IBM Support

Readme for Cloud Pak for Business Automation 23.0.1 IF006

Fix Readme


The following document is for IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation 23.0.1 IF006. It includes the CASE package download, installation information, and the list of APARs/Known Issues that are resolved in this interim fix.


Readme file for: IBM Cloud Pak® for Business Automation
Product Release: 23.0.1
Update Name: 23.0.1 IF006
Fix ID: 23.0.1-WS-CP4BA-IF006
Publication Date: 27 December 2023

Before installation

  1. Ensure you take regular backups of any databases associated with the environment.
  2. Ensure your operators are in a healthy state, before upgrading.
    If one or more operators are failing, then it can prevent the system from completing an upgrade.
    It is recommended to check a few of the important CR statuses to ensure there are not failures and the statuses appear ready for the various installed components. Check the status of the following CRs when they exist:
  3. oc get icp4acluster -o yaml 
    oc get content -o yaml
    oc get Foundation -o yaml
  4. Remove any image settings in CRs
    If you used any individual image tag settings in your CRs, it could prevent the operator from updating the images to the appropriate version. Ensure you remove any of these settings when you upgrade. This doesn't apply to starter installation as it requires a new install.

Installing the interim fix

This interim fix contains the following version of Cloud Pak for Business Automation and Cloud Pak Foundational Services (CPFS):
  • Cloud Pak for Business Automation 23.0.1-IF006
  • Cloud Pak Foundational Services 4.2
Note:  This interim fix only supports the Cloud Pak Foundational Services listed above. It is important that you deploy or upgrade Cloud Pak for Business Automation using the catalog sources in this readme document (the same catalog sources are also in the referenced CASE package).  If you have other Cloud Paks installed on the same OCP cluster, be sure to check the compatibility of the Cloud Pak Foundational Services versions, listed above, with other Cloud Paks' specifications.
Important interim fix details:
Cloud Pak for Business Automation 23.0.1 interim fixes are released to the v23.1 operator channel. Once the operators are upgraded, it triggers rolling updates for all the pods it manages to ensure they are updated to the appropriate version to match the operator.
Step 1: Setup the CASE package
  1. Download the CASE package provided with this interim fix to a Linux based machine (RHEL or macOS).
  2. Use the tar command to extract the cert-kubernetes directory.
tar -xvzf ibm-cp-automation-5.0.6.tgz
cd ibm-cp-automation/inventory/cp4aOperatorSdk/files/deploy/crs
tar -xvf cert-k8s-23.0.1.tar
cd cert-kubernetes
Step 2:  Perform the installation or update the existing deployment
Depending on the current setup and state of your existing environment, there are various upgrade actions that need to be taken. The following scenarios cover what actions might be needed for a particular setup.
  • Scenario 1: You are installing a Starter deployment or have an existing Starter deployment
    Actions: Starter deployments do not support upgrades. Although you can use this interim fix content to perform a Starter deployment.  To deploy a Starter deployment using the content of this interim fix, please see install a new Starter environment and use the CASE package from this interim fix.
    Note: If you have an existing Cloud Pak Foundation Services instance installed in the cluster or in the namespace where CP4BA is being installed, then it is not supported.  The Starter deployment of CP4BA is only supported when deploying into a new namespace without CPFS. 
  • Scenario 2: You are installing a Production deployment
    Actions: You can use this interim fix content to perform a Production deployment.  To deploy a Production deployment using the content of this interim fix, please see install a new Production environment and use the CASE package from this interim fix.
    Note: If you have an existing Cloud Pak Foundation Services instance installed in the cluster or in the namespace where CP4BA is being installed, then it is not supported.  The Production deployment of CP4BA is only supported when deploying into a new namespace without CPFS.
  • Scenario 3: Your installed Production deployment version is 22.0.2 IF00x (at least IF002).
    Follow the upgrade instructions, Upgrading CP4BA multi-pattern clusters from 22.0.2.
    Warning: You can only upgrade existing environments if they were using a single namespace scoped foundational services(CPFS) instance. Which mean the CPFS instance is installed in the same namespace as the cloud pak and isn't shared with any other Cloud Pak instances. Otherwise you would need to rebuild to upgrade.
    Note: Direct upgrade from version prior to 22.0.2 is not supported. If you are upgrading from a prior version then you would need to perform incremental upgrading using the instructions from each prior version.
  • Scenario 4:  Your installed Production deployment is 23.0.1 GA or any previous 23.0.1 iFix  and is online
    Perform the following steps and then the upgrade of operators and deployments will start.
    1. Upgrade the CP4BA operators using one of two methods. 
      • Option 1: Running the operator upgrade script from the case package.
        ./scripts/ -m upgradeOperator -n <project_name>
      • Option 2: Manually deploy the catalog source and update the CPFS channels using the CPFS upgrade script.
        1. Apply the new catalog sources.
          oc apply -f ./descriptors/op-olm/catalog_source.yaml
        2. Update the cert manager and license service channels to the appropriate level with this script:
          ./scripts/cpfs/installer_scripts/cp3pt0-deployment/ --enable-licensing --cert-manager-source ibm-cert-manager-catalog --licensing-source ibm-licensing-catalog --license-accept -v 1 -c v4.2
        3. Update the channels to the appropriate levels for the rest of the CPFS subscriptions.
          ./scripts/cpfs/installer_scripts/cp3pt0-deployment/ --operator-namespace <CP4BA Namespace> -s opencloud-operators-v4-2 -c v4.2 --license-accept -v 1
          Note: Be sure to replace the namespace with the appropriate CP4BA namespace.
    2. Wait for the operators to complete their upgrades.

      By default all subscriptions are set to automatic, but if you have any subscriptions set to manual then you need to approve any pending InstallPlans.
      Use the below command to see the current status of the install plans.
      oc get installPlan
      The upgrade will be blocked, if any of the needed InstallPlans are not approved. It is not recommended to set subscriptions to manual as this makes the upgrade more error prone.
    3. You can use the following scripts to check the status of the upgrades.
      1. Run the script in [upgradeOperatorStatus] mode to check that the upgrade of the CP4BA operator and its dependencies is successful.
        ./scripts/ -m upgradeOperatorStatus -n <project_name>
        Warning: The script will scale the CP4BA deployments down to zero. You must execute the upgradeDeploymentStatus command to scale them back up.
      2. Run the script in [upgradeDeploymentStatus] mode to check that the upgrade of the CP4BA deployment is successful.
        ./scripts/ -m upgradeDeploymentStatus -n <project_name>
  • Scenario 5:  Your installed Production deployment is 23.0.1 GA or any previous 23.0.1 iFix and using airgap/offline.
    Perform the following steps and then the upgrade of operators and deployments will start.
    1. Download the case package mirror file, cp4ba-case-to-be-mirrored-23.0.1-IF006.txt, for this interim fix and you must rename the file to cp4ba-case-to-be-mirrored-23.0.1-IF006.yaml. Then execute this command to download the case files:
      oc ibm-pak get -c file://(absolute path to file)/cp4ba-case-to-be-mirrored-23.0.1-IF006.yaml
      The (absolute path to file) needs to be a path starting from "/". For example, "/opt"
      For more information, see Downloading the CASE files.
    2. You will need to mirror the images associated with the new case package. Follow the instructions for either mirroring option in Mirroring images to the private registry using the new version values associated with this fix.
      export CASE_NAME=ibm-cp-automation
      export CASE_VERSION=5.0.6
    3. Update the catalog with the new version.
      cat $HOME/.ibm-pak/data/mirror/$CASE_NAME/$CASE_VERSION/catalog-sources.yaml | sed 's/opencloud-operators/opencloud-operators-v4-2/g' | oc apply -f -
    4. Update the cert manager and license service channels to the appropriate level with this script:
      ./scripts/cpfs/installer_scripts/cp3pt0-deployment/ --enable-licensing --cert-manager-source ibm-cert-manager-catalog --licensing-source ibm-licensing-catalog --license-accept -v 1 -c v4.2
    5. Update the channels to the appropriate levels for the rest of the CPFS subscriptions.
      ./scripts/cpfs/installer_scripts/cp3pt0-deployment/ --operator-namespace <CP4BA Namespace> -s opencloud-operators-v4-2 -c v4.2 --license-accept -v 1
      Note: Be sure to replace the namespace with the appropriate CP4BA namespace.
    6. Wait for the operators to complete their upgrades.

      By default all subscriptions are set to automatic, but if you have any subscriptions set to manual then you need to approve any pending InstallPlans.
      Use oc get installPlan to see the current status of the install plans.
      The upgrade will be blocked, if any of the needed InstallPlans are not approved. It is not recommended to set subscriptions to manual as this can make the upgrade more error prone.

Performing the necessary tasks after installation

a. Review the installation
It is recommended that you review the CR yaml status section and operator logs after the upgrade to ensure there are no failures preventing your pods from upgrading.
oc get icp4acluster -o yaml > CP4BAconfig.yaml
oc logs deployment/ibm-cp4a-operator -c operator > operator.log
If you are interested in verifying the expected image digest for a particular image, then you can review the ibm-cp-automation\inventory\cp4aOperatorSdk\resources.yaml file in the CASE package. This file has a listing of the images managed by the CP4BA operator and their expected digest for this particular interim fix level.
    b. Required when you are using Operational Decision Manager
         You must update your Rule Designer:
    • Open Eclipse 
    • Open menu Help > Check for Updates
    • Select IBM Operational Decision Manager for Developers v8.12.x - Rule Designer
    • Proceed with installation.
    c. Required If you are installing or upgrading Business Automation Insights with this iFix.
        You must update CP4BA Custom Resource with digests for iaf-flink & iaf-eventprocessing-proxy images before applying custom resource to deploy this iFix.
    • Update custom resource file to add below with correct digests for Flink.
    • apiVersion:
      kind: ICP4ACluster
        name: icp4adeploy
        ########      IBM Business Automation Insights (BAI) configuration    ########
    • Apply the modified custom resource
    d. Required If you are importing Business Automation Workflow project that includes Case features. 
    If you are import projects with Case features, you might encounter the following errors. Workflow Project Import failed : Workflow Project Import failed during REST call to url: https://icp4adeploy-bastudio-service.production.svc:443/bas/CaseManager/CASEREST/v1/solution/import Response Message :{"UserMessage":{"UserResponse":"See the associated messages and the application server trace logs for more information.","UniqueId":"FNRPA0084E","Explanation":"The response information contains additional details provided by the exception.","Severity":"ERROR","Text":"An internal server error occurred while running a Case REST API method."},"UnderlyingDetails":{"Causes":["CREATE_HALFMAP failed.  26 items processed: 26 succeeded, 0 failed.\n\nNot supported: http:\/\/javax.xml.XMLConstants\/property\/accessExternalDTD"]}} 
    You could apply the following workaround by modifiying the CR like shown below, to make the import work. Be aware that doing this workaround might expose you to , if your Workflow authoring tools are open to non trusted users. 
        jvm_customize_options: -Dcom.filenet.fdm.ignoreXXEProtectionFailures=true


    There is no procedure to uninstall the interim fix.

    List of Fixes

    APARs/Known Issues fixed by this interim fix are listed in the following tables.
    The columns are defined as follows: 
    Column title Column description
    APAR/Known Issue The defect number
    Title A short description of the defect
    Sec. A mark indicates a defect related to security
    Cont. A mark indicates a defect specific to the Cloud Pak integration of the component
    B.I. A mark indicates the fix has a business impact. Details are found in the title column or the APAR/Known Issue document
    Known Issue Title Sec. Cont. B.I.
    Cloud Pak for Business Automation delivers container images that include operating system level and other open source libraries. Vulnerabilities (CVEs) for these libraries are published regularly.
    This interim fix includes fixes for these libraries to address: 
    CVE-2022-48337, CVE-2022-48339, CVE-2023-47038, CVE-2023-36054, CVE-2023-34104, CVE-2023-45857, CVE-2023-46673, CVE-2023-1981, CVE-2023-32324, CVE-2023-34241, CVE-2023-38039, CVE-2023-38545, CVE-2023-2975, CVE-2023-5363, CVE-2023-35945, CVE-2023-38408, CVE-2022-31022, CVE-2015-20107, CVE-2021-3426, CVE-2021-3733, CVE-2021-3737, CVE-2021-4189, CVE-2022-45061, CVE-2022-48565, CVE-2022-48566, CVE-2023-40217, CVE-2023-39417, CVE-2022-41953, CVE-2022-3821, CVE-2020-21047, CVE-2023-1732, CVE-2022-47015, GHSA-7c2q-5qmr-v76q, CVE-2022-3647, CVE-2023-45145, CVE-2023-4911, CVE-2018-20406, RHSA-2023:5455, CVE-2023-35825, CVE-2023-4128, CVE-2021-43975, CVE-2022-28388, CVE-2022-3594, CVE-2022-3640, CVE-2022-38457, CVE-2022-40133, CVE-2022-40982, CVE-2022-42895, CVE-2022-45869, CVE-2022-45884, CVE-2022-45886, CVE-2022-45887, CVE-2022-45919, CVE-2022-4744, CVE-2023-0458, CVE-2023-0590, CVE-2023-0597, CVE-2023-1073, CVE-2023-1074, CVE-2023-1075, CVE-2023-1079, CVE-2023-1118, CVE-2023-1192, CVE-2023-1206, CVE-2023-1252, CVE-2023-1382, CVE-2023-1855, CVE-2023-1989, CVE-2023-1998, CVE-2023-2163, CVE-2023-23455, CVE-2023-2513, CVE-2023-26545, CVE-2023-28328, CVE-2023-28772, CVE-2023-30456, CVE-2023-31084, CVE-2023-3141, CVE-2023-31436, CVE-2023-3161, CVE-2023-3212, CVE-2023-3268, CVE-2023-33203, CVE-2023-33951, CVE-2023-33952, CVE-2023-35823, CVE-2023-35824, CVE-2023-3609, CVE-2023-3611, CVE-2023-3772, CVE-2023-3812, CVE-2023-4132, CVE-2023-4155, CVE-2023-4206, CVE-2023-4207, CVE-2023-4208, CVE-2023-4732, CVE-2023-5178, CVE-2022-41862
    Previous interim fixes have included fixes which are also addressed with this interim fix. Consult the Related links section for readmes of previous interim fixes, at the bottom of this document.
    Cloud Pak for Business Automation Operator
    Known Issue Title Sec. Cont. B.I.
    N/A N/A
    Automation Document Processing
    Known Issue Title Sec. Cont. B.I.
    DT256908 Combo boxes return incomplete values X X
    Automation Decision Services
    Known Issue Title Sec. Cont. B.I.
    N/A N/A
    Known Issue Title Sec. Cont. B.I.
    N/A N/A
    Business Automation Insights
    Known Issue Title Sec. Cont. B.I.
    N/A N/A
    Business Automation Navigator
    Business Automation Studio
    Known Issue Title Sec. Cont. B.I.
    DT240492 You are unable to initiate debugging for a service within workflow in BAW v23.01
    Business Automation Workflow including Automation Workstream Services
    Known Issue Title Sec. Cont. B.I.
    DT222737 Applying a Case solution audit manifest with document or task properties fails
    DT247004 Performance Degradation and Excessive SQL Queries for Team Binding Page Load
    DT247086 Deleting on Hold Event manager task could fails with error \
    DT247283 Input mapping for the 'SFinput2' parameter of 'SF1' activity is not valid. Error message in CP4BA v23.0.1 is found in WebPD while creating a Data mapping for a system task
    DT247327 javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException:
    DT247383 Boolean variable data mapping dropdown not correctly set to boolean value
    DT247615 NoSuchAlgorithmException when using Team Filter Services
    DT254751 Can't create a new case with multi-select (dropdown) property values that contain space(s)
    Enterprise Records
    Known Issue Title Sec. Cont. B.I.
    FileNet Content Manager
    Operational Decision Management
    Known Issue Title Sec. Cont. B.I.
    User Management Service
    Known Issue Title Sec. Cont. B.I.
    N/A N/A
    Workflow Process Service
    Known Issue Title Sec. Cont. B.I.
    DT247004 Performance Degradation and Excessive SQL Queries for Team Binding Page Load
    DT247086 Deleting on Hold Event manager task could fails with error \
    DT247283 Input mapping for the 'SFinput2' parameter of 'SF1' activity is not valid. Error message in CP4BA v23.0.1 is found in WebPD while creating a Data mapping for a system task
    DT247327 javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException:
    DT247383 Boolean variable data mapping dropdown not correctly set to boolean value
    DT247615 NoSuchAlgorithmException when using Team Filter Services

    Known Limitations

    Document change history

  1. 27 December 2023: Initial publish.
  2. [{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSBYVB","label":"IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000001gWWAAY","label":"Other-\u003ECloudPak4Automation Platform"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"23.0.1"}]

    Document Information

    Modified date:
    29 February 2024

