IBM Support

ADMIN4 Job Terminates Suddenly When A User Profile Without *ALLOBJ and *IOSYSCFG Authority Accesses the IBM Web Administration GUI



After upgrading to IBM i 7.5 SF99952 level 5, IBM i 7.4 SF99662 level 25, or IBM i 7.3 SF99722 level 42; the ADMIN4 application server job will terminate suddenly when an IBM i user profile without *ALLOBJ and *IOSYSCFG special authority accesses the IBM Web Administration for i GUI web application. IBM development is aware of this issue and has released the following PTF to prevent the ADMIN4 JVM job from terminating in this scenario. IBM recommends all IBM i OS clients ensure this 5770SS1 PTF is applied if you have applied one of the IBM i HTTP Group PTF levels listed above.

IBM i 7.5 - SI82677
IBM i 7.4 - SI82679
IBM i 7.3 - SI82681

The above PTFs are included in the following IBM i HTTP Group PTF levels:
SF99952 level 6
SF99662 level 27
SF99722 level 44


 ADMIN4 suddenly ends after attempting to log in to the IBM Web Administration for i web application with an IBM i user profile that does not have *ALLOBJ and *IOSYSCFG special authorities.  
Issue is introduced after applying the following IBM i HTTP Group PTF levels:
IBM i 7.5 - SF99952 level 5
IBM i 7.4 - SF99662 level 25
IBM i 7.3 - SF99722 level 42
ZUI_50044: IBM i user profile xyz does not have *IOSYSCFG and *ALLOBJ authorities or has not been granted permission which is required to use the administration service of IBM HTTP Server for i.

WWKE0085I: The server admin4 is stopping because the JVM is exiting.
CPF9802 - Not authorized to object QWEBADMIN in QSYS.
CEE9901 - Application error. CPF9802 unmonitored by QYJSPSCK at statement 0000000049, instruction X'0000'.
Download and apply the following 5770SS1 PTF to prevent the ADMIN4 job from ending suddenly.  The PTF can be applied immediate.
IBM i 7.5 - SI82677
IBM i 7.4 - SI82679
IBM i 7.3 - SI82681
The above PTFs are included in the following IBM i HTTP Group PTF levels:
SF99952 level 6
SF99662 level 27
SF99722 level 44

Restart the ADMIN server after the PTF is applied.

WRKACTJOB SBS(QHTTPSVR) - wait for all of the ADMIN jobs to end.
WRKACTJOB SBS(QHTTPSVR) - wait for the CPU for all ADMIN jobs to go down to 0~1%.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000000CIcAAM","label":"IBM i Administration Server"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"7.3.0;7.4.0;7.5.0"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
30 March 2023

