How To
z/VSE 6.2 was the last z/VSE release in service. z/VSE 6.2 End-of-Service effective date was September 30, 2023.
z/VSE 6.2.0 installed on ECKD, FBA, or FBA-SCSI.
Important information to all z/VSE customers
- End-of-Service of IBM z/VSE 6.2 was September 30, 2023. There is no follow-on release from IBM
- IBM z16 A01 is the last IBM Z server supported by IBM z/VSE 6.2. IBM z16 A02 is not supported by IBM z/VSE 6.2
- z/VSE Documention will be removed from IBM Docs in Q2 2025
- IBM has ended license key generation on December 31, 2024 for the following z/VSE product licensed from IBM:
- IBM TCP/IP for z/VSE V2 and IBM TCP/IP for VSE/ESA V1.x
- For example a new license key may be required, if license key was lost. A new CPU-ID does not require a new license key.
- As an alternative you may obtain a license from 21st Century Software or from CSI International.
- IBM TCP/IP for z/VSE V2 and IBM TCP/IP for VSE/ESA V1.x
- IBM has ended license key generation on March 31, 2024 for the following z/VSE product licensed from IBM:
- IBM IPv6/VSE V1.x
- For example a new license key will be required, when you move z/VSE to a new processor.
As an alternative you may obtain a license from 21st Century Software or from Barnard Software Inc.
- For example a new license key will be required, when you move z/VSE to a new processor.
- IBM IPv6/VSE V1.x
IBM intends to remove IBM z/VSE z/VM IP Assist (VIA) code in future IBM Z firmware bundles for supported IBM Z servers in early 2025, so that it cannot be used anymore.
Customers using z/VSE z/VM IP Assist (VIA) need to take action and migrate to z/VSE Linux Fast Path (LFP) or another TCP/IP stack to prepare for the upcoming removal of VIA.IBM z/VSE z/VM IP Assist (VIA) was withdrawn from service on September 30, 2023 as announced in:
IBM partnership with 21st Century Software
IBM has licensed the source code of IBM z/VSE and most of the stack components to 21st Century Software.
What IBM z/VSE customers should consider
IBM strongly suggests that customers who need a serviceable environment plan to move to an alternative solution. For customers wishing to remain on a supported VSE platform, 21st Century Software offers derivative VSE products.
Additional Information
- For more information about the withdrawal from marketing of z/VSE 6.2, see Software Announcement 922-053, dated June 7, 2022.
- For more information about the withdrawal from service of z/VSE 6.2, see Software Announcement 922-078, dated August 2, 2022.
- For more information about IBM z/VSE 6.2 support for the IBM z16 A01, see Software Announcement 222-208, dated June 7, 2022.
Document Location
[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU070","label":"IBM Infrastructure"},"Product":{"code":"SSB27H","label":"z\/VSE"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000000BCsAAM","label":"Installation"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Version(s)","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB56","label":"Z HW"}}]
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Document Information
Modified date:
12 February 2025