IBM Support

MaaS360 for Android Application Betas

General Page

Subscribe as a Tester for the Beta Applications

Getting Started
Why you should be excited to join the MaaS360 Android beta program:
·Increases an administrator's ability to support end user inquiries surrounding version upgrades
·Allows administrators to see new feature/functionality before general release
·Provides a direct feedback path between development/product team members and customer administrators

Program Requirements and Background:
·The MaaS360 Android Beta Program leverages existing Google Play and Google Groups technologies for distributing beta versions of MaaS360 automatically.
·The beta code will be delivered exclusively to specific users who follow the below process; your production end users and portal will not be impacted, and you can opt out at any time.
·You may need to install a fresh copy of the production build once it is released to the Google Play Store.  We will communicate if this step is necessary via e-mail.
·Beta Code may contain bugs, should be used only for testing and not deployed in production. 

Subscribe as a Tester for the Beta Applications
Enroll using Android device:
Google offers easy way to subscribe to BETA using Play store services on Android device. 

  • Navigate to Play store on device
  • Search for MaaS360 apps(MaaS360 for Android, MaaS360 Mail, MaaS360 Browser etc..) which you would like to subscribe for beta
  • Navigate to bottom of the description on play store and select "I'M IN" under Become a Beta tester section


Enroll using Browser:
1. The invite will include links to each of the Android beta applications. It is important to ensure that you subscribe to each of the applications that pertain to your organization, otherwise your device will only be partially upgraded to the beta code.

MaaS360 for Android:
Secure Mail:
Secure Docs:
Secure Browser:
Secure Editor:
Secure Viewer:
Secure Chat:

2.Once you have subscribed, you will see a confirm

Android Beta Desktop

3.     Google Play will now auto-update your installation of MaaS360 with the latest version of beta code. The update itself may take 4 to 6 hours before showing as available within Google Play.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where do I send feedback for the beta build?

All feedback should be directed to

  • What should I focus on testing in the beta build?

We recommend focusing on critical use cases specific to your end user base. Since each environment uses MaaS360 in a unique way, we have not provided a validation checklist. As an example, if your organization has deployed Secure Mail, you may want to focus your testing around provisioning new devices and upgrading existing devices. If your organization uses our Secure Document functionalities, you may want to focus on Windows File Share, CMIS sites, and Corporate Document Distributions.  

  • Will my end users be impacted?

Only users who have opted into the beta program will notice any change; other users will not be impacted. 

  • How do I leave the beta program?

If you want to leave the beta program, you need to unsubscribe from the beta applications and reinstall a fresh version of the latest production code from Google Play. To unsubscribe from the beta applications, you will need to click on the below URLs (while logged in as the Gmail account which is part of the beta program), and select 'Leave the test:

MaaS360 for Android:
Secure Mail:
Secure Docs:
Secure Browser:
Secure Editor:
Secure Viewer:
Secure Chat:
Remote Support:

  • Is there a new feature guide or a change log of what is different in the beta build?

When you first launch the beta application, a wizard will provide you with a walk through of any new or changed feature functionality. Additionally, MaaS360 will also provide a separate document with these screens detailed for each beta version that is published to Google Play. If you would like to request a copy of this overview for a specific beta release, please send a note to

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSYSXX","label":"IBM MaaS360"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF003","label":"Android"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB24","label":"Security Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
27 April 2020

