IBM Support

Setting up Eclipse 4.8 for Maximo Application Suite 8.x & Maximo Asset Management &

How To


Many of our users want to create or customize reports for Maximo. MAS is no different.
Setting up Eclipse for MAS is similar to setting up Eclipse 4.3.1 for Maximo, but there are some exceptions.

Here is how to set up Eclipse 4.8 to access a Maximo database for MAS or Maximo Asset Management &


Maximo Manage 8.3 uses Business Intelligence and Reporting Tool (BIRT) version 4.8.0
To set up a Maximo Manage report development environment and configure BIRT 4.8, complete the following tasks:
  • Install the prerequisite 8.0 version of the IBM SDK on your local workstation. Eclipse 4.8 needs Java 1.8.
  • Download and install BIRT 4.8
  • Add Maximo Manage libraries, reports, script libraries, template files, and JAR files to your report development environment
  • Configure BIRT for Maximo Manage reports
  • Configure access to BIRT
  • Create a Maximo Manage project in BIRT
Downloading and installing BIRT Report Designer 4.8 To download and install BIRT 4.8 complete the following steps:
1. To download BIRT 4.8, go to the following webpage :
These links change without our knowledge. We will do the best to keep them up to date. Thanks for your understanding.
2. Click Archives.
3. Select the folder for BIRT 4.8. Eclipse Drop Page
4. Download the birt-report-designer-all-in-one-4.8.0 compressed file for your operating system(32 bit vs 64 bit Windows). Although you may find downloads for Linux & MacIntosh Operating systems, we only recommend the windows downloads.   
5. Extract the compressed file to a local directory with a name does not include any spaces, for example C:\birt_480.
A. Here is a link for the reports, libraries, resources & script classes.

B. Here is a link to the 7612 database drivers. We found that they worked in MAS &

Maximo Database Drivers

Download these 2 .zip files and extract to a temporary location.
Configuring BIRT 4.8 for Maximo Manage reports
Complete the following steps to configure BIRT for Maximo Manage reports:
1. For the script library (From A), copy the folder that contains the script classes (Scriptlibrary / classes) from the temporary location where you stored it to Eclipse, as shown in the following example: Copy the classes folder from the temporary location to <birt_480>/eclipse/plugins/
This will leave you with a classes folder under WEB-INF.
2. For the database driver, copy the database driver from the temporary location to the following location in Eclipse.
3. Right click that database JAR file and extract the contents of the JAR file to
4. The file defines the connection from the BIRT designer to the Manage database. The file is in the following Eclipse directory:
Edit the file to provide values for the following parameters for your database:
  • Database URL
  • Database driver
  • Database username
  • Password schema owner
The following example is configured with sample values for a DB2 database in the outlined area.

maximoDataSource.url= jdbc:db2://;sslCertLocation=C:/Users/User/Downloads/maximo-Db2-ssl.cert;sslTrustStoreLocation=C:/Users/User/Downloads/mydb2wstore.jks;sslTrustStorePassword=xxxx;




Note: The keystore for the DB password needs to be against the same instance of Java you are running Eclipse from.

Accessing BIRT

  1. Create a shortcut to BIRT Designer 48 from eclipse.exe. Update the target for the shortcut to include your JDK 1.8 path as shown in the following example: C:/birt_480/eclipse/eclipse.exe -vm "C:/ibm/Java80/jre/bin/javaw.exe" -vmargs -Xmx512m
  2. Launch BIRT Designer from your new shortcut. Select an applicable workspace location for your environment. Check 'Use this as default' and click OK to open Eclipse.
  3. Go back to the downloaded file from A. Copy the reports, libraries & templates to a permanent location. Where you place it is up to you, but I would suggest not placing it under Eclipse.
  4. In Eclipse, under BIRT, select Windows, Preferences, Report Design. In 'Resource' use 'file system' to enter the path to the Libraries folder from step 3.
  5. Select the Templates option. Reference the Templates folder from Step 5. Apply and close to save.
  6. Importing the OOB Maximo reports. Select File, New Project. Select Report Project under Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools. <next> Enter a Project name (Maximo), Browse to the location of the reports folder. This gives you all the Out of Box Maximo Reports.

Document Location


[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSDKWV","label":"IBM Maximo Application Suite Dedicated"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000CbCSAA0","label":"Reporting-\u003EAdministration"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
31 July 2023

