IBM Support

Setting up IBM Rational Rhapsody DiffMerge for IBM Rational Synergy

Question & Answer


How to get IBM Rational Synergy to invoke the IBM Rational Rhapsody DiffMerge instead of the text tool.


To configure Rational Rhapsody DiffMerge for Rational Synergy:

  1. Update the PATH environment variable on the client machine:
    On the client machines, ensure the location of the Rhapsody DiffMerge.exe is included in the PATH environment variable (right-click My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced -> Environment Variables). This will be the same folder as the Rational Rhapsody installation folder.

    To test this, open up a DOS window on the client and type diffmerge. Verify that the Diff/Merge tool launches.

    You must also include the bin folder in the synergy directory in the path, and also make sure there is a user path variable pointing to the synergy install path (NOT \bin) called CCM_HOME

  2. Modify Rational Synergy server to recognize Rational Rhapsody Types:
    On the Synergy server, login as type_developer and import the rhapsodytypes.xml types file (located in the <Rhapsody installation path>\Share\cm\Synergy).

    ccm set role type_developer
    ccm typedef -import rhapsodytypes -dir "directory_path_of_rhapsodytypes.xml_file"  

    This will create one type definition "rhapsodytypes" with the migrate rules associated with all the Rhapsody file extensions (.cls, .sbs, etcetera).

    It also links the Rational Rhapsody DiffMerge tool to perform comparison and merging on Rational Rhapsody files within Rational Synergy. 

  3. Modify file on Synergy Client
    Open the following file on the Synergy client under <Synergy Installation Folder>\etcetera\ and add the following: = DiffMerge.exe -xcompare "%file1" "%file2" -base "%ancestor"
    windows.tool.merge.rhapsodytypes = DiffMerge.exe -xmerge "%file1" "%file2" -base "%ancestor" -out "%outfile"

    Ensure that you modify the C:\\Program Files\\telelogic\\Rhapsody 7.4\\diffmerge.exe to the hard coded path of where DiffMerge.exe is situated on the client machines.

    Make sure you put this code into file not into

    Note that the file is edited on <Synergy Installation Folder>\etc\ on the server, but the changes will take effect when the Synergy client is restarted, so you should not have to restart the Synergy server.


If this fails to invoke the DiffMerge then temporarily enter a hard coded path (one that will find the DiffMerge.exe on the client machine) such as: = "C:\\Program Files\\telelogic\\Rhapsody 7.4\\diffmerge.exe" -xcompare "%file1" "%file2" -base "%ancestor"

    windows.tool.merge.rhapsodytypes = "C:\\Program Files\\telelogic\\Rhapsody 7.4\\diffmerge.exe" -xmerge "%file1" "%file2" -base "%ancestor" -out "%outfile"

If there appears to be an issue with the rhapsodytypes, then specify each file type manually thus: = "C:\\Program Files\\telelogic\\Rhapsody 7.4\\diffmerge.exe"  -xmerge "%file1" "%file2" -base "%ancestor" -out "%outfile" = "C:\\Program Files\\telelogic\\Rhapsody 7.4\\diffmerge.exe"    -xcompare "%file1" "%file2"

    windows.tool.merge.rpy = "C:\\Program Files\\telelogic\\Rhapsody 7.4\\diffmerge.exe"    -xmerge "%file1" "%file2" -base "%ancestor" -out "%outfile" = "C:\\Program Files\\telelogic\\Rhapsody 7.4\\diffmerge.exe"    -xcompare "%file1" "%file2"

    windows.tool.merge.cls= "C:\\Program Files\\telelogic\\Rhapsody 7.4\\diffmerge.exe"    -xmerge "%file1" "%file2" -base "%ancestor" -out "%outfile" = "C:\\Program Files\\telelogic\\Rhapsody 7.4\\diffmerge.exe"    -xcompare "%file1" "%file2"


Verify DiffMerge invocation from Synergy client:

  1. In Rhapsody, right-click on a file and choose Configuration Management ->History or via Configuration Items click History.
  2. It should invoke the Synergy Java client history:

  3. Click on the Compare icon after using CNTRL and left-click to select the two files.
  4. Verify that the Rational Rhapspody DiffMerge tool is invoked not the default Synergy differencing tool. You should be able to view the differences.

  5. Clicking the Merge icon in the Synergy History window should also launch DiffMerge.

  6. Clicking on Yes to Merge Trivial Differences and then doing a File -> Save should then automatically display the merged file in the Synergy History window.

  7. Verify the same operations can be used on the Synergy Classic client. Use the Show History command and select the files as before. Use the Compare/Merge icons at the top:

Verify DiffMerge invocation from Rhapsody
  1. The DiffMerge tool should also be able to compare the checked out file with the archived file:

If you find the compare still fails (perhaps on the Synch window) please contact IBM Rational Client Support.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSB2MU","label":"IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Installation","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.4;","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}},{"Product":{"code":"SSC6Q5","label":"Rational Synergy"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Installation","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.1;;;7.1a","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Product Synonym

Rational Rhapsody

Document Information

Modified date:
27 May 2022

