IBM Support

The current balance adjustment between physical count and reconcile balance don't get into the calculation of the reconcile action.



Steps to reproduce

1. Go to Inventory > Item Master application and create an item: 12676, test item

2. Set Order Unit and Issue unit to EACH

3. Change the status to Active and save the item.

4. Go to the left pane and click Add Items to the Storeroom: Site: BEDFORD, Storeroom: CENTRAL. Click Ok and click again Ok on the dialog.

5. Go to Inventory > Inventory application and search for the item created in step 1: 12676. Make sure the item is active.

6. Go to the Inventory Balances section and click New Row.

7. Add a bin: A

8. Save the item

9. Go to the Inventory Adjustments on the left and click Current balance.

10. Set new balance of 5 and click Ok.

11. Go back to the Inventory Adjustments on the left and click Current balance

12. Set a new balance of 10 and click Ok.

13. Go to the View Inventory Transactions on the left and click the Adjustments tab in the dialog. Verify the order of the chronological adjustments done so far.

14. Go back to the Inventory Adjustments on the left and click Physical count.

15. In the dialog, change the Count date to an earlier date, for example. 1/05/2018, with New count of 0. Click Ok then again Ok the system message confirmation dialog.

16. Go back to the Inventory Adjustments on the left and click Reconcile balances.

17. Click Ok to reconcile.

18. Verify the Inventory Balances section, it has both Current balance and Physical count a value of 0.

Problem: The current balance adjustment between physical count and reconcile balance don't get into the calculation of the reconcile action. The balance should be 10 but the reconcile balance fixing the balance to 0.

Resolving The Problem

The system includes issues, returns, transfers, and receipts after the physical count to calculate the new balance.

The Balance Adjustment made after the Physical Count date is not considered in the calculation of the new Current Balance during the Reconciliation process.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSLKT6","label":"IBM Maximo Asset Management"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"TPAE","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
01 March 2022

