IBM Support

Setting up IDS auditing, onaudit

Question & Answer


What are the minimum requirements needed to start IDS auditing? What are the minimum requirements needed to start onaudit?



IBM® Informix® Dynamic Server™ (IDS) auditing enables the recording of selected user activities on the database server.

This article briefly discusses the set up procedure and provides a demonstration for database server-managed auditing using Informix Dynamic Server for Unix without Role Separation.


1. Log in as user informix.

2. Auditing is turned off by default when you install the database server. To turn it on, edit the $INFORMIXDIR/aaodir/adtcfg as follows:

  • Change ADTMODE from 0 (which is the default) to 1. A 1 means that database server-managed auditing is on for all sessions.
  • Change ADTPATH to the full path to which you want the database server to save audit files. Ownership of the directory should be informix, Group ID should be informix and Permission 755 to prevent unauthorized use of the audit files.
    For this example we will use /usr/informix/auditing for ADTPATH.

This is the resulting adtfcg file contents:
3. Stop and restart the engine so that the new settings take effect.
    4. Run onaudit -c to confirm the audit configuration parameters are correct.
      ADTMODE    = 1
      ADTERR     = 0
      ADTPATH    = /usr/informix/auditing
      ADTSIZE    = 50000
      Audit file = 0

      Auditing is now turned on.
    5. Create the audit mask _require which applies automatically to all users. In this example, the _require mask is created using the Informix recommended events.


    More information regarding audit masks or user masks can be found in the Information Center at these links:

    For a list of all the audit event codes go here, Audit Event Codes and Fields.


    1. Create an individual user mask. For this example, the user mask is pat and the events to be audited will be creating and dropping databases.
      onaudit -a -u pat -e +CRDB,DRDB
    2. Run onaudit -o -y to show the audit events for all the defined users. The output is displayed as follows:

      pat         -   CRDB,DRDB
    3. Execute the following SQL commands as user pat:
      CREATE TABLE tab1
       col1 INT

      DATABASE sysmaster;
      DROP DATABASE test;

    4. Run onshowaudit to display the tracked events for user pat. The events are displayed here.

      ONLN|2002-10-31 14:25:10.000|digger2|2684|pat|pat|0:CRDB:test:-

      ONLN|2002-10-31 14:25:28.000|digger2|2684|pat|pat|0:OPDB:sysmaster:0:-

      ONLN|2002-10-31 14:25:28.000|digger2|2684|pat|pat|0:DRDB:test:-
    More information regarding the audit-record format go here, Audit-Record Format.

    5. Repeat step #3 as user informix.

    6. Run onshowaudit to display the tracked events for user informix. The events are displayed here.

      ONLN|2002-10-31 14:38:35.000|digger2|2711|informix|informix|

    Note that the CRDB (create database), OPDB (open database), and DRDB (drop database) events are shown for user pat but user informix only shows OPDB.

    Furthermore, note that auditing does not record the CRTB (create table) event for either user because it is not part of any of the auditing masks.

    [{"Product":{"code":"SSGU8G","label":"Informix Servers"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF022","label":"OS X"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"10.0;11.1;11.5;11.7","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

    Document Information

    Modified date:
    16 June 2018

