrect setStatusWarning call in ALs



Items closed in 6.0.3 release





Updated searchAL to handle empty groups



Items closed in 6.0.2 release








Items closed in 6.0.1 release





Initial release for ISIM





Known Issues



Case# / Description



Invalid attributes values might be ignored by ServiceNow

If invalid attributes values are sent to ServiceNow and the attribute is not required, ServiceNow might ignore the attribute but return successfully instead of returning errors.



Unable to set choice list field with empty value

Due to API limitation, the adapter is unable to set a choice list with empty value(NULL). There is a workaround if the field value is integer: Overriding the "--None--" display value with NULL_OVERRIDE, as suggested in: Changing the --None-- Display Value Then set the ISIM "none" option value to NULL_OVERRIDE in ISIM "Design Form" in "Configuration System". "Calendar Integration" is an example of such fields. If the field value type is string and the null value is pointing at another choice, e.g. if null value is displaying System Default, then a possible workaround is to edit the choice label and mark which is the system default. So instead of selecting the null value from ISIM, we can select the system default with the modified label.



Unable to reflect data change that happened on ServiceNow

If any modification done by the adapter triggered changes on the ServiceNow server, such as business rules or role inheritance, then these modification will lead to data inconsistency between server and ISIM. This is because the adapter is not aware of any modification happens on the server by ServiceNow until reconciliation. We recommend either turn off such business rule on ServiceNow or perform reconciliation after modify those attributes on ISIM.



Only default attribute is included in current release

The current release contains only default attributes of Fuji release.




We recommend to verify any issue encountered with the ServiceNow's REST API explorer first, to make sure it's not due to any setting or restriction related with your instance.



Installation and Configuration Notes

See the IBM Security Identity Manager ServiceNow Adapter Installation and Configuration Guide for detail instructions.


The ServiceNow Adapter Installation and Configuration Guide can be obtained from the IBM Security Identity Manager Knowledge Center.




Corrections to Installation and Configuration guide


The following corrections to the Installation Guide apply to this release:

1.The following is the correction to section 'Configuring the SSL connection between the dispatcher and the ServiceNow server':

In 'Procedure', step 3 should be: On the Certificate window, open the Certification Path tab and select the Root certificate.


2.The following is the correction to section 'Configuring the server to encrypt VPN password' :


Configuring the server to encrypt API password

You can configure the server to encrypt the ServiceNow API password used in the ISIM Service form. By default, the ServiceNow API password is stored as clear text in your directory server. To store it in encrypted form, perform the following task:


Update the file that is located under the isim_server_home\data directory. Append the attribute erservicenowapikey to the list of attributes of the password.attribute property:

password.attributes=ersynchpassword erServicePassword erServicePwd1 erServicePwd2 erServicePwd3 erServicePwd4 erADDomainPassword erPersonPassword erNotesPasswdAddCert eritamcred erep6umds erposixpassphrase erservicenowapikey


IBM Security Identity Manager name

Attribute name in schema

Data type




3. Add following point in section 'Service/Target form details' :


       If specified, connect to a proxy server rather than directly to ServiceNow API Login URL. The format is proxyhost:port (for example, proxy:8080), where proxy is the name of   the proxyhost, and 8080 is the port number to use.

       Proxy Username

       Specify the proxy user name that is used with proxy server. Required if Use Proxy Authentication.

       Proxy Password

       Specify the proxy password that is used with proxy server. Required if Use Proxy Authentication.



Customizing or Extending Adapter Features

The Identity Manager adapters can be customized and/or extended. The type and method of this customization may vary from adapter to adapter.


Refer to the ‘IBM Security Identity Adapter Development and Customization Guide’  



Supported Configurations

Installation Platform

The IBM Security Identity Manager Adapter was built and tested on the following product versions.


The IBM Security Identity Manager Adapter was built and tested on the following product versions.

This adapter installs into Security Directory Integrator (SDI) and may be installed on any platform supported by the SDI product and supported by the target system libraries or client, where applicable. IBM recommends installing SDI on each node of the ISIM WAS Cluster and then installing this adapter on each instance of SDI. Supported SDI versions include:


Adapter Installation Platform: 

Due to continuous Java security updates that may be applied to your ISIM servers, the following SDI releases are the officially supported versions:

  • IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator 7.1.1-TIV-TDI-FP0004 + 7.2.0-ISS-SDI-LA0008
  • IBM Security Directory Integrator 7.2 + FP0004

Earlier versions of SDI that are still supported may function properly, however to resolve any communication errors, you must upgrade your SDI releases to the officially supported versions by the adapters. Please refer to the adapters installation and configuration guides for the latest update on IBM Secuity Directory Integrator versions and fix packs



Managed Resource:


ServiceNow Portal (user accounts only)

ServiceNow On-Premise Solution



IBM Security Identity Manager:


Identity Manager v6.0.x




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End of Release Notes