IBM Support

IBM ESCC Red Hat OpenShift IBM Block Storage Hands-on Workshop



This workshop covers Red Hat® OpenShift® storage architecture and provides lectures and hands-on training for IBM SAN block storage solutions for containerized applications in a Red Hat OpenShift container orchestration platform environment.


Red Hat® OpenShift® IBM Block Storage Hands-on Workshop
You learn about Kubernetes® resources for managing persistent storage for stateful applications as well as the architecture and usage of the IBM block storage CSI driver for configuring and provisioning persistent storage from IBM block storage systems. Also, you gain insights about important planning and usage considerations pertaining to functionality, performance, high availability and disaster recovery, backup and recovery as well as multi-tenancy.
We provide you an overview and demo about IBM Spectrum® Protect Plus for backup and recovery of containerized applications as well as an introduction into Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation (ODF) as a software-defined storage solution for providing block, file, and object storage.
During extensive hands-on sessions, you also have an opportunity to learn about the integration of IBM FlashSystem® storage with Red Hat OpenShift via the native IBM block storage CSI driver and via Red Hat ODF for provisioning of block, file, and object storage.
  • Kubernetes resources for managing persistent storage and stateful applications
  • Red Hat OpenShift storage architecture and solutions
  • IBM block storage CSI driver overview and usage
    Hands-on: Installation and basic usage of IBM block storage CSI driver
  • IBM block storage CSI advanced functions (snapshots, topology awareness, replication)
    Hands-on: Implementing IBM block storage CSI advanced functions
  • IBM Spectrum Protect Plus overview and demo
  • Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation (ODF) introduction
    Hands-on: Installation of Red Hat ODF and IBM FlashSystem plug-in
  • Red Hat ODF block, file, and object storage
    Hands-on: Using Red Hat ODF block, file, and object storage
This advanced workshop is meant for technical specialists from IBM Customers, IBM Business Partners, and IBM employees who are interested in achieving extensive skills in this area
Basic Linux® administration skills and knowledge of IBM Spectrum Virtualize block storage system technologies
Skill level
English (alternative German with English language workshop material)
Two days
Delivery method
Remote interactive with hands-on lab
No. of participants
Tuition fees apply
IBM Storage Systems Competency Business Partners at Specialist or Expert level can reinvest their granted IBM Business Development Fund - Enablement (BDF-E) earnings in this specific IBM Systems ESCC Technical Training Workshop.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"HW206","label":"Storage Systems"},"ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Version(s)","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB26","label":"Storage"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
30 November 2022

