IBM Support

Performing a Cross Platform/Cross Server Restore using CommVault

Question & Answer


How can you do an imported restore with CommVault?


In addition to the restores from CommCell Console, you can also use a third party command line utility (On-Bar) to restore Informix databases.

Please find the steps to do the imported restore below


Performing a Cross Platform/Cross Server Restore
You can perform a cross platform/ cross server restores using onbar. However, the source and destination Informix servers must have the same db spaces name and paths. Ensure that the source and destination Informix servers must have the same SERVENUM number in ONCONFIG file. Ensure that the source and destination Informix servers are configured within the same CommServe.

Use the following steps to perform a cross platform/cross server restore:

On the source computer, as an Informix user, type the command at the Command Prompt to note the Informix Dbspaces name and Dbspaces pathname.
onstat –d

On the destination computer, as an Informix user, type the command at the Command Prompt to note the Informix Dbspaces name and Dbspaces pathname.
onstat –d

Make sure to include the following information in the source Informix user profile:
CvInstanceName=<Simpana Instance Name>
CvClientName=< Source Computer Name as seen on Commcell GUI>

Example: As Informix user

export[ or set for Windows] CvInstanceName= Instance001
export[ or set for Windows] CvClientName= test01

Make sure to include the following information in the destination Informix user profile:
CvInstanceName=<Simpana Instance Name>
CvClientName=<Destination Computer Name as seen on Commcell GUI>
INFORMIXSERVER=< Destination Informix Server Name>


export [ or set for Windows] CvInstanceName=Instance001
export [ or set for Windows] CvClientName = test02
export [ or set for Windows] INFORMIXSERVER = INFSERVER02

Perform a full backup of source Informix server including emergency boot file (ixbar) file and ONCONFIG file
In the destination Informix server, rename the emergency boot file (ixbar), oncfg and ONCONFIG files.


mv ixbar.0
mv oncfg_$servername.$servernum oncfg_$servername.$
mv onconfig.$servername to onconfig.$

Copy the emergency boot file (ixbar), oncfg and ONCONFIG files manually from source Informix server to destination Informix server in INFORMIXDIR/etc directory.
Rename the files if the file names were different from original files in destination.
In the destination Informix server, update the DBSERVERNAME and SERVERNUM parameters with the Destination Informix Server name and number in ONCONFIG file which has been copied from Source Informix server.
If SERVERNUM in source and destination are different, include the following information in the destination Informix user profile:



export [ or set for Windows] CV_IFX_SOURCE_SERVERNUM=1

You can check parameter (SERVERNUM) in destination Informix server ONCONFIG file.

Use the following command to stop the destination Informix server
onmode –yuk

Type the following command to restore the Informix server on the destination computer.
onbar –r

After a successful Cross Informix Server Restore, delete the emergency boot file (ixbar) in Destination Informix server.
Perform a full backup of destination Informix server either using a CommCell Browser or onbar command line utility.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSGU8G","label":"Informix Servers"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF022","label":"OS X"}],"Version":"11.1;11.5;11.7;12.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

