IBM Support

VS Fortran Version 2 system and machine requirements

Detailed System Requirements


The basic VS FORTRAN Version 2 system and machine requirements, and virtual and DASD storage requirements are discussed in the following sections.


Operating System Requirements

Product Vector Parallel Manager Scalar Serial
VS FORTRAN, Version 2 supports vector, parallel, and  scalar features
VM/SP (5664-167) Release 5 or later +  + *
VM/SP HPO (5664-173) Release 5 or later *  + *
VM/XA SP (5664-308):
  • Release 1.0 or later with bimodal CMS
  • Release 2.0 or later with bimodal CMS, with PRPQ










VM/XA SP (5664-308):

  • Release 1.0 or later with bimodal CMS
  • Release 2.0 or later with bimodal CMS, with PRPQ P81051, CMS Support for Parallel VS FORTRAN (5799-DGW)










VM/ESA (5684-112):

  • Release 1.0 or later
  • with the CMS PRPQ to Support Parallel Processing in VS FORTRAN











+ indicates that compilation is supported for the specified feature.

* indicates that compilation and execution are supported for the specified feature.

  • VM/ESA requires VSE/VSAM (5746-AM2) Release 4 (or later) to process VSAM files.
  • VM/SP requires VSE/VSAM (5746-AM2) Release 1, 2, or 3 to process VSAM files.
  • VM/XA requires VSE/VSAM (5746-AM2) Release 3 to process VSAM files.
  • Assembler H Version 2 Release 1.0 or IBM High Level Assembler/MVS & VM & VSE is required for customization of VS FORTRAN Version 2 in VM/XA, MVS/XA and MVS/ESA environments.
  • Interactive debugging requires CMS (on VM). Interactive debugging in full-screen mode requires:
    • Under VM/ESA, ISPF Version 3 Release 2 for VM (5684-043) with or without ISPF/PDF Version 3 Release 2 for VM (5684-123). For enhanced full-screen functions, 5684-123 is required.
    • Under VM, ISPF Version 2 for VM (5664-282) with or without ISPF/PDF Versions 2 for VM (5664-285). For enhanced full-screen functions, 5664-282 is required.
    • Under VM/XA, ISPF Version 2 Release 2 for VM (5684-015) with or without ISPF/PDF Version 2 Release 2, for VM (5684-014). For enhanced full-screen functions, 5684-015 is required.
    • Under VM/SP Release 6, ISPF Version 2 Release 2.1 for VM (5664-285).

In addition to the requirements given above for interactive debugging in full-screen mode, the appropriate ISPF/PDF product must be selected to use the following capabilities:

  • PDF browse and edit facilities in split-screen mode.
  • Automatic browse of the debug print file and log at session end.
  • Start of debugging by means of the interactive debugging foreground invocation panel.

Machine Requirements

The compile-time machine requires both of the following:

  • Any processing unit supported by VM
  • I/O devices, normally disks, used by the compiler

The run-time machine requires all of the following:

  • Any processing unit supported by VM
  • I/O devices used by the object program when running
  • An appropriate vector processor, if required by your environment

Virtual Storage Requirements

The VS FORTRAN Version 2 compiler requires 3 megabytes of virtual storage to handle a typical FORTRAN source program of 100 statements. Storage requirements for the VS FORTRAN Version 2 Library vary according to the customization features selected, and according to the size of user programs.

VS FORTRAN Version 2 interactive debug requires 400K bytes of virtual storage to begin running, in addition to the storage required for the application program being debugged. The main storage requirements for debugging a program with VS FORTRAN Version 2 interactive debug will depend on the function of the user data. Interactive debug also acquires additional dynamic storage when the application program is running. The amount varies according to the nature of the program being debugged and the type and quantity of debugging commands issued.

The virtual storage utilization above the 16-megabyte line for a parallel program will be greater than its serial equivalent. In an XA environment, virtual storage used below the 16-megabyte line will be equivalent.

DASD Storage Requirements

You need space available on two target disks: the work disk and the product disk. The following table shows the minimum DASD storage required. The space includes vector routines, the "combined" link library, inclusion of all optional modules in the composite modules, and publication files.

Specify a block size of at least 1024 bytes. For maximum efficiency, specify a block size of 4K.

Space T3330-11 T3340 T3350 T3375 T3380,
T3310, T3370,
T9332, T9335
DASD Storage Requirements (cylinders/fixed blocks)
Work Disk 142 335 68 82  54 64000
Product Disk 94 223 45 56  36 43000


Extended Common Requirements

VS FORTRAN Version 2 programs that use extended common blocks allocate storage for these blocks from VM/ESA data spaces. To obtain this storage, VS FORTRAN must first allocate the necessary data spaces. This imposes the following requirements:

  • FORTRAN programs using extended common blocks must run on VM/ESA Release 1.1 or later systems and must be under the control of an XC virtual machine.
  • The user's VM directory must contain XCONFIG directory control statements that specify values for ACCESSLIST and ADDRSPACE.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSB259","label":"XL Fortran Advanced Edition for Linux"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"},{"code":"PF037","label":"z\/VM"}],"Version":"2.6","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
24 February 2022

