IBM Support

Collecting "Service Level" Trace for an ACE Integration Node

How To


IBM App Connect Enterprise (ACE) provides a trace facility for capturing runtime behavior.
Use this process to capture a "service level" trace of a particular Integration Node for the purpose of providing to IBM Support for analysis.


The REST API is the primary method of communicating with an Integration Node.
This method of enabling trace requires the Rest Administration port to be active for the Integration Node.
  1. Clear trace (recommended):
    curl -X POST http://{hostname}:{port}/apiv2/reset-service-trace
  2. Start trace:
    curl -X POST http://{hostname}:{port}/apiv2/start-service-trace
  3. Recreate the runtime behavior.
  4. Stop trace:
    curl -X POST http://{hostname}:{port}/apiv2/stop-service-trace
This method of enabling trace uses the same mqsi* commands as previous versions of IBM Integration Bus (IIB).
  1. Start trace:
    mqsichangetrace <Int.Node> -b -t -l debug -r -c 200000
  2. Recreate the runtime behavior.
  3. Stop trace:
    mqsichangetrace <Int.Node> -b -t -l none
This method of enabling trace requires the Integration Node to be restarted.
  1. Open the node.conf.yaml file
    This file is in {work path}/components/{Int.Node}/
  2. Locate the lines for trace settings:
    #agentTrace: none # choose 1 of : none|debug|diagnostic
    #agentTraceSize: 1G # Set the service trace size
    Note: 'debug' was 'service' in earlier fixpacks
  3. Enable the trace by uncommenting and updating the lines:
    agentTrace: debug # choose 1 of : none|debug|diagnostic
    agentTraceSize: 1G # Set the service trace size
  4. Restart the Int.Node.
  5. Recreate the runtime behavior.
  6. Disable the trace by recommenting or updating the 'trace' line to show 'none':
    agentTrace: none # choose 1 of : none|debug|diagnostic
    agentTraceSize: 1G # Set the service trace size
  7. Restart the Int.Node.

Additional Information

Output location
Traces are written to the Integration Server's workdir or the multi-user workpath:
 - <workdir>/config/common/log
 - /var/mqsi/common/log

Performance Impact 
A "service level" trace logs the internal function calls within Int.Node processing and therefore can have an impact to performance. 
Take care when enabling trace in production and other high throughput environments.
Maximum file size
ACE component traces have a maximum file size. 
When the maximum file size is reached, the tracing mechanism will begin to overwrite the oldest trace data.
The '-c' flag on the mqsichangetrace command, or the traceSize in the node.conf.yaml file, overrides the maximum size for the trace, in KB.
Capturing startup events
The mqsichangetrace command can be run with the Int.Node stopped. 
Updating the node.conf.yaml file requires the Int.Node to be restarted. 
Enabling trace in either of these ways will trace startup activities.

Document Location


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSDR5J","label":"IBM App Connect Enterprise"},"Component":"Trace","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
24 October 2023

