IBM Support

OpenID Connect, WebSphere traditional Custom Properties



This document contains troubleshooting information for OpenID Connect (OIDC) Trust Association Interceptor (TAI) problems in the WebSphere® Application Server.  Using this document can help address common issues with this component before you call IBM support and save you time.

Resolving The Problem

Component: Topic:


This topic contains the custom properties that are available for use in the most recent version of the OpenID Connect TAI. To find the most recent OpenID Connect run time, see the technote Obtaining WebSphere OpenID Connect (OIDC) latest version, or click the 'Get the Latest OIDC TAI' tab.

The OpenID Connect TAI custom properties are documented in the IBM Documentation, for example: WebSphere OpenID Connect Relying Party custom properties for v9.0.5. These custom properties pages are updated when fix packs are published. Since the OpenID Connect TAI is published more frequently than WebSphere Application Server fix packs, the custom property pages tend to become out of date. This page remains in sync with the most recent version of the OpenID Connect TAI that is published as an interim fix.

Additional information

  • How to display properties from command line
    In case you aren't running the latest OIDC runtime, you can emit the custom properties that are supported by your installed OIDC runtime by running the following commands:
    cd (was_home)/plugins
    java -cp ./
  • Avoid Trouble when you use an outbound proxy
    Avoid Trouble: When you're using an outbound proxy, the OpenId Connect RP does not provide a means to route requests through a proxy host automatically:
    • When you must use a proxy to access the OpenId Connect Provider (OP), the value that you enter for any OP-related URL property must contain the proxy host and port, not the external OP host and port.
    • In most cases, you replace the OP host and port with the proxy host and port.
    • The URL that you enter must be visible to both the RP and the client (browser or application).
    • For further guidance on how to determine the correct URL to use, contact your proxy administrator.

Properties Required for the OpenID Connect Relying Party

Note: The properties in this table are not required when a provider entry is used only with JWT authentication.  See the table titled Properties Required for a JWT Authentication Only Provider Entry for a list of the properties that are required when a provider entry is restricted to JWT authentication.
Property name
Specifies a unique name for each OpenID connect provider identified by the <id> in the provider_<id> prefix. This identifier is created by you and is used to build the redirect URL that is registered with the OP. 
Redirect URL:https://(host):(port)/oidcclient/abc
Redirect URL:https://(host):(port)/oidcclient/test
provider_<id>.clientId Specifies the ID used to identify the OpenID Connect RP instance to the OpenID connect Provider server. It must be unique among all the RP clients registered to the provider.
Specifies the secret used by the OpenID Connect Provider to secure messages sent to this RP client in callback requests. It must match the OpenID Connect Provider's secret that is registered for this client.
 The clientSecret parameter is not required if your OP is not expecting it, such as when your token requests are using OAuth 2.0 Mutual-TLS Client Authentication as described in RFC8705.
Either discoveryEndpointUrl or both authorizeEndpointUrl and tokenEndpointUrl are required.
provider_<id>.discoveryEndpointUrl When useDiscovery is set to true, the default value for this property is (issuerIdentifier)/.well-known/openid-configuration. Specifies the OpenID Connect Provider's discovery endpoint URL.

When this property is specified, the following properties are obtained from the discovery result:
  • authorizeEndpointUrl
  • tokenEndpointUrl
  • introspectEndpointUrl
  • userinfoEndpointUrl
  • revokeEndpointUrl
  • endSessionEndpoint
  • jwkEndpointUrl
  • tokenEndpointAuthMethod
  • issuerIdentifier
When the discoveryEndpointUrl property is included in the OIDC TAI configuration, if any of these properties are also included in the configuration, their settings are ignored.

A request is sent to the discovery endpoint and the data that is returned is processed when the OIDC TAI is initialized. When the discovery endpoint is not accessible at the time that the TAI is initialized, then the OIDC TAI configuration entries associated with the discovery endpoint are not active and its requests are not intercepted.

The OIDC TAI does not refresh the data received from the discovery endpoint. When the OP changes information in its discovery, then the application server must be restarted.

When useDiscovery is set to true, the default value for this property is (issuerIdentifier)/.well-known/openid-configuration. When the useDiscovery property is set to false, the value for this property is ignored.
provider_<id>.authorizeEndpointUrl Specifies the endpoint URL for redirecting authorization requests to the OpenID Connect Provider.

If an acr_values parameter is present in the value of this property, the TAI verifies that the IDToken contains an 'acr' claim when an IDToken is returned from the OP. The TAI also verifies that the value of the claim matches the value of the acr_values parameter.
provider_<id>.tokenEndpointUrl Specifies the endpoint URL for redirecting token requests to the OpenID Connect Provider.

Optional Properties

Property name
provider_<id>.filter Specifies a condition for the TAI to protect a request. The format for this property is the same as for the SAML sso_<id>.sp.filter property.
provider_<id>.interceptedPathFilter A comma-separated list of URI patterns.
Specifies a comma-separated list of regular expression URI patterns for the TAI to protect a request. To intercept ALL requests use /.*. For example: /abcCompanyApps.*, /snoop.
This property can be used in combination with the provider_<id>.filter property.  The interceptedPathFilter and excludedPathFilter properties are applied to a request first.  If the request does not match to those filters, then the filter property is applied.
The callback URI from the OP, /callbackServletContext/identifier, is automatically intercepted by the TAI.  You do not need to account for the callback in your filter.  An example of a callback URL is
provider_<id>.excludedPathFilter A comma-separated list of URI patterns. Specifies a comma-separated list of regular expression URI patterns for the TAI to not protect a request. This property can be used to provide exceptions to the interceptedPathFilter.
Set this property to the value for the OP's end session endpoint.
When this property is set to a value and the provider_<id>.endSessionEndpointEnabled property is set to true, the TAI redirects logout requests to the configured end session endpoint. An id_token_hint parameter is added to the end session request.
If the provider_<id>.discoveryEndpointUrl property is specified, the value for this property is overridden. The value for this property can be retrieved with the OidcClientHelper.getEndSessionEndpoint() method. 
Default: false Set this property to false if you want to ignore the setting for the provider_<id>.endSessionEndpoint property. This applies if the endpoint was obtained either from a TAI property or discovery.
provider_<id>.endSessionRedirectUrl Set this property to the value for the post_logout_redirect_uri parameter on the request to the end session endpoint on the OP. The OP redirects to this URL after logout is complete.
provider_<id>.endSessionUseLogoutExitPage Default: false Set this property to true if you want to use the value for the logoutExitPage parameter on an ibm_security_logout request as the value for the post_logout_redirect_uri parameter on the end session request to the OP.  This feature requires fix packs or
provider_<id>.introspectEndpointUrl Specifies the endpoint URL for calling the OpenID Connect Provider's introspection endpoint.
Specifies the URL of the OPs JSON Web Key (JWK) set document that contains the signing key the RP uses to validate the signature from the OP.
This property must be set unless the signatureAlgorithm custom property is set to HS256 and you do not set the signVerifyAlias custom property to obtain the OP's signing certificate from the default truststore or jsonWebKeyFile.
provider_<id>.jsonWebKeyFile The file name of a JSON Web Key file that contains the public keys for signature verification.
provider_<id>.loginErrorUrl Specifies the URL to which the RP is to redirect when a login error is received from an OP.
Default: false When this property is set to true, the RP forwards to the error URL, the error, error_description, and error_uri parameters that were received from the OP.
provider_<id>.revokeEndpointUrl Specifies the endpoint URL for calling the OpenID Connect Provider's token revocation endpoint.  This URL is invoked upon logout.
provider_<id>.revokeEndpointEnabled Default: true Set this property to false if you want to ignore the setting for the provider_<id>.revokeEndpointUrl property. This applies if the endpoint was obtained either from a TAI property or discovery.
provider_<id>.revokeAccessToken Default: false By default, when a user logs out, a revocation request is only made for the refresh token. The OP might revoke both the refresh token and its associated access token with this request. When this property is set to true, a separate revocation request is made for the access token.
Default: false When this property is set to true and the provider_<id>.revokeEndpointUrl property is set to a value, when a session is evicted from the cache for any reason, the tokens in the session is revoked.
provider_<id>.userinfoEndpointUrl Specifies the URL for the UserInfo endpoint on the OpenID Connect Provider.

The login process does not fail when an error occurs when the RP calls the UserInfo endpoint. The response received from the UserInfo endpoint is placed on the WebSphere Subject with the [user_info] key.

When the call to the endpoint was successful, the value is the JSON string. Otherwise, the value placed on the Subject contains information about the error, such as the response code and error message from the OP or the exception text.

The UserInfo endpoint is called each time the OIDC RP receives an access token from the OP.
Default: true Set this property to false when you want to ignore the setting for the userinfoEndpointUrl property. This property applies when the endpoint was obtained either from a TAI property or discovery. When a userinfoEndpointUrl is available and the userinfoEndpointEnabled property is set to false, you can still use the OidcClientHelper.getUserInfoFromServer() method to obtain the UserInfo from the server in an application.
provider_<id>.accessTokenIsJwt Default: false If the access token that is returned from the OP is a JWT and you want the RP to validate the JWT, set this property to true.
Default: false true, the TAI authenticates the Basic Auth token and the LTPA token with implicit flow. When the property is set to false, the TAI authenticates the Basic Auth token and the LTPA token with the authorization code flow.
provider_<id>.allowJwtIssuerSelection Default: false
Set this property to true if want to allow the runtime to filter requests based the `iss` claim in the JWT in the Authorization header of the HTTP request.  The filter will match if the `iss` claim in the JWT matches this provider's issuer. If there is more than one provider entry with the same issuer name, only one of the provider entries can have this property set to true, otherwise this property is set to false for all matching issuers.  
When this property is set to true, it will override the value of the provider_<id>.useIssuer property and set it to true.
When the provider_<id>.useJwtFromRequest property is set to no, this property has no effect.  This filter is applied after the provider_<id>.filter and provider_<id>.interceptedPathFilter filters.
provider_<id>.audiences You can specify any comma-separated audience string or ALL_AUDIENCES This property specifies a comma-separated list of trusted audiences to be verified against the aud claim in the JWT. When ALL_AUDIENCES is specified, then all are trusted. An aud claim must exist in the JWT when this property is set to a value.
provider_<id>.callbackServletContext Default: /oidcclient Specifies the context root that is configured for the OpenID Connect RP callback servlet. The property is used by the TAI to filter callback requests from the OpenID Connect Provider.
Set this property to false when you do not want the RP to include the port number in the redirectUri that is sent to the OP. This property affects only the default redirect URI that is determined by the RP. When the redirectToRPHostAndPort property is set to a value that includes a port number, the port is included in the request to the OP.
This RP registers its redirect URL with the OP as https://<hostname>:<ssl port> /oidcclient/signin_cb, where both the hostname and SSL port are automatically resolved. When there is a proxy in front of the RP, you can override the hostname and port with the attribute redirectToRPHostAndPort, and you can set redirectToRPHostAndPort to https://<hostname>:<ssl port>.
provider_<id>.clockSkew Default: 180 Clock skew, in seconds, to use the ID token is verified.
provider_<id>.contentSecurityPolicy When you want to add a Content-Security-Policy header to the initial login HTTP request, set this property to the string required. When a nonce is required, you can use the %NONCE% keyword to indicate where the nonce is to be placed in the text; for example, \"script-src 'self' 'nonce-%NONCE%' ; object-src 'self'; frame-src 'self'\"
provider_<id>.contentType Default: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Use this property to change the default value of contentType text or html that is set on the response.
provider_<id>.createSession Default: false Set this property to true when you want the runtime to create a new HTTP session for each client request. This property is required when the TAI runs in a cluster environment and you need the JSESSIONID cookie to maintain session affinity.
provider_<id>.encodeNewline Default: true When this property is set to false, the new line characters that exist in POST parameters are not transformed into encoded br tags.
`provider_<id>.decryptAlias Specifies the alias of the keyEntry in the keystore that is used to decrypt an encrypted JWT or ID token.  This property is required if the TAI receives encrypted JWTs.  Providing a value for this property does not make the TAI reject unencrypted JWTs.
provider_<id>.decryptKeyPassword You can specify a plain text or XOR encoded value. Specifies the password for the decrypting key that is specified on the provider_<id>.decryptAlias property.  This property can be specified in plain text or it can be XOR encoded, for example `{xor}CDo9Hgw=`
provider_<id>.defaultRealmName The realm name to use when one is not obtained from the token.
provider_<id>.encodeParameters Default: false Specifies to URL encode the client_id and client_secret before the RP sends them to the IdP.
Default: there is no default value
  • all
  • client_credentials
  • password
Set this property when you want to enable the provider entry to be used to obtain an access token from the OpenID Provider's token endpoint using the OauthClientHelper APIs. 
  • When the grantType parameter is specified on a configuration entry, that entry is not used for OIDC or JWT authentication.
  • There can be only one entry each for grantType=client_credentials and grantType=password.
  • An entry with grantType=all will override all other grantType entries.
  • When a provider entry includes the grantType parameter, the tokenEndpointUrl and clientId properties are required and the clientSecret and scope properties are optional.
  • You can use a discovery endpoint to populate wanted Oauth configuration data.
  • When getClientCredentialsGrantAccessToken is invoked, the configuration associated with the grantType=client_credentials (or all) is used.
  • When getPasswordGrantAccessToken is invoked, the configuration associated with the granType=password (or all) is used.
provider_<id>.httpOnly When this property is set to true, the httpOnly flag is set on the cookie.
provider_<id>.httpsRequired When this property is set to true, the OpenID Connect RP establishes a connection with only OPs that support https communication. When this property is set to true, but the scheme of the authorizeEndpointUrl, tokenEndpoint or introspectEndpoint is http, then the TAI fails to initialize.
provider_<id>.introspectClientId Default: clientId value Specifies the client_id to include in the requests to the OpenId Provider's introspection endpoint.
provider_<id>.introspectClientSecret Default: clientSecret value Specifies the client_secret to include in the requests to the OpenId Provider's introspection endpoint.
Default: post To be spec-compliant, the HTTP method to use with the introspect endpoint must be POST. To use GET, set this property to anything other than POST. Previous to APAR PI80549, the OIDC runtime always used GET.
provider_<id>.issuerIdentifier By default, this property is set to the value that is derived from the authorizedEndpointUrl. Specifies the issuer of the IDToken. When this property is not set, it is derived from the authorizedEndpointUrl value.
provider_<id>.jwkClientId Specifies the client identifier to include in the basic authentication scheme of the JWK request.
provider_<id>.jwkClientSecret Specifies the client password to include in the basic authentication scheme of the JWK request.
provider_<id>.keyStore When this property is not specified, the default keystore is used. On a single server, the default keystore is NodeDefaultKeyStore. Otherwise, it is CellDefaultKeyStore Specifies the keystore from which to obtain the decrypting key specified on the provider_<id>.decryptAlias property.

Example values for this property are:
  • myKeyStoreRef
  • name=myKeyStoreRef managementScope=(cell):myCell:(node):myNode
Default: false When this property is set to false, the WebSphere subject is populated with the user and groups from the OpenID Connect Provider's realm. The users and groups do not need to exist in the WebSphere Application Server user registry. When this property is set to true, the OpenID Connect RP maps the OpenID Connect authenticated user to the same user (by shortname) in the WebSphere Application Server user registry. All users must be maintained in the WebSphere Application Server user registry. When OpenID Connect authenticates a user that is not in the local WebSphere Application Server user registry, an error occurs.
provider_<id>.nonceEnabled Default: false When this property is set to true, a nonce parameter is sent to the OpenID Connect provider on the authentication request. When the responseType property is set to [code], this parameter defaults to false. When the responseType property set to anything other than [code], this property is set to [true] and cannot be altered.
Default: 4093
Minimum: 500
Maximum: 4093
Maximum session cookie size that the run time creates. At run time, when the data to be written is larger than the value for this property, the request is rejected. This property overrides the value set for maxCookieSize for session cookies.
By default, when an access token expires, the runtime attempts to refresh it. Set this property to false when you do not want to refresh access tokens.
Default: 0 You can use this property to adjust the time when the access token expires. Set this property to the number of seconds before the time set in the token you want the token to expire.
provider_<id>.responseType Default: code
Values: code, id_token, id_token token, id_token+token
This property defines the value for the [response_type] parameter that is sent to the OpenID Connect provider on authentication requests. When code is specified, the OpenID connect code login flow is used.

When the value is set to anything other than [code]:
  • The RP does run in implicit mode.
  • The OP server must support the [response_mode=form_post] parameter.
  • The OP responds with an HTTP POST instead of an HTTP GET.

provider_<id>.scope Default: openid profile Specifies the scope of the token requested from the OpenID Connect Provider. This property determines the level of authorization the issued token would have. For example: openid general.
Default: 120
Minimum: 0
Maximum: 43200
The time, in minutes, that a session that is associated with an ID token might remain in the session cache. By default, a session is removed from the cache based on at least the following conditions, in priority order:
  1. Log out
  2. (ID token expiration -or timeout)
  3. Failure to refresh an access token
  4. Cache eviction policy.  
When you set this property, it overrides the value for the ID token expiration for session caching purposes. If you set this property to [0], the ID token expiration condition is not used to remove sessions from the session cache, but the other three conditions are. The expiration of the ID token is provided on the exp claim. If this property is not set to a value in the configuration and no expiration value is in the ID token, the default timeout value is used.

When the DynaCache service is not available, the setting for this property is ignored if set to [0] because the local cache has no eviction policy.
  • true (in the OIDC RP path)
  • false (in the JWT authentication path)
Set this property to true when you want the runtime to set an LTPA Cookie on the response after successful authentication.
provider_<id>.signatureAlgorithm Default: HEADER
Values: none, HS256, RS256, RS512, HEADER
Specifies the algorithm that is used to secure messages from the OpenID Connect provider.
When this property is set to HEADER, the value is obtained from the header of each inbound token.  The signature algorithms that are supported when the value is set to HEADER include any value that is supported by the jose4j open source project, version 0.6.5. See
provider_<id>.signatureAllowList You can specify a comma-separated list of signature algorithms.  This property does not have a default value.
Specifies a comma-separated list of signature algorithms that are allowed to secure messages from the OpenID Connect provider.  If the provider_<id>.signatureAlgorithm property is set to a value other than HEADER, this property is ignored.  
This list can include any value that is supported by the jose4j open source project, version 0.6.5, except HS256.  See Besides ensuring that the HS256 signature algorithm is not in the list, the values for this property are not validated by the OIDC TAI.
A value cannot be provided for both this property and the provider_<id>.signatureDenyList property.
provider_<id>.signatureDenyList You can specify a comma-separated list of signature algorithms. See the description for the default value.
Specifies a comma-separated list of signature algorithms that are not allowed to secure messages from the OpenID Connect provider.  If the provider_<id>.signatureAlgorithm property is set to a value other than HEADER, this property is ignored.  
This list can include any value that is supported by the jose4j open source project, version 0.6.5, and the values are not validated by the OIDC TAI.  See
A value cannot be provided for both this property and the provider_<id>.signatureAllowList property.
If the configured list does not include HS256, HS256 is added to the list if any of the following conditions are true: 
  • The provider_<id>.useJwtFromRequest property is set to required.
  • The provider_<id>.signatureAlgorithm property is set to HEADER.
  • Discovery is in use and HS256 is not the only value for the id_token_signing_alg_values_supported claim in the OP's discovery result.
provider_<id>.signVerifyAlias Specifies the alias of the certificate in the truststore that might be used to verify the signature from the OP. This property must be set when the signatureAlgorithm custom property is set to RS256 and you do not set the jwkEndpointUrl custom property to obtain the OP's JSON Web Key (JWK).
Default: post When this property is set to 'basic', a BasicAuth header is sent when the RP sends a request to the token endpoint.
provider_<id>.trustStore When this property is not specified, the default truststore is used. On a single server, the default truststore is NodeDefaultTrustStore.  Otherwise, it is CellDefaultTrustStore Specifies the truststore from which to obtain the certificate specified on the provider_<id>.signVerifyAlias property.

Example values for this property are:
  • myKeyStoreRef
  • name=myKeyStoreRef managementScope=(cell):myCell:(node):myNode
provider_<id>.tokenReuse Default: true Set this property to false when you want the runtime to reject any request that uses a JWT containing a jti claim that was already used in another JWT on a previous request.
provider_<id>.useDiscovery When this property is set to true, but a value is not specified for the discoveryEndpointUrl property, the default value for the discoveryEndpointUrl property is used. When this property is set to false, the value for the discoveryEndpointUrl property is ignored.
provider_<id>.useIssuer Default: true
Set this property to false if do not want the runtime to use this provider entry to service JWT verification requests by API for JWTs that have an `iss` claim that that matches this provider's issuer. 
If there is more than one provider entry with the same issuer name, only one of the provider entries can have this property set to true, otherwise this property is set to false for all matching issuers.
When the provider_<id>.allowJwtIssuerSelection property is set to true, it will override the value of this property and set it to true.
provider_<id>.useJwtFromRequest Default: no
Values: no, required, ifPresent
This property controls processing when a JWT is found in the request authorization header. The allowed values are:
  • no
    Do not use a JWT for authentication. When an OpenID Connect provider is configured, introspection of the JWT with the provider is attempted.
  • required
    Use the JWT from the request. An OpenID Connect provider is not used.
  • ifPresent
    Use a JWT when one is present. When a JWT is missing or invalid, fall back to using the OpenID Connect provider for authentication, when one is configured.
provider_<id>.useJavaScript Default: true
Set this property to false when you do not want to use JavaScript when the RP redirects to the OP for the initial authentication request. When you do not use JavaScript, any fragments that are present on the original inbound request are lost.  
To preserve URI fragments, in addition to setting this property to true, you must also set the useUrlCookies property to true.
provider_<id>.usePkce Default: false Set this property to true if you want the TAI to use Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) when authenticating by using the code authorization flow. The OIDC TAI always sets the code_challenge_method to S256 when it uses PKCE. For more information, see Proof Key for Code Exchange by OAuth Public Clients.
This property specifies a realm name and is used to override the realm name specified in the ID token. This property also overrides the defaultRealmName property.
Set this property to WAS_DEFAULT to use the default WebSphere realm name.
provider_<id>.userIdentifier Default: sub
provider_<id>.uniqueUserIdentifier Default: uniqueSecurityName
provider_<id>.groupIdentifier Default: groupIds Specifies the groups attribute name set by the OpenID Connect Provider in the IDToken. For example: groupIds.
provider_<id>.realmIdentifier Default: realmName Specifies the realm attribute name set by the OpenID Connect Provider in the IDToken.
Default: false Specifies that, when a custom identifier is specified for the user (userIdentifier), unique user (uniqueUserIdentifier), group (groupIdentifier), or realm (realmIdentifier), the custom value is only used when the default value does not exist in the token.
Default: false (otherwise)

When JWT authentication is used:
  • When this property is set to true, the issuer (iss) claim in the JWT is validated against the provider_<id>.issuerIdentifier property value.
  • When this property is set to false, the iss claim must not exist in the JWT.
When JWT authentication is not used:
  • When this property is set to true and an introspection response is processed, the iss claim in the response from the introspection endpoint is validated against the provider_<id>.issuerIdentifier property value.
  • The iss claim in an ID token is always validated against the provider_<id>.issuerIdentifier property value.

Global Properties (connection timeouts, session, and state caching)

Property name
opServerConnectionTimeout Default: 20000 Specifies the time in milliseconds to wait for the OpenID Connect Provider to respond to an introspection request.
sessionCacheSize Default values: -1/10000
Minimum value: 1
Alternative value: -1 (use active DynaCache default maximum)
Specifies the size of the cache the OpenID Connect RP uses for session data.

When DynaCache is enabled on the server:
  • The default value is [-1]
  • Setting the value to [-1] makes the OIDC TAI inherit the active DynaCache default maximum cache size
  • When the cache limit is reached, old entries are evicted from the cache by DynaCache to add new entries.

When DynaCache is not enabled on the server:
  • The default value is [10000]
  • When [-1] is specified, the value reverts to the non-DynaCache default: [10000]
  • When the cache limit is reached, all subsequent requests to the RP are rejected with an HTTP response code 503 (service unavailable) and the application server cannot take new requests until sessions that timed out are removed from the cache.
sessionCacheCleanupFrequency Default: 1800 The value of this property is in seconds, and is the frequency at which the stale value of the session cache is purged. This property is only used when the dynamic cache service is not in use.
includeCustomCacheKeyInSubject Default: true When this property is set to true, the cache key for the Subject in the auth cache is set to (username)(session-cookie-name)(access-token-string), otherwise the cache key is left up to base security.

The OIDC RP relies on the custom cache key to refresh the access token in the Subject.  Therefore, when you want the Subject to contain the new access token after a refresh, this property must be set to true.
jndiCacheName When you want to use an object cache instance with properties that are different from the default, use this property to specify a custom object cache instance that is managed by the dynamic cache service. Read Using object cache instances for information about how to set up a custom object cache instance. The dynamic cache service must be enabled to use an object cache instance or DistributedObjectCache. When the dynamic cache service is not in use, a server-based cache is used. When the dynamic cache service is in use, the values for sessionCacheCleanupFrequency and clusterCaching are ignored.
clusterCaching Default: true Set this property to false when you want each cluster member to maintain their own session cache. When DynaCache is enabled on the application server, it is always be used for cache management, but when this property is set to false, session data is not shared among cluster members. When DynaCache is enabled on the server, the OIDC TAI allows DynaCache to default the maximum number of entries in the cache. When cluster caching is turned on, the number of cache entries is shared among all cluster members. When cluster caching is turned off, each cluster member can store up to the DynaCache default maximum number of entries.
stateIdTimeoutSeconds Default: 600
Minimum: 60
The time, in seconds, that a login request to the OP is allowed to remain outstanding.
useStateCookies Default: true By default, the run time uses both local storage and browser cookies to store request data when a request is redirected to the OP. When this property is false, the OIDC TAI does not use browser cookies; only local storage is used.
useUniqueStateCookies Default: false When this property is set to true, instead of using a single OIDCSTATE cookie for all requests, each request uses a new OIDCSTATE cookie.
useUrlCookies Default: true
During the initial login phase, the OIDC TAI writes a browser cookie called OIDCREQURL_(nnn). The value for this cookie is the original request URL. This cookie is deleted when the login is complete or after the login timeout expires (stateIdTimeoutSeconds), whichever comes first. If you want to maintain this information in other OIDC objects, set this property to false.
If your URL contains fragments or if the inbound URL is encoded and must remain encoded when it reaches the protected resource, both this property and the provider_<id>.useJavaScript property must be set to true.
maxStateCacheSize Default value: 10000
minimum value: 25
alternative value: -1 (Use active DynaCache default maximum)
alternative value: 0 (off)
Maximum number of state objects that can be in the local state cache. Setting the value to 0 (zero) turns off the local state cache. Setting the value to -1 makes the OIDC TAI inherit the active DynaCache default maximum cache size. When DynaCache is not enabled on the application server, when -1 is specified, this property reverts to its default.
maxCookieSize Default: 4093
Minimum: 500
Maximum: 4093
Maximum cookie size that the run time creates. At run time, when the data to be written is larger than the value for this property, the request is rejected. This property applies to, and can be overridden by both maxStateCookieSize and
maxStateCookieSize Default: 4093
Minimum: 500
Maximum: 4093
Maximum state cookie size that the run time creates. At run time, when the data to be written is larger than the value for this property, the request is rejected. This property overrides the value set for maxCookieSize for state cookies.
alwaysInvalidateAccessTokenOnLogout Default: false By default, when a user logs out, if an OIDC session cookie is present on a request, the logout uses only the information associated with the OIDC session cookie. When there is no OIDC session cookie, then the logout uses the access token in the Authorization header of the request.

When this property is set to true, the logout uses information from both the OIDC session cookie and the Authorization header of the request, when they exist.

Properties Required for a JWT Authentication Only Provider Entry

To find the definition of the properties listed in these two tables, see the previous properties tables.

Property name
provider_<id>.useJwtFromRequest Must be set to required
Both of these properties are required.
One of these properties must be configured to obtain the JWT signer certificate.
One of these properties must be configured to enable the OIDC TAI to intercept requests.
These properties are for use only with JWT authentication. They are optional, but you might want to use them in your configuration.


This document uses the term WebSphere traditional to refer to WebSphere Application Server v9.0 traditional, WebSphere Application Server v8.5 full profile, WebSphere Application Server v8.0 and earlier, WebSphere classic, traditional WebSphere, traditional WAS, and tWAS.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSEQTP","label":"WebSphere Application Server"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000CdESAA0","label":"WebSphere Application Server traditional-All Platforms-\u003ESecurity-\u003ESSO-\u003EOpenId Connect"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"},{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"8.5.5;9.0.0;9.0.5"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2023

