IBM Support

Rational ClearQuest Fix Pack ( for version 8.0



IBM Rational ClearQuest Fix Pack ( for version 8.0

Download Description

Important Upgrade Information:
If you plan to upgrade ClearQuest 7.1.x directly to this release and you are running ClearQuest Web, please read technote 1586861 prior to upgrading.

Upgrading from ClearQuest to this release will cause ClearQuest Full-Text Search (FTS) to stop working. Please read technote 1587173 to repair FTS after upgrading.

Special Configuration Settings are needed to allow IBM Rational Doors and Rational Systems Architect (RSA) to integrate with ClearQuest Web using OSLC. These integrations, which were working before upgrading to this version, will be broken until the configuration steps outlined in technote 1588252 are performed.

Technote 1450027 describes behavioral differences in ClearQuest releases (including all Fix Packs) between 7.1.1 and the current release.

TestFixes included and excluded in this Fixpack

Technote 1574727 lists TestFixes that are included in this release, as well as those that have not been incorporated into this release.

Tab navigation

Downloads available for

Operating Systems:

  • AIX® - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (aix4_power)
  • Linux - RedHat® and SUSE® - - - - - - - - - (linux_x86)
  • Solaris® - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (sun5)
  • Windows® - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (win)

Note: For Linux running on x86, AMD64 or EM64T select the linux_x86 download.

Descriptions of the resolved defects are included in the readme files associated with each patch download.

Each patch contains the cumulative fixes of its predecessor. All other patches referenced in this document are obsolete. (Current)
Created to fix bug(s):
PM58770 PM58474 PM58310 PM57435 PM55544 PM55346 PM53794
PM53739 PM53646 PM53331 PM52751 PM46871 PM46351 PM46083
PM39183 PM36654 PM36496 PM35340 PM25168 (Obsoleted)
Created to fix bug(s):
PM51955 PM50088 PM49979 PM49975 PM49811 PM49180 PM48749
PM48016 PM47952 PM47926 PM47006 PM46679 PM46354 PM46353
PM46149 PM46057 PM45891 PM45714 PM45672 PM45184 PM44680
PM44205 PM44060 PM42181 PM40993 PM39879 PM39779 PM39377
PM39179 PM38885 PM38781 PM36693 PM35961 PM35956 PM35666
PM33866 PM32456 PM32079 PM30005 PM28911 PM28398 PM25575
PM24597 PM21653 PM20976 PM20907 PM20749 PM20247 PM12398
PM11888 PM08377 PK98033 PK69012


Installation Manager 1.4.4 or later; Rational ClearQuest Version 8.0 or

Installation Instructions

Descriptions of resolved defects are included in the ux_readme and windows_readme files in the Download package table.

Refer to technote 1380386 for detailed installation instructions.

If you to plan to use WebSphere Application Server v8.0 with IBM Rational ClearCase, IBM Rational ClearQuest or IBM Rational RequisitePro, please read technote 1569987 before installing the products.

If you plan to use Installation Manager on Solaris, Linux, or AIX in GUI mode, please refer to technote 1330190 for more information.

You must install this update using the Updates Packages wizard in IBM Installation Manager. For information on installing updates, see the topic 'Installing Updates' in the IBM Installation Manager Information Center at

  • By default, the update is installed from the IBM update repository located on a remote server.

  • It is also possible to download the update and install it locally.

    1. Download the repository from the Download Package table below.

    2. Extract files to a temporary directory. In the IBM Installation Manager, click File > Preferences and add the temporary directory location to the list of repositories.

    3. Use the Update Packages wizard in the Installation Manager to complete the update.

Note: The readme files are also included in each patch bundle; therefore,
you need not download the readme separately when downloading the patch.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSSH5A","label":"Rational ClearQuest"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Installation","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"8.0;;","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Problems (APARS) fixed

Document Information

Modified date:
15 June 2018

