Release Notes                  



IBM® Security Identity Adapter for



























First Edition (August 22, 2019)

This edition applies to the latest version of IBM Security Identity Adapter for ACF2 and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.

Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2003, 2019. All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.



Table of Contents

Preface............................................................................................................................................. 4

Adapter Features and Purpose......................................................................................................... 4

License Agreement.......................................................................................................................... 4

Contents of this Release.................................................................................................................. 5

Adapter Version............................................................................................................................... 5

New Features................................................................................................................................... 6

Closed Issues................................................................................................................................... 8

Known Issues................................................................................................................................. 11

Installation and Configuration Notes............................................................................................. 12

Configuration................................................................................................................................. 12

Corrections to the Installation and Configuration sections of the adapter guide.......................... 13

Chapter 1: Overview...................................................................................................................... 13

Chapter 2: Planning....................................................................................................................... 13

 Chapter 3: Installing..................................................................................................................... 13

Running the ISPF dialog............................................................................................................... 13

Chapter 4: Upgrading.................................................................................................................... 15

Chapter 5: Configuring.................................................................................................................. 15

Configuring the adapter parameters.............................................................................................. 15

Using the regis tool........................................................................................................................ 16

Chapter 6: Troubleshooting........................................................................................................... 17

Chapter 7: Reference..................................................................................................................... 17

Registry settings............................................................................................................................ 17

Starting and stopping the adapter.................................................................................................. 19

Changing the number of active threads......................................................................................... 19

Customizing or Extending Adapter Features................................................................................. 19

Getting Started............................................................................................................................... 19

Support for Customized Adapters................................................................................................. 19

IBM Security Identity Product Resources..................................................................................... 20

Supported Configurations.............................................................................................................. 21

Installation Platform...................................................................................................................... 21

Trademarks.................................................................................................................................... 24


Welcome to the IBM Security Identity CA ACF2 for z/OS Adapter.

These Release Notes contain information for the following products that was not available when the IBM Security Identity server manuals were created:


§  IBM Security Identity Manager CA ACF2 for z/OS Adapter Installation and Configuration Guide

§  IBM Security Privileged Identity Manager CA ACF2 for z/OS Adapter Installation and Configuration Guide

Adapter Features and Purpose

The CA ACF2 for z/OS Adapter is designed to create and manage CA ACF2 for z/OS accounts. The adapter runs in ”agent” mode and must be installed on z/OS. One adapter is installed per CA ACF2 installation..


The CA ACF2 for z/OS Adapter is designed to create and manage CA ACF2 for z/OS accounts. The adapter runs in ”agent” mode and must be installed on z/OS. One adapter is installed per CA ACF2 installation..


The IBM Security Identity Adapters are powerful tools that require administrator level authority. Adapters operate much like a human system administrator, creating accounts, permissions and home directories. Operations requested from the  IBM Security Identity server will fail if the adapter is not given sufficient authority to perform the requested task. IBM recommends that this adapter run with administrative permissions.

License Agreement

Review and agree to the terms of the IBM Security Identity product license prior to using this product. The license can be viewed from the "license" folder included in the product package.

Contents of this Release

Adapter Version



Build Date

August 22, 2019

Adapter Version


Component Versions

Adapter Build 6.0.0030.00

Profile 6.0.0030

ADK 6.06.0012 z/OS

enRole Resource Management API 6.0.6

OpenSSL 1.0.2q


Please find the latest documentation using  the IBM Security Identity Manager Knowledge Center. Select the most recent ISIM server release to navigate to the latest version of the adapter documentation.


New Features







Items included in current release

RTC 184640


Add an option to automatically delete temporary reconciliation data sets




Items included in 6.0.29 release




No changes in the current release




Items included in 6.0.28 release




No changes in the current release




Items included in 6.0.27 release




No changes in the current release




Items included in 6.0.26 release




No changes in the current release




Items included in 6.0.25 release




No changes in the current release




Items included in 6.0.24 release




No changes in the current release




Items included in 6.0.23 release

RTC 174414


As an ADK for z/OS developer I need to upgrade to OpenSSL 1.0.2o to address PSIRT CVE-2018-0739




Items included in 6.0.22 release

RTC 52661

RTC 173352


As an AD for z/OS developer I need to offer the ability to explicitly disable TLS1.0 in all ADK based adapters.

RTC 173354


As an ADK for z/OS developer I need to add diagnostic messages to the ADK that allow troubleshooting 2-way ssl connections

RTC 173351


As an ADK for z/OS developer I need to upgrade to OpenSSL 1.0.2n




Items included in 6.0.21 release




No changes in the current release




Items included in 6.0.20 release

RTC 163356


Enable SSL by default in the ISPF installation panels




Items included in 6.0.19 release



Upgrade expat libraries to 2.2.0




Items included in 6.0.18 release



Update OpenSSL to release 1.0.2j



PMR 42182,122,000

Disable SSLV3 and RC4 ciphers and certify TLS 1.1 / 1.2 is supported by the ADK



Adapter appears to be running while it was unable to connect to the socket.




Items included in 6.0.17 release

RTC 152027


Update the adapter panels

RTC 152030


Include a license folder in the adapter package

RTC 152024


Add two initial lines to which are required for translation





Items included in 6.0.16 release

RTC 149784


Performance enhancements to the single user account lookup operation.




Items included in 6.0.13 release

RTC 124240


RFE 67723

ACF2 Password/Passphrase rules used for random password generation




Items included in 6.0.8  release




No changes in the current release




Items included in 6.0.7 release

RTC 116310


Password/pass phrase design independent of password/pass phrase policies.




Items included in 6.0.6 release

RTC 113711


Add OMVS AUTOUID support




Items included in 6.0.5 release

RTC 95781


Support for custom boolean attributes defined in the ACFFDR to define additional privileges added.



Items included in 6.0.4 release

RTC 99347


Support for additional pass phrase and password profile attributes added:







Items included in release 6.0.3


 RTC 98320


Added support for ACF2 pass phrases



Items included in release 6.0.2







Items included in release 6.0.1



ISIM 6.0 release



Removal of the use of APPC


Closed Issues







Items closed in the current release

RTC 184639


The lookup transaction doesn’t consider non-default @HEADER and @UID definitions.




Items closed in release 6.0.29

RTC 184015


Adapter abend 40D, RC10 with the below messages in the CEEDUMP

 5     _ermAlloc   +00000076              libErmApi.dll                                                Call

   6     ErmSBCSStrtoUCS2Str

                     +000000C0              libErmApi.dll                                              


RTC 184017


Excessive non-ISIM server connections causing abend

Starting SSL handshake (OpenSSL)...

Handshake failed.  Error code: 1

SD_SEND to socket

Start SSL cleanup

Shutting down SSL server...

Received a segmentation violation...

RTC 183205


Debug output in agentCfg tool causes DAML protocol configuration issues




Items closed in release 6.0.28

RTC 182687


Disallow external calls to agentCfg port

RTC 182516


Reconciliation doesn't return all accounts.

RTC 182686


Upgrade to  OpenSSL 1.0.2.q




Items closed in release 6.0.27

RTC 181310


Upgrade to Expat 2.2.6

RTC 181303


Upgrade to z/OS ADK 6.0.6

RTC 181308


Upgrade to ICU 3.6

RTC 181306


Hebrew writing direction




Items closed in release 6.0.26

RTC 179043


Upgrade to OpenSSL 1.0.2p



Items closed in release 6.0.25

RTC 177213


Add an option to continue to use tsocmd to allow authorized TSO/E

commands to be executed from ISIMEXIT.

RTC 177214


Invalid status logged for ACF67030: caacf2Adm: success


RTC 177215


ACF2 NAME value corrupted with values from another thread on

account ADD



Items closed in release 6.0.24

RTC 176685


rc > 0 on pre-modify ISIMEXIT doesn't fail the whole operation

RTC 176687


Error for ACF60014 and incorrect name value on account insert

RTC 176690


ISIM ACF2 adapter floods the z/OS consoles (syslog/operlog) with repeating messages for attributes  #PSWDCNT and #PWD-TOD




Items closed in release 6.0.23

RTC 174141


two-way SSL connections don't work – verify errors

RTC 174576


ACF2 adapter 6.0.22 ABEND during account ADD




Items closed in release 6.0.22

RTC 173353


As an ADK for z/OS developer I need to ensure that manually dropping the DAML_PORT socket doesn't result in a loop

RTC 173360


 Since installing 6.0.29 customer cannot longer change the DAML password

RTC 173656


As an adapter for ACF2 developer I need to replace the ACF2 command interface with a higher-performance implementation

RTC 173723


Attempt to destroy context for invalid socket results in dump in _ermListFree




Items closed in release 6.0.21

RTC 170052


Use configurable HLQ for temporary SYSIN and SYSPRINT

RTC 170053


Adapter returns a failure for informational message ACF6C019



The ACF2 adapter fails with insert error.



PSIRT Malformed X.509 IPAddressFamily could cause OOB read (CVE-2017-3735)




Items closed in release 6.0.20

RTC 166463



RSA key length used by certTool increased from 1024 to 4096, which

allows it to be NIST compliant beyond 2021.

RTC 166575




IRX0043I Error running ISIMEXIT: TSO/E address space specific functions can't be accessed.

RTC 166576

PMR 23652,999,616

ACF2 single user lookup fails




Items closed in release 6.0.19

RTC 162836


ISIMLUSR reconciliation step fails due to a too small data buffer size.

HLQ is not configurable during installation.

RTC 162841


findAmap error when an attribute value contained the string “NO”.

Incorrect year for several PACKDATE attributes.

No heapsize _CEERUNOPTS settings predefined.




Items closed in release 6.0.18

RTC 154265



ACF2 adapter delaying due to lack of available threads

RTC 156860


IDMAP delete value request results in modify set value to empty


RTC 156861


ACF 2 Adapter - fix from 6.1.16 missing in 6.1.17





Items closed in release 6.0.17

RTC 134910


If an account is not defined in the BASE segment, but is in other segments this might result in an error being returned for the previous (in alphabetical order) account being returned during a reconciliation or lookup operation.

RTC 152025


Unknown values PWP-ENC and PWP-LEN appear in ACF2SCHM and ISIMSCHM

RTC 152026


Adapter generates incorrect commands when adding/modifying  IDMAP fields for an account

RTC 152342


Reconciliation fails when returning data for unsupported segments




Items closed in release 6.0.16



Sticky bit set for adapter read-only directories


PMR 06782,99,616

Fixed adapter abend that occurs while processing date/time attributes



Items closed in release 6.0.15

RTC 134666


OpenSSL upgrade to 1.0.1m

RTC 134210



Dates are corrupted during reconciliation after changing the account's password.




Items closed in release 6.0.13

RTC 124038


Updated LREC size to prevent abend “IEF450I TIMA518R ITIMLINF - ABEND=S002 U0000 REASON=00000018 778” when processing large UID strings




Items closed in release 6.0.8

RTC 122805


Part of long pass phrase is displayed in adapter log

RTC 120578


When setting ACF2 Pass Phrase ACF61003 INVALID KEY returns in logs




Items closed in release 6.0.7

RTC 116310


The adapter does not return daylight savings time based values to the ISIM server.




Items closed in release 6.0.6

RTC 112239


Inconsistent behaviour ACF2 adapter when performing multiple PW changes




Items closed in release 6.0.5

RTC 95871


Custom boolean attributes processing errors




Items closed in release 6.0.4

 RTC 95781


Temporary Data set created during reconciliation not cataloged




Items closed in release 6.0.3

 RTC 95781


Temporary Data set created during reconciliation not cataloged – Beta fix




Items closed in release 6.0.2



Problems with parallel processing



Error in setting the READ_TIMEOUT parameter.




Items closed in release 6.0.1




Known Issues



PMR# / Description



Random passwords/pass phrases generated by the adapter do not implement site specific GSO Password/Pass phrase policies



This release of the CA ACF2 Adapter does not support FIPS.


RTC 52399


The adapter is designed to read its configuration file on start up. If the configuration file is not found, the adapter will create a new default configuration file. The creation of this configuration file is not an event that is written to the adapter log file. Please ensure TCP/IP is fully initialized and the file systems are mounted before starting the adapter. Under rare conditions where prerequisites for startup have not been met, the adapter may overwrite a customer's configuration file with a new default configuration file.



This version of the adapter does not support the following data segments/ user profile records:










This version of the adapter does not support multi-value fields and/or partial fields in the @HEADER and/or @UID string definitions.


Installation and Configuration Notes

See your products specific ACF2 Adapter Installation and Configuration Guide for detailed instructions.




ADK version 6.04 and higher offer a DAML PROTOCOL setting that allows you to disable TLSv1.0.

ADK version 6.0.3 and higher no longer support SSLV3 and RC4 ciphers. The ISIM server should be configured to use TLS 1.1 or higher.  This is done by adding the $ITIM/data/ parameter. For example:


Possible values are:



TLS v1.1 protocol (defined by RFC 4346).


TLS v1.2 protocol (defined by RFC 5246).




Corrections to the Installation and Configuration sections of the  adapter guide.




Chapter 1: Overview


No updates for the current release



Chapter 2: Planning


No updates for the current release



Chapter 3: Installing


Running the ISPF dialog



7.a  Select Disk location parameters. The Disk location parameters page defines or alters data set and UNIX System Services (USS) locations.



 ----------ISI CA-ACF2 Adapter Customization ----------------------


 Option ===>                                                                   


   Input Data Sets                                                             


    Fully qualified data set name of the UPLOAD data set.                      

     ===> ISIMACF2.UPLOAD                                                       


  Enter data sets names, volume ID, Storage Class and z/OS Unix directories.   


    USS Adapter read-only home                                                 

     ===> /usr/lpp/isimcaacf2                                                  


    USS Adapter read/write home                                                

     ===> /var/ibm/isimcaacf2                                                  


    Storage Class  ===> STORCLAS                                               


    Disk Volume ID ===> DSKVOL                                                 


    Fully qualified data set name of Adapter Load Library                      

     ===> IBMUSER.ISIMACF2.LOAD                                                 


    Fully qualified data set name of Adapter EXEC Library                      

     ===> IBMUSER.ISIMACF2.EXEC                                                 


    High-level qualifier for reconciliation data sets (optional)               

    ==> ISIAGNT                                                                 


    Keep temporary reconciliation data sets                                    

    ==> TRUE                                                                    




b. Supply the following information:


Fully qualified data set name of the UPLOAD data set

Specifies the name of the data set that you received earlier. For



Unix System Services (USS) Adapter read-only home

Specifies the location where the adapter USS binary files are

stored. The adapter installer creates the directories and the

subordinate directories later.


USS Adapter read/write home

Specifies the location where the adapter registry file, certificates,

and log files are written. The adapter installer creates the

directories and the subordinate directories later.


Note: The read-only home and the read/write home must be in

different locations. If they are the same location, the installation

might fail.


Storage class

Specifies the storage class for the Load and EXEC libraries.


DASD (Disk) volume ID

Specifies the Disk ID for the Load and EXEC libraries.


Fully qualified data set name of Adapter Load Library and Fully

qualified data set name of Adapter EXEC Library

Specify the fully qualified data set name for the Load and EXEC



High-level qualifier for reconciliation data sets

Specifies a high-level qualifier for the data sets that are allocated

during reconciliation. If a value is not specified, the agentID is set

as high-level qualifier. If the agentID cannot be determined, the

default value ISIAGNT is set as a high-level qualifier.


Keep temporary reconciliation data sets

Specify TRUE to keep temporary reconciliation data sets and FALSE to automatically delete temporary reconciliation data sets as soon as the reconciliation has completed.


Chapter 4: Upgrading


No updates for the current release


Chapter 5: Configuring


After you install the adapter, configure it to function correctly. Configuration is based on your requirements or preference.

You can use the adapter configuration tool, agentCfg, to view or modify the adapter parameters. You can also do this from a remote workstation.

The regis tool can be used to view or modify the adapter parameters while it is offline.


Configuring the adapter parameters


You can use the adapter configuration tool, agentCfg, to view or modify the adapter parameters. You can also do this from a remote workstation.

All the changes that you make to the parameters, by using the agentCfg, take effect immediately.

The adapter configuration tool can only be used to configure the adapter while it is active. To modify configuration settings while the adapter is not active, use the regis tool.


Modifying registry settings


Modifying non-encrypted registry settings


Table 16. Non-encrypted registry keys




Specify TRUE to  keep temporary reconciliation data sets and FALSE to delete temporary reconciliation data sets at the end of a reconciliation.


Specify the @HEADER string as specified in the ACFFDR. The fields that are specified in this string will be collected during a single account lookup.


Specify the @UID string as specified in the ACFFDR. The fields that are specified in this string will be collected during a single account lookup.



Using the regis tool


Start the regis tool to modify the different adapter parameters.


1.  Browse to the Windows Command Prompt.

2.  Log on to the TSO on the z/OS® operating system that hosts the adapter.

3.  Run the following command. Press Enter to enter the UNIX System Services environment.


Note You can also use a telnet session to enter the UNIX System Services environment.

4.  In the command prompt, change to the read/write /bin subdirectory of the adapter.If the adapter is installed in the default location for the read/write directory, run the following command.

            ./regis -<option>



The following options are available for the regis tool:


        -version                    ;show regis version

        -registry       < value >   ;Registry File

        -encryptkey     < value >   ;Encryption key for string data

        -setstring      < value >   ;Set Registry String, [key::value]

        -getstring      < value >   ;Get Registry String

        -create                     ;Create Registry (Default:registry)

        -list           < value >   ;List Registry Contents (Default:registry)

        -delete         < value >   ;Delete Registry key

        -script                     ;Produce output for scripting

        -protocol       < value >   ;Protocol (Default:DAML)

        -installpath    < value >   ;Set agent's install path

        -property       < value >   ;Property name for protocol

        -value          < value >   ;Argument value

        -logdir         < value >   ;Agent's logfile directory

        -logfile        < value >   ;Agent's logfile name

        -mainproperty   < value >   ;Set main property

        -instanceclass  < value >   ;Create instance class [class::item::encrypt].

        -instanceset    < value >   ;Create instance class [class::instance::item::value].



The -registry <readwrite_home/data/<adapterid.dat>  option is required for all options except -version



Regis command examples


Examples can be found in installation job ‘hlq’.CNTL(J4)



Modifying DAML protocolproperties


/var/ibm/isi/bin/regis -reg /var/ibm/isi/data/ISIAGENT.dat -protocol DAML -property PASSWORD -value newpassword



/var/ibm/isi/bin/regis -registry /var/ibm/isi/data/ISI.DAT -protocol daml -list




Modifying non-encrypted registry settings:



/var/ibm/isi/bin/regis -reg /var/ibm/isi/data/ISIAGENT.dat   -setstring  PASSEXPIRE::TRUE



Modifying main properties:



/var/ibm/isi/bin/regis -reg /var/ibm/isi/data/ISIAGENT.dat -mainproperty Agent_MaxFile -value  5

/var/ibm/isi/bin/regis -reg /var/ibm/isi/data/ISIAGENT.dat -mainproperty Agent_Debug -value TRUE

/var/ibm/isi/bin/regis -reg /var/ibm/isi/data/ISIAGENT.dat  -mainproperty Agent_Detail -value TRUE


Chapter 6: Troubleshooting


No updates for the current release

Chapter 7: Reference



Registry settings



Option attribute

Default value

Valid value






Specify TRUE to keep the temporary data sets that are created during a reconciliation and FALSE to delete the temporary data sets at the end of a reconciliation




Coma separated, single value character fields without spaces

Specify the @HEADER string as defined in the ACFFDR. The fields from the string will be collected during a single account reconciliaton.




Coma separated, full length single value character fields without spaces

Specify the @UID string as defined in the ACFFDR. The fields from the string will be collected during a single account reconciliaton.







Starting and stopping the adapter

Before you start the adapter, ensure that TCP/IP is active.

Changing the number of active threads

The CA ACF2 agent requires one process per thread plus 8.  The default settings are for 3 threads for each of the four types or requests which is a maximum of 12 active threads which equates to 20 processes (12 + 8).  This is below the default MAXUSERPROC value of 25.  If you change the maximum thread count variables via agentCfg then you might need to increase the MAXUSERPROC parameter in the parmlib member BPXPRMxx.

Customizing or Extending Adapter Features

The  IBM Security Identity Adapters can be customized and/or extended. The type and method of this customization may vary from adapter to adapter.


Getting Started

Customizing and extending adapters requires a number of additional skills. The developer must be familiar with the following concepts and skills prior to beginning the modifications:


      LDAP schema management

      Working knowledge of scripting language appropriate for the installation platform

      Working knowledge of LDAP object classes and attributes

      Working knowledge of XML document structure


Note:  This adapter supports customization only through the use of pre-Exec and post-Exec scripting. The CA ACF2 for z/OS adapter has REXX scripting options. Please see the CA ACF2 for z/OS Installation and Configuration guide for additional details.



Support for Customized Adapters

The integration to the IBM Security Identity server – the adapter framework – is supported. However, IBM does not support the customizations, scripts, or other modifications. If you experience a problem with a customized adapter, IBM Support may require the problem to be demonstrated on the GA version of the adapter before a PMR is opened.






IBM Security Identity Product Resources

Check the Identity and Access Management Products overview.


Supported Configurations

Installation Platform

The IBM Security Identity Manager Adapter supports any combination of the following product versions.


Adapter Installation Platform:

             z/OS V2.2 and higher


Managed Resource:



IBM Security Identity Manager:

Identity Manager v6.0

Identity Manager v7.0


IBM Security Privileged identity Manager :

            Privileged Identity Manager v2.X



This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service.

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End of Release Notes