IBM Support

IBM Sterling Order Management 19.3 Release Notes

Release Notes


Resolved issues for IBM Sterling Order Management, Release 19.3 and the subsequent minor updates.


19.3 Minor Update 4

Defect Case Number Description
588118 TS003270894 The on_hand_qty in yfs_inventory_audit table is doubling when the adjustInventory API with ABSOLUTE adjustment is run with multiple items and a positive quantity.
586294 TS002625878 The Reservations and Segmentation topics in IBM Order Management Knowledge are updated to remove a note that states, inventory that has been segmented cannot be reserved.
587792 TS002952623 The system throws a could not find entity (probably changed lock id) error while reshipping in Call Center UI. This happens when the user exit YFSReshipOrderLinesUE is implemented with change in the PersonInfoShipTo details, wherein customer is sending a different PersonInfoShipTo which causes the lock id to be updated on a person's information and eventually fails with could not find the entity error.
587698 TS002986881 Problem: In Call Center, the add return lines screen does not show bundle parent lines when a return order is created for bundle order line. Solution: In Call Center, the add return lines screen shows bundle parent lines while creating a return order for bundle order line.
588167 TS003253213
Problem: Sterling Business Center item localise screen cannot be saved when the field Long Description has a newline character.
Solution: Sterling Business Center item localise screen can now accept new line character for the Long Description field, making the behavior consistent across all screens.
586541 TS002658479 In the getATP API some elements and attributes are not template driven. Java docs output template section is updated.
587708 TS003037681 When supply and demands are updated, under certain circumstances duplicate prepared statements are created and added to the prepared statement cache. When a duplicate statement is added to the cache, the previous statement is removed and lost, but not closed resulting in DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-805, SQLSTATE=51002 exceptions.
587854 TS003110558
Problem: The YFS_ZIP_CODE_LOCATION, YFS_REGION and YFS_REGION_DETAIL tables are excluded from CDT export process by default due to performance reasons.
Solution: Set the following yfs properties to include YFS_ZIP_CODE_LOCATION, YFS_REGION and YFS_REGION_DETAIL for CDT: cdt.ignoretable.YFS_REGION=N cdt.ignoretable.YFS_REGION_DETAIL=N cdt.ignoretable.YFS_ZIP_CODE_LOCATION=N For more information, see Working with the IBM Sterling Order Management master configuration.
584415 Internal IBM Sterling Order Management Knowledge Center is updated to include the information about launching the stand-alone applications manager that uses file-based developer toolkit. For more information see, Launching the stand-alone applications manager.

19.3 Minor Update 3

Defect Case Number Description
587604 Internal Stamp AdjustmentReason on supplies adjustment input to Sterling Inventory Visibility.
584701 Internal Updated the YFS_AUDIT_PURGE statistics name to NumAuditRecordsPurged.
587695 TS002883260 In the Order summary page of the store application, the list price value is displayed as zero with a strike-through along with the overridden unit price when the IsPriceLocked="Y" attribute is present in the LinePriceInfo input field.
587610 Internal Stamp referenceType and reference on supplies adjustment input to Sterling Inventory Visibility.
586989 TS002793622 When the ON_SUCCESS event of Create Exception Transaction is  invoked, it errors out with user not authenticated.
586795 TS002695233 In the Sterling Store application, text alignment issue is observed in multiple screens on Chrome browser.
586991 TS002762294 If the expected ship date is not set, when the order monitor validates whether an order is delayed past the maximum delay, a null pointer exception is encountered.
587605 Internal Stamp tagNumber on demand adjustment input to Sterling Inventory Visibility.
587167 TS002832821,TS003082591 The Promotion query during order history purge is corrected to avoid querying extra records.
587346 TS002847505 The Available to Pickup screen in Sterling Store considers productAvailDate instead of shipDate while displaying available stores for pickup.
587761 TS003035018 The documentation is updated to include the getShipmentLineList API. For information about the API, see Defining complex queries.
585981, 587822 TS002573892, TS002998985 When an organization is deleted from the CDT tool, all entries in the Org tables get deleted. However, the entries in yfs_index_sync table remains as is. The next time when an organization with the same name is created, the error message that the Org with the same name already exists. To avoid such errors, before creating an organization, a validation is performed to check if entries exist in the yfs_index_sync table and deleted. After deleting the entries, the organization is created.
586425 TS002632375 When using the Call Center for Commerce application, if the session times out, the user is redirected to the login screen.
587614 TS003015568 In adjustInventory API, the inventory audits and inventory activity is not created when quantity is updated to 0 with AdjustmentType="ABSOLUTE".
587694 TS002980242 The Call Center for Commerce application renders Line Breakups with incorrect quantities in the Order Line Summary screen when an order line has multiple shipments.
585111 TS002311135 For releaseOrder API, in the input of YFSGetDeliveryLeadTimeUE, the SellerOrganizationCode is set to EnterpriseCode even if the order has a different SellerOrganizationCode from EnterpriseCode.
586919 TS002772613 The Web Store Pack Screen not accepting certain values for the field weight while trying to update weight.
587365 TS002837589 Inventory purge does not correctly purge reservations with segment and segment type.
587270 Internal
In the Knowledge Center, service lines are incorrectly referred to as able to be scheduled.
The following topics are updated:
585716 Internal The column size of SERVICE_NAME in YFS_ASYNC_REQ is increased to 128 characters to match the size of FLOW_NAME in YFS_FLOW.
587904 TS003149971 The date and time are not converted as per the user locale time zone in the Shipment audit screen.

19.3 Minor Update 2

Defect Case Number Description
586815 TS002621401,TS002752385 Performance issues might occur if all the following conditions are met:
  • High number of order lines in the order.
  • Items for which no inventory is available.
  • DependencyShippingRule="01" is set for dependent order lines.

To resolve this issue, set the following properties:

  • yfs.yfs.solver.WarningOrExitOnIntrupt=A
  • yfs.yfs.solver.IntruptAfterMinutes=10
  • yfs.yfs.solver.IntruptOnlyForRead=true

Note: Contact IBM Support before you set the properties.

587043 TS002816885 When Financial rules "Allow refunding of negative debits before sufficient collection has occurred" and "Do Not Allow Debit And Credit Invoices To Settle Each Other" are enabled, an excess amount is refunded when multiple credit memos are created in quick succession for a partially invoiced order and some refund charges are closed asynchronously.
587220 TS002859783 After upgrading, when the Data Extract service is run, the end time from the last run is not considered as the start time for the service and historical data is extracted.

19.3 Minor Update 1

Defect Case Number Description
576283 TS001523092 A potential performance issue is observed when promising APIs are called in Multithreaded mode. This issue is resolved by reading calendar from pool instead of creating a new instance every time. The default calendar pool size is increased from 10 to 25.
585449 TS002471565 The Sterling Business Center (SBC) application displays the message for saving the user inputs successfully even when the session has timed out. The application does not redirect the user to the login page after the session has timed out.
582778 TS001771519 Optimization for the cost or number of shipments does not return the optimal solution in a multi-line scenario where the required quantity on a line cannot be fulfilled from any single node.
577710 TS001701303 The tooltip for the SMA password contains special characters that cannot be used.
583099 TS002195154 Order audits are not getting externalized after setting the property values.
586389 TS002645891 The INVENTORY_CHANGE event from the adjustInventory API is not returning the correct OnHandQty when multiple supply records are present.
585705 TS002521650 An error message is not displayed in the create page of Call Center when a user does not select a reason for returns and clicks Next.
585414 TS002412097 Javadocs for the updateFutureInventory API is updated with more information for the ETA, ToETA, and FromETA attributes.  
586794 TS002750678
When the following configurations are enabled, an excess refund charge is created when a user creates a customer appeasement for a shipped order that is closed as async but the actual settlement is not recorded in the system, and in between, a new invoice is generated. 
  • Do Not Consolidate Settlement Or Refund Requests Across Invoices
  • Do Not Allow Debit And Credit Invoices To Settle Each Other
586846 TS002735494 Custom tables are truncated while resetting the transactions even when the entity type is not set to TRANSACTION.
586235 TS002568300 
In some scenarios, intermittently, Data Extract agent jobs stay in the running status even when the entire extract for the iteration is complete. Due to this, new jobs are not getting processed.
Solution: Data extract jobs will be processed as usual after a maximum wait of 12 hours even if they are wrongly tracked in the database as running.
585656, 585592 TS002461560, TS002473667 The Modifications Impacting Pricing configuration changes are not promoted to target environments when the Import CDT process is run.
586769 TS002717946 Incorrect capacity consumption is observed when the following steps are performed:
1. Adjust inventory for ITEM_1 at STORE_1. Capacity resource pool exist at STORE_1 with slot groups.
2. Create Reservation for ITEM_1 by using the reserveAvailableInventory API. A capacity is consumed at this step.
3. Create an order and pass the ReservationID that is received in Step 2. One more capacity is consumed at this step.

Note: The yfs.useDefaultCapctyConsmptnSlotDtls property is added. If you are using capacity with slot group, you must enable this property.
586622 TS002365705 Capacity consumption is not deleted when the following steps are performed:
1. Adjust inventory for ITEM_1 at STORE_1. Capacity resource pool exist at STORE_1 with slot groups.
2. Create Reservation RSV_1 for ITEM_1 by using the reserveAvailableInventory API. A capacity is consumed at this step.
3. Cancel Reservation RSV_1. The capacity consumption is not removed.

19.3 Minor Update 0

Defect Case Number Description
586743 TS002722824 When an order is created for an enterprise, which is different from the inventory organization that is stamped on the inventory alerts in the yfs_inventory_alerts table, the getCompleteOrderLineList API does not return the item availability for the order lines corresponding to the order.
586812 TS002754650 Incorrect demand updates are observed when an order is created for consuming the existing reservations.


Defect Case Number Description
585566 TS002475874

The Expected Shipment Date is calculated incorrectly during resourcing when the following steps are completed.
Configuration: NODE1 locale is PST and NODE2 locale is ETS. Both nodes are working from 08:00 to 16:59 in there respective locales. End Of Shift is enabled for both nodes.

1. Adjust inventory for an Item, such as ITEM_1 at NODE1.
2. Create an order for ITEM_1 at NODE1 in the PST Node.
3. Schedule and release the order.
4. Create a shipment for the order.
5. Inventory at NODE1 is adjusted to 0 and NODE2 to 1.
6. Call the changeShipment API to record shortage during pick with CancelShipmentOnZeroTotalQuantity=Y.
7. Schedule the order again. Order is scheduled from NODE2.
8. ETS and ETD appear as future dates.

585958 TS002564168

In the createOrder API, passing SuppressNodeCapacity="Y" causes all the Nodes to be ignored instead of Node Capacity. This results in the order being backordered upon Schedule or Release.

IBM Configure, Price, Quote

Defect Case Number Description



The details of an item that is selected in the dynamically instantiated model are not displayed in the summary pane of the omni-configurator.



The details of an item that is selected in the dynamically instantiated model are not displayed when the user reconfigures the item.



When the tabular display option for an option class is selected, the results are displayed as a list.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SS6PEW","label":"Sterling Order Management"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
01 November 2021

