When attempting to install an app from the Extension Management settings, it might fail with the error "The image specified to create the application is not supported."
After adding the app file in the Extensions Manager and attempting installation, the installation fails with the error "The image specified to create the application is not supported."
The console is missing the necessary docker images to build the app.
Diagnosing The Problem
- SSH into the QRadar console as the root user.
- If you have an App Host, open an SSH session to the appliance.
- Use the following command to list the content of the docker registry repositories directory:
ls /store/docker-data/registry/docker/registry/v2/repositories/
- Confirm whether you have the qradar-app-base directory.
Example output missing the directory:
centos-base qapp qradar-graphql qradar-user-interface
centos-base qapp qradar-app-base
- Use the following command to list your docker images:
docker images
- Confirm you have some running images.
Example output with images:REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE console.localdeployment:5000/qapp/1451 1.1.0-20210415105253 b013e993a750 2 minutes ago 411MB console.localdeployment:5000/qapp/1001 5.0.1-20210415105118 af5d1eddfc5c 3 minutes ago 395MB console.localdeployment:5000/qapp/1102 2.1.0-20210415104918 91de346e4ac2 5 minutes ago 394MB 683c9a6a43f3da45bce5.localdeployment:5000/qradar-user-interface 1.1.0 94f1dc0c95ab 8 months ago 398MB 683c9a6a43f3da45bce5.localdeployment:5000/qradar-graphql 1.1.0 33b30dda4880 8 months ago 191MB
If you are missing the qradar-app-base directory, but you have some docker images running, proceed to Resolving the Problem.
If you have no docker images, or the /store/docker-data/registry/docker/registry/v2/repositories/ does not exist, attempt to update your system, which installs and rebuilds the images. After the update, attempt the diagnoses steps again. If you are already up to date, contact support.
Note: If the installation fails with the error "System is not fully configured with QRadar. Please ensure QRadar is fully installed and configured", follow the troubleshooting steps to fix your configuration.
If you are not missing any directories or images, contact support.
Resolving The Problem
Update the docker registry and restart.
- SSH into the QRadar console as the root user.
- If you have an App Host, open an SSH session to the appliance.
- Update the docker registry images by using the following command:
/store/docker-data/images/ push
ResultSuccessful Push
Example output of a successful push:Ensuring the registry is up and running... OK: registry ready after 0 seconds. Delivering docker images into the registry... Getting image source signatures Copying blob efbdb3579c94 skipped: already exists Copying config 0cde497470 done Writing manifest to image destination Copying config 0cde497470 done Writing manifest to image destination Storing signatures Getting image source signatures Copying blob a9e23b64ace0 skipped: already exists Copying blob 38b71301a1d9 skipped: already exists Copying blob 6b2157f539f0 skipped: already exists Copying config 15762b0ec4 done Writing manifest to image destination Copying config 15762b0ec4 done Writing manifest to image destination Storing signatures OK: Images delivered to the registry
If the push was successful, the correct repositories are now in /store/docker-data/registry/docker/registry/v2/repositories/.Restart docker by using the following command, then repeat the Diagnosing The Problem steps to confirm the issue is resolved:systemctl restart docker
Unsuccessful Push
Example output of an unsuccessful push:Ensuring the registry is up and running... OK: registry ready after 0 seconds. Delivering docker images into the registry... Getting image source signatures FATA[0000] Error trying to reuse blob sha256:efbdb3579c9459de6f269fb77b49471340e37e829cbcf202a4b283ceb1f9c6d1 at destination: error pinging docker registry console.localdeployment:5000: Get https://console.localdeployment:5000/v2/: Forbidden Getting image source signatures FATA[0000] Error trying to reuse blob sha256:9a481924bf76e6135dc9442a303ad4acb01a11fc7d4c209deec6ac51d4d012b3 at destination: error pinging docker registry console.localdeployment:5000: Get https://console.localdeployment:5000/v2/: Forbidden WARN: Failed to deliver images to the registry Restarting registry... OK: Restarted registry. Ensuring the registry is up and running... OK: registry ready after 0 seconds. Delivering docker images into the registry... Getting image source signatures FATA[0000] Error trying to reuse blob sha256:efbdb3579c9459de6f269fb77b49471340e37e829cbcf202a4b283ceb1f9c6d1 at destination: error pinging docker registry console.localdeployment:5000: Get https://console.localdeployment:5000/v2/: Forbidden Getting image source signatures FATA[0000] Error trying to reuse blob sha256:9a481924bf76e6135dc9442a303ad4acb01a11fc7d4c209deec6ac51d4d012b3 at destination: error pinging docker registry console.localdeployment:5000: Get https://console.localdeployment:5000/v2/: Forbidden WARN: Failed to deliver images to the registry ERROR: Failed to push images to the registry.
Related Information
Document Location
[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB24","label":"Security Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSBQAC","label":"IBM Security QRadar SIEM"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000cwt3AAA","label":"QRadar Apps"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]
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Document Information
Modified date:
30 August 2022