IBM Support

Problem with Search 360 indexing of pdf content in IBM i2 iBase 9.0.x



iBase 9.x Search 360 indexing . when indexing pdf content, cannot find/use the windows search default pdf filter (Reader Search Handler); that comes with the Windows operating system.
This article is for existing iBase 8.9.11/12/13 installations where Search 360 and the Adobe iFilter were in use for Search 360 indexing of pdf content.  
iBase 8.9.11/12/13 versions all needed a 3rd Party pdf iFilter and/or reader to be installed to allow Search360 to index pdf content.  The recommended iFilter was Adobe 9 (please see  
The Windows operating system now comes with a default pdf filter (Reader Search Handler) for windows search.
 iBase 9 Search 360 indexing of pdf content, makes use of the default pdf filter (Reader Search Handler) for windows search. 
On a system that has never had the Adobe ifilter or reader (versions 9 through to 11.03) installed; iBase 9.x Search360 will index pdfs 'out of the box'.  
The Adobe IFilter/reader install has changed the windows registry , preventing iBase 9.x from using the windows default pdf filter.
Uninstalling the adobe iFilter/reader does not facilitate the restoration and working of the windows search default pdf filter (Reader Search Handler)


Search360 indexing of pdf content fails to index the pdf document content.
The Search360 job history reports the following for each document with pdf content:
Error Message: “Error: Processing document field ‘Document_:Document_Content’ {RecordId: DOC1} Description: Unable to load filter for file with type .pdf. Return code E_FAIL"


iBase 9 cannot use the Adobe ifilter and the Adobe IFilter/reader install has changed the windows registry , preventing iBase from using the windows default pdf filter.
Installing the Adobe iFilter (for use with previous versions of iBase 8.9.x) made these changes :
1.) it sets the default pdf ifilter to PDF Filter: 
(In the windows Operating system, select settings, indexing options, advanced options, file types and search for .pdf)
image 6917
2.) It updates the registry
With this registry: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.pdf\PersistentHandler
image 6918


A clean Windows Operating system that has never had Adobe 9 - 11.0.3 ifilter/reader installed , has the windows native pdf filter set by default at windows O/S level.
This can be confirmed by going to settings, indexing options, advanced options, file types and search for .pdf
image 6919
The above shows the Reader Search Handler filter.

It has this corresponding pdf PesistentHandler registry setting.

image 6920

Diagnosing The Problem

For the windows Server, operating system where S360 is installed:
1.) Check for this registry: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.pdf\PersistentHandler and confirm it is set to
image 6924

Resolving The Problem

Always back up the registry before making any changes    
1.) Uninstall the Adobe IFilter   
2.) remove the Adobe filter entry  C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe PDF iFilter 9 for 64-bit platforms\bin\     
 from the system PATH environment variable.  
Uninstalling the Adobe 9 iFilter,   changes the registry to   
image 6925
Uninstalling the Adobe ifilter 9 (or adobe Reader, versions up to 11.0.4), does not put the registry back to how it was before the iFilter (or adobe reader) was installed  
Uninstalling the Adobe ifilter removes the PersistentHandler entry 
it is important that you uninstall the adobe iFilter BEFORE you make the necessary changes to the registry   
Uninstalling the adobe ifilter after you have made the registry changes will remove the PresistentHandler key and the changes you are about to make    
3.) Edit the registry
Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.pdf\PersistentHandler. Create the key if it does not exist.  
If it does exist then that indicates you have not uninstalled the adobe iFilter yet and you should exit the registry editor now and uninstall the Adobe iFilter, then come back to using the registry editor! 
Set the data value to {1AA9BF05-9A97-48c1-BA28-D9DCE795E93C}.
(include the curly brackets)
image 6928
 Exit the registry editor   
Go to Task Manager > More details, Services.
image 6929
Select WSearch.    Right mouse-click, and then choose Restart.   

Checking the Settings, indexing options, advanced settings for .pdf should show the default (Reader Search Handler) filter in place:
image 6930
You may find you need to reboot the system.   
You may find you need to set the 'open with' default  app for pdfs back to Microsoft Edge
image 6931
You are now ready to upgrade iBase 8.9.13 to iBase 9.0.0 and Search360 indexing for pdfs will work using the native pdf filter  

The upgrade involves removing iBase 8.9.13 and installing iBase 9.0.0, thern opening the database in iBase 9 designer.

Document Location


[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB24","label":"Security Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSXW43","label":"i2 iBase"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000bo5KAAQ","label":"i2 iBase and i2 Analyst's WorkStation->Install\/Configure\/Upgrade"}],"ARM Case Number":"TS004398152","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"9.0.x"}]

Historical Number


Document Information

Modified date:
03 November 2020

