IBM Support

Updating IBM Java Runtime in IBM Watson Explorer Foundational Components

Fix Readme


Updating the version of IBM Java Runtime Environment, Java Technology Edition that is provided with IBM Watson Explorer Foundational Components.


Procedures for Linux:

IBM Java Runtime may be present in one or more of the following folders. You need to update it under each of the listed folders.
  • /opt/ibm/WEX/Engine/java
  • /opt/ibm/WEX/AppBuilder/java
  • /opt/ibm/WEX/ZooKeeper/java
  • /opt/ibm/WEX/ResultsModule/java
Follow the steps after you download the required version of IBM Java Runtime for your operating system from Fix Central. The folders and file names used in the steps are shown for example purpose only. Replace the sample file name with the name of the file that you downloaded.
  1. Copy the java.tgz file that you downloaded into the directory. Do this for all the folders as shown in the example:
    • cp ibm-java-jre-7.1-4.1-linux-x86_64.tgz /opt/ibm/WEX/Engine/java
    • cp ibm-java-jre-7.1-4.1-linux-x86_64.tgz /opt/ibm/WEX/AppBuilder/java
    • cp ibm-java-jre-7.1-4.1-linux-x86_64.tgz /opt/ibm/WEX/ZooKeeper/java
    • cp ibm-java-jre-7.1-4.1-linux-x86_64.tgz /opt/ibm/WEX/ResultsModule/java
  2. Shut down ResultsModule, AppBuilder, ZooKeeper and Watson Explorer Engine in order:
    • service resultsmodule-service stop or systemctl stop resultsmodule.service
    • service appbuilder-service stop or systemctl stop appbuilder.service
    • service zookeeper-service stop or systemctl stop zookeeper.service
    • /opt/ibm/WEX/Engine/bin/velocity-shutdown or /opt/ibm/WEX/Engine/bin/embedded-webserver stop
  3. Uncompress the .tgz file that you copied earlier using gunzip. Do this for all the folders.
    For example, gunzip ibm-java-jre-7.1-4.1-linux-x86_64.tgz
    • The result of this command is the ibm-java-jre-7.1-4.1-linux-x86_64.tar file
  4. Extract the JRE from the tar file. Perform this for all the folders:
    • tar --strip-components=1 -xvf ibm-java-jre-7.1-4.1-linux-x86_64.tar
    • Extracting the JRE unpacks the files into the correct locations.
  5. Change the ownership of the new files to the correct owner and group, on the directory where you extracted the JRE:
    • cd /opt/ibm/WEX/ResultsModule
      chown -R wex-resultsmodule:ibm-wex java
    • cd /opt/ibm/WEX/AppBuilder
      chown -R wex-appbuilder:ibm-wex java
    • cd /opt/ibm/WEX/ZooKeeper
      chown -R wex-zookeeper:ibm-wex java
    • cd /opt/ibm/WEX/Engine/java
      chown -R apache:apache jre properties docs copyright *.txt
  6. Restart Watson Explorer Engine, ResultsModule, ZooKeeper, and AppBuilder in order:
    • /opt/ibm/WEX/Engine/bin/velocity-startup or /opt/ibm/WEX/Engine/bin/embedded-webserver start
    • service resultsmodule-service start or systemctl start resultsmodule.service
    • service zookeeper-service start or systemctl start zookeeper.service
    • service appbuilder-service start or systemctl start appbuilder.service

Procedures for Windows:

IBM Java Runtime may be present in one or more of the following folders. You need to update it under each of the listed folders.
  • C:\Program Files\IBM\WEX\Engine\java
  • C:\Program Files\IBM\WEX\AppBuilder\java
  • C:\Program Files\IBM\WEX\ZooKeeper\java
  • C:\Program Files\IBM\WEX\ResultsModule\java
Follow these steps after you download the required version of IBM Java Runtime for your operating system from Fix Central. The file names in these steps are shown for example purposes. Replace the sample file name with the name of the file that you downloaded.
  1. Copy the java .zip file that you downloaded into the directory. Do this for all the folders as shown in the example:
    If you use Windows Explorer, you can drag the .zip file from where you downloaded it to the top level of the Engine directory.
    • copy C:\Program Files\IBM\WEX\Engine\java
    • copy C:\Program Files\IBM\WEX\AppBuilder\java
    • copy C:\Program Files\IBM\WEX\ZooKeeper\java
    • copy C:\Program Files\IBM\WEX\ResultsModule\java
  2. Shut down AppBuilder, ZooKeeper, ResultsModule and Watson Explorer Engine in order:
    • Use "Services" to stop AppBuilder
    • Use "Services" to stop ZooKeeper
    • Use "Services" to stop ResultsModule
    • C:\Program Files\IBM\WEX\Engine\bin\velocity-shutdown.exe or C:\Program Files\IBM\WEX\Engine\bin\embedded-webserver.exe stop
  3. Extract the JRE from the zip file that you copied in the file earlier. Do this for all the folders.
    For example:
    chdir “c:\ProgramFiles\IBM\WEX\Engine\java”
    • If you use Windows Explorer, double-click the .zip file and extract all files.
    • If the extract process does not start:
      1. Click on the "Extract" tab in the window
      2. Set the destination folder to the Engine root directory, such as C:\Program Files\IBM\WEX\Engine.
      3. You will be asked about overwriting existing files twice. Each time, click the "Do this for all" check box and select "Copy and replace".
    • Extracting the JRE unpacks the files into the correct locations.
  4. Restart Watson Explorer Engine, ResultsModule, ZooKeeper, and AppBuilder in order:
    • C:\Program Files\IBM\WEX\Engine\bin\velocity-startup.exe or C:\Program Files\IBM\WEX\Engine\bin\embedded-webserver.exe stop
    • Use "Services" to start ResultsModule
    • Use "Services" to start ZooKeeper
    • Use "Services" to start AppBuilder

[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SS8NLW","label":"IBM Watson Explorer"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000cvvoAAA","label":"Documentation"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"10.0.0;11.0.0;11.0.1;11.0.2;12.0.3"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
03 December 2020

