IBM Support

Migration of ICM 533 IF9 (Development environment) to BAW 2102 CP4BA Authoring environment on containers

General Page

This document gives clear steps on how to migrate successfully from IBM Case Manager Development on on-prem to Business Automation Workflow Authoring on containers.

The main purpose of the migration is to use the existing databases of the on-prem and at the same time the user gets the Business Automation Workflow Authoring on containers user environment.


  • IBM Case Manager 5.3.3 IF9 must be installed with a development environment deployment. For steps on how to create a development environment deployment follow the link here: Configuring the development environment.

When you are configuring the IBM Case Manager profile, select the development environment and deploy BM Case Manager, with the default Configuration tasks.

The database, which has the GCD, IBM Content Navigator, DOS, and TOS databases are the same databases that are used even after migration, so ensure that it is available even after migration. If you are using file storage object stores, make sure that there is a backup that is taken.

The LDAP used on-prem are used on containers too.

The DOCS (Documents) and AEOS (Application Engine) object store must be created on the on-prem before the migration.

Plan sheet for migration

Make a note of all the following details mentioned in the chart. It helps you not to miss out any details that are needed for migration:

Sl. No.

On-prem details



Database server Name/ IP


GCD details:

  1. Database Name
  2. Non-XA data source name
  3. XA data source Name
  4. Database username
  5. Database Password


IBM Content Navigator Database details:

  1. Database Name
  2. Non-XA data source name
  3. XA data source Name
  4. Database username
  5. Database Password
  6. IBM Content Navigator schema name
  7. IBM Content Navigator table space name


DOS Database details:

  1. Database Name
  2. Non-XA data source name
  3. XA data source Name
  4. Database user name
  5. Database Password


TOS Database details:

  1. Database Name
  2. Non-XA data source name
  3. XA data source Name
  4. Database username
  5. Database Password


File Storage Target Object Store:

  1. Database Name
  2. Non-XA data source name
  3. XA data source Name
  4. Database username
  5. Database Password
  6. Backup of the file storage area files


LDAP Configuration Details of on-prem


Administrator user


Administrator Group


Connection Point Names: (For Target Object Stores Only)


IBM Case Manager Custom plug-in file and file name


P8 Domain name


DOCS Object Store Database Details:

  1. Database Name
  2. Non-XA data source name
  3. XA data source Name
  4. Database username
  5. Database Password


AEOS Object Store Database Details:

  1. Database Name
  2. Non-XA data source name
  3. XA data source Name
  4. Database username
  5. Database Password

Installing Business Automation Workflow on OCP environment:

Refer to the guide mentioned here for instructions on Business Automation Workflow Installation on OCP: IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation documentation

After the CR is generated, the following modifications must be done.

This migration is supported to "CP4BA 2102 IF8 and higher or CP4BA 2103 IF5 and higher" versions only.

Updating the CR files

After the CR file is generated, it must be updated with the values of on-prem. Refer the sample CR in the following box.

##Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
##(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2021. All Rights Reserved.
##US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
##disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
kind: ICP4ACluster
  name: icp4adeploy
  labels: ibm-dba ibm-dba ibm-dba
    release: 21.0.2
  ## CP4A application version
  appVersion: 21.0.2
  ## MUST exist, used to accept ibm license, valid value only can be "accept"
  ibm_license: accept
  ##  The contents of this template CR file reflect only the specific parameters and configuration
  ##  settings applicable to the represented ICP4A capability.
  ##  These values/configuration sections are to be used when manually assembling or updating the main
  ##  ICP4A CR that is being applied in order to install an ICP4A environment.
  ##  If you are in the process of preparing a new install of an ICP4A environment,
  ##  you should merge the required values and configuration sections from this file into the
  ##  starting point CR template: ibm_cp4a_cr_enterprise_foundation.yaml available in the
  ##  same location as this template.
  ##  If you updating an existing ICP4A environment, you should merge the required values and configuration
  ##  sections from this template in the main ICP4A CR file already applied in the environment.
    ## FileNet Content Manager (FNCM) license and possible values are: user, non-production, and production.
    ## This value could be different from the other licenses in the CR.
    sc_deployment_fncm_license: "non-production"
    ## Business Automation Workflow (BAW) license and possible values are: user, non-production, and production.
    ## This value could be different from the other licenses in the CR.
    sc_deployment_baw_license: "non-production"
    ## Use this parameter to specify the license for the CP4A deployment and
    ## the possible values are: non-production and production and if not set, the license will
    ## be defaulted to production.  This value could be different from the other licenses in the CR.
    sc_deployment_license: "non-production"
    ## All CP4A components must use/share the same docker image repository.  For example, if IBM Entitled Registry is used, then
    ## it should be "".  Otherwise, it will be a local docker registry.
    ## All CP4A components must use/share the root_ca_secret in order for integration
    root_ca_secret: icp4a-root-ca
    ## CP4A patterns or capabilities to be deployed. This CR represents the "workflow" pattern, which includes the following
    ## mandatory components: ban(Business Automation Navigator), ums (User Management Service), rr (Resource registry), app_engine( Application Engine) and optional components: bai, ae_data_persistence
    sc_deployment_patterns: "foundation,workflow"
    ## The optional components to be installed if listed here.  This is normally populated by the User script based on input from the user.
    ## The optional components are: bai,ae_data_persistence. Please do not delete baw_authoring, because it determines that this is a Workflow Authoring environment.
    sc_optional_components: "ae_data_persistence,baw_authoring,cmis"
    ## The deployment type as selected by the user.  Possible values are: demo, enteprise
    sc_deployment_type: "enterprise"
    ## The platform to be deployed specified by the user. Possible values are: OCP and other.  This is normally populated by the User script
    ## based on input from the user.
    sc_deployment_platform: "OCP"
    ## This is the deployment hostname suffix, this is optional and the default hostname suffix will be used as {meta.namespace}.router-canonicalhostname
    #sc_deployment_hostname_suffix: "{{ meta.namespace }}"
    ## For ROKS, this is used to enable the creation of ingresses. The default value is "false", which routes will be created.
    sc_ingress_enable: false
    ## For ROKS Ingress, provide TLS secret name for Ingress controller. If you are not using ROKS, comment out this line.
    sc_ingress_tls_secret_name: <Required>
    ## If the root certificate authority (CA) key of the external service is not signed by the operator root CA key, provide the TLS certificate of
    ## the external service to the component's truststore.
    trusted_certificate_list: []
    ## On OCP 3.x and 4.x, the User script will populate these three (3) parameters based on your input for "enterprise" deployment.
    ## If you manually deploying without using the User script, then you would provide the different storage classes for the slow, medium
    ## and fast storage parameters below. If you only have 1 storage class defined, then you can use that 1 storage class for all 3 parameters.
      sc_slow_file_storage_classname: managed-nfs-storage
      sc_medium_file_storage_classname: managed-nfs-storage
      sc_fast_file_storage_classname: managed-nfs-storage
    ## Shared encryption key secret name that is used for Workflow or Workstream Services and Process Federation Server integration.
    ## This secret is also used by Workflow and BAStudio to store AES encryption key.
    encryption_key_secret: ibm-iaws-shared-key-secret
    ## Enable/disable ECM (FNCM) / BAN initialization (e.g., creation of P8 domain, creation/configuration of object stores,
    ## creation/configuration of CSS servers, and initialization of Navigator (
IBM Content Navigator)).  If the "initialize_configuration" section
    ## is defined in the CR (below), then that configuration will take precedence overriding this parameter.
    sc_content_initialization: true
    sc_cpe_limited_storage: false
    show_sensitive_log: true
    - pull-secret
  ## The beginning section of LDAP configuration for CP4A
    ## The possible values are: "IBM Security Directory Server" or "Microsoft Active Directory"
    lc_selected_ldap_type: "IBM Security Directory Server"
    ## The name of the LDAP server to connect
    lc_ldap_server: "ldap_host_name"
    ## The port of the LDAP server to connect. Some possible values are: 389, 636, etc.
    lc_ldap_port: "389"
    ## The LDAP bind secret for LDAP authentication. The secret is expected to have ldapUsername and ldapPassword keys.  Refer to Knowledge Center for more info.
    lc_bind_secret: ldap-bind-secret
    ## The LDAP base DN.  For example, "dc=example,dc=com", "dc=abc,dc=com", etc
    lc_ldap_base_dn: "ldap_base_dn"
    ## Enable SSL/TLS for LDAP communication. Refer to Knowledge Center for more info.
    lc_ldap_ssl_enabled: false
    ## The name of the secret that contains the LDAP SSL/TLS certificate.
    lc_ldap_ssl_secret_name: "<Required>"
    ## The LDAP user name attribute. Semicolon-separated list that must include the first RDN user distinguished names. One possible value is "*:uid" for TDS and "user:sAMAccountName" for AD. Refer to Knowledge Center for more info.
    lc_ldap_user_name_attribute: "*:cn"
    ## The LDAP user display name attribute. One possible value is "cn" for TDS and "sAMAccountName" for AD. Refer to Knowledge Center for more info.
    lc_ldap_user_display_name_attr: "cn"
    ## The LDAP group base DN.  For example, "dc=example,dc=com", "dc=abc,dc=com", etc
    lc_ldap_group_base_dn: "ldap_group_base_dn"
    ## The LDAP group name attribute.  One possible value is "*:cn" for TDS and "*:cn" for AD. Refer to Knowledge Center for more info.
    lc_ldap_group_name_attribute: "*:cn"
    ## The LDAP group display name attribute. One possible value for both TDS and AD is "cn". Refer to Knowledge Center for more info.
    lc_ldap_group_display_name_attr: "cn"
    ## The LDAP group membership search filter string.  One possible value is "(|(&(objectclass=groupofnames)(member={0}))(&(objectclass=groupofuniquenames)(uniquemember={0})))" for TDS
    ## and "(&(cn=%v)(objectcategory=group))" for AD.
    lc_ldap_group_membership_search_filter: "(|(&(objectclass=groupofnames)(member={0}))(&(objectclass=groupofuniquenames)(uniquemember={0})))"
    ## The LDAP group membership ID map. One possible value is "groupofnames:member" for TDS and "memberOf:member" for AD.
    lc_ldap_group_member_id_map: "groupofnames:member"
    ## The User script will uncomment the section needed based on user's input from User script.  If you are deploying without the User script,
    ## uncomment the necessary section (depending if you are using Active Directory (ad) or Tivoli Directory Service (tds)) accordingly.
    # ad:
    #   lc_ad_gc_host: "<Required>"
    #   lc_ad_gc_port: "<Required>"
    #   lc_user_filter: "(&(sAMAccountName=%v)(objectcategory=user))"
    #   lc_group_filter: "(&(cn=%v)(objectcategory=group))"
      lc_user_filter: "(&(cn=%v)(objectclass=person))"
      lc_group_filter: "(&(cn=%v)(|(objectclass=groupofnames)(objectclass=groupofuniquenames)(objectclass=groupofurls)))"
  ## The beginning section of database configuration for CP4A
    ## The dc_ssl_enabled parameter is used to support database connection over SSL for DB2/Oracle.
    dc_ssl_enabled: false
    ## The database_precheck parameter is used to enable or disable
Content Platform Engine/Navigator database connection check.
    ## If set to "true", then
Content Platform Engine/Navigator database connection check will be enabled.
    ## if set to "false", then
Content Platform Engine/Navigator database connection check will not be enabled.
    # database_precheck: true
    ## The database configuration for
IBM Content Navigator (Navigator) - aka BAN (Business Automation Navigator)
      ## Provide the database type from your infrastructure. The possible values are "db2" or "db2HADR" or "oracle" or "postgresql".  This should be the same as the
      ## GCD and object store configuration above.
      dc_database_type: "oracle"
      ## Provide the
IBM Content Navigator datasource name. The default value is "ECMClientDS".
      dc_common_icn_datasource_name: "icn_database_datasourcename_fromonprem"
      database_servername: "icn_database_serverip_fromonprem"
      ## Provide the database server port.  For Db2, the default is "50000".  For Oracle, the default is "1521"
      database_port: "icn_database_port_number_fromonprem"
      ## Provide the name of the database for
IBM Content Navigator (Navigator).  For example: "ICNDB"
      database_name: "icn_databasename_fromonprem"
      ## The name of the secret that contains the DB2 SSL certificate.
      database_ssl_secret_name: "<Required>"
      ## If the database type is Oracle, provide the Oracle DB connection string.  For example, "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<oracle_server>:1521/orcl"
      #dc_oracle_icn_jdbc_url: "jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST="
      dc_oracle_icn_jdbc_url: "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<database_ip_onprem>:<database_port_onprem>/<database_sid_onprem>"
      ## If the database type is "Db2HADR", then complete the rest of the parameters below.
      ## Otherwise, remove or comment out the rest of the parameters below.
      dc_hadr_standby_servername: "<Required>"
      ## Provide the standby database server port. For Db2, the default is "50000".
      dc_hadr_standby_port: "<Required>"
      ## Provide the validation timeout. If not preference, keep the default value.
      dc_hadr_validation_timeout: 15
      ## Provide the retry internal. If not preference, keep the default value.
      dc_hadr_retry_interval_for_client_reroute: 15
      ## Provide the max # of retries. If not preference, keep the default value.
      dc_hadr_max_retries_for_client_reroute: 3
    ## The database configuration for UMS (User Management Service)
      ## Provide the datasource configuration for oauth
      ## Possible dc_ums_oauth_type values are "derby" for test only and "db2", "oracle", "sqlserver" and "postgresql" for production.
      ## This configuration should be the same as the other datasource configuration in the dc_ums_datasource section.
      ## db2 with HADR is automatically activated if dc_ums_oauth_alternate_hosts and dc_ums_oauth_alternate_ports are set.
      ## For Oracle RAC, specify the host name of the SCAN listener as the value of the dc_ums_oauth_host parameter
      dc_ums_oauth_type: "oracle"
      ## Provide the database server name or IP address of the database server.
      dc_ums_oauth_host: "ums_database_server_ip"
      ## Provide the database server port.  For Db2, the default is "50000".  For Oracle, the default is "1521". For MSSQL, the default is "1433"- For PostgreSQL, the default is "5432".
      dc_ums_oauth_port: "ums_database_portnumber"
      ## Provide the name of the database for UMS. For example: "UMSDB"
      dc_ums_oauth_name: "ums_database_oracle_sid"
      dc_ums_oauth_schema: <ums database name>
      dc_ums_oauth_oracle_service_name: <ums database sid>      
      dc_ums_oauth_ssl: false
      dc_ums_oauth_ssl_secret_name: "<Required>"
      ## For "oracle", "sqlserver" and "postgresql" provide the names of the driver files
      dc_ums_oauth_driverfiles: "ojdbc8.jar"
      ## For db2 HADR only
      dc_ums_oauth_type: "oracle"
      ## Provide the database server name or IP address of the database server.
      dc_ums_oauth_host: "<ums_auth_db_server_ip>"
      ## Provide the database server port.  For Db2, the default is "50000".  For Oracle, the default is "1521". For MSSQL, the default is "1433"- For PostgreSQL, the default is "5432".
      dc_ums_oauth_port: "<ums_auth_db_port>"
      ## Provide the name of the database for UMS. For example: "UMSDB"
      dc_ums_oauth_name: "<ums_auth_db_sid>"
      dc_ums_oauth_schema: <ums_auth_databasename>
      dc_ums_oauth_oracle_service_name: <ums_auth_db_sid>      
      dc_ums_oauth_ssl: false
      dc_ums_oauth_ssl_secret_name: "<Required>"
      ## For "oracle", "sqlserver" and "postgresql" provide the names of the driver files
      dc_ums_oauth_driverfiles: "ojdbc8.jar"
      ## For db2 HADR only
      ## Provide the datasource configuration for the teamserver
      ## Possible dc_ums_teamserver_type values are "derby" for test only and "db2", "oracle", "sqlserver" and "postgresql" for production.
      ## This configuration should be the same as the other datasource configuration in the dc_ums_datasource section.
      ## db2 with HADR is automatically activated if dc_ums_teamserver_alternate_hosts and dc_ums_teamserver_alternate_ports are set.
      ## For Oracle RAC, specify the host name of the SCAN listener as the value of the dc_ums_teamserver_host parameter
      dc_ums_teamserver_type: "oracle"
      dc_ums_teamserver_host: "<ums_teamserverdb_host ip>"
      ## Provide the database server port.  For Db2, the default is "50000".  For Oracle, the default is "1521". For MS SQL, the default is "1433"- For PostgreSQL, the default is "5432".
      dc_ums_teamserver_port: "<ums teamserverdb_port"
      ## Provide the name of the database for UMS teamserver.  For example: "UMSDB"
      dc_ums_teamserver_name: "<ums_teamserver_dbname>"
      dc_ums_teamserver_schema: <ums_teamserver_schema name>
      dc_ums_teamserver_oracle_service_name: <ums-teamserver_oracle_sid>
      dc_ums_teamserver_ssl: false
      dc_ums_teamserver_ssl_secret_name: "<Required>"
      ## For "oracle", "sqlserver" and "postgresql" provide the names of the driver files
      dc_ums_teamserver_driverfiles: "ojdbc8.jar"
      ## For db2 HADR only
    # database_precheck: true
    ## The database configuration for the GCD datasource for
Content Platform Engine
      ## Provide the database type from your infrastructure. The possible values are "db2" or "db2HADR" or "oracle" or "postgresql".
      dc_database_type: "oracle"
      ## The GCD non-XA datasource name. The default value is "FNGCDDS".
      dc_common_gcd_datasource_name: "<GCD non-XA datasourcename_as on onprem>"
      ## The GCD XA datasource name. The default value is "FNGCDDSXA".
      dc_common_gcd_xa_datasource_name: "<GCD XA datasourcename as on onprem>"
      ## Provide the database server name or IP address of the database server.
      database_servername: "<GCD Database server ip/hostname_ as on onprem>"
      ## Provide the name of the database for the GCD for
Content Platform Engine.  For example: "GCDDB"
      database_name: "<GCD DB Name_ as on onprem>"
      ## Provide the database server port. For Db2, the default is "50000".  For Oracle, the default is "1521"
      database_port: "<GCD Database port number>"
      ## The name of the secret that contains the DB2 SSL certificate.
      #database_ssl_secret_name: "<Required>"
      ## If the database type is Oracle, provide the Oracle DB connection string.  For example, "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<oracle_server>:1521/orcl"
      #dc_oracle_gcd_jdbc_url: "jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST="
      dc_oracle_gcd_jdbc_url: "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<GCD Databaseip/hostname>:<GCD Database port number>/<GCD Database oracle SID>"
      ## If the database type is Db2 HADR, then complete the rest of the parameters below.
      ## Provide the database server name or IP address of the standby database server.
      #dc_hadr_standby_servername: "<Required>"
      ## Provide the standby database server port. For Db2, the default is "50000".
      #dc_hadr_standby_port: "<Required>"
      ## Provide the validation timeout. If not preference, keep the default value.
      dc_hadr_validation_timeout: 15
      ## Provide the retry internal. If not preference, keep the default value.
      dc_hadr_retry_interval_for_client_reroute: 15
      ## Provide the max # of retries. If not preference, keep the default value.
      dc_hadr_max_retries_for_client_reroute: 3
    ## The database configuration for the document object store (DOCS) datasource for
Content Platform Engine
    - dc_database_type: "oracle" ## Object store for BAW DOCS Provide the database type from your infrastructure.  The possible values are "db2" or "db2HADR" or "oracle" or "postgresql". This should be the same as the GCD configuration above.
      ## Provide the object store label for the object store. The default value is "os" or not defined.
      ## This label must match the OS secret you define in ibm-fncm-secret.
      ## For example, if you define dc_os_label: "abc", then your OS secret must be defined as:
      ## --from-literal=abcDBUsername="<your os db username>" --from-literal=abcDBPassword="<your os db password>"
      ## If you don't define dc_os_label, then your secret will be defined as:
      ## --from-literal=osDBUsername="<your os db username>" --from-literal=osDBPassword="<your os db password>".
      ## If you have multiple object stores, then you need to define multiple datasource sections starting
      ## at "dc_database_type" element.
      ## If all the object store databases share the same username and password, then dc_os_label value should be the same
      ## in all the datasource sections.
      dc_os_label: "docs"
      ## The DOCS non-XA datasource name. The default value is "BAWDOCS".
      dc_common_os_datasource_name: "<DOCS DB Non-XA Datasource name _ as on onprem>"
      ## The DOCS XA datasource name. The default value is "BAWDOCSXA".
      dc_common_os_xa_datasource_name: "<DOCS DB XA Datasource name_as on onprem>"
      ## Provide the database server name or IP address of the database server.  This should be the same as the
      ## GCD configuration above.
      database_servername: "<DOCS DB Server ip/hostname_ as on onprem>"
      ## Provide the name of the database for the object store 1 for
Content Platform Engine.  For example: "OS1DB"
      database_name: "<DOCSDB Database name_ as on onprem>"
      ## Provide the database server port. For Db2, the default is "50000".  For Oracle, the default is "1521"
      database_port: "<DOCSDB port number _ as on onprem>"
      ## The name of the secret that contains the DB2 SSL certificate.
      #database_ssl_secret_name: "<Required>"
      ## If the database type is Oracle, provide the Oracle DB connection string.  For example, "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<oracle_server>:1521/orcl"
      #dc_oracle_os_jdbc_url: "jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST="
      dc_oracle_os_jdbc_url: "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<DOCS DB Database ip or hostname>:<DOCS DB port number>/<DOCS DB Database _Oracle SID>"
      ## If the database type is "Db2HADR", then complete the rest of the parameters below.
      ## Otherwise, remove or comment out the rest of the parameters below.
      dc_hadr_standby_servername: "<Required>"
      ## Provide the standby database server port. For Db2, the default is "50000".
      dc_hadr_standby_port: "<Required>"
      ## Provide the validation timeout. If not preference, keep the default value.
      dc_hadr_validation_timeout: 15
      ## Provide the retry internal. If not preference, keep the default value.
      dc_hadr_retry_interval_for_client_reroute: 15
      ## Provide the max # of retries. If not preference, keep the default value.
      dc_hadr_max_retries_for_client_reroute: 3
    - dc_database_type: "oracle" ## Design object store
      ## Provide the object store label for the object store. The default value is "os" or not defined.
      ## This label must match the OS secret you define in ibm-fncm-secret.
      ## For example, if you define dc_os_label: "abc", then your OS secret must be defined as:
      ## --from-literal=abcDBUsername="<your os db username>" --from-literal=abcDBPassword="<your os db password>"
      ## If you don't define dc_os_label, then your secret will be defined as:
      ## --from-literal=osDBUsername="<your os db username>" --from-literal=osDBPassword="<your os db password>".
      ## If you have multiple object stores, then you need to define multiple datasource sections starting
      ## at "dc_database_type" element.
      ## If all the object store databases share the same username and password, then dc_os_label value should be the same
      ## in all the datasource sections.
      dc_os_label: "dos"
      ## The DOS non-XA datasource name. The default value is "BAWDOS".
      dc_common_os_datasource_name: "<DOS Database non-XA datasource name as on onprem>"
      ## The DOS XA datasource name.  The default value is "BAWDOSXA".
      dc_common_os_xa_datasource_name: "<DOS Database XA datasource name as on on-prem>"
      ## Provide the database server name or IP address of the database server.  This should be the same as the
      ## GCD configuration above.
      database_servername: "<DOS DB Server ip/hostname>"
      ## Provide the name of the database for the object store 3 for
Content Platform Engine.  For example: "OS3DB"
      database_name: "<DOS DB Database name>"
      ## Provide the database server port. For Db2, the default is "50000".  For Oracle, the default is "1521"
      database_port: "<DOS DB port number>"
      ## The name of the secret that contains the DB2 SSL certificate.
      database_ssl_secret_name: "<Required>"
      ## If the database type is Oracle, provide the Oracle DB connection string.  For example, "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<oracle_server>:1521/orcl"
      #dc_oracle_os_jdbc_url: "jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST="
      dc_oracle_os_jdbc_url: "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<DOS DB Database Servername/ip>:<DOS DB port number>/<DOS DB Oracle SID>"
      ## If the database type is "Db2HADR", then complete the rest of the parameters below.
      ## Otherwise, remove or comment out the rest of the parameters below.
      dc_hadr_standby_servername: "<Required>"
      ## Provide the standby database server port. For Db2, the default is "50000".
      dc_hadr_standby_port: "<Required>"
      ## Provide the validation timeout. If not preference, keep the default value.
      dc_hadr_validation_timeout: 15
      ## Provide the retry internal. If not preference, keep the default value.
      dc_hadr_retry_interval_for_client_reroute: 15
      ## Provide the max # of retries. If not preference, keep the default value.
      dc_hadr_max_retries_for_client_reroute: 3
    - dc_database_type: "oracle" ## Target object store
      ## Provide the object store label for the object store. The default value is "os" or not defined.
      ## This label must match the OS secret you define in ibm-fncm-secret.
      ## For example, if you define dc_os_label: "abc", then your OS secret must be defined as:
      ## --from-literal=abcDBUsername="<your os db username>" --from-literal=abcDBPassword="<your os db password>"
      ## If you don't define dc_os_label, then your secret will be defined as:
      ## --from-literal=osDBUsername="<your os db username>" --from-literal=osDBPassword="<your os db password>".
      ## If you have multiple object stores, then you need to define multiple datasource sections starting
      ## at "dc_database_type" element.
      ## If all the object store databases share the same username and password, then dc_os_label value should be the same
      ## in all the datasource sections.
      dc_os_label: "tos"
      ## The TOS non-XA datasource name. The default value is "BAWTOS".
      dc_common_os_datasource_name: "<TOS DB non-XA Datasource name _as on onprem>"
      ## The TOS XA datasource name. The default value is "BAWTOSXA".
      dc_common_os_xa_datasource_name: "<TOS DB XA Datasourcename as on onprem>"
      ## Provide the database server name or IP address of the database server.  This should be the same as the
      ## GCD configuration above.
      database_servername: "<TOS DB Server ip/hostname>"
      ## Provide the name of the database for the object store 3 for
Content Platform Engine.  For example: "OS3DB"
      database_name: "<TOSDB Database name>"
      ## Provide the database server port. For Db2, the default is "50000".  For Oracle, the default is "1521"
      database_port: "<TOS DB port>"
      ## The name of the secret that contains the DB2 SSL certificate.
      #database_ssl_secret_name: "<Required>"
      ## If the database type is Oracle, provide the Oracle DB connection string.  For example, "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<oracle_server>:1521/orcl"
      #dc_oracle_os_jdbc_url: "jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST="
      dc_oracle_os_jdbc_url: "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<TOS DB Database server ip/hostname_ on prem>:<TOS DB port number>/<TOSDB Oracle_ SID>"
      ## If the database type is "Db2HADR", then complete the rest of the parameters below.
      ## Otherwise, remove or comment out the rest of the parameters below.
      #dc_hadr_standby_servername: "<Required>"
      ## Provide the standby database server port. For Db2, the default is "50000".
      #dc_hadr_standby_port: "<Required>"
      ## Provide the validation timeout. If not preference, keep the default value.
      dc_hadr_validation_timeout: 15
      ## Provide the retry internal. If not preference, keep the default value.
      dc_hadr_retry_interval_for_client_reroute: 15
      ## Provide the max # of retries. If not preference, keep the default value.
      dc_hadr_max_retries_for_client_reroute: 3
    - dc_database_type: "oracle" # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      ## Provide the object store label for the object store.  The default value is "os" or not defined.
      ## This label must match the OS secret you define in ibm-fncm-secret.
      ## For example, if you define dc_os_label: "abc", then your OS secret must be defined as:
      ## --from-literal=abcDBUsername="<your os db username>" --from-literal=abcDBPassword="<your os db password>"
      ## If you don't define dc_os_label, then your secret will be defined as:
      ## --from-literal=osDBUsername="<your os db username>" --from-literal=osDBPassword="<your os db password>".
      ## If you have multiple object stores, then you need to define multiple datasource sections starting
      ## at "dc_database_type" element.
      ## If all the object store databases share the same username and password, then dc_os_label value should be the same
      ## in all the datasource sections.
      dc_os_label: "aeos"
      ## The AEOS non-XA datasource name. The default value is "AEOS".
      dc_common_os_datasource_name: "<AE Object store non-XA Datasourcename_ as on onprem"
      ## The AEOS XA datasource name. The default value is "AEOSXA".
      dc_common_os_xa_datasource_name: "<AE Object store XA Datasourcename _ as on onprem "
      ## Provide the database server name or IP address of the database server.  This should be the same as the
      ## GCD configuration above.
      database_servername: "<AEOS Database Server ip/hostname _ as on onprem>"
      ## Provide the name of the database for the object store AEOS for
Content Platform Engine.  For example: "AEOSDB"
      database_name: "<AEOS Database name_ as on onprem>"
      ## Provide the database server port. For Db2, the default is "50000".  For Oracle, the default is "1521"
      database_port: "<AEOS Database port _as on onprem>"
      ## The name of the secret that contains the DB2 SSL certificate.
      database_ssl_secret_name: "<Required>"
      ## If the database type is Oracle, provide the Oracle DB connection string.  For example, "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<oracle_server>:1521/orcl"
      #dc_oracle_os_jdbc_url: "jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST="
      dc_oracle_os_jdbc_url: "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<AEOS Database server hostname/ip>:<AEOS Database port number>/<AEOS DB SID>"
      ## If the database type is "Db2HADR", then complete the rest of the parameters below.
      ## Otherwise, remove or comment out the rest of the parameters below.
      #dc_hadr_standby_servername: "<Required>"
      ## Provide the standby database server port. For Db2, the default is "50000".
      #dc_hadr_standby_port: "<Required>"
      ## Provide the validation timeout. If not preference, keep the default value.
      dc_hadr_validation_timeout: 15
      ## Provide the retry internal. If not preference, keep the default value.
      dc_hadr_retry_interval_for_client_reroute: 15
      ## Provide the max # of retries. If not preference, keep the default value.
      dc_hadr_max_retries_for_client_reroute: 3
  ## This section contains the BAStudio component configurations              #
  ##  it's the optional component: app_designer, ads_designer, bas,           #
  ##                               workflow-authoring                         #
    #Adjust this one if you created the secret with name other than the default
    admin_secret_name: "icp4adeploy-bas-admin-secret"
    # bastudio admin Secret template will be
    # apiVersion: v1
    # stringData:
    #   dbPassword: "<Your database password>"
    #   dbUsername: "<Your database username>"
    # kind: Secret
    # metadata:
    #   name: icp4adeploy-bas-admin-secret
    # type: Opaque
    # Designate an existing LDAP user for the BAStudio admin user.
    admin_user: "P8Admin"
      # Configuration required for configure DB2 for BA Studio server
      # If you are not going to use DB2. Please comment out this section
      # Provide the database server hostname for BAStudio use
      host: "<BAStudio Database hostname / ip>"
      # Provide the database name for BAStudio use
      # The database provided should be created by the BAStudio SQL script template.
      name: "<BAStudio Database name>"
      # Provide the database server port for BAStudio use
      port: "<BAStudio Database portnumber>"
      # If you are using custom JDBC (for example using some special DB2 driver). Please set this one to true
      use_custom_jdbc_drivers: true
      # If you want to enable database automatic client reroute (ACR) for HADR, you must configure alternative_host and alternative_port. Otherwise, leave them blank.
      type: oracle
      # Configuration required for configure Oracle for BA Studio server
      # If you are going to use Oracle. Please uncomment this section
      # type: oracle
      # ## Oracle - If you are using Oracle input the oracle database connection URL here
      oracle_url: "jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=<BAStudio Database hostname/ IP>)(PORT=<BAStudio Database port number>))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=<BAStudio Database Oracle SID>)))"
      #oracle_url: "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//"
      # ## Required when using Oracle
      # use_custom_jdbc_drivers: true
      # ## The persistent volume claim for custom JDBC Drivers if using the custom jdbc drivers is enabled
      custom_jdbc_pvc: operator-shared-pvc
      # ## Input your Oracle JDBC jar files here. Like: ojdbc8.jar
      jdbc_driver_files: ojdbc8.jar
      # Configuration required for configure PostgreSQL for BA Studio server
      # If you are going to use PostgreSQL. Please uncomment this section
      # type: postgresql
      # ## Provide the database server hostname for BAStudio use
      # host: "<Required>"
      # ## Provide the database name for BAStudio use
      # ## The database provided should be created by the BAStudio SQL script template.
      # name: "<Required>"
      # ## Provide the database server port for BAStudio use
      # port: "<Required>"
      # ## Required when using PostgreSQL
      # use_custom_jdbc_drivers: true
      # ## The persistent volume claim for custom JDBC Drivers if using the custom jdbc drivers is enabled
      # custom_jdbc_pvc: <Required>
      # ## Input your PostgreSQL JDBC jar files here. Like: postgresql-42.2.16.jar
      # jdbc_driver_files: <Required>
      # ## If you want to enable PostgreSQL Connection Fail-over, you must configure alternative_host and alternative_port. Otherwise, leave them blank.
      # alternative_host:
      # alternative_port:
      # SSL connection for database is enabled by default. Please input the secret name including cert
      ssl_enabled: false
      #certificate_secret_name: <Required>
    #  App Engine Playback Server (playback_server) can be only one instance. This is different from App Engine (where application_engine_configuration is a list and you can deploy multiple instances).
    #  You should use different database, admin_secret_name, hostname for playback server and the application engine servers
      #Adjust this one if you created the secret with name other than the default
      admin_secret_name: playback-server-admin-secret
      # The playback server admin Secret template will be
      # apiVersion: v1
      # stringData:
      #   AE_DATABASE_PWD: "<Your database password>"
      #   AE_DATABASE_USER: "<Your database username>"
      #   REDIS_PASSWORD: "<Your Redis server password>"
      # kind: Secret
      # metadata:
      #   name: playback-server-admin-secret
      # type: Opaque
      # Designate an existing LDAP user for the Playback Application Engine admin user.
      # This user ID should be in the IBM Business Automation Navigator administrator role, as specified as appLoginUsername in the Navigator secret.
      # This user should also belong to the User Management Service (UMS) Teams admin group or the UMS Teams Administrators team.
      # If not, follow the instructions in "Completing post-deployment tasks for Business Automation Studio and Application Engine" in the IBM Documentation to add it to the Navigator Administrator role and UMS team server admin group.
      admin_user: "<LDAP Admin user name _same as used for cpe on onprem>"
      ## When the database type is Db2 you can set this to false, must be set to true when the database type is Oracle, PostgreSQL.
      use_custom_jdbc_drivers: true
        # Configuration required for configure DB2 for BA Studio playback server
        # If you are going to use Oracle. Please comment out this section
        #Provide the database server hostname for playback application engine use
        host: "< AE Playback DB Server hostname/ip>"
        #Provide the database name for playback application engine use
        name: "<AE playback Database name>"
        #Provide the database server port for playback application engine use
        port: "<AE Playback DB port number>"
        ## If you set up DB2 HADR and want to use it, you must configure alternative_host and alternative_port. Otherwise, leave them blank.
        type: oracle
        # Configuration required for configure Oracle for BA Studio playback server
        # If you are going to use Oracle. Please uncomment this section
        # type: oracle
        # ## Required only when type is Oracle, both ssl and non-ssl. The format must be purely oracle descriptor like (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=<your database host/IP>)(PORT=<your database port>))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=<your oracle service name>)))
        oracle_url_without_wallet_directory: "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=<AE Playback database ip/hostname>)(PORT=<AE Playback database port number>))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=<AE Playback DB _ Oracle SID)))"
        #oracle_url_without_wallet_directory: "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//"
        #oracle_url_without_wallet_directory: "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//"
        # ## Required only when type is Oracle and enable_ssl is true. The format must be purely oracle descriptor. SSO wallet directory must be specified and fixed to (MY_WALLET_DIRECTORY=/shared/resources/oracle/wallet).
        #oracle_url_with_wallet_directory: "jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST="
        # ## Required only when type is oracle and enable_ssl is true.
        # ## The persistent volume claim for custom JDBC Drivers if using the custom jdbc drivers is enabled
        custom_jdbc_pvc: jdbc-pvc
        # Configuration required for configure PostgreSQL for BA Studio playback server
        # If you are going to use PostgreSQL. Please uncomment this section
        # type: PostgreSQL
        # ## The persistent volume claim for custom JDBC Drivers if using the custom jdbc drivers is enabled
        # custom_jdbc_pvc: <Required>
        # #Provide the database server hostname for playback application engine use
        # host: "<Required>"
        # #Provide the database name for playback application engine use
        # name: "<Required>"
        # #Provide the database server port for playback application engine use
        # port: "<Required>"
        # ## If you want to enable PostgreSQL Connection Fail-over, you must configure alternative_host and alternative_port. Otherwise, leave them blank.
        # alternative_host:
        # alternative_port:
        # SSL connection for database is enabled by default. Please input the secret name including cert
        enable_ssl: false
        db_cert_secret_name: <Required>
        oracle_url: "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<playback AE Database Server name>:<playback AE Database port number>/<playback AE Database Oracle SID>"
      # If you want better HA experience.
      # - Set the session.use_external_store to true
      # - Fill in your redis server information
        use_external_store: false
        # Your external redis host/ip
        # Your external redis port
        port: '6379'
        # If your redis enabled TLS connection set this to true
        # You should add redis server CA certificate in tls_trust_list or trusted_certificate_list
        tls_enabled: false
        # If you are using Redis V6 and above with username fill in this field.
        # Otherwise leave this field as empty
  ########   IBM User and Group Management Service configuration  ########
    use_custom_jdbc_drivers: true
    existing_claim_name: operator-shared-pvc
  ######## IBM Business Automation Application server  configurations  ########
  ##  This section contains the configurations for                           ##
  ##  * App Engine Server                                                    ##
  ##  it's the optional component and will be installed when                 ##
  ##  patterns include: application, workflow, workstreams,                  ##
  ##                    workflow-workstreams or document_processing          ##
  ########   IBM Business Automation Navigator configuration      ########
      tag: ga-3010-icn-la001
      pull_policy: Always
      timezone: Etc/UTC
      icn_db_type: oracle
      icn_jndids_name: ECMClientDS
      icn_schema: ECMDB
      icn_table_space: ECMDB
      icn_admin: P8Admin
      license: accept  
  - name: workspace ## The application_engine_configuration is a list. You can deploy multiple instances of App Engine and assign different configurations for each instance.
    #Adjust this one if you created the secret with name other than the default
    admin_secret_name: "icp4adeploy-workspace-aae-app-engine-admin-secret"
    # The app engine admin Secret template will be
    # apiVersion: v1
    # stringData:
    #   AE_DATABASE_PWD: "<Your database password>"
    #   AE_DATABASE_USER: "<Your database username>"
    #   REDIS_PASSWORD: "<Your Redis server password>"
    # kind: Secret
    # metadata:
    #   name: icp4adeploy-workspace-aae-app-engine-admin-secret
    # type: Opaque
    # Designate an existing LDAP user for the Application Engine admin user.
    # This user ID should be in the IBM Business Automation Navigator administrator role, as specified as appLoginUsername in the Navigator secret.
    # This user should also belong to the User Management Service (UMS) Teams admin group or the UMS Teams Administrators team.
    # If not, follow the instructions in "Completing post-deployment tasks for Business Automation Studio and Application Engine" in the IBM Documentation to add it to the Navigator Administrator role and UMS team server admin group.
    admin_user: "LDAP Admin user used for cpe on onprem"
    ## When the database type is Db2 you can set this to false, must be set to true when the database type is Oracle, PostgreSQL.
    use_custom_jdbc_drivers: true
      # Configuration required for configure DB2 for App engine server
      # If you are going to use Oracle. Please comment out this section
      #Provide the database server hostname for runtime application engine use
      host: "<AE DB Server hostname/ IP>"
      #Provide the database name for runtime application engine use
      #Please pay attention that if you are install authoring environment also.
      #The database used by playback server and this one should be different
      name: "<AE Database name>"
      #Provide the database server port for runtime application engine use
      port: "<AE DB Port>"
      ## If you set up DB2 HADR and want to use it, you must configure alternative_host and alternative_port. Otherwise, leave them blank.
      # Configuration required for configure Oracle for App engine server
      # If you are going to use Oracle. Please uncomment this section
      type: oracle
      # ## Required only when type is Oracle, both ssl and non-ssl. The format must be purely oracle descriptor like (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=<your database host/IP>)(PORT=<your database port>))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=<your oracle service name>)))
      oracle_url_without_wallet_directory: "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=<AE DB Host IP>)(PORT=<AE DB port number>))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=<AE DB SID>)))"
      #oracle_url_without_wallet_directory: "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//"
      # ## Required only when type is Oracle and enable_ssl is true. The format must be purely oracle descriptor. SSO wallet directory must be specified and fixed to (MY_WALLET_DIRECTORY=/shared/resources/oracle/wallet).
      #oracle_url_with_wallet_directory: "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//"
      # ## Required only when type is oracle and enable_ssl is true.
      oracle_url: "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<AE DB hostname/IP>:<AEDB port number>/<AE DB SID>"
      # ## The persistent volume claim for custom JDBC Drivers if using the custom jdbc drivers is enabled
      custom_jdbc_pvc: jdbc-pvc
      # Configuration required for configure PostgreSQL for App engine server
      # If you are going to use PostgreSQL. Please uncomment this section
      # type: PostgreSQL
      # ## The persistent volume claim for custom JDBC Drivers if using the custom jdbc drivers is enabled
      # custom_jdbc_pvc: <Required>
      # #Provide the database server hostname for runtime application engine use
      # host: "<Required>"
      # #Provide the database name for runtime application engine use
      # #Please pay attention that if you are install authoring environment also.
      # #The database used by playback server and this one should be different
      # name: "<Required>"
      # #Provide the database server port for runtime application engine use
      # port: "<Required>"
      # ## If you want to enable PostgreSQL Connection Fail-over, you must configure alternative_host and alternative_port. Otherwise, leave them blank.
      # alternative_host:
      # alternative_port:
      # SSL connection for database is enabled by default. Please input the secret name including cert
      enable_ssl: false
      db_cert_secret_name: <Required>
    # If you want better HA experience.
    # - Set the session.use_external_store to true
    # - Fill in your redis server information
      use_external_store: false
      # Your external redis host/ip
      # Your external redis port
      port: '6379'
      # If your redis enabled TLS connection set this to true
      # You should add redis server CA certificate in tls_trust_list or trusted_certificate_list
      tls_enabled: false
      # If you are using Redis V6 and above with username fill in this field.
      # Otherwise leave this field as empty
  ########   IBM Business Automation Workflow Authoring configuration     ########
    ## Designate an existing LDAP user for the Workflow Authoring admin user.
    admin_user: "<LDAP Admin user same as used for
Content Platform Engine on onprem>"
    ## The database configuration for Workflow authoring
      ## Whether to enable Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) support for the Workflow Authoring database connection.
      enable_ssl: false
      ## Secret name for storing the database TLS certificate when an SSL connection is enabled. Required only when enable_ssl is true
      db_cert_secret_name: "<Required>"
      ## Workflow Authoring database type. Possible values are: db2, oracle, postgresql
      type: "oracle"
      ## Workflow Authoring database server name. It must be an accessible address, such as IP, hostname, or Kubernetes service name.
      ## This parameter is required.
      server_name: "<BPM DB hostname/IP>"
      ## Workflow Authoring database name. This parameter is required.
      database_name: "<BPM Database>"
      ## Workflow Authoring database port. This parameter is required. For DB2, the default value is "50000"
      port: "<BPM DB port number>"
      ## Workflow Authoring database secret name. This parameter is required.
      ## apiVersion: v1
      ## kind: Secret
      ## metadata:
      ##   name: ibm-baw-wfs-server-db-secret
      ## type: Opaque
      ## data:
      ##   dbUser: <DB_USER>
      ##   password: <DB_USER_PASSWORD>
      secret_name: "icp4adeploy-baw-admin-secret"
      ## Oracle and PostgreSQL database connection string.
      ## If the database type is Oracle, provide the Oracle database connection string. For example, jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<oracle_server>:1521/orcl.
      ## If the database type is PostgreSQL, this parameter is optional, you can choose inputs server_name, database_name, and port with or without this parameter here. If you do not need this parameter when PostgreSQL, remove or comment this parameter.
      ## In any other cases, remove or comment this parameter.
      jdbc_url: "jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=<BPM DB Server IP>)(PORT=<BPM DB Port number>))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=<BPM DB SID>)))"
      ## Whether to use custom JDBC drivers. Set to true if you are using Oracle, PostgreSQL, or a special Db2 driver.
      use_custom_jdbc_drivers: true
      ## If use_custom_jdbc_drivers is set to true, input the name of the persistent volume claim (PVC) that binds to the persistent volume (PV) where the custom JDBC driver files are stored.
      ## If use_custom_jdbc_drivers is set to false, remove or comments this parameter.
      custom_jdbc_pvc: operator-shared-pvc
      ## The set of JDBC driver files.
      ## For DB2, it is normally "db2jcc4.jar db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar db2jcc_license_cu.jar".
      ## For Oracle, it is normally "ojdbc8.jar".
      ## For PostgreSQL, it is normally "postgresql-42.2.14.jar".
      jdbc_driver_files: 'ojdbc8.jar'
        ## Database standby host for high availability disaster recovery (HADR).
        ## To enable database HADR, configure both standby host and port.
        ## Database standby port for HADR. To enable database HADR, configure both standby host and port.
    ## The configurations for content integration for attachment in process
      ## Domain name for content integration. The value must be the same as initialize_configuration.ic_domain_creation.domain_name.
      domain_name: "<Filenet P8 Domain name as used on onprem>"
      ## Object Store name for content integration.
      ## The value must be an existing object store in
Content Platform Engine.
      ## If use initialize_configuration for the object store initilization, the value must be one of initialize_configuration.ic_obj_store_creation.object_stores.
      object_store_name: "<DOCS Object store name>"
    ## The configuration for case
      ## Domain name for CASE. The value must be the same as initialize_configuration.ic_domain_creation.domain_name.
      domain_name: "<P8 Domain as used for onprem>"
      ## Design Object Store name of CASE.
      ## The value must be the same as the oc_cpe_obj_store_symb_name value of one of the object stores defined in initialize_configuration.ic_obj_store_creation.object_stores.
      object_store_name_dos: "<Design object store name as on on prem >"
      ## Target Object Store name of CASE
      ## The value must be the same as the oc_cpe_obj_store_symb_name value of one of the object stores defined in initialize_configuration.ic_obj_store_creation.object_stores.
      object_store_name_tos: "<Target object store name as on onprem>"
      connection_point_name_tos: "<TOS connection point as on onprem>"
      tag: 21.0.2-sanjaykumarb  
  ########   IBM Business Automation Machine Learning Server configuration  ########
    ## Intelligent Task Prioritization server configuration
    ## Workforce Insights configuration
  ########  IBM FileNet Content Manager initialize configuration  ########
Also, the database secret file has to be updated with the on-prem DB credentials, refer to the sample secret file:
# Application engine database secret
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: icp4adeploy-workspace-aae-app-engine-admin-secret
type: Opaque
  AE_DATABASE_PWD: "<AE Database user Password>"
  AE_DATABASE_USER: "<AE Database User>"
  REDIS_PASSWORD: "password"
# BAStudio database secret  
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: icp4adeploy-bas-admin-secret
type: Opaque
  dbUsername: "<BAStudio DB username>"
  dbPassword: "<BA Studio DB Password>"
# BAStudio playback server database secret
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: playback-server-admin-secret
type: Opaque
  AE_DATABASE_PWD: "<playae1 Databaseuser Password>"
  AE_DATABASE_USER: "<playae1 Database username>"
  REDIS_PASSWORD: "password"
# Workflow authoring database secret
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: icp4adeploy-baw-admin-secret
type: Opaque
  dbUser: "<BPM Database User"
  password: "<BPM Database Password>"
# PFS secret
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: icp4adeploy-pfs-admin-secret
type: Opaque
  ltpaPassword: cGFzc3dvcmQ=
  oidcClientPassword: cGFzc3dvcmQ=
  sslKeyPassword: cGFzc3dvcmQ=
# Workflow authoring shared encryption key scret
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: icp4a-shared-encryption-key
type: Opaque
  encryptionKey: cGFzc3cwcmQ=
# ums secret
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: ibm-dba-ums-secret
type: Opaque
  adminUser: "umsadmin"
  adminPassword: "password"
  oauthDBUser: "<ums DB Username>"
  oauthDBPassword: "<UMS DB Password>"
  tsDBUser: "<ums1 DB username>"
  tsDBPassword: "<ums DB Password>"
# Filenet secret
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: ibm-fncm-secret
type: Opaque
  gcdDBUsername: "<GCDDB Username as on onprem>"
  gcdDBPassword: "<GCDDB Password as on onprem>"
  aeosDBUsername: "<AEOSDB Username as on onprem>"
  aeosDBPassword: "<AEOSDB Password as on onprem>"
  docsDBUsername: "<DOCSDB Username as on onprem>"
  docsDBPassword: "<DOCSDB Password as on onprem"
  dosDBUsername: "<DOSDB Username as on onprem>"
  dosDBPassword: "<DOSDB Password as on onprem>"
  tosDBUsername: "<TOSDB Username as on onprem>"
  tosDBPassword: "<TOSDB Password as on onprem>"  
  ltpaPassword: "password"
  keystorePassword: "changeit"
  appLoginUsername: "<LDAP Admin user as on onprem>"
  appLoginPassword: "<LDAP Admin Password as on onprem>"
# Navigator secret
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: ibm-ban-secret
type: Opaque
  navigatorDBUsername: "<ICN DB Username as on onprem>"
  navigatorDBPassword: "<ICN DB Password as on onprem>"  
  appLoginUsername: "<LDAP Admin user as on onprem>"
  appLoginPassword: "<LDAP Admin Password as on onprem>"
  ltpaPassword: "password"
  keystorePassword: "changeit"
# LDAP secret
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: ldap-bind-secret
type: Opaque
  ldapUsername: "<ldap base dn>"  
  ldapPassword: "<ldap base dn password>"

Note: Sample CR files and secret files are for Oracle BDs and other databases. Follow the installation document.

For Application Engine the following configuration has to be applied, see Implementing storage.

After you modified the CR, apply it and wait for all the pods to be ready.

When the pods are up, add the LDAP user to Business Automation Workflow Automation Developer role as mentioned in the topic: Completing post-installation tasks for Business Automation Studio.

Postinstallation steps:

Working with custom plug-ins and custom extensions after migration

If production environments with custom plug-ins and custom extensions, the plug-ins must be copied to /<nfspath>/<icn-pluginstore>

The following line must be added in the CR file under case configuration and the CR must be deployed:

  custom_package_names: ""

  custom_extension_names: ""

For more details on custom packages and custom extensions, see Configuring custom case widgets for a container environment.

Enabling CA/CH stores after migration

Enable CA/CH stores in ACCE and restart the Content Platform Engine pod for the changes to reflect.


See Configure emitters after migration

Indexing Case instances:

See the Indexing case instances topic.

Limitation or known facts

  • Forms are not supported in container environments, hence, the solutions with forms do not work as expected in container environments. A message is displayed that the Forms are not supported on containers environment.
  • After migration, the migrated object stores must not be used from the on-prem environment. The IBM Content Navigator URL of the on-prem environment no longer works.
  • External Data Service (EDS) is not supported on containers.
  • Post migration, the traditional Content Platform Engine is not supported that to be used side by side along with the Container's Content Platform Engine.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSCTJ4","label":"IBM Case Manager"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000CcTKAA0","label":"Adapters-\u003EDevelopment\/Installation\/Migration"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"5.3.3"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
10 March 2022

