IBM Support

SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services 8.1.1 interim fix installs JRE (JRE 8.0 SR7-FP20) Update to address security vulnerabilities



SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services 8.1.1 interim fix installs JRE (JRE 8.0 SR7-FP20) Update to address security vulnerabilities

Download Description

For more information about this topic, see Security Bulletin 1 and Security Bulletin 2.

Installation Instructions

Important Notes:
The following steps are used for SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Remote Scoring Server deployed to WebSphere Liberty profile only.
For Remote Scoring Server deployed to WebSphere Application Server traditional, it uses JRE for WebSphere, refer to WebSphere document and upgrade JRE from IBM Installation Manager.
For the Remote Scoring Server deployed to other Application Server, contact vendor for vulnerability and remediation information.
Remote Scoring Server for Windows

SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services - Remote Scoring Server 8.1.1 must be installed before that is applying this interim fix.

Installation Instructions:
1) Stop Remote Scoring Server (if this server is running)

2) Back up the "[RSS_INSTALL_DIR]\jre" directory by renaming "jre" to "jre.BAK". This directory result in a new "[RSS_INSTALL_DIR]\jre.BAK" directory
Notes: [RSS_INSTALL_DIR] refers to the installation directory of Remote Scoring Server deployed on WebSphere Liberty profile, for example C:\Program Files\IBM\SPSS\Deployment\8.1.1\ScoringServer

3) Create a new "[RSS_INSTALL_DIR]\jre" directory

4) Extract the JRE 8.0 SR7-FP20 download package .zip file (requisite) to the new "[RSS_INSTALL_DIR]\jre" directory

5) Start Remote Scoring Server

Uninstall Instructions:
1) Stop Remote Scoring Server (if this server is running)

2) Delete the "[RSS_INSTALL_DIR]\jre" directory
Notes: [RSS_INSTALL_DIR] refers to the installation directory of Remote Scoring Server deployed on WebSphere Liberty profile, for example C:\Program Files\IBM\SPSS\Deployment\8.1.1\ScoringServer

3) Rename "jre.BAK" to "jre", which result in a new "[RSS_INSTALL_DIR]\jre" directory

4) Start Remote Scoring Server

Remote Scoring Server for Linux on System z, Linux x86, Linux on Power

SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services - Remote Scoring Server 8.1.1 must be installed before that is applying this interim fix.

Installation Instructions:
1) Stop Remote Scoring Server (if this server is running)

2) Back up the "[RSS_INSTALL_DIR]/jre" directory by renaming "jre" to "jre.BAK". This directory result in a new "[RSS_INSTALL_DIR]/jre.BAK" directory
Notes: [RSS_INSTALL_DIR] refers to the installation directory of Remote Scoring Server deployed on WebSphere Liberty profile, for example /opt/IBM/SPSS/Deployment/8.1.1/ScoringServer

3) Create a new "[RSS_INSTALL_DIR]/jre" directory

4) Extract the JRE 8.0 SR7-FP20 download package .tar file (requisite) to the new "[RSS_INSTALL_DIR]/jre" directory

5) Start Remote Scoring Server

Uninstall Instructions:
1) Stop Remote Scoring Server (if this server is running)

2) Delete the "[RSS_INSTALL_DIR]/jre" directory
Notes: [RSS_INSTALL_DIR] refers to the installation directory of Remote Scoring Server deployed on WebSphere Liberty profile, for example /opt/IBM/SPSS/Deployment/8.1.1/ScoringServer

3) Rename "jre.BAK" to "jre", which result in a new "[RSS_INSTALL_DIR]/jre" directory

4) Start Remote Scoring Server
Deployment Manager
SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services - Deployment Manager 8.1.1 must be installed before that is applying this interim fix.
Installation Instructions:
1) Stop Deployment Manager (if this server is running)
2) Back up the "[DEPLOYMGR_INSTALL_DIR]\jre" directory by renaming "jre" to "jre.BAK". This directory result in a new "[DEPLOYMGR_INSTALL_DIR]\jre.BAK" directory
Notes: [DEPLOYMGR_INSTALL_DIR] refers to the installation directory of Deployment Manager, for example C:\Program Files\IBM\SPSS\Deployment\8.1.1\DeploymentManager
3) Create a new "[DEPLOYMGR_INSTALL_DIR]\jre" directory
4) Extract the JRE 8.0 SR7-FP20 download package .zip file (requisite) to the new "[DEPLOYMGR_INSTALL_DIR]\jre" directory
5) Start Deployment Manager
Uninstall Instructions:
1) Stop Deployment Manager (if this server is running)
2) Delete the "[DEPLOYMGR_INSTALL_DIR]\jre" directory
Notes: [DEPLOYMGR_INSTALL_DIR] refers to the installation directory of Deployment Manager, for example C:\Program Files\IBM\SPSS\Deployment\8.1.1\DeploymentManager
3) Rename "jre.BAK" to "jre", which result in a new "[DEPLOYMGR_INSTALL_DIR]\jre" directory
4) Start Deployment Manager

[{"DNLabel":"8.1.1-CDS-RSS-WIN-JRE8SR7FP20","DNDate":"18 Jan 2023","DNLang":"Language Independent","DNSize":"205.75 MB","DNPlat":{"label":"Windows","code":"PF033"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":"","DDURL":null},{"DNLabel":"8.1.1-CDS-RSS-Linuxx86-JRE8SR7FP20","DNDate":"18 Jan 2023","DNLang":"Language Independent","DNSize":"122.68 MB","DNPlat":{"label":"Linux","code":"PF016"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":"","DDURL":null},{"DNLabel":"8.1.1-CDS-RSS-LinuxzOS-JRE8SR7FP20","DNDate":"18 Jan 2023","DNLang":"Language Independent","DNSize":"120.3 MB","DNPlat":{"label":"Linux","code":"PF016"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":"","DDURL":null},{"DNLabel":"8.1.1-CDS-RSS-LinuxpSeries-JRE8SR7FP20","DNDate":"18 Jan 2023","DNLang":"Language Independent","DNSize":"122.36 MB","DNPlat":{"label":"Linux","code":"PF016"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":"","DDURL":null},{"DNLabel":"8.1.1-CDS-DEPLOYMGR-WIN64-JRE8SR7FP20","DNDate":"18 Jan 2023","DNLang":"Language Independent","DNSize":"205.75 MB","DNPlat":{"label":"Windows","code":"PF033"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":"","DDURL":null}]
[{"Type":"SW","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SS69YH","label":"IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m500000008U02AAE","label":"Collaboration and Deployment Services-\u003EScoring"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"8.1.1"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
09 February 2023

