IBM Corporation --- IBM(R) Maximo(R) Tivoli Process Automation Engine Interim Fix IBM Corporation Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in the Notices section at the end of this document. (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2011, 2015. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. =============================================================================================== Table of Contents =============================================================================================== I. Introduction II. Resource Information III. Installation Instructions IV. Behavior Changes V. Manual Changes VI. Issues Resolved VII. Notices =============================================================================================== I. Introduction =============================================================================================== Product : Tivoli Process Automation Engine Version : Release Dependencies : NONE PREREQUISITES : Tivoli Process Automation Engine Release has been installed CO-REQUISITES : NONE A Interim Fix is a group of critical issues that have been repaired since the product fix pack or patch was released. The Interim Fix is cumulative and may contain other fixes in addition to the issues that affect your site. The Interim Fix must be applied in full in order to be supportable. Customers should validate this Interim Fix by installing it in a test environment before rolling it out to a production environment. Interim Fixes, by their very nature, go through a limited quality assurance cycle and may not be included in the latest available program patch. =============================================================================================== II. Resource Information =============================================================================================== Knowledge center URL: Description: Access the information center to view the product documentation. Topics include product overviews; installation and configuration tasks; instructions for using, administering, and troubleshooting the product; and security information. Asset Management community on Service Management Connect URL: Description: Use Service Management Connect to access the product's blogs, wikis, forums, and communities. In Service Management Connect you can review information such as best practices, performance and tuning, and product integrations. You can also collaborate with IBM experts and the broader user community and access continuous open betas. IBM Maximo Asset Management support resources portal Description: The IBM support resources portal provides access to tools and resources to keep your systems, software, and applications running smoothly. From the support resources portal you can find fixes, service requests, useful links and an enhanced search to help you find information quickly. =============================================================================================== III. Installation Instructions =============================================================================================== NOTE For Microsoft Windows 2008 users, you must log in as an administrator before you upgrade to a Maximo Asset Management interim fix pack. If you attempt to upgrade when you are not logged in as an administrator, the installation fails. NOTE The Interim Fix file should be copied to a location on the server where Maximo is installed. NOTE Uninstall Information - This interim fix is provided to you as a PSI zip file. When run with the PSI Installer program, it overwrites your existing Maximo directory structure and may contain database scripts that modify your database. If you want to reverse your changes, you must restore your backed-up versions of the Maximo directory and database. Follow these steps to apply this Interim Fix: 1 Ensure that no database configuration changes are pending. 2 Shut down the Maximo application server. 3 Back up the database. 4 Copy the Maximo directory. 5 Download the file and copy to the Maximo server. 6 To start the PSI Installer, open the desktop folder Maximo Asset Management and click on Process Solution Installer -SMP. The installer can also be launched by navigating with a command prompt to C:\ibm\SMP\bin and running solutionInstallerGUI.bat 7 In the Introduction panel, click Next. 8 In the Choose PSI Package panel, click Choose, navigate to the file, select the file, and click Open. 9 Follow the onscreen instructions. 10 Run the 'updatedb.bat' utility to run all the interim fix database scripts: a. At a command prompt, change directory to '\tools\maximo'. For example, c:\IBM\SMP\maximo\tools\maximo. b. Run 'updatedb.bat'. 11 Apply any manual updates listed in this readme.txt file. To find the manual updates for each APAR, the information related to the APAR in the Manual Changes section. 12 Delete the application server cache folders. For Oracle WebLogic Server, delete the 'cache' and 'tmp' folders in \user_projects\domains\mydomain\servers\AdminServer\. Example: C:\bea923\user_projects\domains\max75domain\servers\AdminServer\cache C:\bea923\user_projects\domains\max75domain\servers\AdminServer\tmp For IBM WebSphere(R) Application Server, delete the cache folder in \AppServer\profiles\Custom01\temp\Node01\MAXIMOSERVER\MXServer 13 Delete the Web browser cache on every computer that uses Maximo base services. 14 Rebuild and redeploy the EAR files, and then restart the application server. ---------- =============================================================================================== IV. Behavior Changes =============================================================================================== APAR #: IV59253 Defect #: 134948 Description: You can now use a comma between query terms to perform logical or in-text searches. --- APAR #: IV59388 Defect: 131020 Description: A new line command, -r, was added to the line parameter to specify the number of records that are read before the query restarts. The default value is set to 1,000,000. --- Defect: 131194 Functionality Changes: Tabs in Scheduler/GA/CGA used to be created when Scheduler Loaded, this is no longer the case for most tabs. These resource tabs are now loaded and created when you click on them. Property Changes: The skd.helptab.enabled property is an ALN System property that can be created and set to false to disable the Help Tab from being displayed. The skd.reservation.liveupdate property is an ALN System Property that can be created and set to a value to alter the live update value that triggers. The default value is 500. User Interface Changes: When the gantt view loads, there is a new tab, Help, that shows a very brief message to the user about the Resource Views. Database Change: The HF7520_06 script will add new message labels for help tab. --- APAR #: IV59612 Defect: 133671 Description: A new system property, mxe.skd.setactivitymodified, was added to Maximo. If the property is set to 0 the skdactivity record is not marked as modified on the default setting of start time and end time. The default value for this property is 1. --- APAR #: IV59960 Defect: 132652 Description: You can now use a comma between query terms to perform logical OR in-text searches. --- APAR #: IV56643 Defect: 133640 Description: In the SmartCloud Control Desk 7511, when you run a BIRT report, the CSRF token can be modified. Database Scripts: Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV61512 Defect: 137688 Description: When the base language of Maximo is set to German and you attempt to save an expression in the conditional expression manager, an error occurs. Database Scripts: HF7506_04.mxs Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV50149 Defect: 129406 Description: Hourly rate for crew types is calculated as the average hourly rate instead of the sum hourly rates. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes : N/A --- APAR #: IV63558 Defect(s): 144438 Description: In the Work Order Tracking application, when a Labor Actual Usage record is reported against a work order task, the actual start and finish times are incorrect. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63796 Defect: 150266 Description: When a customer has Microsoft Office 2010 or later, the Secured Attachment attribute does not function for Microsoft documents. Database Scripts: HF7506_08.dbc Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV60955 Defect(s): 150383 Description: A new system property, WEBCLIENT.RICHTEXT.BLOCKNODE, was added for the rich text editor enter key. The values available are BR, DIV, or P and the default value is DIV. Database Scripts: HF7506_09.dbc Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63796 Defect: 150266 Description: A new table named REPORTATTACHDOCS was added. Database Scripts: HF7506_08.dbc Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV64953 Defect: 151299 Description: Non-functional select records for single select tables were removed. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65585 Defect: 151214 Description: A site ID restriction was added to the relationship between the VIEWPOLINE object and WORKORDER object. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV60764 Defect: 138902 Description: Three objects were added: MAXRELATIONSHIPS, LNRMULTIASSETLOCCIS, and LNRMULTIASSETLOCCIS_NOHOST. Database Scripts: HF7506_11.dbc Manual Changes: See Manual Changes section. --- APAR #: IV65074 Defect(s): 148700 Description: If the portlet group by attribute uses dot-notation, nothing will happen when the items in the bar or pie chart are clicked. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV59604 Defect(s): 153096 Description: The long operation dialog will activate on the upload file control when you change the event from LOADDATA to DOLONGOP. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65971 Defect: 152067 Description: In the Desktop Requisitions application, the Select Record check box is included on every table. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV67434 Defect(s): 156290 Description: When you cancel and then revise a PO and then later create invoices off that PO, the information that is populated is incorrect. Database Scripts: HF7506_16.dbc Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV59845 Defect: 153260 Description: You cannot select objects that are persistent but not main objects. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes : N/A ----- --- =============================================================================================== V. Manual Changes =============================================================================================== --- APAR #: Defect(s): 133664 Description: In the Scheduler application, the save option was still available after you select cancel on the Change Status and Modify Work Details dialog boxes. Manual Changes : 1) Export the scheduler.xml using Application Designer. Save this export in a location where you can edit it. 2) Open the just-saved scheduler.xml in a text editor. 3) Search for - replace with 5) Search for - replace with 7) Search for - replace with 9) Search for - replace with 11) Save the modifications and import the modified scheduler.xml. 12) Export the grpassign.xml using Application Designer. Save this export in a location where you can edit it. 13) Open the just-saved grpassign.xml in a text editor. 14) Search for - replace with 16) At the end of the line remove savemode="ONUNLOAD" replace with 17) At the end of the line remove savemode="ONUNLOAD" replace with 18) At the end of the line remove savemode="ONLOADUNLOAD" replace with 19) Save the modifications and import the modified grpassign.xml. --- APAR #: IV57308 Defect: 134801 Description: The CREWWORKGROUP column does not appear in the JOBTASK table. Database Scripts: HF7520_11.dbc Manual Changes: Manual Changes: 1) In Application Designer, export jobplan.xml and wotrack.xml. Save the exported files to a location where you can edit them. 2) Open the just exported and saved jobplan.xml in a text editor. 3) Find the line that contains 4) Add the following line under this (NOTE: the customer might want to add this field in a different area on the UI screen) 5) Save the file. 2) Open the just exported and saved wotrack.xml in a text editor. 3) Find the line that contains 4) Add the following line under this (NOTE: the customer might want to add this field in a different area on the UI screen) 5) Save the file. 9) Import the modified jobplan.xml and wotrack.xml files. --- APAR #: IV62870 Defect: 145167 Description: When you delete a job plan, records from doclinks and docinfo aren't deleted. Database Scripts: HF7506_07.dbc Manual Changes: Set property "mxe.doclink.deleteOrphanDocinfo" to "1" to remove docinfo record when the last related doclinks record is deleted. --- APAR #: IV50149 Defect: 129406 Description: The Hourly Rate function for crew types is calculated as the average hourly rates instead of the sum hourly rates. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes : 1) In Application Designer, export multisite.xml. Save the export to a location where you can edit them 2) Open the just-saved multisite.xml in a text editor 3) Find the line that contains 4) Under this dialog, locate the line
5) Change the line to
5) Under this section, locate the radiobuttongroup line that starts with 7) An example of what the end result would look like is:
... 8) Save the file. 9) Import the modified xml file --- APAR #: IV65211 Defect: 149642 Description: After interim fix IV44271, there is a refocusing issue in the workflow designer. Manual Changes: Go To application - System Configuration - Platform Configuration - System Properties insert a new Global Property: property Name is mxe.routewfcleanup, any description, Global Value 1. Save. Find this new property again, select it, and perform Live Refresh. --- APAR #: IV60764 Defect: 138902 Description: When attempting to modify the start or end measure of an existing linear asset, the following error is thrown: "BMXAA6322E - WORKORDER that exists from Start Measure 0 to End Measure 28,498 lies outside the boundaries of the proposed Asset's Start Measure 0 and End Measure 27,382. Please remove the WORKORDER or change the proposed measures." When updating End Measures on Assets, Maximo should not be looking for historical (Closed and Canceled) work orders. Database Scripts: HF7506_11.dbc Manual Changes: After running the database script HF7505_27.dbc two new relationships will exist in the MAXRELATIONSHIP table: LNRMULTIASSETLOCCIS and LNRMULTIASSETLOCCIS_NOHIST. In order for history work orders to be excluded from linear asset startmeasure/endmeasure validations, the WHERE clause in relationship LNRMULTIASSETLOCCIS needs to be replaced with the WHERE clause from the LNRMULTIASSETLOCCIS_NOHIST. This can be done on the Relationships tab in Database Configuration on the ASSET object. The LNRMULTIASSETLOCCIS_NOHIST WHERE clause is: assetnum = :assetnum and siteid = :siteid and (startmeasure is not null or endmeasure is not null) and exists (select 1 from workorder wo where multiassetlocci.siteid=wo.siteid and multiassetlocci.assetnum=wo.assetnum and wo.wonum=multiassetlocci.recordkey and wo.woclass=multiassetlocci.recordclass and historyflag=0) Use this WHERE clause to overwrite the WHERE clause on the LNRMULTIASSETLOCCIS relationship if you want history work orders to be excluded from linear asset startmeasure/endmeasure validations. If you want the previous behavior to continue (Closed and Canceled history work orders are not excluded when changing the length of a linear asset), do not make this relationship change. --- APAR #: IV63271 Defect(s): 143337 Description: After you close a Maximo session, Cognos Direct Integration access remains open. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: Stop the Cognos server. Copy reports\cognos\\webapps\p2pd\WEB-INF\lib\CAM_AAA_MXCSP.jar to the appropriate folder on the Cognos server. See the Maximo Cognos Integration Installation Guide for details if you are unsure of the correct location. After copying the JAR file, restart the Cognos server. If you are using Cognos 8.4.1, an additional step is required to ensure that scheduled report jobs execute correctly. Each user should log into Cognos Connection and renew their credentials as described below: It is only necessary to perform this step once. --- APAR #: IV66889 Defect: 154781 Description: In the Purchase Contracts application, the Copy PO Lines to Contract action populates information from the wrong Purchase Order revision. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: - Go to Application Designer app and bring CONTPURCH application. - Click on edit dialogs toolbar button and find copypoline dialog. - Right click under "Company" (table body) and choose "properties." - Change attribute from PO.VENDOR to POREV.VENDOR. --- APAR #: IV66446 Defect: 157168 Description: In the Job Plans application, the View Status History option is not available on the Select Action menu. Database Scripts: HF7506_15.dbc Manual Changes: 1) In Application Designer, export and save jobplan.xml to a location where you can edit it. 2) Open the jobplan.xml in a text editor. 3) Find the line that contains 4) Change the id from "viewhist" to "viewhistor" so that is looks like this 5) Save the file. 6) Import the modified jobplan.xml file. --- APAR #: IV66167 Defect: 152108 Description: When you look up an item from the Spare Part dialog box, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes : 1) In Application Designer, export plusctmplt.xml. Save the export to a location where you can edit them 2) Open the just-saved plusctmplt.xml in a text editor 3) Find the line that contains 4) Under this dialog, locate the line 5) Change the menutype value from PLUSCASSETMAIN to normal so that the resulting line appears as: Save the file. 6) Import the modified xml file using Application Designer --- APAR #: IV66442 Defect(s): 153485 Description: In the Inventory application, when you reorder from the List tab, the Include Soft Reservations option is not displayed on the reorder dialog box. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: 1) Go to Application Designer. 2) Find " INVENTOR" Application, open it. 3) Click on the "Export Application Definition" icon to export the xml file. 4) Open resources\presentations\inventor.xml in notepad. 5) Look for the following line: 6) Add the following new line under the above line: 7) Save 8) Go to back Application Designer and click on "Import Application Definition" button. 9) Select the inventor.xml you have just modified in step 6. 10) Save. --- APAR #: IV65124 Defect: 148889 Description: The Requires Hard Reservation flag for tools is automatically selected when it should not be. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: Manual Changes: 1) Go to Application Designer. 2) Find "TOOLINV" Application, open it. 3) Click on the "Export Application Definition" icon to export the xml file. 4) Open resources\presentations\toolinv.xml in notepad. 5) Look for the following line: 6) Replace the above line with the following line: 7) Save 8)Go to back Application Designer and click on "Import Application Definition" button. 9) Select the toolinv.xml you have just modified in step 6. 10) Save. --- APAR #: IV68129 Defect: 158023 Description: When you remove the security rights to perform a current balance adjustment, you cannot transfer items from a storeroom. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: 1) Go to Application Designer. 2) Find "INVENTOR" Application, open it. 3) Click on the "Export Application Definition" icon to export the xml file. 4) Open resources\presentations\inventor.xml in notepad. 5) Look for the following line: 6) Replace the above line with the following line:: 7) Save 8) Go to back Application Designer and click on "Import Application Definition" button. 9) Select the inventor.xml you have just modified in step 6. 10) Save. --- APAR #: IV63268 Defect: 163827 Description: When you use Java 1.7.0_60 and Maximo, a warning message is displayed when you navigate to the Application Designer. Database Scripts: HF7506_20.dbc Manual Changes: The following system properties were added via database script HF7506_20.dbc to specify the version of Java being used by the browser: mxe.javaApplet.Classid mxe.javaApplet.ClassidNoMinimum mxe.javaApplet.Codebase mxe.javaApplet.CodebaseNoProtocol mxe.javaApplet.Type These values need to be set in System Configuration > Platform Configuration > System Properties to java 6 or 7 depending on the java version. --- APAR #: IV72017 Defect: 169881 Description: When Material Request is assigned to a user for approval through workflow, the user cannot open Material Request from their inbox. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: The application restriction for VIEWDR can be modified in either of two ways. The change ONLY needs to be made using ONE of these methods. The user can export the viewdr.xml application definition, and modify the apprestrictions parameter in the tag. Or, the user can modify VIEWDR in the application designer canvas. Method 1: Modify the Application XML: 1. Navigate to System Configuration > Platform Configuration > Application Designer. Open the VIEWDR record. 2. In the toolbar, click the Export Application Definition button. 3. Save a local copy of the viewdr.xml file, then open in a text editor. Create a backup copy of viewdr.xml if desired. 4. In the tag at the top of the document, find the apprestrictions parameter. Modify this parameter by appending the following text to the existing apprestriction: " or mrid in (select OWNERID from WFASSIGNMENT where OWNERTABLE='MR' and ASSIGNSTATUS='ACTIVE' and ASSIGNCODE in (select PERSONID from MAXUSER where USERID=:user))" For example (if the apprestrictions parameter has not been edited previously): apprestrictions="requestedby in (select personid from personancestor where ancestor=(select personid from maxuser where userid=:user)) or requestedfor in (select personid from personancestor where ancestor=(select personid from maxuser where userid=:user)) or mrid in (select OWNERID from WFASSIGNMENT where OWNERTABLE='MR' and ASSIGNSTATUS='ACTIVE' and ASSIGNCODE in (select PERSONID from MAXUSER where USERID=:user))" 5. Save view.xml. 6. Back in Application Designer, click the Import Application Definition toolbar button. 7. Click the Browse button, navigate to the modified viewdr.xml file, click Open and then OK. Method 2: Use the Workflow Designer Canvas: 1. Navigate to System Configuration > Platform Configuration > Application Designer. Open the VIEWDR record. 2. On the App Designer's Workspace tab, the user will see the VIEWDR application. Do Select Action > Toggle Show All Controls in order to view the "presentation..." control at the top of the canvas. 3. Click on the "presentation..." control, then click the Control Properties toolbar button to open the Presentation Properties dialog box. 4. Find the Application Restrictions field on the Presentation Properties dialog box. Modify the contents of this field by appending the following text to the existing text: " or mrid in (select OWNERID from WFASSIGNMENT where OWNERTABLE='MR' and ASSIGNSTATUS='ACTIVE' and ASSIGNCODE in (select PERSONID from MAXUSER where USERID=:user))" For example (if the apprestrictions parameter has not been edited previously): Application Restrictions: requestedby in (select personid from personancestor where ancestor=(select personid from maxuser where userid=:user)) or requestedfor in (select personid from personancestor where ancestor=(select personid from maxuser where userid=:user)) or mrid in (select OWNERID from WFASSIGNMENT where OWNERTABLE='MR' and ASSIGNSTATUS='ACTIVE' and ASSIGNCODE in (select PERSONID from MAXUSER where USERID=:user)) 6. Click the Save toolbar button. ==================================================================================================== VI. Issues Resolved ==================================================================================================== ============================================================================================== Begin IF001 ( ============================================================================================== APAR #: IV59388 Defect(s): 131020 Description: The Rich Text Update utility crashes with large data sets. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: UpdateRichText command line utility has new parameter "-r" to specify number of records read before restarting query to avoid snapshot to old error. Default value: 1,000,000. --- APAR #: Defect(s): 133148 Description: Multiple executions of the update skdactivity SQL were removed. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes:N/A --- APAR #: Defect(s): 133149 Description: Overlapping predicates in a delete SQL were removed. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes:N/A --- APAR #: Defect(s): 133150 Description: When you run a query in the graphical assignment that is concerned with shifts, results are not limited to selections and Maximo hangs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes:N/A --- APAR #: Defect(s): 133152 Description: The FetchWorkPeriodData function does not filter data according to date range. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes:N/A --- APAR #: Defect(s): 133153 Description: Some SQLs are not cached in Scheduler applications. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes:N/A --- APAR #: Defect(s): 131194 Description: In the Scheduler application, some UI inconsistencies caused performance problems. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV60086 Defect(s): 133661 Description: When you save a simple schedule, Maximo hangs. Database Scripts: V7520_02.dbc Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: Defect(s): 133663 Description: In the Scheduler application, the Applink applet was causing performance issues. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes : N/A --- APAR #: Defect(s): 133664 Description: In the Scheduler application, the save option was still available after you select cancel on the Change Status and Modify Work Details dialog boxes. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes : 1) Export the scheduler.xml using Application Designer. Save this export in a location where you can edit it. 2) Open the just-saved scheduler.xml in a text editor. 3) Search for - replace with 5) Search for - replace with 7) Search for - replace with 9) Search for - replace with 11) Save the modifications and import the modified scheduler.xml. 12) Export the grpassign.xml using Application Designer. Save this export in a location where you can edit it. 13) Open the just-saved grpassign.xml in a text editor. 14) Search for - replace with 16) At the end of the line remove savemode="ONUNLOAD" replace with 17) At the end of the line remove savemode="ONUNLOAD" replace with 18) At the end of the line remove savemode="ONLOADUNLOAD" replace with 19) Save the modifications and import the modified grpassign.xml. --- APAR #: Defect: 133665 Description: In the Scheduler application, the Discard Changes and Refresh actions are slow. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: RTC defect: 133666 Description: In the Scheduler application, Return on the WO Track applink is slow. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: RTC defect: 133668 Description: Improve save and commit performance was increased. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV59612 RTC defect: 133671 Description: The SKDActivity property always impacts the Modified column. Database Scripts: HF7520_03 Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV57104 RTC defect: 130956 Description: The WEBCLIENT.WRAPLENGTH system property is ineffective. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV59499 Defect(s): 133003 Description: You are able to edit RFQ fields when their status is at Closed, Comp, or Ready. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes : N/A --- APAR #: IV57477 Defect(s): 130955 Description: In the Domains application, when you create a requisition, the error message, "BMXAA0234E - Not a valid site error received when selecting a value from a user created domain in the Create Requisition application," is displayed. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes : N/A --- APAR #: IV55983 RTC defect: 133582 Description: If you reference an item in a revised purchase order, when you change the status of the item to obsolete, the error message, "BMXAA2121W - This status change will make the item(s) permanently unavailable for use. Do you wish to continue?" is displayed. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: RTC defect: 134396 Description: Cache Resource data for craft and tool was adjusted for better performance. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV59863 RTC defect: 134400 Description: The allocation of planned hours on the Resource and Hours Availability tab of the histogram is not displayed correctly. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: Defect: 134401 Description: Load is not displayed for tools in the Resource view of the Gantt chart. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV60118 Defect: 133016 Description: When the status of an inventory usage record cannot be changed to shipped, a shipment record is still created. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV56755 Defect: 133588 Description: In the Work Order Tracking application, the item number for materials with a negative balance is not listed, and the error message, ""BMXAA1892E - the balance in the bin will become a negative as a result of this transaction." Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV60766 Defect: 134939 Description: When you cancel a WF step, the PO object is redirected to the first record. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV59983 Defect: 132720 Description: Whenever a Parent Work Order with multiple Child Work Orders is generated from a PM with a Route, when you change the status of any of the work orders, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV57243 Defect: 134744 Description: When you define an item as FIFO and you capitalize it, an incorrect cost is populated. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV60090 Defect: 134920 Description: In the Inventory application, when you spit a shipment receipt against the same inventory usage line into multiple lines, it is possible to exceed the inventory usage line quantity. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV60706 Defect: 134871 Description: In the Inventory Usage application, the auto-split function selects ineligible assets. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV60801 Defect: 135305 Description: The Inventory Vendor Tax Exempt flag is not updated by purchases. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: N/A Defect: 132996 Description: When you use JRE 1.7.0_55, the Asset Topology aplet does not render correctly. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: N/A Defect: 135920 Description: The following index was added to improve performance: MAXIMO.WORKORDER_TESTIDX1 on MAXIMO.WORKORDER("SITEID" ASC,"ISTASK" ASC,"WOCLASS" ASC,"STATUS" ASC,"HISTORYFLAG" ASC). Database Scripts: HF7520_04.dbc Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV61044 Defect: 135798 Description: When you clone a Scheduler application, the Gantt View's right click actions are missing. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: Clear Java and browser cache. --- APAR #: IV27819 Defect: 135114 Description: When you create a query, the system appends the list of labor codes that the user has rights to. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV60190 Defect(s): 134049 Description: In the Create Requisitions application, the MR.PRIORITY property always defaults to 1. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes : N/A --- APAR #: IV59253, IV59960 Defect(s): 134948, 132652 Description: Text search fields, cannot do logical OR searches. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes : N/A --- APAR #: IV60761 Defect: 135584 Description: When you add a person to a group that has a default person for the group assigned, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV60083 Defect: 133998 Description: Description: If you add two tasks in a change, it is possible to set the same predecessor for each other task. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: Defect: 132223 Description: The ISM Content Installer does not display documentation until MM is loaded. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV46299 Defect: 133719 Description: In the Invoices application, the GL Debit Account field is inconsistent when you set the type to Standard Services. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV59387 Defect: 133555 Description: When you enter in a carriage return in the Long Description field in Microsoft Internet Explorer 8, explorer crashes. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV59724 Defect: 131887 Description: You can enter any value into the relationship name on a CI relationship. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV59983 Defect: 135134 Description: When a parent work order with multiple child work is generated form a PM with a route, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: Defect: 133667 Description: When you do Commit from the Gantt View tab, Maximo slows. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A ----- APAR #: IV60090 Defect: 134920 Description: When splitting a shipment receipt against the same inventory usage line into multiple lines, it is possible to exceed the inventory usage line quantity.. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV57243 Defect: 134744 Description: Incorrect cost when item is defined as FIFO and capitalized . Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A ============================================================================================== End IF001 ( ============================================================================================== ============================================================================================== Begin IF002 ( ============================================================================================== APAR #: IV61017 Defect: 135856 Description: In the Inventory application, the Quantity Available value does not decrease after you create a hard reservation. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV61319 Issue(s): 136740 Description: When you create an Inventory Usage line and change the item number from a non-rotating item to a rotating item number, the Rotating Asset field remains read-only. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV61730 Defect: 138456 Description: When you select the graphs on the Start Center, the result is not displayed in the application. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV62186 Defect: 139351 Description: In the Work Order Tracking application, you cannot approve a work order with an item reservation quantity greater than the available balance. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV62061 Defect: 139264 Description: In the Work Order Tracking application, when you enter a meter reading from the Detail menu of the Asset field, a null pointer exception occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV61465 Issue(s): 137285 Description: In the Scheduler application, the quick builder lookup only displays the OK and Cancel buttons. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV61297 Defect: 136626 Description: You can delete a PO line after it is received. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV61234 Defect(s): 136496 Description: In the Receiving application, when you move an asset with the Move /Modify Asset function, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV61463 Issue(s): 137266 Description: You can add a storeroom from other sites on desktop requisitions but items from that storeroom cannot be added to the requisition. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes : N/A --- APAR #: IV61418 Issue(s): 137027 Description: Description: Extra filters are displayed for CSS files when you upload a file attachment in Maximo. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes : N/A --- APAR #: IV60825 Defect: 135068 Description: When a shipment receipt for a rotating asset is inspected, the status changes to NOT READY even if the destination and originating sites are the same. This should only happen when the receipt is cross-site. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV60758 Defect: 136958 Description: The Description field does not properly populate in the Asset Template application. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV61711 Defect: 138353 Description: The material line for a LIFO item has zero cost on the Work Order Actuals tab. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV61743 Defect: 139665 Description: In the Scheduler application, you are required to discard changes and refresh to see changes that are made by going to work order tracking. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV61512 Defect: 137688 Description: When the base language of Maximo is set to German and you attempt to save an expression in the conditional expression manager, an error occurs. Database Scripts: HF7506_04.mxs Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV60737 Defect: 138384 Description: In the Translation Data Toolkit Utility application, when you sort domain records for an ALN domain, a Null Pointer exception occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV57445 Defect: 138997 Description: In the Graphical Assignment application, when you are in the Gantt View, the Shift value is empty. When you reenter a Shift value, the field remains empty. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV53627 Defect: 136820 Description: In a PO Cost table, the GL account is null. Database Scripts: Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV61603 Defect: 137581 Description: The Where clause in Advanced Search windows is converted to lowercase. Database Scripts: Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV56643 Defect: 133640 Description: In the SmartCloud Control Desk 7511, when you run a BIRT report, the CSRF token can be modified. Database Scripts: Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV60991 Defect: 136223,140301 Description: In the Work Order Tracking application, the Status Field lookup on the List tab is missing WSCH and HISTEDIT statuses. Database Scripts: Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV61180 Defect: 137126 Description: In the Work Order Tracking application, statuses on the List screen are not displayed. Database Scripts: Manual Changes: N/A --- ============================================================================================== End IF002 ( ============================================================================================== ============================================================================================== Begin IF003 ( ============================================================================================== APAR #: IV63245 Defect: 143384 Description: The Dynamic Where clause does not display properly in QBR reports. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63329 Defect(s): 144125 Description: After you apply LAFIX.20140716, when you select a hyperlink in a report, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63066 Defect: 143868,144874 Description: PO lines with the Inspection Required option selected double the ordered quantity upon inspection. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV60512 Defect: 140128 Description: When you process 10000 - 12000 reservations in the InvReservationResTypeUpdate CronTask, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV62524 Defect: 140561 Description: When you revise POs that reference closed PRs, the PR references are not populated for the PO lines. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63252 Defect(s): 143240 Description: You cannot apply an SLA with a calculation calendar to a work order. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV56043 Defect(s): 143090, 145109 Description: When you have the same classification in two different locations, the Go To action takes you to the incorrect classification. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV59281 Defect(s): 143649 Description: In the Application Designer, a filter in the XML only filters by one status at a time. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63032 Defect(s): 143448 Description: When you publish data from a multiassetlocci object structure, long descriptions from work order do not function properly. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV55717 / IV59933 Defect(s): 141303 Description: The status of a receipt is changing to partial when you complete a receipt even if no lines were received. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV60202 Defect(s): 141418 Description: When you transfer an item in from an internal PO, the To Bin field is not populated. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV44312 Defect(s): 141059 Description: In the Assets application, the Toolrate field is read-only in a German environment. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV59976 Defect: 142255 Description: In the Work Type lookup of the Advanced Search dialog, the Activity row is incorrectly displayed. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV62279 Defect: 140106 Description: The Assign To function in the Graphical Assignment application locks up assignments. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV62721 Defect: 141153 Description: The ALNVALUE attribute is not inherited for job plan specifications. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV62719 Defect: 141434 Description: Date report parameters throw errors when there is a custom date format. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV62545 Defect: 141399,140896 Description: When you use the Select Receipts to Void action, Maximo returns against the GL Account when inspection is not required for the item. Database Scripts: HF7505_15.dbc Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV62696 Defect: 141551 Description: When you revise a PO by deleting one line and adding a new one, both PRs reference the same PO line. Database Scripts: HF7505_15.dbc Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV62293 Defect: 139822 Description: When you select a value with the Return With Value action, the incorrect labor record is returned to the Assigned Labor dialog box. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV62562 Defect: 140641 Description: When you add apostrophes to the Start Center portlet display names, they are displayed by incorrect characters. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV60795 Defect: 135054 Description: A partial shipment does not update the Total Quantity Shipped field. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV62345 Defect: 141114 Description: The Next Due Date field is set to null when a PM work order is canceled from the UI. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV61951 Defect: 140565 Description: The CHANGEBY and CHANGEDATE fields on ASSETMETER or LOCATIONMETER business objects are not updated by integration. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV62724 Defect: 141154 Description: In the Domains application, some users cannot select a value for the Status field. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63050 Defect: 142603 Description: In the Purchase Order application, when you configure the Default Insert site on a user profile, filtering issues occur. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A ============================================================================================== End IF003 ( ============================================================================================== ============================================================================================== Begin IF004 ( ============================================================================================== APAR #: IV62799 Defect: 147145 Description: Some of the Gantt View toolbar icons do not have hover text. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV62229 Defect: 146355 Description: The reorder process does not look at the tax code hierarchy order. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63536 Defect: 145948 Description: In the Service Request application, when you select on the Owner Search button, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63868 Defect: 145753 Description: You cannot deactivate a person if they are set as a supervisor on a canceled revision of a job plan. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV61101 Defect: 145276, 138689 Description: When you partially receive a service item, the status of the receipt status is automatically changed to complete. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63717 Defect: 145262 Description: The code to check for UI enhancements for SmartCloud Control Desk was broken and is now repaired. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63378 Defect: 145181 Description: In the Classifications application, when you add a numeric value for a numeric attribute, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV62870 Defect: 145167 Description: When you delete a job plan, records from doc links and doc info are not deleted. Database Scripts: HF7506_07.dbc Manual Changes: Set property "mxe.doclink.deleteOrphanDocinfo" to "1" to remove docinfo record when the last related doclinks record is deleted. --- APAR #: IV63762 Defect(s): 145062 Description: In the Service Requests application, if you have the Time Tracking section set to viewable, the Select Labor button does not function. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63386 Defect(s): 144936 Description: In the Work Order Tracking application, when you complete an assignment on a completed work order, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV48001 Defect: 144421 Description: When you update a rotating item from SAP, the updated lot type has an incorrect value. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: Defect: 144418 Description: In a Firefox browser, the Gantt view takes approximatly 10 mins to render. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV60997 Defect: 144411 Description: When you duplicate a profile, the Site ID field is changed to match the default Site ID value. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV60285 Defect: 143991 Description: Maximo's parent table's unique ID column length does not match the child table's unique ID column length. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63062 Defect: 143679 Description: Child links in Asset Drilldown do not work. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63243 Defect: 143345 Description: When you use Input Mode for any application, there is a   value in the dropdown menu. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63120 Defect(s): 143267 Description: In the Work Order Tracking application, on the Status lookup on List tab, the Select All check box does not function. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63039 Defect: 143196 Description: The Start Empty check box does not function the way it did in previous versions of Maximo 7.5. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63247 Defect: 143161 Description: When you use the Select Reserved Items dialog, the Remark field on an Inventory Usage line is automatically copied to the Description field. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV56557 Defect: 143143 Description: If the Inventory Balance record has a staged balance associated with it, it will be subtracted during the reconcile adjustment to avoid double counting. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63124 Defect: 142975 Description: The first column in a table is wide when you use Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 in Compatibility Mode. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV62682 Defect(s): 141156 Description: When you add enough rows to a table to exceed the maximum row count, the counter in the table header is incorrect. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV62583 Defect: 140823 Description: In the Inventory Usage application, when you transfer an item three times, rotating items are not available. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV55900 Defect: 140380 Description: The V7520_13 script does not insert the application authorization records. Database Scripts: HF7520_12.dbc Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV61494 Defect: 137148 Description: The Next Page icon on the select value of the Status field is grayed out. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV60986 Defect: 136117 Description: In the Receiving application, when a purchase order is at a PNDREV status and you add and remove a rotating item, the Current Balance value is incorrect. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV60987 Defect: 135744 Description: In the Scheduler application, values in the Planned Labor Hours column on the Resource Load and Availability tab do not match the histogram. Database Scripts: HF7520_13.dbc Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV Defect: 140505 Description: The rotating asset number is not displayed on the work order when receiving an item that is direct issue. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV Defect: 143268 Description: If then work orders are unable to be printed from WO change status dialog. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- ----- ------ ============================================================================================== End IF004( ============================================================================================== ============================================================================================== Begin IF005 ( ============================================================================================== ----- ----- --- APAR #: IV63558 Defect(s): 144438 Description: In the Work Order Tracking application, when a Labor Actual Usage record is reported against a work order task, the actual start and finish times are incorrect. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV50149 Defect: 129406 Description: The Hourly Rate function for crew types is calculated as the average hourly rates instead of the sum hourly rates. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes : 1) In Application Designer, export multisite.xml. Save the export to a location where you can edit them 2) Open the just-saved multisite.xml in a text editor 3) Find the line that contains 4) Under this dialog, locate the line
5) Change the line to
5) Under this section, locate the radiobuttongroup line that starts with 7) An example of what the end result would look like is:
... 8) Save the file. 9) Import the modified xml file --- APAR #: IV64039/IV63718 Defect: 148984/146520 Description: The Preventive Maintenance application sends an invalid Where clause to reports. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63985 Defect: 147208 Description: In the Invoices application, when you create an invoice without the purchase order number populated on the header of the invoice, the receipts and voided receipts are displayed in the selection of the receipts for the invoice. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV59616 Defect: 147651 Description: When you reconcile an inventory adjustment across sites after a receipt of transfer, the quantity that is transferred is incorrect. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV64122 Defect: 146434 Description: The All Records querries have information defined in the Where clause. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV64323 Defect: 146696 Description: When you add a copied item to the Requisitions Line Items table, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV64765 Defect: 147939 Description: After the test fix, Maximo cannot read paths with spaces. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV64602 Defect: 147406 Description: When you create a new group that has the DMMAXGROUP property and create a package with that group, an error occurs when you distribute the package. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV56174 Defect: 143553 Description: Some of the SmartCloud Control Desk Maximo Business Objects do not have a Description attribute. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV64953 Defect: 148510 Description: In the Create Requisition application, you cannot add existing material to service requisitions. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV64864 Defect: 148158 Description: After you apply the fix from DCF 1675032, the preview time for crontasks is off by one hour. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV64676 Defect: 147051 Description: Rotating asset information is not cleared if you change the tool information from the Actuals Tool tab. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63790 Defect: 145232 Description: The right-aligned table column has a left-aligned column header. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63897 Defect: 145611 Description: In the Inventory application, the Inventory Available quantity and the Hard Reserved quantity are incorrect when you have multiple reservations. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63766 Defect: 148724 Description: When you enable the Enhanced Tooltip Hover function on an UPPER attribute with more than 10 characters on a list screen, the tooltip icon will be wrapped to the next line and become barely visible. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65211 Defect: 149642 Description: After interim fix IV44271, there is a refocusing issue in the workflow designer. Manual Changes: Go To application - System Configuration - Platform Configuration - System Properties insert a new Global Property: property Name is mxe.routewfcleanup, any description, Global Value 1. Save. Find this new property again, select it, and perform Live Refresh. --- APAR #: IV64395 Defect: 149678 Description: There is a null pointer exception when you hide all subtabs on the main page of job plan. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63670 Defect(s): 149720 Description: When you use a hyperlink on a report to display details of a different report, details are not displayed. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65361 Defect: 149793 Description: In the Crew Graphical Assignment application, when you create a new record and switch to the Graphical View tab, the applet does not load. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63019 Defect: 149990 Description: When you delete a primary asset with the Move/Modify dialog box, the Asset field in the main WO is not cleared. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65420 Defect: 150130 Description: You are required to press tab twice before the system will accept an input into a rich text control with the toolbar hidden. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV60955 Defect(s): 150383 Description: A new system property, WEBCLIENT.RICHTEXT.BLOCKNODE, was added for the rich text editor enter key. The values available are BR, DIV, or P and the default value is DIV. Database Scripts: HF7506_09.dbc Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV59621 Defect(s): 144385 Description: When you add a new unrestricted row, the Labor field is populated with the incorrect labor record. Database Scripts:N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63424 Defect(s): 145681 Description: You cannot ad new terms and conditions even if you have full access to the Terms and Conditions application. Database Scripts:N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV61964 Defect(s): 146844 Description: When you transfer a consignment item within the same storeroom, an error occurs. Database Scripts:N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63140 Defect(s): 146901 Description: When you list querries, the description is displayed rather than the name. Database Scripts:N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV61212 Defect(s): 137132 Description: When multiple assets exist and one of the assets has a status of OPERATING, there is no status of OPERATING in the Status list when multiple assets are selected. Database Scripts:N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- ----- ----- ============================================================================================== End IF005( ============================================================================================== ============================================================================================== Begin IF006 ( ============================================================================================== ----- ----- --- APAR #: IV64488 Defect(s): 147621 Description: When you use the Invocation Channel to interface Maximo with the PeopleSoft Financial product, an error occurs. Database Scripts:N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV59102 Defect(s): 143646 Description: When you define an SLA escalation, the default calendar rules are broken. Database Scripts:N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63796 Defect: 150266 Description: When a customer has Microsoft Office 2010 or later, the Secured Attachment attribute does not function for Microsoft documents. Database Scripts: HF7506_08.dbc Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65181 Defect: 150082 Description: When you run the UpdateRichText.bat utility on Maximo 7.5, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV59290 Defect: 149309 Description: The WONUM attribute does not exist when you select the Relate Records button. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV51094 Defect: 112071 Description: In the Desktop Requisition application, when you add a site lookup, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV64231 Defect: 146351 Description: In the E-Mail Listeners application, Microsoft Outlook HTML tags are not completely removed. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV57286 Defect: 150873 Description: Quotation marks are added into the email address of role recipients when multiple users exist. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65237 Defect: 150975 Description: In the User application, you cannot clear the Primary Email field. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV64949 Defect: 148592 Description: In the Application Designer application, sections that contain attachments are not properly displayed. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV60128 Defect: 136473 Description: In the Service Groups application, a user with read-only rights can select values in Lookup fields. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV64326 Defect: 146692 Description: In the Purchase Contracts application, when you change a line type, the value in the Total Cost field is populated incorrectly. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65437 Defect: 150069 Description: In the Application Designer application, toolbar icons on the Work Order tab do not work properly. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV64918 Defect: 150078 Description: In the Work Order Tracking application, you cannot change the default reservation type. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV64953 Defect: 151299 Description: In a single page application, the Select Record Checkbox does not function when selected. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65373 Defect: 150140 Description: If you have the same Signature option on multiple sections of the Tivoli 09 skin, extra spaces appear in tables. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66091 Defect: 151785 Description: In the Work Order Tracking application, when you try to open an attached file that begins with :// in Google Chrome, it does not open. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV64419 Defect: 146812 Description: You cannot select the Attach Document icon after you select cancel on the Add New File or Add New Webpage dialog boxes. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV62544 Defect: 146169 Description: If you move an obsolete item to a new location, you can change the item number of the item. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65585 Defect: 151214 Description: In the Work Order Tracking application, when you add and remove purchase order lines during a revision, the PO Total field is calculated incorrectly. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV64768 Defect: 150007 Description: In the Application Designer application, when a field is marked as required, the red "X" appears before the review and submit step. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65971 Defect: 152067 Description: In the Desktop Requisitions application, the Select Record check box is included on every table. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV61444 Defect: 152665 Description: After you install some test fixes, when you access the Maximo Login in certain browsers, errors are returned. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65680 Defect: 151267 Description: In the Report Administration application, the Work Order Details report has no planned labor output. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV60764 Defect: 138902 Description: When you modify the end measure of an existing linear asset to reflect survey or decommisioned results, an error occurs. Database Scripts: HF7506_11.dbc Manual Changes: See Manual Changes section. --- APAR #: IV65281 Defect: 149351 Description: In the Invoices application, when you select the View All Lines That Are not Invoiced option, Maximo hangs. Database Scripts: HF7506_12.dbc Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV57390 Defect(s): 142410 Description: In the Work Order Tracking application, in the Actuals and Plans tabs, when you enter a measurement on a task after the Inspector value is set, the values are not applied correctly. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV64871 Defect(s): 147858 Description: In the Invoice application, when you copy PO lines and approve an invoice, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65751 Defect(s): 151416 Description: In the Work Order Tracking application, when you return a rotating asset, the incorrect GL debit account is assigned. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV61333 Defect(s): 152889 Description: In the Inventory Usage application, when you select one record, no records are displayed on the List tab. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV57436 Defect(s): 153158 Description: The Lifo/Fifo Cost table is now a left outer join due to not always having a cost record when balances are initially entered as 0. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65420 Defect: 151172 Description: You are required to press tab twice before the system will accept an input into a rich text control with the toolbar hidden. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV64675 Defect(s): 148612 Description: In the Companies application, when you enter a pretax total and then set the company, the total base cost remains the same. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65074 Defect(s): 148700 Description: When you use dot notation on a result set graph, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV59604 Defect(s): 153096 Description: Upload file event needs to support longop dialog. Database Scripts: N/A Description: The long operation dialog will activate on the upload file control when you change the event from LOADDATA to DOLONGOP. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV61750 Defect(s): 153277 Description: When you select the Migration Manager Preview File icon on the Package tab, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV58505 Defect(s): 152139 Description: When you update a single automation script, all automation scripts are reloaded. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV64308 Defect(s): 146698 Description: In the Assets application, the View Work Details function lists all work orders with the same work order number regardless of site and asset. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65485 Defect(s): 153379 Description: You cannot navigate to the Work Order Tracking application from the Scheduler Gantt View tab. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66507 Defect(s): 153450 Description: In the Inventory application, you cannot reorder some items from specific locations. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66287 Defect(s): 152737 Description: In the Work Order Tracking application, when you revise a job plan, the description field displays incorrect information. Database Scripts: HF7506_13.dbc Manual Changes: 1) Open "Database Configuration" 2) Find "WORKORDER" object, open that. 3) Go to "Relationship" tab. 4) Find "WO_JOBPLAN" relationship. 5) Change the "Where Clause" to the following: jpnum=:jpnum and ((orgid=:orgid and siteid=:siteid) or (orgid=:orgid and siteid is null) or (orgid is null and siteid is null)) and pluscrevnum=:pluscjprevnum 6) Save --- APAR #: IV60910 Defect(s): 153629 Description: Code in the WOMATERIALSTATUSUPDATE cron task causes an endless loop. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66288 Defect(s): 152735 Description: In the Conditional Monitoring application, job plan descriptions are incorrect. Database Scripts: HF7506_14.dbc Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV62877 Defect(s): 150859 Description: When you select any query-based reporting, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV59290 Defect: 148527 Description: The WONUM attribute does not exist when you select the Relate Records button. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV42647 Defect: 152904 Description: In SR, the lookup is displaying assets for Users/Custodians on Decommissioned records. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A ----- ----- ============================================================================================== End IF006( ============================================================================================== ============================================================================================== Begin IF007( ============================================================================================== ---- ---- APAR #: IV65658 Defect(s): 150866 Description: In the Assets application, when you run the AssetTopoCache crontask, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV61882 Defect(s): 153860 Description: In the Purchase Order application, when you import a paid invoice with MIF, the purchase order does not close automatically. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV61711 Defect(s): 150080 Description: The material line for a LIFO item has zero cost on the Work Order Actuals tab. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65811 Defect(s): 151345 Description: In the Assets application, when you download parents assets in the Select Value dialog, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66264 Defect(s): 154472 Description: When you approve a purchase order with a different site ID than the associated material requisition, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63271 Defect(s): 143337 Description: After you close a Maximo session, Cognos Direct Integration access remains open. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: Stop the Cognos server. Copy reports\cognos\\webapps\p2pd\WEB-INF\lib\CAM_AAA_MXCSP.jar to the appropriate folder on the Cognos server. See the Maximo Cognos Integration Installation Guide for details if you are unsure of the correct location. After copying the JAR file, restart the Cognos server. If you are using Cognos 8.4.1, an additional step is required to ensure that scheduled report jobs execute correctly. Each user should log into Cognos Connection and renew their credentials as described below: It is only necessary to perform this step once. --- APAR #: IV64952 Defect: 154437 Description: In the Labor Rate Contracts application, when you associate labor to a revised contract that is not approved, an error message does not display. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66623 Defect: 154207 Description: If you create an empty Inventory Usage record and try to change the record status, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV60464 Defect: 152088 Description: In the Purchase Order application, when you void a Material receipt and receive it again, the Receipt status does not change. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65426 Defect: 154506 Description: When you approve invoices that are created from labor transactions, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63671 Defect: 153413 Description: In the Invoice application, when you create a new row and link it to a purchase order, the Invoice line references the incorrect revision. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66945 Defect: 154801 Description: When the number of applications that are associated to a module exceed a certain amount, you cannot scroll through an application list. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65813 Defect: 151344 Description: When you try to delete a new record that is not saved, the first record is marked for deletion. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66889 Defect: 154781 Description: In the Purchase Contracts application, the Copy PO Lines to Contract action populates information from the wrong Purchase Order revision. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: - Go to Application Designer app and bring CONTPURCH application. - Click on edit dialogs toolbar button and find copypoline dialog. - Right click under "Company" (table body) and choose "properties." - Change attribute from PO.VENDOR to POREV.VENDOR. --- APAR #: IV66258 Defect: 154509 Description: In the Asset Meter Single Page application, when you enter meter readings, incorrect readings are saved. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65686 Defect: 150944 Description: In the Work Order Tracking application, if you change a failure class, the problem code does not clear. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65228 Defect: 149855 Description: When you copy the lines from more than one purchase requisition to a purchase order, the purchase requisitions are not closed when you sort. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV64740 Defect(s): 150893 Description: When a field requires scrolling, and you hover over a tooltip icon, the screen automatically justifies to the left. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65948 Defect(s): 151679 Description: When a web form loads a page using a template or other user-controllable variables, the web form does not properly validate the user-supplied inputs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV64533 Defect(s): 146625 Description: Users with access to only one site can set the location of an SR to a location that they do not have access to. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66789 Defect(s): 154519 Description: You can no longer use both the Tab and the Action fields on the Interaction Node Properties dialog box in workflow designer. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV67188 Defect(s): 155720 Description: In the RFQ application, when the Select RFQ Lines option is active and the Create PO button is selected on the Quotations tab, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66769 Defect(s): 154580 Description: In the View Desktop Requisition application, in the Line Details dialog box, the Line Item Order information window incorrectly displays some POs as canceled. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV56224 Defect(s): 154802 Description: In the Work Order Tracking application, when you enter a value in the Labor Rate field and tab out, the field is cleared. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV59061 Defect(s): 154457 Description: When a revised PO with a new PO line is approved, the status of Purchase Order receipts are not adjusted to partial. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV56824 Defect(s): 142403 Description: In the Condition Monitoring application, when you enter a measurement value on a measure point, the last meter reading on a location meter is not updated. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #:IV66442 Defect(s): 153485 Description: In the Inventory application, when you reorder from the List tab, the Include Soft Reservations option is not displayed on the reorder dialog box. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV61651 Defect(s): 138012 Description: The Internal Reorder process does not allow items at a PENDOBS status to be transferred. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66442 Defect(s): 153485 Description: In the Inventory application, when you reorder from the List tab, the Include Soft Reservations option is not displayed on the reorder dialog box. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: 1) Go to Application Designer. 2) Find " INVENTOR" Application, open it. 3) Click on the "Export Application Definition" icon to export the xml file. 4) Open resources\presentations\inventor.xml in notepad. 5) Look for the following line: 6) Add the following new line under the above line: 7) Save Go to back Application Designer and click on "Import Application Definition" button. 9) Select the inventor.xml you have just modified in step 6. 10) Save. --- APAR #: IV66260 Defect: 155250 Description: When a list of queries is empty and you save the query, the black menu bar on the interface disappears. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A ============================================================================================== End IF007( ============================================================================================== ============================================================================================== Begin IF008( ============================================================================================== --- APAR #: Defect: 155753 Description: When you create a new view and extend the Inventory Balance object, you cannot make count adjustments. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV56203 Defect: 151439 Description: If you change the physical count for any item past the first line, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65124 Defect: 148889 Description: The Requires Hard Reservation flag for tools is automatically selected when it should not be. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: Manual Changes: 1) Go to Application Designer. 2) Find "TOOLINV" Application, open it. 3) Click on the "Export Application Definition" icon to export the xml file. 4) Open resources\presentations\toolinv.xml in notepad. 5) Look for the following line: 6) Replace the above line with the following line: 7) Save 8) Go to back Application Designer and click on "Import Application Definition" button. 9) Select the toolinv.xml you have just modified in step 6. 10) Save. --- APAR #: IV67057 Defect: 155209 Description: When LONGALN data type fields are marked as required, numerous interface problems occur. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV67298 Defect: 156656 Description: When you import meter readings with the Maximo Integration Framework, work orders are generated before meter frequencies are met if a related PM has more than one PM meter and the asset on the PM is configured for automatic PM work order generation. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV67505 Defect: 156463 Description: In the Work Order Tracking application, when you return to the Work Log tab after you navigate to the Plans or Actuals tab and adding an entry to the Plans or Actuals with one of the dialogs, new, unsaved Work Log entries disappear. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66167 Defect: 152108 Description: When you look up an item from the Spare Part dialog box, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes : 1) In Application Designer, export plusctmplt.xml. Save the export to a location where you can edit them 2) Open the just-saved plusctmplt.xml in a text editor 3) Find the line that contains 4) Under this dialog, locate the line 5) Change the menutype value from PLUSCASSETMAIN to normal so that the resulting line appears as: Save the file. 6) Import the modified xml file using Application Designer --- APAR #: IV66446 Defect: 157168 Description: In the Job Plans application, the View Status History option is not available on the Select Action menu. Database Scripts: HF7506_15.dbc Manual Changes: 1) In Application Designer, export and save jobplan.xml to a location where you can edit it. 2) Open the jobplan.xml in a text editor. 3) Find the line that contains 4) Change the id from "viewhist" to "viewhistor" so that is looks like this 5) Save the file. 6) Import the modified jobplan.xml file. --- APAR #: IV66986 Defect: 157318 Description: When you duplicate a work order on a different site, the work order prefix is populated with the original site. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes : N/A --- APAR #: IV67735 Defect: 157092 Description: When you add the MXE.ROUTEWFCLEANUP property to Maximo and set the global value of the property to 1, you can no longer modify attribute aliases in the Object Structure application. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes : N/A --- APAR #: IV63951 Defect: 145880 Description: When you delete or restore database attributes, attribute numbers are duplicated. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes : N/A --- APAR #: IV67453 Defect: 156329 Description: When you add material to a work order, the work order status automatically changes from WMATL to APPR. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes : N/A --- APAR #: IV67434 Defect(s): 156290 Description: When you cancel and then revise a PO and then later create invoices off that PO, the information that is populated is incorrect. Database Scripts: HF7506_16.dbc Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV67794 Defect: 157305 Description: The ScriptName Implicit variable is not available to all automation script types. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes : N/A --- APAR #: IV64768 Defect: 150007 Description: In the Application Designer application, when a field is marked as required, the red X appears before the review and submit step. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV67120 Defect: 157143 Description: When you use the Move To Day option to move a work order to a different date, the start and end dates in the Work List view do not update. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65945 Defect: 152331 Description: When you modify a meter reading, the Meter Average Units Per Day value does not update which causes work orders to be incorrectly generated. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65672 Defect: 157300 Description: Due Date calculations for calendar-based assignments do not function properly. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66773 Defect: 154677 Description: When you approve a PO that has revision, the Labor Rate value on the Actuals tab is incorrect. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68030 Defect: 157685 Description: In the Work Order Tracking application, when you void an item on a purchase order and then remove the price schedule, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV67525 Defect: 157689 Description: In the Advanced Search dialog box, you cannot search for invoices by their type. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV57374 Defect: 157379 Description: The total cost of a purchase requisition is set to a negative quantity if you delete a PR line from a PR with a single PR line. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #:IV65681 Defect: 151090 Description: The View/Manage Query box is not displayed unless the All Sites flag is selected in Security Groups. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68136 Defect: 158302 Description: When you add alternative items to the More Search Fields dialog, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68114 Defect: 157939 Description: The Image button on the Minimize Portlet window cannot be read by screen readers. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV56533 Defect: 157297 Description: When you download data and generate a Microsoft Excel file, the Value column in empty. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV67903 Defect: 157822 Description: When you change the status of a job plan to active and view the job plan on the Children of Work Order table, the Description field displays incorrect information. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV56845 Defect: 158110 Description: In the Quick Reporting application, extra tasks are created if you create more than six tasks. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV58552 Defect(s): 156533 Description: You cannot add two commodity groups with the same name to different item sets. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV67424 Defect(s): 156289 Description: Desktop requisitions populate the Inspection Required option with information from an incorrect item set. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV64816 Defect(s): 157383 Description: In the Quick Reporting application, when you select the current date from the Date/Time lookup, the time that is displayed is ahead of the application server time. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV60366 Defect: 155023 Description: The Work Order Material Status Update cron task does not set the Storeroom Material Status value to complete. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66939 Defect: 158304 Description: The Gantt View work order range does not execute properly on all work orders. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68346 Defect(s): 158818 Description: When the Default Insert Site is set to default, assignments are not displayed properly on the Plans tab. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV62602 Defect: 157086 Description: Inventory usage records are removed for every other amendment of planned materials on an approved work order. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68129 Defect: 158023 Description: When you remove the security rights to perform a current balance adjustment, you cannot transfer items from a storeroom. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: 1) Go to Application Designer. 2) Find "INVENTOR" Application, open it. 3) Click on the "Export Application Definition" icon to export the xml file. 4) Open resources\presentations\inventor.xml in notepad. 5) Look for the following line: 6) Replace the above line with the following line: 7) Save 8)Go to back Application Designer and click on "Import Application Definition" button. 9) Select the inventor.xml you have just modified in step 6. 10) Save. --- APAR #: IV68459 Defect: 158883 Description: When you move a record from a parent to a child work order and a dialog box is displayed, you cannot save that record. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68573 Defect: 159116 Description: On the Open Purchase Orders validation check of a work order status change, a missing site filter causes an error. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV50515 Defect: 151923 Description: Importing software catalog directly from swkbt server gives an HTTP Error 404 Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV60883 Defect(s): 154842 Description: When there are a lot of related tickets or workorders, the system will bring all the worklogs from the related records and display on the current record, this affects the performance depends on the number of work logs to display. Adds 2 properties that controls two new relationships. psdi.worklog.ticket.useTKrelationship =1 make the system look to CUSTOMTKWORKLOG, to bring the worklogs for the tickets. psdi.worklog.workorder.useWOrelationship =1 make the system look to CUSTOMWOWORKLOG to bring the worklogs for workorders. By setting any of the properties to 0 the system will not use the relationships. Database Scripts: HF7506_17 Manual Changes: N/A ============================================================================================== End IF008( ============================================================================================== ============================================================================================== Begin IF009 ( ============================================================================================== APAR #: IV67744 Defect: 157393 Description: When you add an attribute to a table that has an audit table, an index is added to the audit table. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66610 Defect: 160018 Description: When you only belong to groups that have access to specific sites, you cannot create service address records on the serve address Go To menu. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66973 Defect: 154829 Description: Preventive Maintenance records can create multiple work orders with the same work order number. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68045 Defect: 157930 Description: The DB manager that handles user sessions does not consider the GV$SESSION table when it ends long running connections. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68652 Defect: 160761 Description: Purchase order line orders are not based on purchase requisition line numbers. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68150 Defect: 158771 Description: When you import PO records with invalid REFWO values, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68759 Defect: 159939 Description: When the New Work Order option is disabled in the Security Group application and you add a task to the WOTASKLOOKUP table, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A ----- APAR #: IV61607 Defect: 159133 Description: When a rotating asset is transferred to a site that it cannot be returned to, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV67747 Defect: 157101 Description: When you run optimization, the SKDACTIVITY.MODIFIED field is always 0 for records. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV57420 Defect: 162052 Description: In a multi-language environment, when you run a query on the Description field on the List tab, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68795 Defect: 159974 Description: When you apply a job plan to a work order, the estimated duration and estimated labor hours are set to 0. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66971 Defect: 155546 Description: There is no validation access modifier for the Change By field or Change Date field on a purchase order. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68915 Defect: 160199 Description: If the Use With Asset option is not associated with a classification, the classification can still be saved on an asset template. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68652 Defect: 162630 Description: Purchase order line orders are not based on purchase requisition line numbers. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV59845 Defect: 153260 Description: You cannot select objects that are persistent but not main objects. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes : N/A --- APAR #: IV66500 Defect: 155676 Description: In the Assets application, the calculation of downtime is wrong due to missing validation preventing the entering of overlapping downtime periods. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV60741 Defect: 159785 Description: When you copy a PO line and adjust the quantity, two transaction lines are created. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR: IV58677 Defect: 163177 Description: BMXAA2651E - The person should be a user, a custodian, or both Database Scripts: N/A --- APAR: IV59512 Defect: 163169 Description: Move/Swap/Modify Dialog checkboxes UI issue Database Scripts: N/A --- APAR #: IV69208 Defect: 161880 Description: BMXAA1758E - THIS ITEM IS NOT ON THIS LINE Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IZ63652 Defect: 154071 Description: Ownergroup set problem. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV55514 Defect: 162529 Description: ERROR WHEN UPDATING ASSET FIELD ON A SERVICE REQUEST WHEN USING ASSET DRILLDOWN. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69532 Defect: 163386 Description: TPAE IFIX 7506 - APAR - IV69532 MIGRATION MANAGER DATA DICTIONARY ERROR Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66500 Defect: 155676 Description: In the Assets application, the calculation of downtime is wrong due to missing validation preventing the entering of overlapping downtime periods. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65526 Defect: 162323 Description: Crossover domain from asset to workorder customized to include SAFETYPLANID (added to Asset in Database Configuration) conflicts with Apply Route leading to looping of "BMXAA4719W - Changing the job plan will eliminate the requirement for the current safety plan. Do you want to remove the current safety plan? Click Close to leave the job plan and safety plan unchanged." message. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes : N/A --- APAR #: IV67973 Defect: 157705 Description: QUICK INSERT IN START CENTER NOT WORKING IF THE APPLICATION HASA DEFAULT QUERY THAT RETURNS NO ROWS Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes : N/A --- APAR #: IV68374 Defect: 160930 Description: THE CURSOR SCROLL DOWN TO THE FIRST EDITABLE FIELD Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes : N/A --- APAR #: IV69747 Defect(s): 163995 Description: ESTIMATED DURATION GOT SET TO 0.00 AFTER ENTERING LABOR HOURS IN PLANNED WORK ORDER. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66632 Defect(s): 162611 Description: Everytime we run a configdb, we need to update the maxsysindexesstoragepartition manually Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV60633 Defect(s): 157158 Description: Unable to verify the Org/Site while updating Safety Related Asset Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66597 Defect(s): 157723 Description: BMXAA4169E - No record found in maxvars table for maxvar DBTND Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV61379 Defect(s): 155172 Description: Getting a inventory#cannot add message when trying to save aitem in work ordering tracking --> plans Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68881 Defect(s): 160389 Description: IV68881 JOB PLAN REVISION ISSUE IN 7506. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69238 Defect(s): 162359 Description: Creating new table with configdb doesn't use index tablespace. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68095 Defect(s): 158307 Description: VALUE MISSING IN PIE CHART OF RESULT SET ON START CENTER Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69930 Defect: 164738 Description: WHEN PR IS CREATED FROM MR, SYSTEM DOES NOT FILTER MR TABLE BY SITEID Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68076 Defect: 159632 Description: PO CAN BE CANCELLED EVEN THOUGH THERE ARE RELATED INVOICES THAT HAVE BEEN PROCESSED AGAINST THAT PO. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69575 Defect(s): 163679 Description: NOT CONSIDERING THE ORGID WITH ADDRESS ON TAKING THECORRECT TAX CODE IN PR Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69369 Defect(s): 165214 Description: VENDOR DELIVERY DATE ON PR & PO NOT POPULATING Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66517 RTC defect: 154196 Description: Invuseline.actualdate is copied to all the inventory.lastissuedate line items. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69286 RTC defect: 162607 Description: Worktype lookup show no rows when base language is German. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV67500 RTC defect: 156590 Description: 156590: IV67500 MIF does not consider GLAccount for a Move Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69935 RTC defect: 165433 Description: Conditional Expressions are not functioning properly within "Move/Modify Assets" and "Swap Assets" dialogs on Assets application. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV70187 Defect: 164719 Description: Asset Feature Measures not validated against Asset Feature Attribute Value Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV67441 Defect: 162402 Description: ASSETS ARE OUT OF PLACE WHEN LOOKING AT TOPOLOGY THAT HAS MORE THAN 12 ASSETS CONNECTED Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69779 Defect: 164153 Description: 164153: IV69779 ESTIMATED COST DATA DOES NOT CHANGE WHEN LABOR ADDED TO WORKORDER THROUGH ACTIVITIES AND TASKS. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV61012 Defect: 165822 Description: When you revise and close a PO, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68786 Defect: 166220 Description: Repair location showing no locations in 'select value'. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66500 Defect: 155676 Description: In the Assets application, the calculation of downtime is wrong due to missing validation preventing the entering of overlapping downtime periods. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV60741 Defect: 159785 Description: When you copy a PO line and adjust the quantity, two transaction lines are created. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR: IV58677 Defect: 163177 Description: BMXAA2651E - The person should be a user, a custodian, or both Database Scripts: N/A --- APAR: IV59512 Defect: 163169 Description: Move/Swap/Modify Dialog checkboxes UI issue Database Scripts: N/A --- APAR #: IZ63652 Defect: 154071 Description: Ownergroup set problem. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV55514 Defect: 162529 Description: ERROR WHEN UPDATING ASSET FIELD ON A SERVICE REQUEST WHEN USING ASSET DRILLDOWN. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69532 Defect: 163386 Description: TPAE IFIX 7506 - APAR - IV69532 MIGRATION MANAGER DATA DICTIONARY ERROR Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66500 Defect: 155676 Description: In the Assets application, the calculation of downtime is wrong due to missing validation preventing the entering of overlapping downtime periods. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65526 Defect: 162323 Description: Crossover domain from asset to workorder customized to include SAFETYPLANID (added to Asset in Database Configuration) conflicts with Apply Route leading to looping of "BMXAA4719W - Changing the job plan will eliminate the requirement for the current safety plan. Do you want to remove the current safety plan? Click Close to leave the job plan and safety plan unchanged." message. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes : N/A --- APAR #: IV67973 Defect: 157705 Description: QUICK INSERT IN START CENTER NOT WORKING IF THE APPLICATION HASA DEFAULT QUERY THAT RETURNS NO ROWS Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes : N/A --- APAR #: IV68374 Defect: 160930 Description: THE CURSOR SCROLL DOWN TO THE FIRST EDITABLE FIELD Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes : N/A --- APAR #: IV69747 Defect(s): 163995 Description: ESTIMATED DURATION GOT SET TO 0.00 AFTER ENTERING LABOR HOURS IN PLANNED WORK ORDER. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66632 Defect(s): 162611 Description: Everytime we run a configdb, we need to update the maxsysindexesstoragepartition manually Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV60633 Defect(s): 157158 Description: Unable to verify the Org/Site while updating Safety Related Asset Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66597 Defect(s): 157723 Description: BMXAA4169E - No record found in maxvars table for maxvar DBTND Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV61379 Defect(s): 155172 Description: Getting a inventory#cannot add message when trying to save aitem in work ordering tracking --> plans Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69238 Defect(s): 162359 Description: Creating new table with configdb doesn't use index tablespace. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68095 Defect(s): 158307 Description: VALUE MISSING IN PIE CHART OF RESULT SET ON START CENTER Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69930 Defect: 164738 Description: WHEN PR IS CREATED FROM MR, SYSTEM DOES NOT FILTER MR TABLE BY SITEID Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68076 Defect: 159632 Description: PO CAN BE CANCELLED EVEN THOUGH THERE ARE RELATED INVOICES THAT HAVE BEEN PROCESSED AGAINST THAT PO. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69575 Defect(s): 163679 Description: NOT CONSIDERING THE ORGID WITH ADDRESS ON TAKING THECORRECT TAX CODE IN PR Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69369 Defect(s): 165214 Description: VENDOR DELIVERY DATE ON PR & PO NOT POPULATING Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66517 RTC defect: 154196 Description: Invuseline.actualdate is copied to all the inventory.lastissuedate line items. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69286 RTC defect: 162607 Description: Worktype lookup show no rows when base language is German. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV67500 RTC defect: 156590 Description: 156590: IV67500 MIF does not consider GLAccount for a Move Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69935 RTC defect: 165433 Description: Conditional Expressions are not functioning properly within "Move/Modify Assets" and "Swap Assets" dialogs on Assets application. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV70187 Defect: 164719 Description: Asset Feature Measures not validated against Asset Feature Attribute Value Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV67441 Defect: 162402 Description: ASSETS ARE OUT OF PLACE WHEN LOOKING AT TOPOLOGY THAT HAS MORE THAN 12 ASSETS CONNECTED Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69779 Defect: 164153 Description: 164153: IV69779 ESTIMATED COST DATA DOES NOT CHANGE WHEN LABOR ADDED TO WORKORDER THROUGH ACTIVITIES AND TASKS. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV60741 Defect: 159785 Description: When you copy a purchase order line and adjust the quantity, two transaction lines are created. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66500 Defect: 155676 Description: In the Assets application, the calculation of downtime is wrong due to missing validation preventing the entering of overlapping downtime periods. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- ============================================================================================== End IF009 ( ============================================================================================== ============================================================================================== Begin IF010 ( ============================================================================================== ----- --- APAR #: IZ63652 Defect: 154071 Description: In the Service Request application, you cannot assign person groups in the Owner dialog box. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV55514 Defect: 162529 Description: In the Service Requests application, you cannot update the Asset field on a service request with the Asset Drilldown dialog option. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69532 Defect: 163386 Description: When you create a new object in the Database Configuration application and then add another attribute, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65526 Defect: 162323 Description: When you create a route with multiple asset records and some of those asset records have safety plans, when you apply that route to a work order, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes : N/A --- APAR #: IV67973 Defect: 157705 Description: If an application has a default query that returns no rows, the Quick Insert option does not work. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes : N/A --- APAR #: IV68374 Defect: 160930 Description: In the SmartCloud Control Desk, when you go from a tab list into an application that only has read-only fields, the cursor automatically scrolls down to the New button. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes : N/A --- APAR #: IV69747 Defect(s): 163995/163983 Description: When you enter labor hours in a planned work order, the value in the Estimated Duration field is set to 0. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66632 Defect(s): 162611 Description: when you run the CONFIGDB action, you must manually update the MAXSYSINDEXESSTORAGE partition. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV60633 Defect(s): 157158 Description: When you update a safety-related asset, you cannot verify the organization or site. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69238 Defect(s): 162359 Description: When you create a new table with the ConfigDB option, the index table space is not used. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68095 Defect(s): 158307 Description: Pie charts do not show all values in some browser windows. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69930 Defect: 164738 Description: When a purchase requisition is created from a material request, the material request tables are not filtered by site ID. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68076 Defect: 159632 Description: When a purchase order contains related invoices that are already processed, the purchase order can still be canceled. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69369 Defect(s): 165214 Description: When you use the Contract Items button, the Vendor Delivery Date field on a purchase requisition or a purchase order is not correctly populated. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69286 RTC defect: 162607 Description: When the default language is set to German, the Work Type lookup field returns no values. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR: IV58677 Defect: 163177 Description: When you clear the Will Be Custodian option on an asset and then select it after you save, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66597 Defect(s): 157723 Description: When multiple variables are entered in the MAXVARS table, an error appears in the log. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV61379 Defect(s): 155172 Description: In the Plans section of the Work Order Tracking application, when you save a planned item, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69575 Defect(s): 163679 Description: When Maximo determines the tax rate of a purchase requisition, the address of an organization is not considered. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66517 RTC defect: 154196 Description: When a usage record is set to complete, the value in the Actual Date field is copied to the Last Issue Date field. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV67500 RTC defect: 156590 Description: When you move an asset record, the MXASSET processing class does not recognize a new GL account. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69779 Defect: 164153 Description: In the Activities and Tasks application, when you add labor to a work order, the value in the Estimated Cost field does not update. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69141 Defect: 161804 Description: When you delete an item from a purchase requisition, the status of the purchase requisition goes from APPR to CLOSE and an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- --- APAR #: IV65425 Defect: 158988 Description: The SKDLABORHRS, SKDLABORHRSTEMP, and SKDODMEMSQ tables do not have unique indexes. Database Scripts: HF7520_16.dbc, HF7520_17.dbc Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV61949 Defect: 145924 Description: Item field is editable on service line when requisition template is used. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A ----- APAR: IV58677 Defect: 163177 Description: BMXAA2651E - The person should be a user, a custodian, or both Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV61012 Defect: 165822 Description: When you revise and close a purchase order, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68786 Defect: 166220 Description: Repair location showing no locations in 'select value'. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A ============================================================================================== End IF010 ( ============================================================================================== ============================================================================================== Begin IF011( ============================================================================================== -- APAR #: IV70814 Defect: 166274 Description: In the Tools application, on the List tab, the Attribute search fails to return records that match the criteria and an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV70489 Defect: 165211 Description: In the Work Order Tracking application, on the Work Details tab, when you select the Refresh button, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69380 Defect: 162787 Description: When a parent item is moved to a storeroom, the asset hierarchy of that item is removed. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68926 Defect: 160376 Description: When you move a substructure to a new organization, the Status field of any child assets is set to DECOMMISSIONED. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV67335 Defect(s): 166278 Description: If you do not have access to a Report Object Structure hierarchy, you cannot rename an ad hoc report title or description. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV70674 Defect: 165824 Description: In the Purchase Requisition and Purchase Order applications, when you run a reorder in the background, the Vendor Date field is not populated. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65252 Defect: 166713 Description: When you configure an email interaction to change a work order status, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV70872 Defect: 166346 Description: When you select the Invoice Lines tab, the interface shrinks and the Delete button is not properly displayed. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69263 Defect: 167361 Description: In the SmartCloud Control Desk when you set the Expanded option to FALSE, the navigation bar is not collapsed. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV71154 Defect: 167294 Description: When you run an All Bookmarks search followed by an advanced search that uses the Change By field, an unknown error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV70960 Defect: 166966 Description: In Maximo, when you use a custom domain you cannot attach files to applications. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69379 Defect: 162788 Description: In the start center of any result set, pie charts are not displayed. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV70969 Defect: 167160 Description: When you credit a supplier or reverse a paid invoice, you can produce a negative quantity on a purchase order. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV59285 Defect: 168244 Description: When you modify the start time on a timer, the Duration field is populated incorrectly. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV70537 Defect: 165724 Description: In the Quick Reporting application, when you enter data is the Actual Finish field, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63627 Defect: 168242 Description: The Labor Actual Date value is recorded one day behind the actual time. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63430 Defect: 164386 Description: When you schedule a weekly report between December 27 and December 30, the report preview fails to display. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV46584 Defect: 165951 Description: You cannot save a communication template when a host name is used. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV71189 Defect: 167492 Description: In the Purchase Order application, when you change the quantity of a purchase order, the Purchase Order line and Tax field are populated incorrectly. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV71016 Defect: 166873 Description: When you have a Task node in a workflow process for a MAXUSER object, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV71783 Defect: 169168 Description: When you create a new synonym in the RECEIPTSTATUS domain, the service receipt is ignored. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68219 Defect: 168141 Description: When you transfer the same item between two different storerooms that use different issue units, the quantity is calculated correctly but the Last Receipt cost is incorrectly calculated. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV70706 Defect: 167115 Description: On the Specifications tab, you can the Attribute lookup to add multiple attributes with different types. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR: IV53779 Defect: 167782 Description: When you filter a record that leaves one value, the UI moves which makes it difficult to select the record. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68881 Defect(s): 160389 Description: When you revise a job plan and then cancel the job plan, you can change the status of the revision to active. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69208 Defect: 161880 Description: When you have two desktop requisitions with the same number in two sites, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69066 Defect: 168168 Description: When you add and delete an attachment on a work order multiple times, you are directed to a different work order on subsequent deletions. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- ============================================================================================== End IF011( ============================================================================================== ============================================================================================== Begin IF012( ============================================================================================== APAR #: IV69572 Defect: 163694 Description: When the user interface logger is set to DEBUG in a BROS environment, immediate reports fail. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69697 Defect: 168161 Description: In the Service Requisition and Incident applications, the TARGETDESCRIPTION field is not populated with Multiple Asset Location object structure. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66091 Defect: 151785 Description: In the Work Order Tracking application, when you try to open an attached file that begins with :// in Google Chrome, it does not open. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV71987 Defect: 169622 Description: When you void a receipt, the Received Quantity and Cost fields are not updated. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68781 Defect: 159877 Description: When you view a specific task, you see entries for other sibling tasks. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV72023 Defect: 170092 Description: When the Generate Work Orders Based on MeterReadings Only check box is selected, work orders are generated at the end of the month rather than when meterreadings are updated. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69228 Defect: 162011 Description: When you run a saved query, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV71468 Defect: 170598 Description: When two locations with the same location number exist in different sites and you create a ticket from one of those sites, an error occurs and you cannot create more tickets. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66293 Defect: 170016 Description: When you enter time on a service request with the Timer function, the values in the Start Time and End Time fields are incorrect. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68419 Defect: 160472 Description: When you create a condition that highlights a check box, the check box does not highlight when the conditions are met. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV61738 Defect: 171100 Description: When you apply a job plan to an existing change, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV72017 Defect: 169881 Description: When Material Request is assigned to a user for approval through workflow, the user cannot open Material Request from their inbox. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: The application restriction for VIEWDR can be modified in either of two ways. The change ONLY needs to be made using ONE of these methods. The user can export the viewdr.xml application definition, and modify the apprestrictions parameter in the tag. Or, the user can modify VIEWDR in the application designer canvas. Method 1: Modify the Application XML: 1. Navigate to System Configuration > Platform Configuration > Application Designer. Open the VIEWDR record. 2. In the toolbar, click the Export Application Definition button. 3. Save a local copy of the viewdr.xml file, then open in a text editor. Create a backup copy of viewdr.xml if desired. 4. In the tag at the top of the document, find the apprestrictions parameter. Modify this parameter by appending the following text to the existing apprestriction: " or mrid in (select OWNERID from WFASSIGNMENT where OWNERTABLE='MR' and ASSIGNSTATUS='ACTIVE' and ASSIGNCODE in (select PERSONID from MAXUSER where USERID=:user))" For example (if the apprestrictions parameter has not been edited previously): apprestrictions="requestedby in (select personid from personancestor where ancestor=(select personid from maxuser where userid=:user)) or requestedfor in (select personid from personancestor where ancestor=(select personid from maxuser where userid=:user)) or mrid in (select OWNERID from WFASSIGNMENT where OWNERTABLE='MR' and ASSIGNSTATUS='ACTIVE' and ASSIGNCODE in (select PERSONID from MAXUSER where USERID=:user))" 5. Save view.xml. 6. Back in Application Designer, click the Import Application Definition toolbar button. 7. Click the Browse button, navigate to the modified viewdr.xml file, click Open and then OK. Method 2: Use the Workflow Designer Canvas: 1. Navigate to System Configuration > Platform Configuration > Application Designer. Open the VIEWDR record. 2. On the App Designer's Workspace tab, the user will see the VIEWDR application. Do Select Action > Toggle Show All Controls in order to view the "presentation..." control at the top of the canvas. 3. Click on the "presentation..." control, then click the Control Properties toolbar button to open the Presentation Properties dialog box. 4. Find the Application Restrictions field on the Presentation Properties dialog box. Modify the contents of this field by appending the following text to the existing text: " or mrid in (select OWNERID from WFASSIGNMENT where OWNERTABLE='MR' and ASSIGNSTATUS='ACTIVE' and ASSIGNCODE in (select PERSONID from MAXUSER where USERID=:user))" For example (if the apprestrictions parameter has not been edited previously): Application Restrictions: requestedby in (select personid from personancestor where ancestor=(select personid from maxuser where userid=:user)) or requestedfor in (select personid from personancestor where ancestor=(select personid from maxuser where userid=:user)) or mrid in (select OWNERID from WFASSIGNMENT where OWNERTABLE='MR' and ASSIGNSTATUS='ACTIVE' and ASSIGNCODE in (select PERSONID from MAXUSER where USERID=:user)) 6. Click the Save toolbar button. --- APAR #: IV63268 Defect: 163827 Description: When you use Java 1.7.0_60 and Maximo, a warning message is displayed when you navigate to the Application Designer. Database Scripts: HF7506_20.dbc Manual Changes: Manual Changes: The following system properties were added via database script HF7506_20.dbc to specify the version of Java being used by the browser: mxe.javaApplet.Classid mxe.javaApplet.ClassidNoMinimum mxe.javaApplet.Codebase mxe.javaApplet.CodebaseNoProtocol mxe.javaApplet.Type These values need to be set in System Configuration > Platform Configuration > System Properties to java 6 or 7 depending on the java version. --- APAR: IV71869 Defect: 169905 Description: Job Plan appears in Select Value dialog for Work Order's Job Plan field even when it has been revised and no longer contains the Work Order's asset. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes N/A --- APAR #: IV71997 Defect: 169648 Description: Unable to edit ticket attributes from the Specification tab after selecting the action Edit History. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV72948 Defect: 215107 Description: UNABLE TO GENERATE INVOICE FROM LABOR REPORTING APPLICATION Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- ============================================================================================== End IF012( ============================================================================================== ============================================================================================== Begin IF013( ============================================================================================== APAR #: IV69874 Defect: 165430 Description: After you apply the fix for IV53362, some characters in report Where clauses are not parsed correctly.and t Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66355 Defect(s): 168022 Description: In the Work Order Tracking application, you cannot stop a timer if the timer started between 12:00 AM and 1:00 AM and is scheduled to stop between 1:00 AM and 2:00 AM. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69863 Defect(s): 168776 Description: When you set synchronous processing to 0 and you get an error in a field, the cursor moves to the next available field rather than staying in the error field. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68359 Defect: 168166 Description: In the Linked Documents/Attached Documents application, when you attach a file, the focus changes to the first row. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV73065 Defect(s): 174168 Description: When you revise and duplicate a job plan, the Long Description field becomes read-only. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV67942 Defect(s): 157599 Description: When you apply shifts to a calendar, notifications are sent earlier than expected. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV71198 Defect(s): 167583 Description: In the Item Master application, when a line error occurs in the storeroom dialog box, the error persists after you delete the line. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV73044 Defect(s): 173605 Description: When the default timezone is set to GMT +2 and you save a report with a recurring schedule, the calendar for that schedule is changed. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV73085 Defect(s): 173827 Description: When you send emails in an HTML format, Maximo cannot read or parse them. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV61007 Defect(s): 174716 Description: When you add the Join attribute to a Result Set portlet in Smart Cloud Control Desk 751 and Tivoli's process automation engine 7504, when you select a different joined column and select Save, the Join column is duplicated multiple times Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV73446 Defect: 177205 Description: In the Work Order Tracking application, the GL Navigator lookup has a slow response time on large databases. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV73265 Defect: 174472 Description: The Work log Summary field requires you to save twice. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV70447 Defect: 165305 Description: In the Work Order Assignment tab, you can choose inactive labor to be added to current assignments. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV71069 Defect: 177273 Description: When the LDAPSYNC cron task completes with fewer errors than mxe.ldapmaxerrors, the LDAPSYNCPARAMS table is not updated. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV73384 Defect: 175713 Description: In the Work Order Tracking application, when a partial item quantity is issued, the storeroom status remains NONE. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65389 Defect: 163103 Description: When you generate a work order and the Frequency Criteria option is selected, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes : N/A --- APAR #: IV61447 Defect: 174537 Description: When a new invoice is created against a purchase order with previous spending activity, the uninvoiced total does not reflect the spending activity. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes : N/A --- APAR #: IV56424 Defect: 173266 Description: When you remove a purchase requisition line from a revised purchase order, it cannot be selected again. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66324 Defect: 158239 Description: In the Invoices application, when you approve an invoice and there are no matching receipts for Line 1 of the purchase order, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV71624 Defect: 168878 Description: In the Work Order Tracking application, on the Check Tool Status dialog box, when you select an Asset field lookup, an invalid binding error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV72138 Defect: 170291 Description: In a hyperlinked BIRT report, the hyperlinked url can become longer than the url supported by Microsoft Internet Explorer. Database Scripts: HF7506_21.dbc Manual Changes: N/A ----- ============================================================================================== End IF013( ============================================================================================== --- APAR #: IV74099 Defect: 178093 Description: BMXAA4214E - AN UNKNOWN ERROR HAS OCCURRED. WHEN CREATING A WORK ORDER FROM AN SR. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV72996 Defect: 173372 Description: UNABLE TO DUPLICATE SCHEDULE DUE TO DUPLICATE PROPERTY NAMES IN THE SKDUSERPROP TABLE. Database Scripts: HF7520_19.dbc Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV73531 Defect: 175827 Description: BMXAA5598E ERROR WHEN TRYING TO UPDATE MATRECTRANS RECORDS VIA THE MIF Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV59297 Defect: 178059 Description: In the Inventory Usage application, the Line Cost Calculation for returned transactions is not correct. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV73278 Defect: 174953 Description: Intermittenly, the reconciliation cron task will run twice back to back Database Scripts: HF7506_22.dbc Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV60597 Defect: 177581 Description: Move Modify Asset - BMXAA0157E - New asset number cannot be blank. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV56294 Defect: 173316 Description: Separate inventory usage documents are created for each PO line for internal POs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV71933 Defect: 169571 Description: BMXAA6713E- THE MBO FETCH OPERATION FAILED IN THE MBOSET WITH SQL ERROR CODE 1795. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63745 Defect: 178077 Description: DOWNLOAD IN LIST TAB CONTAINS NON-ASCII CHARACTERS Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: A new property called webclient.downloadpreservewhitespace was added to specify whether to preserve white space in download text. When set to 0, white space is stripped out. When set to 1, white space is preserved. The default value is 1 (preserve white space). --- APAR #: IV73617 Defect: 177677 Description: Validation to ensure that tolerances are ordered from tightest to widest incorrectly assumes Tolerance based on Input in all cases. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV73701 Defect: 176788 Description: SCHEDULES USING PM DATA CAN TAKE SO LONG TO LOAD THAT YOU THINKTHE SYSTEM IS HUNG. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- --- APAR #: IV69223 Defect: 164203 Description: EXPORT TO .CSV IS BROKEN, CAUSES HTML TAGS TO APPEAR Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV72714 Defect: 172194 Description: Memo field is duplicated twice with the same value at the complete workflow assignment stage Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV71412 Defect: 167768 Description: GRAPHICAL ASSIGNMENT MANAGER DOES NOT SHOW ASSIGNMENTS OUTSIDE OF CURRENT WORK QUERY Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69465 Defect: 180069 Description: : RESOURCE HOURS AND AVAILABILITY GRAPH IN SCHEDULER DISPLAYS DATA IN AN INCONSISTENT AND MISLEADING WAY Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV64703 Defect: 178000 Description: : SCHEDULER APPLICATION NOT DISPLAYING AVAILABILITY FOR ALL SELECTED SHIFTS. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV73928 Defect(s): 177619 Description: THE CLASSIFICATION FIELD REQUIRES A VALUE WHEN TRYING TO SAVE A SR WHEN THE HIERARCHYPATH IS NOT REQUIRED. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV73063 Defect(s): 173810 Description: IN WORK ORDER TRACKING, ALTERNATE PERSON WAS SELECTED AS LEAD WHEN WORK GROUP WAS ENTERED. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV61344 Defect: 178208 Description: Using remove work plan when children work orders are present, BMXAA8229W message is displayed Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV72090 Defect(s): 174065 Description: LOADED COST DOES NOT INCLUDE TAX IN SOME INVOICELINES. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69504 Defect: 163019 Description: Location drilldown returns blank location when attempting to navigate Database Changes: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV70819 Defect: 167355 Description: UPDATEDB FAILS ON V7520_120 FOR SCHEDULE WITH UNIQUE CONSTRAINT Database Changes: V7520_120.dbc Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV71258 Defect: 182487 Description: Under APAR IV41872, report execution behavior was changed to open a separate viewer window for each report. This behavior is incorrect since only one active report is allowed per session. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV62369 Issues(s): 182403 Description: The following errors were encountered when using using 'Create Work Package' functionality on the Work Order Tracking List tab: BMXAA4555E - Work order Work Order with site 3696 was not made parent of work order Work Order with site WP-1. The assigned parent was not successfully assigned to the selected work order. BMXAA4566E - Parent WO 3696 is not a valid parent work order. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV74944 Issues(s): 182799 Description: LABOR QUERY WITH ORDER BY FAILING IN ASSIGNMENT MANAGER Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV74936 Issues(s): 182566 Description: ATTACHMENT ASSOCIATED FOLDERS IN CI APPLICATION IS DISPLAYING INCIDENT APPLICATION Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV56722 Defect: 174533 Description: AFTER REVISING PO AND CHANGING THE POLINE TO A LINE FROM A DIFFERENT PR, THE PO REFERENCES OLD PR. Database Scripts: HF7506_25.dbc Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV74277 Issues(s): 181896 Description: CREATE REQUISITION WITH ATTACHMENT, LINECOST ERRORS BMXAA7095E The entered value is not valid. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV73021 Issues(s): 179991 Description: Added missing np attributes to the DMSCRIPT object structure Database Scripts: Y, V7506_23.dbc Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV73856 Issues(s): 177591 Description: Adding an attribute named personid to the ticket table will lead to error BMXAA4107E when reportedby/affectedperson is set Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69863 (rework fix) Defect(s): 168776 Description: When you set synchronous processing to 0 and you get an error in a field, the cursor moves to the next available field rather than staying in the error field. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV72730 Defect(s): 172662 Description: After applying a condition to the DATETIME field on the table row of Specifications tab in Asset/Work Order application, validation on the date is no longer working. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68317 Defect(s): 158395 Description: NOT ALLOWED TO CHANGE THE TYPE OF A RELEASED PO. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV74960 Defect: 186134 Description: Work order planned material costs are not updating after work order is duplicated Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV75438 Defect: 186113 Description: Hazards application requires application security group to be authorized for all sites. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV74033 Defect: 177953 Description: On the List tab of any application (for example, Preventive Maintenance and Service Requests in out-of-box Maximo), if the List table window has an 'order by' clause set on the control in Application Designer, this 'order by' appears in the 'Advanced Search > Where Clause' dialog when the user chooses 'All Records'. A List table window's 'order by' (set in Application Designer) should not appear in the 'Where Clause' dialog as this is for user-defined SQL queries. This extra where clause causes problems when generating a report. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV74297 Defect: 182108 Description: Unnecessary entries of REPORTSCHEDULE.#### tasks written in SystemOut.log due to entries remains in the TASKSCHEDULER table for 'At this time' reports. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV67142 Defect: 186605 Description: WHEN CLICKING THE SELECT PO ITEMS IN TRANSIT BUTTON, ALTHOUGH IT HAS A DEFAULT BIN ETC, THE BIN FIELD STILL STAYS Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV75207 Defect: 187071 Description: No Parameter for Setting up the Fontsize in Rich-Text Editor by default. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV76111 Defect: 188344 Description: Startcenter resultset date comparisons are not working correctly when searching for <= the current date. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV62566 Defect: 188249 Description: Error when saving a PM Work Order with an associated data sheet. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV71853 Defect: 170561 Description: PM FORECASTING ERROR: BMXAA4211E - DATABASE ERROR NUMBER -803 Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63271 Defect: 183152 Description: Cognos Direct Integration access remains open after closing Maximo session. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV75375 Defect: 184061 Description: Table control isn't properly setting order by on the business object if the table doesn't create the business object. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV75712 Defect: 186900 Description: MAXIMO IS NOT ABLE TO DISPLAY GRAPHS WITH FULL INTEGER VALUES(.I.E 7.0) Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV75848 Defect: 188259 Description: A Standard Service for a WO with required date in the future will not generate a PR Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69345 Defect: 189373 Description: CANNOT CHANGE THE STATUS OF AN INVENTORY ITEM IN A STOREROOM IF THAT ITEM IS REFERENCED ON A CONTRACT Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV61996 Defect: 188017 Description: When trying to approve a Purchasing Requisition, an error is thrown: "BMXAA0024E The action Location GARAGE Site BEDFORD is not allowed object Line 1. Verify the business rules for the object and define the appropriate action for the object." Approval of PRs with inventory-related storeroom locations on PR lines causes this error even if the location has been populated from the 'Charge To' work order or asset. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV74220 Defect: 191020 Description: Users with admin rights in Maximo can store malicious source code by pasting an i-frame with a malicious source reference. Database Scripts: HF7506_26.dbc Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV76552 Defect: 190401 Description: Invoice approval created an extra INVOICETRANS record of type INVCEVAR for tax variance when the Tax Option is For No Items. This is a side effect of maximo 7506 APAR IV51237. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV75805 Defect: 186910 Description: Unable to delete Service Address from Work Order if WOSERVICEADDRESS has user-added YORN attribute. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV76596 Defect: 190691 Description: ATTACHED DOCUMENT WEB URL IS REPLACING # WITH % Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV75780 Defect: 189220 Description: TARGET START AND TARGET FINISH DO NOT SORT IN GANTVIEW IN GRAPHICAL ASSIGNMENT AND CAUSE PERFORMANCE ISSUE Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69211 Defect: 191829 Description: Reports fail when including a long description with < or > when rich text is disabled. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV76899 Defect: 191803 Description: If ReorderMutex table has MR type reorder remaining, cannot run Direct Issue Reorder. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV72756 Defect: 172209 Description: MIF - VOID A MATERIAL STATUS OF A RECEIPT. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV76294 Defect: 192414 Description: REORDER PROCESS GENERATING PRS AGAINST ITEMS ALREADY REFERENCEDON OPENED POS Database Scripts: HF7506_27.dbc Manual Changes: Change mxe.reorder.calculatepoqty value to 1 to avoid correlated update to calculate Reorder POQTY. Go To System Properties, Find mxe.reorder.calculatepoqty. Change Global value to 1. Save. Do Live Refresh. After Live Refresh, Current value is 1. --- APAR #: IV61505 Defect: 193161 Description: 'Life to Date for Asset' and other cumulative ASSETMETER values (SINCELASTREPAIR,SINCELASTOVERHAUL,SINCELASTINSPECT,SINCEINSTALL,LIFETODATE) become 0.00 (zero) after entering meter readings on an asset that was moved from another site. This leads to incorrect and sometimes negative ASSETMETER.AVERAGE values. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV77402 Defect: 195131 Description: Reports with date parameters fail after applying APAR IV69874. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63871 Defect: 195263 Description: If multiple exchange rate transactions exist, after invoice is approved, PO Received Cost could be wrong. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV77024 Defect: 192648 Description: DESKTOP REQUISITION BUG WHEN DELETING LINES OFF OF A PR Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV72964 Defect: 195238 Description: ConcurrentModificationException when saving a mbo with MIF listener enabled. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV77056 Defect: 192622 Description: SAVED QUERY WITH ORDER BY USED IN A RESULT SET MAKES RECORDS FROM ALL SITES APPEAR WHEN OPENING THE RESULT SET IN THE APP Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV77655 Defect: 195250 Description: In the Work Order Tracking application, when you receive a negative quantity item on a purchase order and then remove the price schedule, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV75911 Defect: 187169 Description: Maximo won't consider the OrgId from associated POs when cancelling a contract. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV73923 Defect: 177567 Description: Date and time picker dialog fails to set the date or time if using setting.DISPLAYTIME='HH:mm:ss z' Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV78037 Defect: 196529 Description: MXRECEIPT interface is failing with a null pointer exception message. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV77054 Defect: 193919 Description: Multiple WOMETER entries created when Work Order is generated from PM in a multi-site environment. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV77053 Defect: 196564 Description: Cannot change Purchase Contract status to Suspended if Purchase Contract with same name in different Organization has been revised. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV72391 Defect: 171318 Description: In Associate Systems with Location dialog, LOCANCESTOR records were not created when user entered the same parent in multiple systems and save once. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV77995 Defect: 196398 Description: Inventory balance was not updated correctly when user entered multiple assets to different storerooms in the Move/Swap/Modify dialog of Work Order Tracking. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV76910 Defect: 193101 Description: Migration of maxmessages fails when using migration manager and msgid already exists in target environment Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV02126 Defect: 199796 Description: "=" is changed to "is" in the email sent using communication template. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV77756 Defect: 195526 Description: Error when clicking from the Data Sheet tab to the List tab on a newly generated Work Order. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV76316 Defect: 190417 Description: Maximo becomes unresponsive when cancel is selected in Transfer Current Item dialog box in Inventory application. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63139 Defect: 202170 Description: ISSUE WITH REORDERING ITEMS WHEN SAME PO NUMBER IS USING MORE THEN 1 SITE Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV78280 Defect: 200366 Description: Reference point has a calendar defined on it but there is no elapsed time attribute (which is a date) selected. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV75935 Defect: 191547 Description: MR IS NOT CLOSING AUTOMATICALLY WHEN ALL RESERVATIONS AGAINST THE MR IS CANCELLED. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV77474 Defect: 193999 Description: MISSING SAMEAS RELATIONSHIPS FOR BINNUM. Database Scripts: HF7506_29.dbc Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV75357 Defect: 184601,205879 Description: TABLE CONTROL ISN'T PROPERLY SETTING ORDER BY ON THE BUSINESSOBJECT IF THE TABLE DOESN'T CREATE THE BUSINESS OBJECT. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV76094 Defect: 206398 Description: UNDELETE ON THE PARENT WO WON'T UNDO CHANGES ON THE CHILD WO Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV75760 Defect: 207094 Description: IMPORTING PO REVISION DELETING POLINES GIVES ERROR - BMXAA8229W - PRLINE HAS BEEN UPDATED BY ANOTHER USER. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV46776 Defect: 195643 Description: User cannot run Cognos reports until the browser cache is cleared Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV76006 Defect: 189223 Description: Cannot delete doclinks from closed service request Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV78546 Defect: 207582 Description: INVENTORY USAGE WORK ORDERS DON'T SET FINANCIAL CONTROL ID Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV74893 Defect: 207453 Description: MULTILINE TEXTBOX DO NOT WORD WRAP ON IE11 Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV79811 Defect: 207874 Description: Error, "BMXAA7095E - The entered value X is not valid..." when performing Move Asset Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV75848 (rework) Defect: 188259 Description: A Service for a WO with required date in the future will generate a PR Database Scripts: HF7506_30.dbc Manual Changes: HF7506_30.dbc was added. The mxe.reorder.directissuedeliverytime property was added to calculate required date for WO Service/Material items. The default value is -9999 to use original logic. If mxe.reorder.directissuedeliverytime is set to 0, no PR will be created. Go To System Properties, find mxe.reorder.directissuedeliverytime, and change the global value to 0. Save the change and do a Live Refresh. After the Live Refresh, the current value is 0. --- APAR #: IV69700 Defect: 208912 Description: QUERY USED TO FETCH THE AVAILABILITY DATA IS WRONG BECAUSE IT JOINS THE PERSONID FIELD WITH THE LABORCODE FIELD. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV76222 Defect: 208909 Description: OTHER INSTANCES OF APAR IV69700 FOUND. PLEASE SEARCH THE CODE AND FIX ALL OCCURENCES IN SCHEDULER SOURCE. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV80125 Defect: 209480 Description: TPAE 7506 IFIX : AFTER ISSUING AN ITEM TO A WO FROM THE INVENTORY USAGE APP. THEASSET MOVE HISTORY OF THE ASSET DOES NOT SHOW THE WO NUMBER. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65532 Defect: 209074 Description: In the Assets application, the View Asset Status History dialog is not accessible for non-calibration assets. Database Scripts: HF7506_31.dbc Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV73893 Issues(s): 177711 Description: Error when migrating an integration object with changed aliases. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: Add system property and set to true to delete existing aliases. --- APAR #: IV80493 Issues(s): 211167 Description: WHEN ADDING AN ATTRIBUTE TO A CLASSIFICATION THAT BELONGS TO THOUSANDS OF ASSETS, A PERFORMANCE ISSUE OCCURS. Database Scripts: HF7506_32.dbc Manual Changes: For users running on SQLServer only: change the value of system property to 1 if you experience slow performance trying to add an attribute to classifications belonging to large amount of Assets. --- APAR #: IV79875 Issues(s): 208375 Description: SYSTEM PROPERTY MXE.APP.INVENTOR.UPDATERESERVATIONS DOES NOT WORK WITH INVENTORY USAGE. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV74223 Issues(s): 179426 Description: IN WORK ORDER TRACKING APPLICATION, REPORT DOWNTIME USING MAP FEATURE TIPS DOES NOT WORK PROPERLY. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV81062 Issues(s): 211650 Description: If custom validation interrupts save on Receiving application, changes to Actual Material and Service Cost for Work Order are not rolled back. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV79245 Issues(s): 214493 Description: APPROVING INVOICE IN CURRENCY OTHER THAN BASE CURRENCY THROWS INCORRECT TOLERANCE ERROR Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66752 Issues(s): 214373 Description: Base Ifix 7506 GRAPHICAL ASSIGN NOT FOLLOWING THE SCHEDULE TASK Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV77941 Issues(s): 214375 Description: Base IFIX 7506 IN GRAPHICAL ASSIGNMENT THE DURATION CHANGES WHEN YOU MOVE AN ASSIGNMENT, SAVE AND REFRESH Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV79453 Issues(s): 214581 Description: MOUSE FOCUS SHIFTS TO THE TOP OF THE GANTT VIEW Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV82067 Issue(s): 215766 Description: INVENTORY SHOWS TOOL WHEN ITEM NUM IS OF TYPE ITEM IN ANOTHER ITEM SET Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV78216 Issue(s): 199534 Description: PUBLISH SCENARIO ON GRAPHICAL ASSIGNMENT DOES NOT CONSISTENTLY PUBLISH THE MADE CHANGES. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV80790 Issue(s): 218036 Description: WHEN CHANGING THE STATUS OF MR (MATERIAL REQUISITION) FROM APPR-> DRAFT, "RECORD UPDATED BY ANOTHER USER" ERROR IS SHOWN Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV80829 Issue(s): 210534 Description: E-Signature and E-Audit username info does not match the record info. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68925 Issue(s): 220292 Description: LASTISSUEDATE IN INVENTORY IS UPDATED WITH ACTUALDATE OF WO APPROVED INSTEAD OF TRANSACTIONDATE. Database Scripts: HF7506_33.dbc Manual Changes: Go to System Properties Find Set value to 1 and do a Live Refresh. If is 1 Inventory Last Issue Date will be Inventory Usage COMPLETE Date and Time. --- APAR #: IV79558 Issue(s): 218009 Description: If the maximo database is stopped and then restarted but the application or JVM which runs the PMWoGen Cron Task is not stopped, the PMWoGen Cron Task does not resume. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV80495 Issue(s): 210977 Description: After entering an application by clicking on a record from a result set portlet, clicking the 'Next' arrow brings user to an empty record. All fields are empty and greyed out. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV83082 Issue(s): 218568 Description: REQUIRED DATE DOEN'T MATCH IN PR/PRLINE OR PO/POLINE Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV78216 Issue(s): 199534 Description: PUBLISH SCENARIO ON GRAPHICAL ASSIGNMENT DOES NOT CONSISTENTLY PUBLISH THE MADE CHANGES. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV82038 Issue(s): 220395 Description: Cannot Print or export a report that is launched from a hyperlink. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63430 Issue(s): 164386 Description: BASE SERVICES IFIX - WEEKLY REPORT SCHEDULES DO NOT CORRECTLY GENERATE A SCHEDULE Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV84389 Issue(s): 223735 Description: Crossover added to WORKORDER.PARENT not crossing over to child work orders that are created when a route is applied to a work order. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV84267 Issue(s): 223688 Description: If an asset that inherits meter readings from its location is moved to a new site AND the location in the new site has the same name as the location in the previous site, asset meter readings are created for the new and old site/location combinations. Only the asset in the new site should inherit the meter reading from its location's meter reading. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63511 Issue(s): 210088 Description: ASSET FROM WO NOT COPIED OVER TO INVENTORY USAGE RECORD. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV81073 Issue(s): 216748 Description: UNABLE TO CHANGE INVENTORY USAGE STATUS.GETTING MESSAGE - THE STATUS CANNOT BE CHANGED FOR THE CURRENT INVENTORY USAGE RECORD. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV64021 Issue(s): 218745 Description: The Estimated Next Due Date on the PM application's Frequency tab is read-only when a work order generated from a floating PM (a PM that uses work order completion date to determine the next due date) is canceled and there are no other open work orders generated from the PM. This makes it impossible to manually provide an Estimated Next Due Date. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV85563 Issue(s): 230472 Description: WHEN USERS WANT TO RECEIVE MORE THAN 5000 NEW ROTATING ASSETS AND IF THE ITEM HAS MORE THAN 10 ATTRIBUTES, PERFORMANCE IS SLOW Database Scripts: HF7506_34.dbc Manual Changes: A new property, was added to improve the processing of large amount of receipts and transfers. The default value is set to 50 based on a typical environment/memory. Client could set it to a smaller number if their environment/memory is smaller. Change value to a value other than default value. For example, change to 20. Go To System Properties application and search for the Change the global value to 20. Save the change and do a Live Refresh for this property. After the Live Refresh, the current value of 20 will be used. --- APAR #: IV83853 Issue(s): 230868 Description: AppScan Source: XSS VULNERABILITY IN BRIDGESERVLET.JAVA Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV87157 Issue(s): 234856 Description: INVENTORY USAGE BMXAA7692E THE CURRENT REQUESTED QUANTITY WILL CAUSE A NEGATIVE BALANCE IN THE BIN Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66423 Defect: 238328 Description: DUPLICATE FORECAST ENTRY BEING CREATED AFTER DELETING AN EXISTING FORECAST AND GENERATING THE FORECAST TWICE. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV83507 Defect: 239713 Description: HUNG DATABASE THREAD CAUSES SEVER OUT OF MEMORY Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV75768 Defect: 233640 Description: NEED TO COPY MEMO TO PLUSCASSETSTATUS FOR NON-CALIBRATION ASSETS Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV75088 Defect: 238583 Description: IN USAGE LINES ONLY THE ROW DISPLAYED ON SCREEN AFTER SEARCH WILL BE SHIPPED AND THE ONE NOT DISPLAYED WILL SHOW AS SHIPPED Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV72948 Defect: 215107 Description: FOR BASE SERVICES/MAM - UNABLE TO GENERATE INVOICE FROM LABOR REPORTING APPLICATION Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV81062 Defect: 211650 Description: AUTOMATION SCRIPT THROWS AN ERROR IF THE ENTERED BY FIELD ON A MATERIAL RECEIPT IS 'ANY NAME' Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV74534 Issue(s): 180731 Description: BMXAA1148E ERROR WHEN DEPLOYING PACKAGE IN MIGRATION MANAGER HAVING A SLA ESCALATION Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68889 Defect(s): 248429 Description: SCHEDULER AND GA DO NOT DISPLAY WORK AND NONWORK TIME CORRECTLY WHEN YOU HAVE MULTIPLE OVERLAPPING SHIFTS Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV88852 Issue(s): 242335 Description: When using the map, the reset timer is not reset, and causes a session timeout. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV90393 Issue(s): 249730 Description: SLOW PERFORMANCE CHANGING STATUS OF SLA Database Scripts: V7506_34.dbc Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV90768 Issue(s): 251117 Description: ASSET VALUE IS NOT VISIBLE IN ISSUE COST TYPE LOOKUP IN ADVANCED SEARCH DIALOG OF INVENTORY APPLICATION Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV84812 Issue(s): 252203 Description: SHIPMENT RECEIPTS APPLICATION VOID RECEIPT DOES NOT ROLL BACK TO THE PO Database Scripts: HF7506_36.dbc Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV91129 Issue(s): 254185 Description: SYSTEM GENERATES LESS PM WORK ORDERS THAN IT SHOULD Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV74025 Issue(s): 251739 Description: Report request pages displayed in other language Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV90664 Issue(s): 250931 Description: PERFORMANCE OCCURS WHEN SELECTING "ALL RECORDS" OPTION Database Scripts: V7506_35.dbc Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV83482 Issue(s): 254007 Description: UNABLE TO APPROVE PR BY EMAIL REPLY Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV91002 Issue(s): 252325 Description: TEXT SEARCH FOR CLOB ATTRIBUTE DOES NOT RETURN THE SAME RESULT AS PER THE SAME SEARCH ON THE VARGRAPHIC ATTRIBUTE Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV79876 Issue(s): 254994 Description: ADDING A NEW ROW IN THE ITEM STATUS DOMAIN DOES NOT ALLOW ITEM RECONCILIATION ON THE LIST TAB. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV89854 Issue(s): 248288 Description: UNABLE TO TURN ON E-SIGNATURE FOR EXTENSION/RENEWAL OF LABOR QUALIFICATIONS Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- ==================================================================================================== VI. Notices ==================================================================================================== This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. 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