IBM Support

ZWSTECHNOTE : DWCZOS : Secure connection between zconnector / DWC on z/OS and zWS server task using SSL

How To


After installing a DWC on z/OS at release 10.2.1 or higher (which requires the use of certificates) the connection between the zconnector and zWS server can optionally be secured via SSL


Have SSL connection between DWC / zconnector and z Workload Scheduler 


(1) The installation of the DWC on z/OS at 10.2.1 or higher must be completed.  Detailed instructions concerning the SSL set up for this are in technote  ( ZWSTECHNOTE : DWCZOS : Creating / Installing the certificates for DWC 10.2.1 or higher on z/OS)
(2) Start with the server task (PGM=EQQSERVR) which connects to the zconnector down. 
(3)  In the TCPOPTS statement  of the Server started task  (the zWS server that connects to the zconnector)  put the following lines [be sure to add all three lines, especially the SSLLEVEL]  
  • SSLKEYSTORETYPE(SAF)                   
  • SSLKEYSTORE(xxxxxxxxxxxx)            
For example the value SSLKEYSTORE(MDMCSTMRING)  can be used  if the sample in the attached certcstm_0.txt file is used.

(4) In the connectionFactory.xml file (in configDropins/overrideso f the DWC) change the line useSsl to "true" for each jndiName entry, for example: 

 <connectionFactory id="twsy-TVT7017"
        <properties.ZOSConnectorAdapter hostName="" 

(5) Start the server (PGM=EQQSERVR)  task  then logon and do a test connection of a zosengine to be sure SSL is working as intended.                              

Document Location


[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB70","label":"Z TPS"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSWL3F","label":"IBM Z Workload Scheduler"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000001gdrAAA","label":"ZOS-\u003EDWC-\u003Edocumentation"}],"ARM Case Number":"TS000000000","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
09 June 2024

