A problem has been encountered while using the Planning Analytics ODBC Connector (ODBCIS)
Diagnosing The Problem
To troubleshoot a problem with the Planning Analytics ODBC Data Connector, the following details must be gathered. When collecting logs, prepare for log collection and ensure logs for all components are collected at the same time.
- Detailed description of the problem:
- What is not working as expected? (what is the expected result?)
- Is this something that had worked before? (if yes, what might have changed?)
- Is the problem limited to a specific connection, or all connections?
- Are there any error messages?
- What is the ODBC datasource name being used?
- Has the config.odbcis.json been configured?
- This file contains the database connection and odbcis user configuration
- See:
- Has the config.internal.json been configured?
- For certificate configuration, the http/tlsCert and http/tlsKey need to be updated
- odbcis-gateway/serverPort parameter may also be changed from 5555 if a different port is desired
- See:
- Have their been any changes to the config.json file?
- This file does not need to be updated unless enabling debug logging
- What is the ODBCServiceRoot URL configured?
- Found in Planning Analytics Administration > Configuration > External database
- Format should be
- Have you allowed communication to your ODBICS host machine/port from the Planning Analytics Egress IPs?
- The environment hosting ODBCIS needs to be accessible by the Planning Analytics Servers
- See: Planning Analytics Egress IP Addresses
- Have you validated your connections outside of Planning Analytics Workspace?
- Which Certificate Authority is being used to secure the connection?
- Are you using a trusted Certificate Authority for Planning Analytics as a Service?
- Are the root and intermediate certificates configured correctly?
- Review (and provide) the output of the following command: openssl s_client -debug -showcerts -connect
- OpenSSL is required to run the command (will need to be obtained manually if not already available)
- Output including the text 'verify error' or 'Verification error' indicates a problem with the certificate file
- The output should contain all certificates in the chain of trust
- If using IP allow listing, the command needs to run from an IP allowed to query the URL
- Environment Details:
- What is the version of the Planning Analytics ODBC Data Connector?
- Right-click <odbcis_install_dir>\bin\odbcis.exe and view Properties
- On Details tab, make note of Product version
- What Operating System is the Planning Analytics ODBC Data Connector installed on?
- What is the ODBC database vendor and version being used?
- Does the datasource function correctly outside of Planning Analytics ODBC Data Connector?
- What is the version of the Planning Analytics ODBC Data Connector?
- Configuration Details
- Provide <odbcis_install_dir>\deployment\config.json
- Provide <odbcis_install_dir>\deployment\config.internal.json
- Provide config.odbcis.json
- Before providing, ensure Datasource and Client passwords have been encrypted or removed
- Before providing, ensure Datasource and Client passwords have been encrypted or removed
- Debug Logging
- Update the <odbcis_install_dir>\deployment\config.json file
- Ensure serviceLogger and apiLogger levels are set to debug, and save the file
- A restart is not required to enable the logging
- Ensure serviceLogger and apiLogger levels are set to debug, and save the file
- Recreate the problem being investigated, using as few clicks as possible
- Revert changes to the <odbcis_install_dir>\deployment\config.json file
- Set serviceLogger level back to info and save the file
- Provide the <odbcis_install_dir>\deployment\odbcis.log file
- Update the <odbcis_install_dir>\deployment\config.json file
Document Location
[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSD29G","label":"IBM Planning Analytics"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000KzIzAAK","label":"Planning Analytics-\u003EPlanning Analytics Workspace"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]
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Document Information
Modified date:
04 December 2024