The CHECK_PASSWORD table function checks whether an input value meets the password rules for the system. This function does not change the password for any user.
The password rules are composed of system values QPWDRQDDIF and either QPWDRULES or all of the following: QPWDMINLEN, QPWDMAXLEN, QPWDLMTAJC, QPWDLMTCHR, QPWDLMTREP, and QPWDRQDDGT. System values QPWDPOSDIF and QPWDRULES *LMTSAMPOS are not enforced since a current password is not used for a comparison.
The function is similar to the Check Password Meets Password Rules (QSYCHKPR) API. If the password conforms to the password rules, exit programs registered under exit point QIBM_QSY_CHK_PASSWRD, format CHKP0200 are called to allow for additional verification.
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Modified date:
03 May 2022