Question & Answer
What causes LPM validation to fail with "
Start initiator failed. errno=19
HSCLA340 The management console may not be able to replicate the source multipath I/O configuration for the migrating partition's virtual I/O adapters on the destination. This means one or both of the following: (1) Client adapters that are assigned to different source VIOS hosts may be assigned to a single VIOS host on the destination; (2) Client adapters that are assigned to a single source VIOS host may be assigned to different VIOS hosts on the destination. You can review the complete list of management console chosen mappings by issuing the command to list the virtual I/O mappings for the migrating partition.
HSCLA356 The RMC command issued to partition <VIOS> failed. This means that destination VIOS partition <partition_name> cannot host the virtual adapter 7 on the migrating partition.
HSCLA29A The RMC command issued to partition <VIOS> failed.
The partition command is:
migmgr -f find_devices -t vscsi -C 0x3 -a ACTIVE_LPM -d 5
The RMC return code is:
The OS command return code is:
The OS standard out is:
Running method '/usr/lib/methods/mig_vscsi'
Executed find_devices on VIOS '<VIOS>' (hostname: VIOS_hostname.FQDN)
domain_id for fscsi2 is: 82
Start initiator failed. errno=19
scsi_sciolst error info: adap_flags: 0x1, failure_type: 0, retry_count=0,
fail_reason_code: 0, fail_reason_exp: 0, einval_arg: 0
Start initiator failed for wwpn c0XXXXXXXXXXXX71 on /dev/fscsi2
domain_id for fscsi3 is: 82
Start initiator failed. errno=19
scsi_sciolst error info: adap_flags: 0x1, failure_type: 0, retry_count=0,
fail_reason_code: 0, fail_reason_exp: 0, einval_arg: 0
Start initiator failed for wwpn c0XXXXXXXXXXXX71 on /dev/fscsi3
There are no adapters available that are capable of supporting a virtual fibre channel adapter
End Detailed Message.
The OS standard err is:
The search was performed for the following device description:
A switch on the SAN might be configured to use features that extend the Fibre Channel standard in ways that are not compatible with Live Partition Mobility. Disabling such feature solves some problems related to failed Fibre Channel login operations.
The "
Start initiator failed. errno=19
" indicates the destination VIOS cannot access the storage through the inactive WWPN. This can be due to a a SAN switch configuration that is not compatible with LPM.When the validation fails, the following errors can be logged on the destination VIOS against the inactive WWPN, in this example,
:Mar 10 19:23:32 fcs2 T FCA_ERR6 FDISC failed during NPIV setup for C0XXXXXXXXXXXX71 status (13)
Mar 10 19:23:53 fcs3 T FCA_ERR6 FDISC failed during NPIV setup for C0
71 status (13)
Mar 10 19:23:07 fcs3 T FCA_ERR6 Nameserver login failed during NPIV setup for C0
Mar 10 19:23:07 fcs2 T FCA_ERR6 Nameserver login failed during NPIV setup for C0
SAN switch configuration is beyond the scope of LPM Support.
Check the destination VIOS for FCA_ERR6 error. If you see this error, refer to the following support document to determine if it decodes to "FDISC" failure against the inactive WWPN for the mobile partition in question:
This type of error is equivalent to a failed login to the SAN switch from the fibre channel adapter port on the destination VIOS. The error can be seen when the "WWN-based persistent port identifier (PID)" feature is enabled on the SAN switch. When this switch setting is enabled, it ties the WWPN to a specific Fibre Channel ID (FCID) on the fabric. Thus, when trying to move to a different switch, it would not allow it. If this setting is enabled, consult with your local Switch Support Representative about the disabling of this function before re-attempting the LPM operation.
Related Information
[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSPHKW","label":"PowerVM Virtual I\/O Server"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000L0NHAA0","label":"PowerVM VIOS-\u003EPARTITION MOBILITY\/LPM-\u003ELPM + AIX VFC"}],"ARM Case Number":"TS012257902","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]
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Modified date:
21 March 2023