IBM Support

Cloud Pak for Security: Port usage

Question & Answer


Which are the common ports that CP4S services and components use to communicate across the network?


CP4S requires that your system must have some ports available for communication. The following table lists the common ports that CP4S services and components use to communicate across the network.
Protocol Port Description
22 Ssh
80 Http routes; bare metal only; on nodes running router pod replicas
443 Https routes; bare metal only; on nodes running router pod replicas
1936 Healthz stats; bare metal only; on nodes running router pod replicas
2041 Interbase
2379 Control plane only
2380 Control plane only
5050 Bare metal provisioning, control plane only
6080 Control plane only
6180 Bare metal provisioning server, control plane only
6181 Bare metal image cache, control plane only
6183 Bare metal provisioning server (TLS), control plane only
6385 Bare metal provisioning, control plane only
6388 Bare metal provisioning, control plane only
6443 Control plane only
9001 Metrics
9100 Metrics
9101 Metrics, openshift-sdn only
9102 Metrics, control plane only, ovn-kubernetes only
9103 Metrics
9105 Metrics
9106 Control plane only, sdn only
9107 Egressip-node-health check-port, sdn interface only, ovn-kubernetes only
9120 Metrics
9121 Metrics
9122 Leader election protocol
9191 Metrics
9192 Metrics
9193 Metrics
9194 Metrics
9200-9219 Metrics
9258 Metrics, control plane only
9300 Metrics, ingress node firewall
9301 Metrics, ingress node firewall
9444 On-prem internal load balancer, health check port
9445 On-prem internal load balancer
9446 Healthz; bare metal provisioning, control plane only
9447 Webhook; bare metal provisioning, control plane only
9537 Metrics
9641 Control plane only, ovn-kubernetes only
9642 Control plane only, ovn-kubernetes only
9643 Control plane only, ovn-kubernetes only
9644 Control plane only, ovn-kubernetes only
9978 Metrics, control plane only
9979 Control plane only
10010 Stream port
10250 Kubelet api
10251 Healthz, control plane only
10255 Healthz, third-party network plug-ins only
10256 Healthz, openshift-sdn only
10257 Metrics, healthz, control plane only
10258 Metrics, healthz, control plane only
10259 Metrics, control plane only
10263 Metrics, healthz, some platforms only
10357 Metrics, control plane only
10443 HAProxy internal fe_no_sni front end; localhost only; bare metal only; on nodes running router pod replicas
10444 HAProxy internal fe_sni front end; localhost only; bare metal only; on nodes running router pod replicas
17697 Control plane only
22623 Control plane only
22624 Control plane only
60000 Metrics, 4.6+ control plane only
3389 Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)
500 Ovn-kubernetes only
4500 Ovn-kubernetes only
4789 Openshift-sdn always, ovn-kubernetes that uses Windows hybrid networking
6081 Ovn-kubernetes only
9122 Leader election protocol

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB24","label":"Security Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSTDPP","label":"IBM Cloud Pak for Security"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m3p0000000rbnAAA","label":"Administration Task"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
12 January 2023

