IBM Product Lifecycle
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For more detailed information about the available IBM support lifecycle policies, visit IBM Product Lifecycle website.
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Glossary of terms
A definition of the column headers in the attached CSV file.
The type of IBM offering - Hardware or Software.
IBM Product
The name of the IBM offering.
Stands for version release modification and represents the numbering structure of the IBM software offering as defined in IBM Software product versioning explained.
Stands for product identifier and is used for all IBM software offerings to uniquely identify the product which may be bundled with different offerings.
License Type
The type of software license used by the offering as defined in Standard and enhanced IBM support lifecycle policies.
- Blank = No license type assigned
- IPLA = International Program License Agreement
- ICA = IBM Customer Agreement
- ILAN = International License Agreement for Non-Warranted Programs
Stands for machine type model and is used for all IBM hardware offerings to uniquely identify the product which may be bundled with different offerings.
Stands for General Availability and is the date that the offering is available to all users.
GA #
This is the General Availability Announcement Number and is the identification code assigned to the announcement letter used to communicate to users about the offering availability (English and United States only).
Stands for End of Marketing and refers to the effective date on which the offering and associated part numbers cease to be available for purchase.
This is the End of Marketing Announcement Number and is the identification code assigned to the announcement letter used to communicate to users about the offering withdrawal from sales (English and United States only).
Stands for End of Development and refers to the effective date on which the hardware offering will cease to have any new hardware, machine code, software updates, enhancements, and security patches provided for the offering.
This is the End of Development Announcement Number and is the identification code assigned to the announcement letter used to communicate to users about the offering withdrawal from development (English and United States only).
Stands for End of Support and refers to the last date on which IBM will deliver standard support services for the offering. For software, that means service or support for a specific release or version of the offering is no longer provided. For hardware, that means technical and field (parts) support are no longer provided, and all expert remote support for the system is withdrawn. Only existing contracts will be fulfilled until end of contract, unless extensions or support upgrades are purchased.
Stands for the End of Support Announcement Number and is the identification code assigned to the announcement letter used to communicate to users about the offering withdrawal from support.
Eligible Service
The name of the eligible support service available for purchase.
Lifecycle Policy
The announcement letter identification.
- S = Standard: minimum 3 years support with extension of 3 years
- E = Enhanced: minimum 5 years support with extension of 3 years
- C = Continuous Delivery: minimum 2 years support with extension of 1 year
SC-5 = Support Cycle-5: 5 years of support with critical fix extension of 1 year and usage and existing fixes for 3 (5+1+3)
SC-3 = Support Cycle-3: 3 years of support with critical fix extension of 1 year and usage and existing fixes for 3 (3+1+3)
SC-2 = Support Cycle-2: 2 years of support with critical fix extension of 1 year and usage and existing fixes for 3 (2+1+3)
SC-Other = Support Cycle-Other: Products listed with Support Cycle-Other may not follow the base support period or have extended/sustained support availability. Details for those products will be found in the comments on the Product Lifecycle page and in the Product Announcement Letter.
- O = Other - specific policies on products marked as "Other" can be found in the product announcement
- W = Warranty - Hardware only
- Anything as a Service (XaaS): Although not a lifecycle policy, Anything as a Service (XaaS) support is included in the Cloud Service and provides defect and non-defect product technical support. Technical support for XaaS ends when the XaaS Cloud Service ends, either because customer’s contract has ended, or the service has been withdrawn in accordance with the IBM Cloud Services Agreement or other agreement governing customer’s XaaS service.
The Exception flag indicates whether the product has a Lifecycle Policy that is not covered by one of the standard policy types defined in Standard and enhanced IBM software support lifecycle policies.
- 0 = No exception
- 1 = Yes - an exception is in place
This section stores any relevant comments about the offering in relation to the data provided.
More Info URL
This section provides links to related pages of interest in relation to the data provided.
Last modified
The date the product lifecycle record was last modified.