IBM Support

Signing up for the MaaS360 iOS Application Beta

How To


Joining the MaaS360 iOS application betas from a device using web links.


iOS devices with the Safari web browser available


***Please refer to the MaaS360 release page for the public links used for our iOS application betas.

The following steps will have to be repeated for each different app the user intends to beta test.  (Please note that language around 'Fiberlink Communications Corp' is normal for these workflows, as it is the registered entity for application publishing).

1. Open the application beta public link in the Safari browser.  Ensure that the Testflight App is installed and on Step 2 tap "Start Testing."  

Step 1

2. Accept the invitation in the popup window in Testflight.  Please be sure to read the terms and conditions as these belong to Apple. They may not reflect the same information as IBM MaaS360 terms and conditions 

Step 2 Step 2-1

3. Once the beta is accepted, there will be a separate prompt to install the beta app.  MaaS360 will occasionally have multiple versions available so different workflows can be tested and verified.  Unless the user specifically chooses a version, Testflight will default to the most recent.  The user may also toggle settings around receiving notifications of beta app updates - either through email or mobile notifications (requires the Testflight app remain installed).

Step 3 Step 3-1 Step 3-2 Step 3-3

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSYSXX","label":"IBM MaaS360"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF014","label":"iOS"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB24","label":"Security Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
02 October 2018

